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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by ebado

  1. The news is nice. I know many want more, either specifics or depth, and many want it sooner, but news is good for me. It sealed my decision to preorder Makeb, given how little we know of the actual expansion itself. I understand why some might not feel that way.


    The zero-sum, either-or game people try to play to express their displeasure with the inclusion of such features shouldn't be considered a valid discussion topic.


    I'm cautiously optimistic, but not wildly hyped. That's been my approach to this game since Mid 2009, and it applies here, for me.

  2. Just one is too limiting :) ill add my vote for all the ideas here but player addons. double support for a save UI feature...having to set up the UI again for every new toon makes me want to punch kittens. now, My own one that hasn't been added to the list yet:


    Streamline Mail system. cursor should automatically be in name field. last name used should be auto-filled. It should track previous names used like it does guild members. and the sendmail window should not close once you've sent a mail (or default back to inbox). It's very irritating to have to reclick the send window every time i want to send more then one mail.


    Oh yeah....customizable and moveable windows that don't default to two positions on screen (and switch back and forth to confuse us). along with this customization, the UI needs to save our setup when we move them so we don't have to move them again every time they open.


    Great ideas folks, keep em coming in.


    The second to last paragraph: most of this is already in the game. You need to check "enable movable secondary window" in the interface editor. I end up stacking my preview window, my character window, my inventory and the GTN window a lot. My warzone pop up window has been in the same place since the UI editing was introduced so I can see it in the background when I'm alt-tabbed.


    As far as the first paragraph, I'm not sure if you're talking about keybindings or UI, but you can save and load UIs from the Interface Editor.

  3. I had something similar when I was leveling my operative a year ago. Pre-launch, I imagined the character as a staunch Imperial loyalist determined to do good in the Empire. Somebody who really believed in the cause. As anybody who has played the IA story can attest to, this was challenged a lot along the way, and my view of the character and its motivations is no longer the same.
  4. Choose whatever you want to choose. If you like it, you like it. You don't want to be down the road and level 45 before you realize you hate your character.


    I have 8 characters right now. One male human, one male Pureblood, one male Miralian, one male Zabrak, two male Chiss and two female humans. Play what you like.

  5. TL;DR - This item, the RD-14A Assault Chestguard is no longer dropping off the mobs it used to. Does anybody know a good place to farm this other than level appropriate boxes? I have all the other trooper versions of this model (Esseles, crafted, two rewards from Coruscant) and would like to have this last one. Had it once upon a time, then deleted that character.




    The drop rate on low level champ mobs seems to have been lowered. Previously, mobs such as Dr. Pammel Tarqus on Dromund Kaas used to have a good chance at dropping blue and orange-quality loot (if not 100 percent, near 100 percent), including the chest piece I mentioned above. Now it seems like champions (tested across Dromund Kaas, Imperial Balmorra and Republic Coruscant and corroborated by many in-game and on TORhead) are just dropping loot like normal mobs.


    If BioWare happens to read this and feel like responding, was this intentional? Will it be fixed?


    For realists and everybody else: anyone know a good place to farm for this item?

  6. Since I know and respect the the OP (spoken with him in vent, used to be part of the same community), I'll make a list of quick hits and get out of this thread.


    -Everything added to this game to this point does not please everybody. We don't all like warzones. Or flashpoints. Or companions. Or space. Or minigames. Or events. Or dailies. Or crafting. Or anything. To say "Oh man, this minigame is something EVERYBODY will like" is ignorant and you should be above that. People like different things. I learned this before I could write.


    -Development and bug fixing are separate teams in most software development companies, particularly when it comes to games like TOR. To assume that TOR is different despite evidence to the contrary is odd.


    -Removing a gender check on flirts likely took less time than it did for me to write this post.


    I'm a straight male. I have 8 characters in this game. Six are straight males. One is a straight female. The last one is a female who didn't romance any of her companions (because Vector is terrible). Ciao.

  7. Holy necro, Batman.


    People who are still complaining about leaps in Huttball aren't fully aware of the game happening around them.


    1. The most powerful skill in the game (Throw huttball) is available to everyone. Zoom out, stop tunnel visioning and pay attention to the game around you.

    2. Did you skip PE class as a child? Not everybody is a goal scorer. Play your role. Mercs, patrol catwalks. Snipers, denial. Ops, tactical killing and positioning. Sorcs, utility. Powetechs, kings of mid. DPS Assassins, stop carrying the ball and play defense once in a while. Marauders, killing enemy ball carrier. Juggs, utility (for the love of god, use your CC). Healers: heal. Tanks: Carry the ball or protect the person carrying the ball.

    3. There is an easy counter available to leaps and sprints: CC. Stop filling up the resolve of the ballcarrier before he reaches the first obstacle. In other words, stop tunnel visioning and pay attention to the game around you.

    4. I still can't believe people are dense enough to think Snipers are bad in Huttball despite their obvious and irreplaceable value.

    5. Really, snipers aren't good in Huttball? Seriously?


    I'm an Op since launch.

  8. ok thank you everyone for all the replies this has been very informative and helpful so far but I do have another more complicated question.


