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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by ebado

  1. Summing this up in a few bullet points

    • Gear shells (orange items and slotted purple items) derive all meaningful stats from their mods. Blue mods? Blue-level item. Purple mods? Purple-level item.
    • This includes armor rating and weapon damage. Armor rating is derived from the armoring mod. Weapon damage from the barrel mod for guns and hilt mod for sabers.
    • Make sure you have "Show Detailed Item Tooltips" checked in your preferences. It's under User Interface -> Tooltips. This makes it so you see the summed stats on a modded item and the stats on the mods (so you don't have to open up the modding interface to compare.
    • All this said, the best gear is either a purple item or a modded item with purple mods (and by the time you get to 50, all purples are modded anyway) with an edge given to modded items with purple mods because of choosing your stats.
    • Yes, that does mean level 27 green item might be better than your level 15 modded purple gear, but that's solely because of level. If you get a blue or purple modded level 27 item, it will be better.

  2. Thanks for popping in, ebado. Don't be a stranger.


    To address your points, however, from what we heard at the Guild Summit last March, the writers knew from the time that same-gender companion romances were announced which companions they had in mind for that, and they have continued along those lines.


    We were also told that the writing gets a huge lead-time so, while they may not have had the chance to write up the stories in such elaboration over a few months, it seems that the production time since ought to have allowed them scope to handle things however they felt the game requires.


    By this point, these are all but in the can. We can talk about what would or wouldn't be satisfying but really there isn't anything we can say to influence these decisions – they have already been made. Discussing them does however help demonstrating what unanswered questions and concerns we have. Which is pretty much why this thread is still here.


    I'm aware. I wasn't trying to influence anything, just sharing my opinion.

  3. I posted in a few of these before the game came out, but I'd like to add my opinion on herosexuality.


    I don't think it's ideal, but it's better than some alternatives. Going that route typically results in less varied romance options and kind of waters down playing through with a different character.


    I enjoyed in Dragon Age the different romances available to you based on origin and gender, and not just with player characters. I remember playing a second male human noble in order to experience an NPC romance near the end of the game that I glossed over on my first playthrough, where my male noble dabbled with Zevran before getting cozy with Leilana. DA2 didn't really have any of this, other than FemHawkes also being able to flirt with Sebastian.


    I think ideally you would have some strictly straight companions, some strictly gay, some bisexual, some one-night stands of any sexuality etc and have different things to experience on every playthrough. However, this would require a lot more writing I imagine hasn't been done (who knows, maybe it was done pre-release and not included for whatever reason, but I doubt it), so such a major overhaul is probably unrealistic given the realities of development now.


    That's unrealistic and unlikely for this game though, so if it comes to herosexuality, that's more than fine, imo.

  4. To me personaly i would not care either way but i see post after post about this and fail to understand why so many people do care. IMO its not what the games about... if i was interested in something like that i'd be playing the SIM's maybe.


    Factually though, it is, at least in part, what the game is about. The main selling point of this game, both from fan reaction and BioWare PR, is the BioWare-style cinematic storytelling. Part of that storytelling has included romance interests. It's what people expect, and given the attention some of the romance arcs get in the game's story, it's clearly what BioWare intended.


    If you are more focused on some other part of the game, that's fine. But this is part of it, too, and if that important difference between TOR and other MMOs is difficult to understand, I guess you're just going to have to live with it.

  5. I am a Jedi Sentinel, level 32.


    and this mission has level 28 Elites.. how are we supposed to beat these SIth War Apprentice elites?


    In Tatoonine we were given NO armour for the Jedi sentinels, just for Kira or the Droids. Alteraan has better armour for commendations, but how are we supposed to get these commendations if we can't do the missions?


    I have not done Heroic Missions on Tatoooine as yet, do we get better armour for our Jedi's from those?


    Interrupt / stun them and it's cake.

  6. So a team with healers has options and tactics available to them to tip all the warzones in their favor.


    Yes. Is that it?


    edit: I was going to wait for a response to say goodnight, but it is much too late for me and I do need to get some sleep. I will provide a summary of my intent in this thread:


    Too many healers is a bad thing for often than not. 3 is too many in most cases, but can be workable, just not optimal. 4 is absolutely too many. 2 is an optimal build. I'd expect equally skilled and coordinated two healer teams to outplay 3 or 4 (or more) healer teams and no healer teams. My posts in this thread before our segue were dealing exclusively with healer heavy teams.


