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Posts posted by ebado

  1. I thought was coming in 1.2 but I dont see anything in PTS patch notes. I dont how waiting 7 hours on a WZ is not being fixed


    Can someone LMK the status of this please?


    They were never in 1.2. Never said they would be, iirc. 1.3

  2. How would I set up a macro? I thought this game didn't allow them. Plus do you get sidebars from an interface mod?


    And since nobody answered this, the extra quickslot bars are enabled in preferences.

  3. You don't have to get infected in that area. You can get infected by any rakghoul on Taris. Just go on and keep doing your quests and you'll get infected.


    Anf the dot it places on you is different from getting infected for the quest.

  4. so please enlighten me on how you stay alive vs. 2 fully battlemaster dps sticking to you like glue. i am all ears.


    Why aren't your teammates peeling?


    Where's the guard and taunts?

  5. Sorcs not optimal in PvP? You're either joking or have no idea about PvP. In Huttball which is by far the most played WZ, the team with most sorcs will win 90% of the cases. And in any warzone if you take a look at the scoreboard you will see that in top 5 at least 3 are sorc/sage every single time.


    Arsenal merc can be very good in PvP if you know how to play it (basically never shoot more then 2 tracers in a row and don't stay there pushing tracer like a retard if you get interrupted), my merc is valor rank 62 and I do quite well in PvP using arsenal spec.


    If you're letting sorcs pull all the time, your team is bad. Rip them up with a melee. They fall hard.

  6. I will laugh so hard when they will nerf BH to **** and not touch sorc, because 75% of their playerbase plays a sorc. I'm currently leveling a sorc alt, I guess it will pwn even harder after the 1.2 nerf. Too bad I won't be able to play my merc anymore, it was really cool.


    No patch notes, no specifics.... of course its time to QQ.


    Also, you know you're not paying attention in PvP f you think TM Mercs and Sorcs are in any way optimal.

  7. Oh, here's a thought. Maybe they could make it so we can just set something to auto target the healers. That way, we don't have to jump through all the mental hoops of finding a healer, clicking on the healer, marking the healer, telling people why we marked the healer, etc.


    Hyperbole is fun.

  8. I think Op healers could use a buff for PvE reasons, but as an Op healer in PvP, I find our burst healing and ability to keep people alive at low levels of health is more valuable than people realize.


    And sine the OP invoked numbers, I have no issue putting up numbers, and neither do the Op healers on my server. I've cracked 600k multiple times, 500k with regularity (though once numbers are approaching this for any healer, it's generally indicative of a bad warzone).


    I actually feel some of our strengths are a little OP.


    At least the marks should fall off after death, if you are marked you are out of the game more or less.



    The only way this is true is if you are not playing effectively. If you're running out into the open all the time, death is your reward.


    All the warzones have adequate obstacles to hide behind, los around and to do the healer pillar dance. Huttball has them everywhere. Voidstar has tons in the first and final rooms. Alderaan has them at every control point.


    Use them. You die less. Your healing stays the same.

  10. I'll try to look for it next time there.


    Much appreciation.


    There's also colored lights all around each half of the court, gold and purple. You are taking it to the opposite of your color, which you can tell by which team you're on on the scoreboard or the beam of light above you or your allies when carrying the ball.

  11. hello every one, i am not sure where to put this so i am going to put this in this forum and hope people will read this. i want to ask if some one that knows how to start a petition or get a hold of the company in any way and make a point across. now we all know that paying for a game for around 50 to 60 bucks (new may i add) is reasonable now a days, and every one is use to paying for a time card or how ever u pay for your time to play. but why should u make the most recent technology the minimum requirements? i have to go out and buy a new computer because my computer is out of date? the graphics card isn't good enough? processor is to slow? i think u can easily fix this and get even more people to play by putting even lower graphics settings, make the detail enough so u know were a tree is if u get to close to it, make enemy's half visible, turn of animation, and so on. i do not think its fair to those people who work a stress full job, with low pay and just want to blow off steam and come to find out that they have to pay 500 more dollars for a new computer when just spent at the least 70, that's 570 dollars! look i am just saying with a slight update or so (such as 1.2 perhaps?) that you could put a lower graphics settings in, please and thank you.


    p.s i will post this in more forums and threads till my point gets across.


    The game does not require "the most recent technology" as its minimum requirements.


    The minimum graphics card for this game came out in 2005. The minimum processor in 2007. The game is playable at that spec.

  12. On purpose I described both days of playing as detailed as I could so as to give you insight into what was happening... I kinda shortcut the rightclick and basic attack thingie, true and sorry it mislead anyone into thinking slot1 was bound to any other ability than Assault.


    But if I write that on day one all was in perfect order and on day two I couldn't use my most basic abilities, even one that should generate rage like Assault (except for Force Jump and any ability that cost up to 3 rage therafter before the buffer cleared) then it's not as if I magically unlearned how to play on day two.


