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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by ebado

  1. 1. They should bring the old resolve system back, or consider changes to the CC breaks. In general, people agree that at least something needs to be done about stuns, even if it's just fixing the resolve on bubble stuns (or another fix to it).


    2. If you have that bad luck in warzone, yes, it is you. Yes, it is. Nope, you aren't the exception. It is you. Yes, it really is you. I'm going to stop you right there: yes, it is you. If you create threads like this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=594819

    It's probably you.

  2. There was no math involved............


    They hit different targets and put the numbers up next to each other.......




    There's not going to be any sort of attempt to provide a control here. I think he was only interested in a 1v1 situation between the two, not a statistical solution. Which would provide the same answers we already know from the formulas.

  3. You jelly?


    In other news, where you said " we've been saying since the current expertise system went live / went to PTS that the difference is marginal." is actually a lie. You have said nothing of the sort. I've checked your entire post/reply history from before and after 1.2 went live. In fact, you haven't said or done much of anything intelligent except troll this post.


    In fact if you look at your post history, the entirety of it is you being condescending to other people. I'm not going to say I haven't done anything like that, you'll probably find I'm a turd a lot, but on the odd occasion I post meaningful information.


    You must have come back and added all of this. I'm glad you didn't leave it as "You jelly?" That wasn't very mature and reflected poorly on you.


    I'd still like you to address the issue: do you still think the character sheet is wrong? You've claimed this and haven't backed down from it, and it's the only reason I ever replied to your thread in the first place (and I'm feeling that's a mistake now, as you don't seem to be too interested in addressing this point beyond critiquing my post history and trying to take jabs at "scientists").


    t's the only thing that made your thread unique from the dozens of expertise threads posted every week, becasue frankly 1) It's a very compelling point, if true and 2) there have been issues with stat application and calculation with the character sheet before, notably with companion characters about a year ago.


    I'll ask one more time and be done with it, but I figure it's worth giving you one more reply worth of the benefit of the doubt despite my head telling me differently: do you have any actual information that the character sheet or the proven expertise formula is wrong?

  4. But the massive problem is ....... A lot of lowbies simply do not know how the WZ work, and worse, don't seem to care to learn.


    That's why.


    While knowledge at 50 certainly isn't perfect (people not understanding side speeders, able to do the simple match to determine when a 3 cap is needed in CW, not understanding AH etc), it's much better than it is in lowbie warzones. This makes simply being somewhat competent and spatially aware enough to make you the best player in most lowbie warzones, making it easier for people who are frustrated with the 50 bracket to roll over hordes of foam mouth drones.

  5. People like you make me feel less crazy. I'm working on my Marauder (level 46) to give me all 8 classes at 50, and I very well may end up in your camp someday (already started my Sage, Sniper and Assassin).


    Mega grats for a mega ding.

  6. It's not a simple fix for SWTOR because of the size and objectives warzones. Any fix like that goes hand in hand with numerous other adjustments that lead to a rather large redesign of the entire system and class design That seems unnecessary as the whole system isn't broken.


    One of good things about the current system is that healers are killable, and that having too many healers is a significant detriment to warzone objectives (namely taking a contested node). In other games, this tradeoff either doesn't exist or isn't enough for it to make a significant difference. I think this needs to be kept in tact, as it makes playing a healer fun and it makes killing healers less frustrating. Win for both sides.


    To take the OP's example, I don't miss my immortal resto shaman.

  7. It's a time sink and money sink. We all know this. A certain amount of this is acceptable. I'm not sure if I'm 100 percent bothered by the scale of it in this game, but some adjustments could be made. I do think there needs to be a way to reward the players who think and go the extra mile to optimize, and in that sense I'm OK with base sets not giving you 100 percent optimized stats.
  8. According to every mad scientist on these forums, and their math based off of the character sheet. 1214 expertise is supposed to OUTPERFORM 1396 by a noticeable margin.


    1) Not according to everyone. If this was meant to be an exaggeration, then while that is a popular viewpoint, it is by no means the consensus.

