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Posts posted by Chiricahua

  1. I read these statements from another thread and was intrigued:


    "The only dps worth a damn in premade vs premade is one that can shield/heal other people (in which case they have to tri spec and sacrifice dmg) or a dps that can taunt/guard (assasssin/shadow is the best option).


    If they ever have competitive pvp in this game? The only dps class worth bringing that is actually dps speccedm will be assassins/shadows (they can taunt/guard) and one marauder/sent for mortalstrike. No other classes need apply."


    I didn't see any heals for jedi shadow, just some type of shield. So can a jedi shadow extend their shield to another player? Please explain how this works.

  2. Geared up level 50's of any class will face roll any other class period. They are the reason I see multiple players log off so that a warzone ends prematurely, because there are not enough players. Bioware needs to retool pvp to have at least 2 warzones. Level 50's, and everyone else. Oh yeah, premade groups, groups that coordinate in vent, if they are level 50's it's a double whammy. I'm not saying disallow premades. It's just a fact that a well cooridinated group has a better chance to win, but yet people always think that because X class took them out in 2 seconds it must be because they are over powered.


    If you are a level 50, you must know that at least 2 brackets is better for everyone all around. It would be a major mistake to start swinging the nerf bat at multiple classes. It would only exacerbate the exodus from this game. Nerfs didn't work in SWG, nor did it work in WoW. It just causes controversy.

  3. Just need an area where each side could line up, cross the line and begin the battle. Kind of like what SWG use to have with the bombed out city, and the hospital area.


    If only PVP servers can do this, players need a way of communicating. A PVP server forum would be nice with the players posting the time and coordinates.

  4. There should be an in game option for lightside empire players to be undercover agents for the republic. Vice versa for republic players. I have 2 empire characters that are 100% lightside. The things they suggest players do to gain darkside points are just plain repulsive. I wouldn't want my child of any age to play this game because of that. Young players may think to get ahead in the empire that gaining darkside points is their only option. And, in some cases if you do the right thing to get lightside points, you then have to repeat the quest just to get experience points. This is just plain wrong.
  5. I'm talking about pure pleasure:


    1st SWG the open world pvp. PVP was epic. There were no scripted warzones.

    2nd the instances (flashpoints) of SWG. Expecially liked Mos Espa.

    3rd I loved the area known as Mudsprocket in WoW. I expecially liked starting the bar fight.

    4th Alteraac Valley battleground in WoW is massive enough, with enough downtime between major battles to chat just a little with someone next to you.

    5th Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. I know this is not an MMO, but would it ever be possible for an MMO to incorporate this type of RPG into an MMO? Never was I directed to kill X amount of a mob to get points. I like the idea of trying to find great weapons and other items that are hidden.


    So you see the pleasure factor is mysterious. I enjoyed the first 2 hours of questing in this game. The rest was really boring. I've done over 150 warzones in this game, and each time I do another it becomes torture. Even the one this morning when I didn't die once. It was still boring.

  6. If you are in a low level PUG (pickup group), and are facing a guild group with 2 or 3 levels 50's, you are probably going to lose. I'm not a member of a guild, but when I've the good fortune to queue into a high level group, I always seem to have high damage and seem to get a lot of medals.


    Early this morning during the Alderaan warzone I defended the center turret. There was a healer there a little higher up on the ramp who kept healing me. I stayed right there the entire warzone, and didn't die once. Needless to say my warzone performance was amazing.

  7. I've played both sides and been beat by both. You're more likely to get beat by guilds, or a lot of level 50's and high 40's on the opposing side. Try looking next time at the levels of your group mates, and the opposing team.
  8. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. Go for the bird in the hand rather than the bird in the bush. I'm going to get Centurion gear first. Then try for the better gear once I've got a full set of Centurion.
  9. I Agree. I've played almost all of the Mmo's out there and I'll be honest and say I loved how the bolstering worked in Warhammer - Being able to join up pvping despite being in the lower levels of the bracket. It's the game I've had the best possible "pvp expereince" in yet.


    I can however understand that people feel underpowered against level 50's and so on even though the difference really isn't that huge. My tip there would be to allow lower level tiers of "decent" pvp gear with Expertise to give the players that enjoy playing pvp at lower levels a chance at the durability of the 50's with pvp Gear.


    But as you both mentioned - No to brackets! If the que time for wazones become too long the pvp experience will die out. Theres plenty of examples out there...


    The first real braket needs to be level 50's, and the next everyone else. We don't need expertise in armor just so low levels can compete with a level 50. There are plenty of level 50 out there. PVP and count them. Three out of 8 on average.

  10. Face it, the entire warzone system is in shambles. Being the games pretty much core pvp system (open field is a major joke) the game is currently a glorified single player story mission with a chat room.


    You tell em brother. I've said it before that feels like a lame RPG with chat, and a broken pvp system.

  11. lol ouch.


    Friend, theres just not many people at 50. The game is still just a few weeks old. A lot of stress on the server (devs have noted this) they have had a few minor patches. Sometimes a patch fixes 5 things, and breaks 10. if your not happy with PVP because of bugs and lag... Start crafting or something. Help guildmates.


    All MMO's have a rough buggy launch. if you don't think so, you are kidding youself.


    All things will fix in time. if the bugs/problems are obvious to you. they are also obvious to the Devs.


    You are so wrong. Three out of 8 players on each side (average) are level 50. That's why they should have their own warzones. There are plenty.

  12. I can't even believe people that make such a big game can be this dumb. Its really a joke when you hit level 10 and can't wait to do some low level warzones and when the warzone starts you see a team filled with level 50s. Ive been playing since first day early access. I rerolled a few times. Now every warzone I get thrown to the wolves. Not even fun.


    My last warzone last nite here was the results because it blew my mind. This was the attacker, and defender warzone. I was level 12 sage. Ended up with 41 kills, 150k damage, 50k healing. You would think I did well but there was two level 50 shadows on my team. 61 kills each, 400k dmg. 11 awards each. other team had a bunch of 50s as well.


    Im not greedy and don't ask for much. I would settle for just letting level 50s have thier own bracket. Just a joke. Whoever thought this is ok should be fired asap.


    This is just out an out hubris on the point of Bioware. They absolutely hate that players bypass all their glorious voice over content to level a bit at level 10 in warzones. After all that is their pride and joy, and players basically didn't buy into it. That's why they hit the spacebar so often.

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