    I did everything as I did on day one and yet I was unable to build rage.


    There. Was that more clear than my previous posts?


    First, your attitude isn't helping. Your rude response earlier was uncalled for in response to what was correct information he was providing you.


    These are facts: Right click is not your basic attack. By default, it is whatever is in your slot 1 of your first quickslot. This isn't up for debate. Assault was in your slot 1 by default, leading to your misconception.


    You likely accidentally dragged assault off of your first slot, or duplicated another skill on top of it. This can easily happen with unlocked quickslot bars. Hover your mouse over slot 1. Does Assault come up? It likely doesn't. In order to access assault, select your ability panel (click P or from the menu up top), find assault in there and drag it back down to your bar. Further, there is a padlock icon on your quickslot. Click it to lock and unlock. Lock you bars so it doesn't happen again.


    After that, thank your lucky stars people were patient enough with you to answer your question after you so rudely turned down the correct answer the first time.

  13. What you're talking about is wanting a hybrid tax, and the devs haven't shown an indication to want that. Yes, DPS specced Mercs/Commandos, Ops/Scoundrels and Sorcs/Sages can heal, but it's not anything to be jealous of (though as an Op Healer, I am jealous of Static Barrier).


    Also, FWIW, Sniper DPS is in a great place in PvE and can absolutely wreck in PvP, as well (too many snipers charge in during warzones instead of playing like a turret class should). I'd rather have a Sniper in my group for a flashpoint than a DPS operative.

  14. Im having this same issue 2 tickets and im level 24 and absolutly 0 xp i accidently did nar shadaa as well before taris because it gave me the option to do so. Biowares support is horrendeus. Whats the point of making a ticket when they can't even respond within a timely manner.. Now my character is just sitting in the middle of Taris with a green bar full all the way to leveling up to 25 but cant.


    This isn't a bug. Your quests and mobs are grey, meaning they are so far below your level that killing them or completing them is not worthy XP. This is intentional so high levels don't just grind lowbie areas for XP all day and is an extremely common MMO mechanic.


    You are not stuck. You are choosing to continue to do activities that do not reward XP. If you want, just zoom through your class quest on Taris and move on.

  15. what is the minimum internet speed to not have any internet issues with playing? I have a wireless connection and have been playing with an 18MBps level, but due to rising cost, need to try and go down to either 12MBps or possibly even 6MBps


    MMOs generally don't require a very fast connection, as long as it's broadband.

  16. You also go into cover for defense. Though, granted, i might be in cover only 50% of the time, but the question was in comparison to Assassin and being a melee toon. And rolling to cover is also a good way to be mobile, get out of the way of certain things, foes.


    Operatives are just as melee as assassins. If you are in cover 50 percent of the time as an operative, you are not playing correctly, effectively or close to how the class was designed. If you are in cover even 5 percent of the time you are not playing correctly, effectively or close to how the class was designed.


    Operatives are not a cover class. Period.

  17. While both classes do close range damage. I think you'll find the Assassin is more of a 'melee' character. I have played both and both are very fun, but one big factor for operative is that you will want to often be in cover and the foes you are fighting might not be near cover. Sure you pull out your knife and stab em from cover and to refresh your buff, but you will also spend time hunkered behind things. Just doesn't feel melee to be, more close ranged.



    This is incorrect. Operatives do not want to be in cover. That's the Sniper/Gunslinger realm. Operatives are out of cover.

  18. I am a good pvper, my guild pvp team in wow fights at 1800 rating and I myself have played in and around the 1900 bracket in 3v3. Howeverm there is a profound lack of control available to warrior's other than a slow, a force push which then necessitates a force leap.


    I find force choke seems to just fail a lot, as does ravage.


    Is a Powertech or Vanguard any simpler? I like the style of them, and I know there is an excellent guide by Taugrim on them.




    Juggs/Guardians and Vanguards/Powertechs are similar in the number of abilities they manage. You won't notice a drastic difference. If you're having trouble, you might try playing and understanding your abilities more. Juggs are a in a very good place right now in PvP.


    Juggs have a slow. They have a channeled stun. They have a jump. They have a targeted knockback. They have an intercede. They have an AoE fear. They have an AoE taunt. They have guard. They can sunder armor. That's a full stable of useful PvP utility abilities and provides a substantial amount of control and affect on the environment besides damage (which is more than viable in PvP anyway). There's not "profound lack of control" with a Juggernaut, to be honest. It's quite the opposite.

  19. On the "points when you agree", it is all just from observation, so of course I could be wrong. But it seems to me I get more "6"when we all choose the same answer, vs when you win the roll I get a lot of 2 or 3s... But I could be wrong, I don't have access to the code.


    You are incorrect. It's very simple: if you win the roll, you get 2 points for every person in the group. If you lose, 1 point for each person.

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