    2) The mathematical backing based on the correct formulas says the difference is marginal. If people are saying otherwise, they aren't using the math correctly, or they don't understand how it works, or both. This has been known for a long time, ever since the current expertise system has been in place.


    I have proven it does not, and that max expertise outperforms 1214 expertise in the test that I've run.


    3) If you want to take credit for it, OK. In reality, we've been saying since the current expertise system went live / went to PTS that the difference is marginal. The character sheet shows that the difference is marginal. The math shows that the difference is marginal. Your unscientific test shows the difference is marginal. Plenty of first hand experiences shows that the difference is marginal.


    So if the numbers the original people based their formulas came from the Character sheet, and I've proven that it is not actually the case in the in-game application of expertise,


    Once again, this is mostly an assumption that the people saying the difference isn't marginal are basing it on the sound math from the character sheet and proven formula, something actually paying attention to the formula, character sheet and how damage / healing is calculated doesn't support, but carry on.


    then doesn't that say that the Character Sheet is incorrect in some way?

    In your hypothetical where you assume these people are basing it off of sound math and the proven formula, then it would. But your hypothetical isn't happening: the character sheet, the formula and the math behind it have always said the difference is marginal.

  9. Now maybe its late and I'm tired but last time I checked the way the scientific method worked is that he got credit for disproving the null hypothesis of 1200 expertise then power is better than max expertise. Yes usually a scientist would offer up a theory on why the null hypothesis was wrong, but even if that theory is wrong he still gets credit for disproving the null hypothesis. The exception would be if other people try to recreate his experiment and don't get the same results. But no one is claiming that yet, so he gets credit and has to prove nothing more, it would just be nice if he offered his theory on why and then went and tested that. Not mandatory.


    That's not what he was attempting to prove though. The differences in the different exp levels have been known for a long time. He's been the one to tack on "the character sheet is wrong" "the graph is wrong" etc, which he continues to state but has yet to address.

  10. the graphs showing expertise diminishing returns are correct, and really have nothing to do with what you tested. those graphs are simply visual representations for the different expertise bonuses; they have nothing to do with how different players' expertise values relate to one another in practical application.


    This is the biggest thing. The claim is that the values demonstrated by the proven formula and the character sheet are wrong, yet he never tackles this. Maybe he never understood how it worked, but he's yet to come back to this.

  11. I will run another test around midnight est after rateds. I'll create a new thread.


    I have to find a pt similarly geared to me, then swap my extra stuff around to match his exactly (I have hundreds of enhancements and dozens of mods for my PT), then ensure he is specced identically to mine. I won't be screenshotting hundreds of flame bursts, just a few and screens of our character sheets to prove identical setups (remember I will have to downgrade my min/max ewh setup to match someone else's undergeared or incorrect setup so don't judge me) and a spreadsheet of our damage.


    Or use a combat log.

  12. Taunting is valuable utility for DPS characters in ACs with tank trees, just like heals are valuable utility for DPS characters in ACs with heal trees (Yes, they are. Try shielding the ball carrier next time, Mr. Tunnel Vision), just like the utility available to pure DPS ACs (Maruader and Sniper group buffs/CDs, heal reduction etc).


    Removing them is just dumbing it down even more.

  13. I want this thread open for people to post their REAL findings


    Then post some. You haven't provided real findings yet, so do so. Show us these flamebursts. You said somebody recorded them. Show us. Show us your gear setups. Show us how your sample is mathematically at odds with how expertise works (what is calculated when) and how it is shown on the character sheet. Give us the numbers.


    All of this has been done with the current, factual numbers. And tested in-game (Yeah, I have, too). Those are real findings. Post some yourself.

  14. Maras and Juggs - Smash OP

    Assassins - Utility OP

    Powertechs - Burst OP

    Operatives - Healing OP, and of course, teams of stunlocking operatives OP

    Sorcs - Bubble stun OP

    Snipers - Sniping OP


    That leaves Mercs. Sorry Mercs.

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