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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by ebado

  1. The Empire invaded ~40 years before the events of this game. There's a reasonable expectation that defections and simple diaspora, at least on a small scale, led to Chiss who were not assumed to be connected to the Empire.


    Given that a Chiss biologically matured faster than humans (adulthood started about age 13 for Chiss, sexual maturity likely a little before then), it's possible a Chiss character in this game could be a third or fourth generation defector in the Republic. Probably not likely that there are a ton of them, but it can be reasonably assumed there are some.


    It's also reasonable to think that the Chiss would not stand out. There are thousands upon thousands of species in the galaxy. A blue skinned, red eyed being with human features probably doesn't turn that many heads.

  2. You can't control the companion of another player, but I don't think that's what you were asking.


    Companions typically show up at the bottom of a player's group frame. There will be a second health bar and second portrait, and that belongs to the the companion. You can target it there. If that's not big enough for you, or if you use operation frames instead of party frames, then you can set the companion as your focus target (Alt+F) and use that to keep track of its health.

  3. Different things, but in general a basic understanding of the class that is healing them and the DDs fighting along side them.


    On my Op, it's standing there and not pulling when I have Kolto Probe up, Stim Boost up and my TA stacks up. Refreshing those over and over can be frustrating. I can understand waiting for CDs to feel safe, but for most pulls they don't need to wait for 45 seconds.


    On my Sorc, it's pulling when I'm low on Force. This isn't a big deal on my Op as I always have Adrenaline Probe ready (rarely use it in a flashpoint) and regen is easier to begin with, but it can be a fatal mistake on my Sorc, especially with some of the trickier trash pulls.


    Smaller things, too, like guarding DDs instead of me, knowing which pulls have a group of mobs they need to pick up immediately, stuff like that.

  4. Discs are not account bound, so that would be fine. Just pop them in and install. Note: you will still have to download the patches though.

    Another possibility is copying the installation to external storage and then copying it to her computer. I'm not sure if that's available to you.

  5. To tie up some loose ends:


    Every class except two (Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior) have an option to be pure ranged,



    • Sith Inquisitor: Sorcerer
    • Imperial Agent: Sniper
    • Bounty Hunter: Mercenary


    • Jedi Consular: Sage
    • Smuggler: Gunslinger
    • Trooper: Commando


    There are options for some hybrid melee / ranged specs (Madness for your assassin) but they require melee range to be most effective. Other examples are Lethality Operatives, Vanguards and Powertechs etc.


    When you select your advanced class, the in-game information presented to you on those two panels will tell you what a class will do, including whether it is melee or ranged. I recommend reading these before you hit "select" so you can save yourself some headaches.


    As far as what upgrades you are looking for, the stats and armor types are generally nicely grouped. Here they are by armor type and main stat (strength, willpower, cunning and aim).



    • Guardian & Juggernaut - Heavy armor, strength
    • Sentinel & Marauder - Medium armor, strength


    • All advanced classes - Light armor, willpower


    • All advanced classes - Medium armor, cunning


    • All advanced classes - Heavy armor, aim


    Additionally, there are some other gearing choices you make when you are leveling up. If you are playing as a tank spec (a player designed to hold the enemies' attention and soak up damage), endurance is going to be very important for you as it increases your health. You might find a quest reward has two item choices for you: gloves with 15 aim and 10 endurance or gloves with 15 endurance and 10 aim. A tank character should select the 15 endurance ones generally, and a damage or healing character should select the 15 aim gloves generally.


    You will find appropriate and satisfactory gear by soloing your class quests and world quests (and gear for your companions). You can find better gear by doing flashpoints or heroic quests, spending your planet commendations, crafting, buying off the Galactic Trade Network or doing PvP, but what you get while question is more than sufficient.

  6. Some conversations are also keyed to affection level. At under 6K, even if you are all the way to 50 and completed all class quests, you won't advance your companion story until their affection goes up.


    I believe it's both, actually. If you max out affection early on, you get the companion quests when you reach a certain level. I won't bet the farm on it, but I don't think companion quests/conversations are dependant on where you are in your class story. I'm reasonably sure it's simply level/affection.


    It's affection and where you are in your story. It has to be this way given how certain companions storylines are tied into the main class line.

    Minor Jedi Knight spoilers:


    Kira is by far the best example of this. The information you gain about her in the completion of chapter 1 is absolutely essential to many of her conversations, hence why they are delayed until then.


  7. 1. You don't need to be valor 70 to use War Hero gear. The only valor requirement is on the crafted orange shells. The stuff you earn with comms has no valor requirement on it.

    2. The main method to earning rated comms is in ranked warzones now. Comms come much faster.

  8. Preventing others from their objectives from a 100% safe location is not normal. If it is, then please tell me where in all of the warzones i can do this from.


    The action is whether it''s an exploit or not. The result is whether it should be fixed. It's unbalanced and unfair. It should be fixed. But it's not on the same level as blatant exploiting. Why do you feel the need to argue this when the same basic response (fixing it) is shared between the two of us?

  9. I checked the logs and it wasn't you, but yes i do play on the bastion - which is where that video was taken from.


    It is something that's available to them, but calling it "unfair" isn't being honest about the ramifications of the tactic. It's exploiting the terrain by placing an AOE above players, from a position is totally safe from any attacks, while preventing the attacking team from moving forward for an indefinite amount of time.


    Unfair is accurate. I don't need to fluff up my adjectives to satisfy some quality threshold in your mind.

    I believe it is an unintended aspect of the warzone. Much like jumping over the gap. Much like the double stealth. It brings in an element of clearly unintended unbalanced play and should be fixed. But that's different than an exploit.

  10. Except for the fact that there's no recourse to prevent this. Picture this situation - you get past the 2nd doors in 2 minutes, are are onto the 3rd, but 2 sorc/sages use /stuck on the defending team so they respawn beyond the barrier at the 3rd spawn location. Those 2 players can now prevent you from ever progessing to the 3rd door area for the next 5min 30sec of the match without you having any way to interupt them, CC them, attack them or stop their actions.


    That's an exploit. Argue against it if you'd like, but what i just presented is reality - it creates a situation that cannot be countered by the attacking team, and will stop the attack dead in it's tracks 100% of the time.


    Hmm wonder if you're the shadow that was using deathfield (w/e the pub equivalent is) there...


    My shadow is kinetic and level 47. Do you play on The Bastion? I'd be careful about paranoia.


    It's an unfair tactic and should be fixed (like jumping over the gap in VS, which was fixed), but they are just using what's available to them. Exploits are more serious than that, like planting from inside the wall or abusing the old Voidstar ramp. Where something is clearly going wrong. Placing an AoE doesn't qualify on that level.


    Edit: Nice try editing out your accusation.

  11. In 10-49 PvP you will notice that you have a buff on you where your stats are bolstered to be competitive with the higher levels in warzones. They did this instead of level brackets to provide quicker queues for warzones as they are not cross-server.

    At level 50, the bolster is removed and you only fight level 50s.

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