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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. yes, I'm a switcher.


    Started off with Shadow consular on repub side. rolled a sage to try it out, got them both into their early 30's (late 30's for SC). tried knight out...like the knight mechanics but wasn't a fan of the animations. decided to try out a sith version (juggernaut), and decided to stick with that. already had a 32 BH on another sever, so i knew I liked the storylines on empire side, so went with it.


    honestly, I didn't find the transition boring. the animations, for one, make it interesting enough that the class feels different. secondly, the stories are vastly different, with different plotlines, dialogue, and far more surprises and interesting pitfalls the i experienced on repub side. I enjoy the stories far more on the empire side. especially since i prefer light oriented characters...trying to work around the twisted scheming of the sith and keep yourself a decent person is an interesting challenge :D


    plus, your dealing with different gear looks too. the same robe or legs that look horrid on repub side can look cool on the empire side (they have different skins for the same gear on either side). plus different race combos really make an impact, especially with the cutscenes. and even the cutscenes have interesting stuff n them.

  2. Heh, glad I'm not the only one. Got my Seer up to 40 and never feel the urge to log onto him. Probably why he has all that rest xp waiting. So far Sentinel has been the most fun for me because of the simple fact it's so active and fast paced. Haven't really tried any of the Empire classes yet.


    You may end up liking them. I was a repub guy at first. really went dark side because they're animations were simply cooler. I liked my kight...but i was afraid he was going to put his eye out carryng that saber the way he did!


    He looks like a beginner kendo student with that high and tight pose. But my Juggernaut has this low stance, with teh saber in her right hand...toying with it almost. the combat actions feel smoother on her too. Plus I like the equipment skins better as well (not a fan of butt-bump robes that the knights are forced into). and the plots seem to have alot more substance (though the knights is one of the better story's on repub side)


    if you like your sentinel, may want to give the maurader a try. its a sentinel with a little kick butt added :D

  3. As you can tell, there's no current way to really know. Bio stated that their goal is to have all DPS specs (not any specific class, but ALL DPS specs) within 5% of each other. so far, outside of personal preference, the timed tests I've seen do really show most DPS specs, including pures and multi-role AC's pretty close.


    So it really boils down to pick ur flavor. Im a solid fan of Juggernaut myself. but play a few and decide for yourself.


    Note: PvP will push certain specs to the forefront, specifically those that deal burst damage. the comment about mauraders above is an example. but if its PvE, then pick what you like playing.

  4. Juggernaut. Period.


    Tried many other classes up to the 30's, they were fun....but the jugg spoiled them all. Tried Knight, but the difference in the animations of the skills was enough that I really didn't like the feel. and I didn't like the 2h grip of the Knight.


    Jugg is king in my book. Knight would be a close second, if only for the animation differences.

  5. Nice video. I especially like how you re-played many of the skills during their descriptions, so people could get a second or third look at it while you spoke. Plus it just tickles me to watch a jugg do his stuff. Love it!


    no real critique on the actual vid...well thought out descriptions and nice pace. Only things I would add (not even sure it's possible, but brainstorming a bit) would be to possibly slow down some of the moves during their description. if I was completely new to Jugg tanking, i may miss the actual skill amidst all the others. catching that one nice execution and slowing the action down will implant it in the viewers mind more effectively.


    along similar lines, if its possible, it may help to use highlighting or draw notations on the screen for those skills that aren't immediately obvious. Enrage as an example. if you were able to "circle" the rage bar in a bright color, or highlight it as the skill is executed, it would draw the eye to the impact of the skill.


    Again, not really criticisms, but possible ways to improve visibility to the things your actually discussing in the vid. overall a great presentation!

  6. I highlighted the part that matters, I lvled up a marauder to 50 I quit enjoying him about 25 but wanted to get something to 50, now he is shelved and I am lvling a jugg and loving him completely, if you don't liek the class seriously stop and pick something now before you regret wasting your time on a class you dont enjoy playing.


    Amen brutha. I have had zero issues leveling my vengance jugg from lvl 1 to her current point of 43. initially I had to get used to her skills and the feel of the class. this got ousted in her late teens tho, and since I picked up quinn leveling has been a breeze. I just steamrolled Hoth...jut read a thread on the sorc forum where they were griping about how tough silvers are at that level...i have yet to have any issues with any groups that had up to 2 silvers.