    I used to play WoW and I was decent at PvP I guess...I was generally ranked in the top 10 in 2 vs 2 arena in our group....I usually played classes with alot of CC(for those who do not understand the term it means control effects or crowd control...ie stuns,sleeps,paralyze,slow ect...and allows you to control the pace of fights)...so I generally played a Frost mage or a Rogue.....so I am wondering which class has the most CC effects/skills?


    This is my last question for now...sorry I asked so many.


    Sorcerors, Ops, Assassins and Snipers (or Sages, Scoundrels, Shadows and Gunslingers) have good CC. Madness Sorcerors might fit what you are looking for (or perhaps a lightning / madness hybrid). Or perhaps a Concealment Op.


    Most PvP mistakes in this game come from bad management of Resolve. I recommend you read up on how to manage resolve and what affects it and to what degree it is affected. CCing wildly in a warzone can lead to terrible results for your team or for you, as a full resolve bar can either result in an easy score in Huttball or a botched cap on a node or your destruction by a powerful burst class just waiting for you to give them their favorite green light in the world.

  9. Your keybindings are definitely saved to server. I'm less sure of settings, but I believe they are, too.


    The only thing you should have to do is copy your GUI's XML file (AppData -> Local -> SWTOR -> swtor -> settings ->GUIProfile) over and load it when you log in to your character. That's all I had to do.


    edit: You could probably also copy the entire settings folder to load up chat preferences and the like. I haven't tried, but there are files for every character I've created in mine with details like that. Client_settings.ini will handle most of your graphics setting, IIRC.

  10. In general, if you're skipping the planet quests entirely, you are going to have to make up for them somewhere. I don't know if you've actually had to resort to "grinding," but if you are, you're doing so without being forced to. There's no traditional "grinding" required in this game. Just do the quests. They are normally in the same area as your class quests and completing them all together is the fastest way to consistently level.
  11. Of my characters, I have six males and two females, with my female Operative being my main. I've never had an issue with how I was treated in-game based on my avatar's gender, in this game or others. My viewpoint might be different based on my prior experience, but there's no issue in this game. Every once in a while or so, somebody might make a comment with the implication that my real life gender matches the gender of my avatar, but it's never been an issue to correct them or wave it off if appropriate. I


    I don't really assume specific characters are played by male or females but do realize most players will be male. I generally avoid certain pronouns unless I know specifically. It doesn't really make a difference.


    There will always be the horror stories of female characters getting stalked by creeps or people who assume your avatar must be a reflection of yourself (something I don't understand, but whatever floats your boat), but these are a drop in a bucket compared to the experiences of most.

  12. I'm fed up with this question and have searched all over the internet, but no luck. My problem is i cant find the right lightsaber combo for me. I am a level 12 Shadow Jedi Consular and know the best base stats for me are Willpower and Endurance. I was searching on the GTN but it is very glichy right now and I don't have a very good internet router.

    So what I am asking is for someone to tell me what Enhancements I should get or get in the next few levels or so.

    The only website that I have found so far that might have this kind of stuff, Google says is dangerous.


    And please no anagrams except for GTN please.

    Thank you,



    If you are talking about the specific Item Mod slot called "Enhancement," none of them have base stats like Willpower, Strength, Aim or Cunning on them. Armorings, Mods, Hilts and Barrels and Augments will have main stats on them, but not Enhancements or Color Crystals.


    There's a good lightsaber available for you in the Esseles flashpoint, and you should have received a bag containing off-hands and a double-bladed saber when you chose your advanced class, if you happen to be trying to fill an empty orange from scratch.

  13. Further, this is easily completed solo, no matter gear or class. You used to be able to free the prisoners in combat. I believe they fixed that, but it's still rather easy. You can run around and not aggro anything to get into the base. Once there, run up and click on a prisoner before you get aggro, and then run away. Rinse, repeat. Takes a minute or two and you're done.
  14. You're not going to see gameplay repercussions from your decisions. They had many of these in early testing. Killing companions. Not getting certain titles based on your actions. Stuff like that. Testers whined about it. They were removed.


    There are plenty of story repercussions (and not just limited to being fully light side or dark side, but specific decisions here and there). But I understand it's easy to ignore or invalidate these just for the sake of the argument, so whatever.


    Welcome to 2012 (almost 2013), where everybody gets a medal.

  15. Specfically Re: Athiss

    I will never fully understand skipping large amounts of mobs in low level flashpoints. People for the most part are there for XP. Maybe some are there for loot or comms but XP is by far the biggest reward for these, especially with rested, legacy perk and a cartel boost. But people have been trained to play a certain way, it seems.


    I don't play any DPS classes in PvE. I mostly play on my Op healer, Sorc healer and Shadow tank (though I recently leveled my Merc to 50 and I enjoy the healing style). Bad DPS is just going to happen. Standing in things will always happen. Ignoring kill order or obvious kill order. Breaking CC. I'm used to all this. It stinks when it ruins a group but whatever.


    I do find myself being more critical of the classes I play though. LIke Shadows who never use pull. Or 30m TKT. Or knockback enemies out of AoE. Or get caught in stealth detection. Or Ops that never use RN. Or don't keep TA up. Or don't heal with probes. Most bad Sorcs only use DH/DI instead of their other incredibly awesome heals.

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