    Thank you for your time, and thank you for kindly abstaining from personal attacks after I asked you to. That showed a large amount of courtesy and you should be praised for the adjustment.

  7. Again you're confused. I know how guard works.


    He has 200 +2100 (my heal) so 2300 (I know I said 2500 my mistake)

    He dies on the line so he took >2300 damage between the where he was when I cast my heal and the line.

    So without a heal to make it (with guard only) he would have had to mitigated 2299 points of damage which isn't mathematically possible.


    Your "correction" is my point. That being guard alone wouldn't not have gotten him across the line.


    The original situation you stipulated was guard in place of the heal, and that's how I responded. In that situation, a hit greater than around ~400 (after armor, with guard, allowing leeway for damage reduction buffs of the non-GBTF/Shield probe variety) is all it would take, so the damage of ~2300 is more than sufficient to kill him. I'm not sure why you felt the need to correct me, as your conclusion in your third to last sentence is exactly the point at made.


    In that situation, no. We've established this. At this point I am confused why we are replaying this? I'm happy to if there is a bigger overall point, though I feel I've entertained this segue more than courtesy would dictate.

  8. Not my confusion, yours. 200 HP with one person hitting on you you're not going to care if you have guard on you.


    Since you need me to paint you a picture he was moving to the end zone with two people on him. Cast an instant heal that crit for 2100 and he died on the line so unless the guard would have stop 2500 damage he wouldn't have made it with just the guard.


    This is all stuff I said before


    Last second

    Died on the line (for the score)

    200 HP before heal


    I'm sorry if all that information confused you and you couldn't put it all together yourself.


    I was not confused. I'm sorry you think that. I believe I was clear in my previous post.


    One correction: if he had 200 HP, guard absorbing 2500 damage would still kill him, as it works on a percentage basis. That's how guard works. I can provide more information about it if you are confused still, but my assumption is you merely were typing quickly and make a mistake, as I've done quite a few times myself.

  9. I thought of that too, but the only way to make players happy would probably just be to make the abilities cosmetic (imagine all the minmaxers grinding esseles to completely change their alignment 0_o). I wouldn't mind something different in theme for my light side assassin.


    In such a theoretical situation, it would be reasonable assume the abilities would just be exchanged for the mirror, ie, Force Stasis becoming Force Choke.

  10. Personal attacks? Please.


    Like I said in my last post from a previous post 200HP when the heal went off. Guard wasn't going to help and shield was on lockout.


    Guard helps for 200 HP, as well, in certain situations (which seems applicable, as you are narrowly defining this as much as possible for a reason I cannot determine). 55 percent damage reduction, combined with any defensive cooldowns, low damage attacks etc.


    I'm sorry for your confusion in any case.


    Grats for helping your team though. Solid effort.

  11. Sure, or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 ect


    So you're being a bad troll now,...


    I would appreciate it if you abstained from personal attacks. I have done the same. Common courtesy.


    Your original language pertaining to this was "last second." It's reasonable that my mind didn't immediately go to 1 HP but instead to what could happen in a second, such as a 2.5k hit on a 2k HP player mitigated by guard, allowing them to survive. My apologies if this was not a reasonable assumption in your eyes.

  12. Last second heal just got them over the line so we can see from that that the ball carrier was low on health. So no a guard or taunt wouldn't have been better in that situation.


    I did not say better. I said useful. These words are different, and they have different meanings in most variations of English, as far as I am aware.


    Again you say "if you let them". You shut down my heals and my team will shut down an equal amount of your DPS. You're not again any ground while you have me locked down and my team will back to 100's% when ever I get lose. Not to mention you're talking about "healer heavy teams" which means you have to lock down two/three people. While you can harass one person until they make a mistake the more you have to harass the more spread out your "literally take them out of the battle field" abilities are spread.

    This seems to be a complaint that when two equal skilled teams fight each other, it;s a stalemate.

  13. Damage reduction is better than healing? If some one has 200 health left it's better to guard them than to heal?

    I don't recall saying this, but if I did feel free to quote me.

    Well of course, what did you think it meant? I apologize if you did not understand the intent of my words, though I did find them quite clear.


    And there are a lot of way you can remove DPS from the battle field as well.

    Of course. Should it be different?


    All things equal a team with heals has higher sustained DPS than a team without because their DPS spends more time doing damage.

    That's only true with a healer heavy team if you let them.

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