    I'd go into details about how to really play your jugg, but I've done that a few times before (once was a pretty big writeup), so I don't want to have to do it again in another "jugg's suck" thread. Because in all honestly, after playing one for 43 levels myself, if you aren't doing good DPS at this point...then you don't know how to play the class. If you aren't having Fun...then this isn't the class for you. and I'm saying that honestly. I've tried the Operative class (smuggler as well) 4 different times...and realized it just wasn't my thing. Jugg may not be your thing.


    But don't come here in the forums and act like the class is broke because you can't play it.


    Edit: WITH THE EXCEPTION of immortal tanking spec. the mitigation/damage of Immortal spec compared to the other tanks is a know issue with Bio, and they are working on it. But if your complaining about Immortal damage in comparison with DPS specs your playing the whole game wrong. Veng and Rage specs are fine.

  7. Hi just wanted to show some love for Juggs. I typically play ranged dps classes or healers. I hate tanking, I'm just not good at it. Since the release of the game, I have gone back and forth playing every class for a few levels before getting bored and switching. My highest level character is still only 26. Last night, I felt like brawling on my vengeance Jugg. I hit level 24 or 25 (I don't remember), got force choke, and it sealed the deal for me. Nothing feels more powerful in this game than force charge->force smash->force scream->force choke. I love it. I'm so happy playing my Jugg. I realize it may have some dps issues, but definately the most fun class to play in the game for me. Also, coolest looking armor in game. I'm glad I chose to give this class a shot. Jugg is my main now and won't play anything else till I get to 50.


    It's probably been done before, but I thought we could use this thread to express what we love about this class as well as show off some cool screenshots.


    Gratz OP :) I too, was spoiled by my jugg. played other classes (about 3 into their early 30's), tried a jugg (this was after a knight, which didn't feel right), and loved it. have a hard time playing other classes now...you know what they say....once you've tried the best...rolling another one atm so i can have a second one on another server to play with.


    and the good news is juggs actually do good DPS! most the rumors are just that...unsubstantiated rumors. or people who run with one bad jugg and then assume (and you know what assume does...) so not only is it kickin, but you also do competitive damage!


    Unofficial poll for those posting? whats your favorite move? for me its a toss-up between saber throw and force scream. only reason force scream wins my a miniscule fraction is ST is on such a long CD...

  8. 1. Make sure your gear is up to date

    2. Make sure Quinn's/Vette's gear is up to date (within 2 or 3 levels of your own at a minimum)

    3. Make sure you use abilities to interrupt any channeled abilites the elite has

    4. Make sure to step out of any AoE damage the elite puts out

    5. Use defensive CDs when necessary (including your Saber Ward and 30 minute Call on the Force ability at the outset of the fight), even rotate them if the fight is a long one.


    If you follow this then you should beat him (and any other challenging elite) no problems.


    Good luck.


    ^ this. Especially the part about the AoE. i was doing all of the above, and the AoE was wiping me. I can't remember the visual cue that he has, but iirc it wasn't very evident, and it was fast. so you need to pay attention.


    I ran him as vengance with Quinn. I let quinn pull healing aggro and get a bit of a lead on me, then I dug in. other then that, i followed the same steps as above, and downed him on my second try.


    Note: and No, i do not believe you can "reset" the conversation once its over. once the mobs hostile, he remains hostile. I too learned this the hard way. My next jugg im going the docile route...but it's till doable. just need to pay attention to whats going on.

  9. Juggs are excellent damage dealers. if you browse the first few pages of this forum, you'll find similar questions with dozens of positive responses, of real life examples as well as some timed tests that put Jugg's healthily into the upper range of DPS specs.


    They simply do good DPS. they're challenge is being able to master the mechanics. but if you've played a maurader (and done well with one), then Jugg DPS wont be very alien at all.


    most rumors you hear about Juggs doing poor DPS are either from ignoramuses who allow other peoples opinions become their facts, or from people who simply haven't rolled with a Jugg who knew how to play their class.

  10. Makes sense ... but from my experience in nightmare operations, the more strength you have, the more stable will be your aggro and finally the more your damage dealers can do their job and beat enrage !


    Not to mention that str isn't just threat (yes, I know....tanky is all about threat). but when you deal with enrage timers...tanky is also added DPS. so it's a balance act. for 90% of ops though, its not a big deal...of course, for 100% of OPS, FP, HM's, there isn't enough of an issue with damage that you need to cap health. best thing to do is find a balance that your comfortable with. if you run with a guild, just get used to a spot inbetween where your healers are happy, but your still generating decent damage. If you PuG allot, then just listen to feedback from healers.


