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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. My Jedi Sage is at 58 1/2. If I could only get to 60 without having to finish Rishi or do Yavin 4 I would do it. Once is enough. I just finished defeating the Mandalorian Torch. Now off to the next quest. My Jedi Sentinel is already 60, and he had a difficult fight with Revan, but he won out. Might take a break from the game and play Fallout New Vegas for a while. I've got like 1800 hours logged on that game.
  2. This would have the effect of increasing the subscriber base substantially. Servers would be extremely heavy on that day, therefore there might need to be a login queue. Also, those that work Saturday would probably get miffed. In that case there could be a system where the subscriber could choose the day of the week to get the boost. Some have suggested that this boost could be tied to a legacy unlock. I disagree. We need more paying customers, and anything that draws the free to play users to paying subscribers is a good thing.
  3. I revived on the spot about 2 times after he defeated me. The 3rd time their were no orbs. Lot of chokes and knockbacks though. I only attacked him when I was at, or near full health. In other words I didn't draw agro. When I was healthy I poured on the damage. I used kicks a lot to interrupt him too, when I would think about it. Your party members do a lot of damage too. I stayed in range of whomever was sending out the heals when my health went down.
  4. Finally beat him solo after about 20 tries. Use shield, Heroic Moment, a fortitude stim, and medpacs. Then use kick and stun while you use a medpack. Run around the two rock pillars as the Commander chases you. Keep running around and around until doc gives you enough heals. I got back up to almost full health. Then I poured on the dps. I only took out one trooper at the onset of the fight. While I took out the trooper, doc had froze the commander.
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