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Posts posted by ebado

  1. Not sure if there's a credit limit, since I've never sent more than 300,000-ish credits at a time to an alt (for Legacy III Speeder Training + the cost of a rank three speeder), but I know that you can send at least that much to your alt.


    (I think I did, anyway. Whatever the cost of I/II/III legacy speeder was on top of 150,000. Not sure what it is anymore since that character is my main and it won't tell me the cost of stuff I've bought.).


    There's not a limit. I've transferred millions back and forth.

  2. Has anyone noticed that you can use those legacy construction kits to transfer credits between factions? You just send an in-game mail to your cross faction alt, attach the kit and add credits. I hadn't ever seen a thread on this topic yet, but I know it's something that has been extremely useful for me. Likely something that will get ironed out in future patches, but thought it was worth sharing for those who didn't know.


    You can just send the credits by themselves. It's intentional.

  3. Your quest rewards give you armor for your class most of the time (sometimes armor for your companions, sometimes comms, sometimes a combination). Are you turning in your quests?
  4. My main leveled as heals from 10-40ish and then 40-50 as concealment. Used Kaliyo until I got Temple on Hoth, and used Temple the rest of the way as a DPS character with a DPS companion. Occasionally used Lokin for specific fights I was having trouble with (The Trials on Voss, really).


    My sorcerer leveled exclusively as lightning. Used Khem until I got Ashara, used Ashara until I got Xalek. Tank, DPS, Tank.


    On my guardian (mostly focus spec, occasional quick spurts as tank), I used Kira and T7 pretty much the whole way through.

  5. Expertise from a healing standpoint is SOOOOO overrated. Drop your EXP to 800-900 and stack more main/end from PvE armoring. You will be a better healer..


    Have fun dying even faster and therefor healing less.

  6. The only problem i have with Huttball is that the team with the most Sorcs/Sages with pulls, Assassins/Shadows and Guard/Juggs will have more of an advantage than the other team


    The most powerful skill in the game is available to everyone: Throw Huttball.

  7. I play an Op and Huttball has been and is my favorite warzone. Both when I'm heals and concealment. It's nice to have a warzone that truly rewards teamwork and encourages people to play a role instead of trying to be the hero.
  8. I'm guessing you're not reading this thread anymore but I'm logging off the forums for a bit so I'll take a stab.


    I'm guessing you killed the ball carrier with a a second or two left on the clock, giving your team possession. However, there is a travel time associated with any ball movement, including it flying through the air after a kill. So while the kill might happen before the clock is expired, the ball might not be in your possession until after it expires, meaning the other team had possession last and they win.


    You can see this dynamic on simultaneous deaths, the delay in a score for a kill in the endzone etc.

  9. 1. If you're getting focused by 3-4 DPS,are not guarded and are not the beneficiary of taunts and are not receiving any sort of CC or peel help from your teammates, you weren't supposed to survive. If that's consistently happening, then the other team is simply better than you, and shame on your team for providing you zero support.

    2. There are significant LOS points in every Warzone. Learn to use them. Learn to love them.

    3. If you have 3 DPS on you and are using every GCD to stay alive, congrats, you are keeping all that damage off your teammates and are accomplishing effective play. If your teammates are taking less damage, you have less reason to heal them and keeping yourself alive there is extending the lives of your teammates.

  10. There is simply too many of them, they are the biggest flavour of the month now and everyone is deciding to reroll one.


    I was on my trooper earlier (healer) and you cant even outheal the damage of a marauder with the 50% minus healing debuff from trauma and the mara ability which reduces healing by 20%.


    On top of that they have HUGE damage, utility and ways to reach a target.


    I propose their damage should be reduced by 20% and have force leap removed and make their 99% dmg reduction down to around 30%. (99% is just overpowered and don't know it got to live)


    That should put them back on par with other classes and hopefully stop them damaging warzones.


    I was going to offer an explanation why you personal experience is misleading you, but you claim to be a healer and believe trauma is 50 percent, so I have a feeling that speaks for this thread enough.

  11. well rerolling is part of the fun in the game, you know, leveling thru a different story, different flavor of play style, differnt profession, different roles ect ect but thanks for the input, it would be great if I could get you to weigh in on my original question though, all input is valuable.


    To clarify this is not really a qq post, more of I enjoy my bh, I've been debating putting time into an alt, the nerf seems like a good time to do it.


    I gave you my input and you're welcome.

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