    And don't forget that at higher levels (high 30's) most mods come with defensive stats as well. those are often preferred over simple endurance (though your defensive mods with shield, absorb, etc. will often still have high end). but if your looking for a quick comparison:


    Mitigation > Str = End. and Str/End is balance.

  11. Quinn is a great healer actually, though i had this problem at first. Open up your companion skill tab and make sure you put him into medical watch stance other wise he is going to try and dps. You put him in that mode all hes gonna focus on is keeping your hp up.


    I've also noticed an occasional situation where range and/or obstructions that don't really affect your view can cause LoS reactions from quinn. This is probably a bug that impacts most the companions, but you see the effect more clearly when your using quinn (and expecting heals in the process).


    certain terrain features can trigger this. I've seen in on some of those metal gratings you often run across in interior spaces, and sometimes simple large cracks in the floor that you jump over. Easiest solution is to quickley eyeball your path before you leap, and make sure your not leaping at max range. Or if you are, make sure theres no reason he can't get to you.

  12. Currently running Vengeance on my jugg, with quinn healing. started using him when i got him, never looked back. well...i did flop over to vette a few times, but went back to quinn as i liked how the balance between my dps and his heals worked. Currently level 42.


    My previous experience was a shadow consular to 36 (repub side), and 2 sages to their late 20's. Have yet to have many issues with my Jugg, once i got used to how they played. not as EZ mode as my sage, but then again, i fall asleep sometimes on my sages (half the reason they're so low...i'd literally fall asleep and wake up out of game time. they're great when im having sleeping problems tho).


    its painful if you go in smashing buttons. I cant comment on immortal spec as I've only ran it a few times a few levels each time. didn't like how it played, went back to Venge.


    the key with Jugg is you need to pay attention to your abilities, and what the mobs are doing. learn to let your companion pull a silver (or two weaks), if you have a large group and don't think you can handle the heat. learn how to time your stun skills to keep weak mobs out of service, and take advantage of quinn's freeze ability to hold down a mob at range. learn to be aware of your environment and plan out your fights as your in them.


    learn how to leap to the ranged mob and push them into the rest of the group. learn to avoid spamming your smash immediately, so a mob can run over to quinn on healing threat and smack him around a bit (he likes that...some weird S&M thing). dont' spam your attacks on the silver at first...take the weaks out. 3 weaks will do more damage then any single silver out there. learn when it's best to Pop your defensive CD's. your CD's aren't emergency use skills on a jugg btw...they're regular rotation. though at 42 I'm not really using them unless its an elite or i have more then 1 silver...or I just had too much whisky and botch my pull.


    when you smash, make sure you smack a weak with pommel strike (pretty much a one shotter after smash). dont waste your crit buffed force scream on a weak that only has a shred of life left. hit a different weak with full health so he's stunned, then use sweeping slash to finish off the other near dead mobs . noticed i have done squat with the silver who's pounding on quinn (he's usually crying like a little girl at this point). normals are down...leap to the silver. unload a DPS chain on him (for me that usually includes shatter, impale, force scream, and at least one sunder). push him away (make sure it's not into other mobs) leap on him again. repeat dps cycle (whatever it is) he's probably dead by that point.


    i will usually finish most fights in the 90% health range...if I'm lower quinn usually has be healed back up by the next one. Notice in the above paragraph that it seems like im switching mobs allot. I am. Don't just down one mob..go to the next. pick out which abilities will do the most on which mobs(like my crit force scream above).


    keep your gear maxed. I'm not talking about buying that sad blue hilt that's 3 levels beneath you. keep your hilt UP TO LEVEL, and purple is preferred. and yes, its worth hunting one down. If you were on my server (Thana Vesh) I'd make you them. because it's that big of a deal. the rest your gear can just be blue up to current level. same thing with your companion.


    I keep quinns gear up almost more then I do my own. I probably spend more time on gear selection then most other classes. I favor str over endurance for my gear, and cunning over everything else for quinn. which means I'm usually buying or making my own mods, as most the commendation stuff is higher endurance. if you're going immortal build, your gtg. but i prefer max damage.


    and yes, overall this is far more work then my sleep inducing sage. but it is freaking FUN. 10x more fun. On my sage I just pebble things to death (my sorc zaps it like a bug...zzzt...zzt...zzt..ohnoes bubble...zzzt). But i smash things. I pound them with my saber. I pitch them into a wall and leap on them again. and stick my saber into their SKULL.


    saber throw is without a doubt the coolest ability since sliced bread. well, that and force scream. It's not about just breezing through the game. it's about feeling very carnal, and thoroughly enjoying yourself. and still finding the game a breeze. I just gotta think about it a bit.


