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Posts posted by ebado

  1. Just logged on and checked mailbox for the PTS rewards and noticed I was missing some. I currently have "Led the Charge", “First Line of Defense”, “Strike Team Specialist”, and “Strike Team Commander”. I remember seeing that the original Kai Zyken log would be delayed so I'm not worried about that but from what others have said online they have already received everything else while I'm missing the "Strike Team Hero", "Cutting Edge", and Kai Zyken's Holo log mounts even though i have met all of the requirements, including doing all of the story and expansion content on the PTS. Was there something else i was missing?


    Same circumstances as you. I filed a ticket detailing what I had done and on which characters. I will update when I hear back, but I think filing a ticket might be a good idea.

  2. Players will still be able to use moddable gear, but this type of gear is not required for players to be effective in any content in the game. Access to a moddable gear vendor will be granted at item rating 334, which is the highest possible gear rating attainable in the major game update following 7.0.


    So here is the deal:


    Moddable gear is one of the few things about SWTOR gear that is interesting and I think legitimately fun. This was true at launch and throughout the time I played it. This is part of what makes your game unique. It's an interesting and practical way to minmax. I remember buying off-pieces at launch because they had the best enhancement or mod on them that I could swap to my gear.


    It's extremely silly to effectively lock this behind VM of the newest OP. That's the only reaction I can muster. Silly. I'm sure your metrics show the participation level among your playerbase for that content. Basically the only consistent and unique thing about your gearing system is going to be limited to those players. That's silly.

  3. Found it really hard to kill the droid. What ended up working was pulling almost everything between the first and second boss (including the second boss) in Tython.


    If you somehow manage to die in normal play with this thing I don't know what to tell you.


    It's sort of comical. It's easier to fail a quest as a noob on Korriban than it is with this thing. I had at least hoped the solo flashpoints would be as stimulating as an H2 or something.

  4. I don't see how any of this applies to slow-release medpac. Guess I should just consider myself lucky you didn't make me relearn speeder piloting "as intended".


    That one makes sense to me since it was a spec skill previously (Sawbones) and is now baseline for operatives. You never paid to train Slow-Release Medpac, you just had it from your skill tree.


    I don't really mind those but understand people might be bothered.

  5. Yeah I think I'm just going to suck it up and shut up about it, otherwise he'll come back here saying 'oh you're right, it was a bug that you didn't have to retrain that skill that you had the whole time and DIDN'T CHANGE AT ALL' and then patch in charging Assassins and Sorcs for it.


    I have other examples of skills that actually changed and had no associated training costs.


    Yeah. Force Lift is luckily one of the less troublesome ones, since its just one rank and very cheap.


    The difference between Commando and Mercenary shows the issue better, I think.


    Commando training window at 55: http://i.imgur.com/L05Vj5U.jpg

    Mercenary training window at 55: http://i.imgur.com/ogPNVwk.jpg


    Maybe this is intended but it doesn't seem so at first look.

  6. Mr. Musco,


    I have a Sage, Shadow, Assassin and Sorceror. The Sage and Shadow have to retrain Force Lift. The Assassin and Sorceror do not have to retrain the corresponding skill (Whirlwind). How is this not a bug?


    I have a hard time believing this was intentional. A lot of time with these responses you get the straight company explanation at first and then maybe in a few days acknowledgement of some of the bugs related to it.

  7. Sorry, but I simply cannot get worked up over modest character costs after an expac drops. Pretty much every MMO I have ever played has presented players with additional costs with the drop of an expac. The way incremental costs deploy varies by MMO.. ..but they all raise the cost bar to players on an expac release.


    In the grand scheme of the game, this is mice fodder. They could have done a better job of communicating and informing the players.. but that's about it.


    I'm not asking for you to get worked up. I'm wondering if you realize that retraining things like force lift is clearly a bug. And if you realize that, I'm wondering if you think what they should have done is communicate that there will be a bug instead of fixing the bug.


    Just an odd attitude.

  8. While I have not logged into every class yet, I have done Guardian, Trooper, and a Gunslinger. The Gunslinger had less then 10K in training costs, which is a nitt. Guardian was about 35K, and the Trooper is probably the most (I have not yet set the discipline) so I don't know on that one yet.


    Is it as surprise to see training costs on a 55? Yeah... but for a 55... anything under 100K is mice nutz IMO. Annoying?... perhaps. Big trauma drama? Not at all.


    The only fault I put on Bioware is in not presenting and explaining this up front so people do not get surprised by it. Then again.... if they did disclose it in the patch notes (or earlier)... people are still going to complain. So, it's probably a no win for them here.


    Do you feel this way in regard to base class abilities that were already trained, like Force Lift and Charged Bolts?


    I'm not sure why that should be considered expected behavior.

  9. To be quite honest.. I really disliked the most part of the interview.

    It's filled with personal opinions from snave and while some of it is good content and a good bucket of water in the face of musco.. a bigger portion is just complete bull.


    The best example, which kind of made me lol, is how wakalord would be the best classrep to ever exist.

    No actual offense intended to wakalord.. but if he had been the classrep we would've had autocrit mauls in 2.4 and in 2.7 we would've ended up gutted into the ground.


    As if Wakalord's presence would have meant everything he ever said would have happened? The hyperbole is strong.


    Regardless, the point was the popularity contest put a lot of bad class reps in place. For some communities, it was somebody who made videos. For others, it was whoever was the whiner-in-chief.

  10. They seem to have already started this, comparing the Republic and Imperial versions of Forged Alliances, Part 3.


    Just trying to get confirmation. Additionally, I think there's a different expectation based on free updates versus paid expansions, given the last paid expansion contained separate faction stories. We've generally accepted that free updates (like Oricon, CZ etc) are basically the same, and if that's the way paid expansions are going, I'd like to know.

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