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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by ebado

  1. Agreed. I solo guard this all the time as dps and its not terribly hard. Don't stand anywhere near the point, you want to be far enough away where you cant get sapped and capped. Always have your location and inc ready in your chat for when you do get sapped I always assume there will be another one trying. I see most of the attempts close to the 30 sec left and if your team will win and the only way to lose is to get double capped usually someone will hang back for the extra defense.


    This is really all that needs to be done. Just don't stand next to the node and you'll be fine. I've lost count of how many times I've capped at the end of a round because of a lone guard standing right next to the pylon (or in the pylon, do they think I can't see them?). Stealth mezz, start capping, they cc break, flash bang, cap, or stealth mezz, cap.


    Neither of these are options if you sit out of stealth mezz range.


    I'd like to add for pugs: if your team has mid under control, send a second guard for the last 40 seconds (or if you return an orb with under a minute remaining) and you avoid this whole problem.

  2. Not signed. I've had too many worthless five healer or five tank teams that can't cap an opposing node or get a door down without some fortunate spawn door timing. Me and another respec to DPS at the start, bam, much better team comp, less frustrating warzone for everybody.
  3. Premades on the Bastion aren't that bad. I'll face an overwhelming one occasionally. Solo queue Imp and Pub in various roles.


    Of course, people only talk about the times a premade dominated them, not the times they were carried to easy wins all night.

  4. As for those of you saying its a re-roll each time. I understand that, but Im wondering how many of you might not understand odds and statistics. The way it works is like this: Statistically I have a one in 5 chance of hitting a schematic. That means that the more times I attempt and fail, the greater my odds are that I will hit on the next attempt...statistically speaking of course. When you dont hit after 30 or 40 attempts, either the mechanic is broken or you are deep nito a statistical anomally. .




    Your odds don't change. Even if we were talking about a statistically significant sample size in the millions. It's 1/5 each time. Your odds each time are 1/5. Over the course of a statistically significant sample size of rolls, you don't increase your odds at any time.. No, you don't. Not statistically speaking. Rather, over the course of a statistically significant sample size of rolls, you have enough indepedent rolls for the actual chance to show through and eliminate and / or reduce the effect of outliers.


    That is completely different from saying "I've failed 20 times, that means I have a better chance now than I did the first time."

  5. I always make a note of the name of whichever healer spam heals either myself or other team-mates before the wz has even started, they don't get my mvp vote.


    I always vote for the player who has contributed most to the actual objectives rather than heals/damage/kills.


    1) Those heals don't count toward healing in the scoreboard.

    2) Scoundrels / Ops do it to generate Upper Hand / Tactical Advantage procs, which is how they keep you alive when the fight starts. Starting with 3 stacks is much better than showing up with 0.

    3) Commandos / Mercs do it to generate charges, which is how they keep you alive.

    4) You should note of how classes work instead.

  6. I don't have a problem getting medals in these situations, but this isn't a terrible idea. In general if you can't get a medal in two minutes, you're doing something wrong, but this would make those times you load in to see the scoreboard a little bit less annoying.


    So would not backfilling past a certain point, though.

  7. Stims are not expensive. Looking at the GTN right now on The Bastion, there are blue Hyper-Battle stims of all variations except fortitude for 8k or just under. These last two hours. They persist through death. They cost less than a single quest. And this is at 9 a.m. server time. That seems like a good deal for 104 main stat and 43 power. I don't expect Exotech in normals, but even then those are only about 15 to 17k. I find it funny when people in warzones complain, "They are more geared then us" and they didn't even bother to use a cheap stim.


    Buffing is one of the more annoying issues. It's one of the reasons I treasure having all four buffs.


    Re: calling incs - It is absolutely the responsibility of a person guarding to call it out. Yes, there is time to do so. Further though, it is important to recognize obvious disadvantages as they are unfolding. The worst of this is Alderaan or Novarre, when you show up at mid only to have a 7 on 2 or 6 on 2, and your entire team spends valuable time chasing around a tank and his healer buddy. The other person should absolutely call inc in these cases, but the people in mid should also recognize that their huge advantage here is a huge disadvantage somewhere else.