    Edit: oh yeah, i have yet to level Biochem. haven't even had a need to buy medpacks. the ones i get from drops do fine...rarely use them. manage your CD's, but use them when they're there! don't wait. juggle. I leveled artifice mostly for the purple hilts...and i like making lightsaber stuff.

  13. Are there any Vengance juggs out there that can add to this? currently 42 and love vengance. I don't feel like having to respec to immortal to finish voss. Just looking for pointers ahead of time. perhaps ill over-grind the lower level planets...start with belsavis and try to get to 48 before hitting Voss...
  14. In the movies they roll around quite a lot. It'd be fun to have a roll also make it a bit more interesting than running everywhere. If you don't think it would be balanced then what would you suggest?


    I'm not quite sure what to suggest as I'm not sure what your problem with the class is that requires this roll idea.


    Do you feel our gap closers are limited? This may be a viable concern, but probably easier addressed by buffing the skills we already have


    Do you run into issues with gauging range with your LS throws? Not sure wasting a global CD to roll 4 feet would be any better then just stepping forward or to the side instead. you could probably hop a few steps closer in less time.


    also, being able to spam a 4 foot roll and be immune to targetting? did you consider the implications from a PvP perspective? although it would look hilarious to see 20 juggs rolling around a warzone, popping up only to slap sorcs with their lightsabers...then back to the roll... but yeah, seriously OP in a serious way.


    brainstorming here, but can't really get a grip for your motivation, other then just an entertaining idea. won't argue with that, but not sure if I'd agree that it's worth dev time to produce a pretty much wasted skill when there's a dozen other skills that need fine tuning with the class.

  15. Regardless of his gear and tactics, there is another point here. MMOs don't come with a difficulty setting. It's wiser to keep solo content easier and allow those players seeking more challenge to focus on PVP, Flashpoints and Ops.


    I'm not saying that most of the current solo content in the game is too difficult for experienced mmo players but for those players who are new to mmorpgs or just want an easier experience leveling in general, they're kinda stuck struggling through.


    Games should be as challenging as the the player wants them to be. There should be easier routes to follow for those who want them. That's all I'm saying


    I agree with you...sort of. I think that the challenge should be up to the player. But at the same time, they shouldn't leave the "challenging" aspects to group only. creating various stages of a planet would be a decent answer. the general area is mostly eaks with an occasional silver. head up the hill to tough central, you get more silvers and elites. and from there you could venture into the heroic areas.


    Perhaps call that "tough" area Heroic 1+. already have heroic 2+ adn 4+, why not make a more difficult area with a 1+? you can throw dailies in the mix to give people who decide to take the tougher route a reward for doing so...and those who want mind numbingly boring grinding could opt for the traditional areas and level normally, with normal rewards.


    Personally, I've been leveling one of the tougher classes to level (juggernaut), and just finished hoth with little issues. Venge spec with quinn on heals. can't handle 3 silvers, but 2 is pretty straightforward.


    I leap onto one, no AoE skills. quinn picks up other with healing aggro. pop my One regular defensive CD (DR) and go to town on silver one. finish him, leap to the other, taunt, fire off a damage chain, push, leap again, choke, another damage chain. I have yet to really die off of 2 silvers.


    But someone said it earlier. the key is really paying attention to your control and skill use. turn off your pets AoE, send him on to tank one as you CC the other. down one, focus on the other, done. Its not simple, but I don't think it was supposed to be.


    But on the topic...I think one of the greatest issues with silvers is in addition to the extra damage/health they have, they also have more innate resistance at higher levels, and random player style skills, such as stuns, knockbacks, barrages, etc. makes it far more difficult to form a strategy with this as the case. While elites tend to be pretty straightforward in their skills. Plus, again as stated earlier, they come with multiple weaks. If you focus fire the silver, the weaks will kill you. 3 weaks put out more damage then one silver. easy to kill, but in numbers they hurt.


    i like the silvers as how they pose a challenge. but I don't have any issues with reducing their volume, as long as they offer options to challenge us that are inbetween the heroics that currently exist, and the EZ mode as it would be without silvers.don't take away my fun play because other players want to roll through their mobs while they watch netflix.

