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Posts posted by ebado

  1. Reminds me of the evil 31/31/31 Assassins that apparently plague this game.


    Almost as deadly as the very real and not at all mythical dual AC 31/31/31 Jugg/Maras that kill you in warzones and then eat your first born.

  2. I queue solo and with various premades. Probably about half. This doesn't count queuing with one other guildy, as I don't think two people count as a premade.


    I don't do it to "farm pugs." I do it to get good matches. I have no issue winning matches outside of the premade. I get my daily done solo or with a guildy before I jump in group matches. We do it to match up with the other groups on the server for more dynamic, engaging matches. It's nice looking across the way and seeing a good team, knowing you have a good team and knowing it will be a good match.


    And if we are so scared of playing other groups, why do the same people that play in premades on our server from both factions go to Outlaws Den almost every weekend for organized 4v4, 2v2 etc tournaments?

  3. Now all we need is 5k $ for losers and 10k $ for the winning team come on right now it is so damn hard in this game to make any form of $ and went you do make some you lose it in under 20mins cuz everything cuz a arm and a leg


    We need a better form of creds for thos of as who love to pvp


    Credits seem fine based on what that leveling sage was posting.

  4. I have the Zabrak legacy species unlock, here is how it works.


    At the character creation screen you can choose either an Imperial or Republic Zabrak as your race. For example, if you choose, say, a Sith Warrior, you will then pick either a Republic style Zabrak or Imperial style with all the normal things that go along with either the Republic or Imperial style of that race.


    I too was hoping that it would be a big mix of all the Zabrak options so you could pick and choose from either side and make something truely unique but sadly it does not work that way. Hope that answers your question, sorry if it wasn't the answer you wanted.


    Thank you so much for your time and your answer. Saved me some credits. A little disappointing, but I guess my BH will be a greenie now. Thanks for your time :)

  5. I have a question (or series of questions) for those with Zabrak unlocked on their legacy.


    I've been wanting to play a Zabrak, but i"ve stayed away from it because I don't enjoy the Imperial skin colors and eyes and I don't like the Republic tattoos. They said at the guild summit that legacy would unlock cross faction options for character creation, and I just wanted to make sure this is the case? Can you, for instance, make an Imperial bounty hunter with Imperial tattoos, Republic eyes and Republic skin colors?

  6. Wrong. It is fastest to lose with 8 medals quickly than to drag a game out. There is absolutely NO reward, even with the upcoming changes, to bust your neck to drag out a 6:0 Huttball game. The dominating team has some minor incentive to win quickly, but the steamrolled team has no reason to try after it's 3:0 with 8 medals.


    Beyond that, your win/loss reward disparity is ridiculously harsh and will continue to be as that is clearly your intention.




  7. Ok, I read the read the post and understand why you did what you did, but I am ready to quit PVPing entirely over this change.


    When I PVP, I kill opponents and I seek the objectives. I also on occasion provide support or defend objectives from our opponent. I always win awards during the PVP session. Historically, I got SOMETHING for effort, regardless if we won or lost.


    I know a lot of newbies play PVP and that is ok (and I am by no means an expert). However, when you are on a LOSING team 7 out of 8 times, it gets old real fast. There is nothing worse than seeing 0, 0, 0, 0 at the top after the battle is over. Awards during battle are now meaningless.


    So what is the remedy for a person like me? I have 2 choices now. I can either quit entirely, or leave PVP battle once about 1/2 the battle is over and there is a CLEAR indication that I once again am on a losing team. What was fun in PVP prior to patch 1.2 is now real close to a complete waste of my time.


    What made all this worse? I made the mistake of opening an in-game ticket and received an automated response that was very close to "too bad".


    I share the same sediment as my fellow guild mates. I don't get a lot of time to play (an hour or two at night sometimes during the week) and I do want it to be a quality experience.


    I will give this a week or two and see if changes are made. If not, I'll run dailies and quit PVPing altogether.


    Please fix this ?


    Thanks :(



  8. ...because people complained (justifiably) that there was no dev response last week. Now, *magic poof*, there was!


    It's because they translate it to German and French and wait to post until all are available. Danny makes the post in the dev forums, the Euro team translates it and then they post them all at once. This might take a day or two due to work hours / weekends etc.


    It's a crappy system. Why do they do it? Because the German and French communities cry if they don't. People here cry if they do. Everybody cries.

  9. I stripped down two medium, moddable robes last night, (one was the Esseles Sentinel robe, the other was the robe I got from completing the Gree missions on Coruscant) and there was a little over a 100 point difference in the armour values with all addons removed.



    It's a display bug. The actual armor value is the same. When modded, it's whatever the armoring is.

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