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Posts posted by ebado

  1. Removing trauma debuff would fix the state of healers. Damage would still be high enough to burst healers down due to expertise and healing would be high enough to save yourself and others from sticky situations.


    Removing the trauma debuff would make healers more powerful than pre 1.2 by a significant, almost laughably unbalanced margin.

  2. The issue has nothing to do with the healers ability to heal. The real issue is Expertise...


    My Marauder is running about 1250 Expertise... I have over a 23% damage increase and about 18% damage decrease. Any time damage boost is that much higher than damage mitigation you will run into the issue that is happening now. The other side of that coin is if damage is mitigated to much then it becomes impossible to kill a healer (AKA Rift Wardens). So Bioware seems to be having issues finding that balance between damage bonus and damage reduction in their Expertise system.


    So which side to they error on? One that makes DPS kill people so fast they get whiplash from returning to the med center or the one that makes players pound their head into their desk because even with 2 healers on them they get blown up so fast they get whiplash from returning to the med center?


    Another issue compounding this is the "bolster" effect you get in PVP. Right off the bat you take a reduction in your ability to heal. This "Bolster" buff is worthless and does NOTHING to improve 50 PVP.


    Over all I have to give Bioware props with trying to copy a WOW mechanic and failing.


    It's interesting that you say they "failed" to copy a a WoW mechanic (I'm assuming you're talking about resilience) when 1) resilience and expertise are significantly different 2) the lack of a tramua effect and the nature of resilience in WoW has lead to exactly what you complain about above, which is unkillable, godlike healers, something that isn't the case in TOR.

  3. I play both a full medicine Op and a hybrid Corruption/Madness sorc.


    I die more now on both. I'm fine with that. I enjoy 1.2 healing, and I appreciate that cross healing is less effective and how it leads to higher scoring / more turnover warzones. I'm all for more dynamic gameplay.


    I think the expertise damage reduction could go up a tad. Healing is fine being lower than both, in my opinion, but a 2 or 3 percentage difference in damage reduction at ~1000 expertise would be welcome, but that's not solely a healer issue and more of an overall burst issue affecting all three roles and their hybrid brethren.

  4. Hi all! Does anyone know if it is possible to queue for a warzone and then fly a space combat mission (i.e. will the queue dialog box show up during a space combat mission)? Thanks in advance for the answer!


    The queue will pop up and you'll be able to enter from space.



    Hey, warzone consumables back down. Nice.

  6. The problem is that when you play against good players, having 3 healers and 5 tanks IS overpowered because they CAN do damage while protecting each other and staying alive. Pull / push a healer away? Rescued. Pull push a healer away? Tanks pull the players attacking him.


    It's honestly not even necessarily a measure of skill. The more healers = the more room for error. You can play poorly and run to your healer, because there is no way in a premade of 4 you can hope to focus down one when they are guarded and healed by another. Especially because 1 of those slots is a healer of your own.


    Good players don't break math. Sorry.

  7. If you let a team with too many healers cap more nodes than you or open a door or kill your ball carrier, you failed. Healer heavy teams can't kill anything. I was in a NC pug with 5 pure healers, 1 dps and 2 corruption/x sorcs. You know how many deaths between both teams combined was? Seven. Seven deaths in the entire warzone. Totally OP.


    Hint: you generally have to kill people to accomplish anything in warzones. If you can't kill people, you generally can't accomplish anything.


    If you lose to a healer heavy team, especially after 1.2, you were less coordinated or worse players than they were. It's easy to focus down a healer. It's easy to remove a target from LOS/range of a crosshealer to kill them. If only people bothered to realize they had these abilities outside of Huttball.

  8. For Cyan/Purple, I know for a fact that the schematic for +41 expertise comes from the pvp crafting boxes (having received them). White Bioware said they were removing, and I have no idea if you can get Cyan/Purple for other stats (if you can, probably from somewhere in the pve areas - Corellia dailies drop Magenta... possibly Lost Island or EC for Cyan/Purple).


    Which boxes exaclty and is the schematic boe?

  9. purple to purple.... that reminds me: I've seen "prototype" purple armors on GTN that are fully moddable, not just half-way like before, but didn't notice if it had been crafted. Anyone know if schematics exist for those, or are those still just drops?





  10. For those of you saying Marauder / Sent are OP, you don't know how to play your class than. Because of how broken the resolve system is, most ranged classes can easily kill a Sent / Marauder with you many knockbacks and roots. Especially since roots aren't effected by resolve. Sages and Srocs are impossible to solo. First, you have to break through their shield which takes at least one full rotation of DoTs and CDs, even with full BM gear. Second, they have a knockback that stuns after it, lightning which can keep them stunned for a huge amount of time, slows, and other roots. If anything, Sent / Marauder DPS wise might be a bit low. If you want to lower their damage, then you also have to give them a way to remove roots and stuns on a more manageable basis and not once every 1 min.


    Yeah, those 31/31/31 sorcs are a pain.

  11. if we can just remove death from warzones then everyone will be happy.



    If there was no winner or loser and no stats then we could have peace.


    I would be so much more effective if the opposing team would recognize our ball carrier's right of way to the endzone. Borderline exploiting how they attack us. They should wait their turn. Only fair.

  12. The most OP thing in this game is rage juggs. Or any marauder. Or hybrid assassins. Or med ops. Or pyro PTs. Or any healer. And for that matter, any tank. And don't get me started on all the DPS. Really, this whole combat thing really brings warzones down.
  13. It's amazing how delusional or bad most of these so called healers are. Healers are balanced with guard and taunts in mind. 3 healers in a group with a few tanks and a couple of dps can wipe the floor with anything I've ever seen so far. This game is not balanced 1v1, healers are powerful in group encounters. Yes, that means 1v1 you will most likely lose unless you can kite/run away.


    If you cannot pull 400-500k+ healing in a voidstar healfest (none of the teams capable of breaking through the first door, this usually involves 2 teams with 3 healers each) get better gear and learn to play. I've seen 650k+ post patch plenty of times. Overall, healing is still very strong and geared healers do very well. Of course, this assumes group play where your tanks actually protect your healers and swap guards accordingly etc.


    Sorry your merc can't facetank 2-3 people anymore, but anyone with any sense of reasoning agrees that was broken. If anything, I would buff the survivability expertise provides and nerf healing even more(buff surv to damage levels, nerf the bonus healing more). Also, I would look at alacrity stacking. 1.3-1.4 seconds/big heal, or even less for mercs, makes them pretty much unkillable as long as the alacrity cds are up. Really seems the drs on alacrity are either broken or non existent, comapred to for example surge where it's next to impossible to pass 82% crit.


    TLDR: Good and geared healers with proper support are still amazing. The problem lies somewhere else.


    This was quite a random post. I don't play a merc by the way, nor have I complained about the healing changes.

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