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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by ebado

  1. The transformation of my character was what sold it for me. Whereas other stories are focused on the acquisition of power, the agent story is less so. My character transformed from a dedicated Imperial loyalist to a jaded, hardened realist, ultimately culminating in


    her turn as a rogue agent, turning away from the organization she once believed in but still holding true to the Empire she believes exists below all the bureaucracy and backstabbing.


  2. There's a certain amount of turnover expected in general. GIven the financial situation, there's more added on to that. In general, it's a slightly different skill set. People like systems designers and network guys take a higher priority now.


    Combination of both. Just the reality of it.

  3. General PvP changes

    1. More Huttball maps. So many possibilities.

    2. Standardized expertise.

    3. Two MVP votes per person. Sometimes I want to acknowledge somebody that had a clutch stun and the tank that was guarding me the whole match.


    Vendor Changes

    1. War Hero crystal schematics for every normal color purchasable without RNG. Purple, orange, yellow, cyan - all of them. Keep the black cores locked away, I don't care.

    2. Individual mods/enh purchasable for comms.

    3. 30-minute comm refund (or shorter, maybe even only 10) to trade the full piece and mods back in for comms. An alternate fix is for me to no longer buy things late at night.


    Random: fix the range you can see target markers at. Too far.

  4. The "I was stunned" will always be a classic. I can't help but smile whenever somebody gives that one.


    Earlier today in Civil War, one guy pre-match was spamming "TWO GRASS REST MID" over and over. Like I do in any game, I peek my head around the wall to see how many the other team is sending to snow. I see one, decide to go kill him and take snow. I get it solo, the two guys that went grass initially get theirs and the enemy gets mid.


    Right after I cap:


    Me: "Probably not, but we definitely got snow because of me."


    Me: "I'm a scoundrel."

    Spammer: "NO YOUR NOT."


    Class denial. Never thought I would see it.

  5. If anything, Reid provided less than what we get now. Not even counting the issues prerelease, it was like pulling teeth to get a real response in the early days of live. Much of the communication we get now (Q&A etc) is the product of Joveth, Allison, Musco etc.


    Dahlberg was in a lose-lose situation. He was a developer before and wanted to be a developer going forward, but kind of fell into community management as I understand. He did his best to be involved (I remember him stepping into Lulouch's IRC in late 2008 to talk to us), but I think he had the itch for development and probably got disillusioned by that and the "this doesn't exist in Star Wars" issue later on. Having talked to him about this personally, I imagine he is much happier now than he was then.


    As far as the newer regime, I'd give them time. I'm sure the higher ups in marketing have a stranglehold on what they can share right now, and they seem to be doing their best to promote community involvement at a reasonable level given the clear restrictions they have.

  6. Just bad luck. You have a percentage chance to RE a new schematic from the item (if you hover over the item in RE mode you will see the chance), but there's no guarantee that you're going to get it. 20 percent is a common RE chance, but just because you made and RE'd five doesn't mean you'll get the schematic.

    I have Biochem on two of my 50s. Sometimes I get a schematic on the first try or first few, like I did yesterday. Sometimes it takes a lot. Random is random.

  7. An Op healer will generally never want to touch alacrity. It helps 1 skill you actually use, and as you progress that skill becomes less and less important. It can theoretically be useful at low levels if you have tons of it as you don't have your other skills yet (about level 20 and down), but it's not really realistic to put together a full set of alacrity gear at that level nor worth the time.
  8. K troll. Not even close to the same thing. Done here.


    Called a troll for disagreeing. Par for the course.


    Not everything is going to be equal in a game. Stealth classes can skip large portions of question. Classes with movement abilities cover ground in less time. Healing ACs don't have a CD on their rez ability. Get over it.


    I don't like dueling or deathmatch-style PvP anyway, but its rich to dismiss something intended to be a fluff timewaster because you think it's unfair. Stop taking things so seriously.

  9. No. Class imbalance is too much of an issue. Gear desparity is too much of an issue.

    "Hey, lemme queue for this single 1v1 match!" - Opponet comes out with full WH and stomps my BM toon to **** not because of skill. Just gear. They can't even seperate people out in wzs by gear levels. This has bad idea written all over it. Nevermind the fact that healers can't participate fairly. What are they suppose to do, stand there and out heal who ever is beating on them?



    Nothing in your post approached a legitimate point. The dueling queue suggestion is as a time waster, not some uber competitive competition where you whine about being undergeared.

  10. Sorry if this is a thread necro (it's not that old, but I did find it through google).


    I really wish Nadia had been a Sage companion instead. It makes more sense for how her 'powers' work. In general though I can't really use her as a shadow because she always breaks my CCs :(


    Warrior could also use a healer Inquisitor companion.


    Disable her AoE abilities and she'll stop breaking your CC.

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