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Everything posted by Mailek

  1. It's not a cluster ****, PvP needs improvements mainly in Ilum and some class balancing changes, but I really like the PvP system here. Adjusting Resolve some more will help with the CC crap, but honestly you blow this way out of there. Just know that you're a vocal minority, and I say this because probably a small percentage of the player base actually logs into http://www.swtor.com and even less now because of all the crying going around. Devs have also stated they didn't think PvP would be as popular as it is, hense why the PvP systems aren't probably completely thought out. Now that they are focusing more on PvP, that can only mean a good thing right?
  2. Depends on your playstyle. Do you like to get the alpha strike on your opponent and use mainly vibroblades with the odd carbine attack? Do you want to dish out heavy amounts of damage, but are a glass cannon and cover dependant? I got a 50 Sniper as my main, in beta I tested an Operative up until 20. I like both classes, but I prefer standing 35m back from my enemies. Usually my friend who also plays Sniper tops DPS almost all War Zones we play. He's also fully T3 PvP armor geared so that helps. I'm doing a hybrid Engineering / Lethality build and I still manage to make it most of the times in the top 5 for DPS. I'm also not even fully T2 PvP armor geared yet. My Operative friend tops healing a lot of the times too.
  3. Not sure if anyone else notices Evasion, but it's supposed to be our OH **** button with 100% ranged/melee defense. However, it never seems to work, anyone else have similar issues with this?
  4. I didn't want it to get off topic, the fact that Bioware now owns Mythic and they are/were the leaders of PvP MMOs, I would have expected more from that team is all I was saying. Btw I love how people will reference everyone as a WoW kid, my first MMO was Star Wars: Galaxies. Another reason why I said having player bases in game would be a good idea.
  5. I hate to reference my short time with WoW here, but they had a 16 man instance I think and that was fine IMO. Allow guilds to premade it against other guilds then to make it more coordinated. Just something else.
  6. Exactly this right here, this with a complete redesign of Ilum itself would be a huge step in the right direction for me and many others. I'm on the Imperial side, I don't like to see the Republic so scared to come out and PvP since the odds are clearly against them. People will just get fed up and quit...and shortly after that Imperials will start doing the same. Remember Aion?
  7. PvPers will always be a minority over PvErs because most people don't like to get their asses handed to them day in and day out. It takes time and practice to get good at pvp, a lot just want the I WIN buttons or have a hard time dealing with losing constantly.
  8. I would agree with War Zones but 8 man only sucks, they had 12 in beta, for some idiotic reason they put it back down to 8 man. A 16 man - 24 man War Zone per side would do wonders for this mess.
  9. Seriously, Ilum was **** before and still is **** now since Republic are outnumbered and most of them ***** it up in their base and wait for victims to pull in for insta death. Capturing Ilum Control Points should have been more like Warhammer's design, not something that just gets capped so easily it's not even worth going to Ilum. Except for those that got to 50 in the first few weeks and basically licked each others nut sacks so they could get fully PvP geared before the majority of players got to it. Implement some sort of a handicap system to get the Republic actually out fighting. Add in more RvR style areas on the planets, heck give us guilds some player bases of our own in "front line" style instances of the planets. Give us a reason to fight over, not some stupid system like Ilum. Probably will just end up leaving out of boredom for a while till this gets fixed, unless a huge majority think the same, then SWTOR will become one of the biggest disappointments for MMOs. Awesome leveling experience hands down. PvP was an afterthought like always, but with an IP like Star Wars, I would have expected more. Your first expansion should have a 3rd faction to balance out this BS, Hutt, Blacksun, something.
  10. Peace dude, can I have your stuff?
  11. No you're correct, once the billing date is up and you aren't subbed, no more forum QQ for you.
  12. They won't roll back so all you idiots just cancel and ****.
  13. Get a life and btw, most ppl won't even know what the NGE was, so stop being a pre CU moron.
  14. So is Activision also guilty by not using their own engine and instead decided to modify a Quake 3 engine to create Modern Warfare?
  15. You're screwed and it's your fault. Why would you sub 6 months for a game at launch when you knew there would be a lot of bug fixes and issues that wouuld need addressing. This is an MMO after all, did you forget that?
  16. They've been pretty vocal about their plans to the community so I think you're just an angry beaver who has no more trees to cut down......awwwwwwww
  17. You can turn off the chat box, did you know that? Btw just cancel if you know the story.
  18. Thank you for cheering me up today on this very chilly/gloomy day in the great white north. You're rage quitting posts and QQing about everything just goes to show that you'll never be content with anything, and will probably be doing the same crying on the Tera / Guild War 2 forums later this year. You think you make up the majority, but you're a very vocal minority. Those of us stupid enough to even come to these forums now have to realize we make up a very small percentage of people playing this game. Rush to 50, then complain about no content. Complain about no level brackets, then complain when you get them. Heck I'm even complaining about you idiots, complaining, so I'm done. PS - send me your stuff, I'm on Helm of Graush
  19. Dungeon Finder is not needed at this time and it's a stupid idea anyways. How hard is it for you to socialize or be in a guild and ask in voice chat / guild chat? Really, are you that lazy that you can't take your hands off that cheeseburger to type something out, you would rather just click a button right? Pffftt
  20. OMW A VETERAN WOW PLAYER - gives Medal of Awesomeness........NOT
  21. It's **** like this that makes me laugh. Completely not true at all, if you are talking about EA Louse from last year, an ex disgruntled EA employee. Ya that person has so much merit ....
  22. Have you done an Operation yet? I wouldn't exactly say it's a casual cake walk buddy. I played this game from day 1 Early Access and just hit 50 about a week and a half ago. This is playing quite a lot almost everyday btw. Remember DCUO? That's more what you are talking about, getting to end level in 3 days and a lot fewer things to do btw. Eventually the casual market will also get bored of these themepark style games and hopefully the industry will shift back to sandbox style games with enough tools available to the player base to make up their own content as well as what developers make.
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