    One important mistake is not knowing how the warzones work. I can understand this for a bit with newer players, but there's too many 50s who think Novarre operates like Alderaan (or the opposite), or think that AH operates like either of those.

  8. Hello,


    I'm Cory Kolek, also a UI programmer here at Bioware Austin. I originally implemented the UI Customization feature, and I'm always looking for ways to improve it. I just finished adding the option to change the scale of your buffs and debuffs within the operation, party, player, and target frames. This change has recently entered testing, so look forward to it in a future Game Update!



    Can I have your babies?

  9. Thanks guys ;D


    I guess there is no need to gift the ship droid is there also?


    Faster / better crew skill missions / crafting, but no legacy benefit that I'm aware of.


    And as far as the presence goes: it's a big deal when leveling. I started playing a second Agent recently and Kaliyo is more beastly than she should possibly be at my level.

  10. Hello, i'm just installing the game and am thinking about my first character.


    I want a class that can use Blaster rifles or Snipers from the Films?


    thanks for any help given.


    The only player class that can use Sniper rifles is the appropriately named Sniper, one of the two Imperial Agent advanced classes. The other agent advanced class, Operative, uses blaster rifles.


    Additionally, the Trooper advanced class Vanguard also uses blaster rifles.

  11. No, no, no, no, Blizz changed everything in that new expansion. Now you can have ONLY 1 talent tree in WoW, not 3, at lvl 10 you're choosing a talent tree, and you CAN'T spend points in other (you can if you reseted your SPECIALIZATION not talents, or if you bought Dual Spec).


    But it isn't discussion 'bout WoW, we're talking 'bout SWTOR.


    You're missing the point. When you choose a class in WoW, you have access to those three skill trees. Just because you can't hybrid them doesn't change that. A hunter has different trees than rogue. Like a sorc has different trees than an assassin. In both games, you respec to reset your skill points and reallocate them. AC in TOR = class in WoW. Blizzard's inability to balance hybrid specs doesn't change that.


    I like it how it is. Variety is important.

  12. It's probably not your video card. This game is unusual in that it is more CPU intensive than processor intensive. Post yours specs or run simple diagnostics to find out what's bottle necking you in this game. It probably isn't your video card.
  13. These new players need a lot of help. They don't know how to train their advanced class (and once they do, they don't open the gear bag they get). They skip all the planet quests and wonder why they are eight levels below their next class mission. They don't know how to queue for warzones. They don't know what planet comms do. They don't know what orange armor is. They don't understand mods and augments. They don't know to train skills. They don't have any knowledge of the F2P restriction. In short, most of them know nothing.


    I'm a helpful person in game as long as the person asking the question isn't being an ***. I answer about half those above questions a few times every hour. It's getting exhausting. I can copy/paste, but a macro would just be more efficient. My solution to this point has been to help less.


    I swear, there needs to be a giant sign in flashing pink letters as soon as you get to the fleet saying "Don't skip this quest! It's how you get your advanced class!" for the new players though.

  14. Anyone know? My subscription is going to be on renewal very soon. I'm wondering if I need to cancel it still. I haven't played the game in a very long time (been waiting for SGRs).


    UPDATE: **Ok, nevermind, lol. I've been out of the loop the last couple weeks. The news is still disappointing. Hmm. Not sure what to do with the subscription now. Thinking of cancelling it. Maybe renew it when we have equal opportunity as the opposite gender romances (meaning companion romances).


    If you are not playing or not enjoying the game, cancel your subscription. Renew if it gets to a point where you feel you will play and enjoy your time in game. I'm still subbed to TOR, and have been since launch, because I enjoy it. When I stop enjoying it, I will stop playing. I think you should consider approaching it that way. However, I'm not the kind that feels as though I need an MMO to always be playing. I'm not sure if you are, but if you will, perhaps that changes the situation.

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