  16. No idea what you are talking about. It's visible on the two characters I've tried it on. I wish the hat was invisible because it's bleedin hideous!


    The slave outfit is from nashadda


    The republic dancer is from the security key vendor on the republuc fleet.


    There is also an outfit from coruscant, but I'm not sure what it's called.


    The republuc fleet one doesn't need social points, the others do.


    I think he got that from a bug that crops up when trying to view those gear sets specifically. on most of my actual toons when i try to view the gear in the dressing room window (ctrl+click), my character is invisible under the gear. the only parts of my characters that don't disappear are the foot and head slots.


    looks perfectly normal when i put it on. and ironically, looks normal in the dressing room when i use it on my companions. just my actually toon disappears.

  17. Not a huge fan of the idea. to me, it's more about crafting bonuses then actual issues with "getting the hardcore stuff for free". I think the mistake Bio made was making some of those hard things to get natural results from crafts.


    Crystals are the example. speeders the other example. you shouldn't make everyday crafting items as rare finds. they should have stuck with items or ideas that aren't impacted by crafting. such as relics.


    Not that relics are THE answer, but it's just an example. create a few rare colored matrix shards, make them raid drops only...and make them a necessary part of a martix combination for end level legendary grade relics. they aren't impacted by crafting, and you can still have your high end I'm awesome gear. that actually improves your gameplay.


    personally, im not a fan of ego-centric prancing, so the idea of having some item that i can wear so everyone can see how uber I am is a waste of time IMO. I'd rather have something that gives me more stats. now, I like customizable gear. I like being able to make a certain look for my toon. but making rare items as a visible rewards system (different color sabers) is only feeding a childish stigma.


    Look at me...im uber


    however...im all for rare items that actually make your toon better. so I agree with the OP, yet disagree at the same time. But it's not even about his frustration (which IMO is justifiable), its about Bio's early choices about what gear is rare. hopefully they learned and wont do that again.

  18. I support this thread.


    Oh, and BT runs take at least 20m with high end toons. longer if you have someone with lag (takes forever for the cut scenes to start).


    But ironically, we get a ton of conversation in during these runs. plus jokes about the cute officer (well, i think she's cute...the other guys go for the redhead...) so were still very social, so IMO that still counts, even if were squashing the mobs like bugs. were even setting times not to see if we can beat our last run.


    So even with high level BT speed runs, were still being....social. weird, I know...get rewarded for being social.


    and I save a total of...let's see, how much does one piece of moddable lvl 11 gear cost on the GMT...about 2k on my server. so for doing BT enough to make you puke (approximately 6 for an average BT run to get to social II, about 12-14 for soical III), I save....


    2000 credits! man, im such a hack. soo lazy.. I should fire myself. instead of going out and farming 5 mobs at lvl 50 and buying off the GMT.


    yeah. right.

  19. No it does not. It makes knockback skills useless.


    Not necessarily. Jugg's have this in the vengeance tree. It's a 4 sec CD. you leap in, and for the next 4 sec people can't use KB on you. or any controlling skill for that matter.


    It's not OP in that design because a smart player will see the Jugg jump in, see the shield icon on the character, and they can simply wait for 4 seconds and then KB.


    Seems a pretty decent balance to me. At the most the maurader/jugg will get of 2 or maybe 3 skills. to balance it out you can make it KB immunity, but not stun immunity. And on leap only, not charge. there's some variables to work with, but i don't see it as being undoable. but I agree that more skills are not needed...it should be a passive benefit tied to another skill, but limited.

  20. Basically these skills were meant for Leveling/doing daily-quests. Question is why you don't get these skills at lvl 10...


    As Evix said...your missing lvls 1-50. And at 50 many also grind on non boss mobs as well (i.e. there's more to the MMO then raiding/PvP). I've been using it steadily since I got it. every pack I leap into has at least 1-3 weaks or silvers. if I don't use it on a weak, then by the time i finish the weaks Quinn will usually have a silver on ice...it's the perfect opener.


    the only real limitations are as stated above...yo should get them quite earlier, and that the CD is simply silly. there's no place where it really matters that you can use this ability (a.k.a elites or boss mobs), so the CD is wasted. who cares if you get to one shot a weak mob every 15 seconds or 45? drop the CD to 15 seconds or so, and give it to us somewhere between level 10 and 20.


    Or...keep the CD, make it usable on everything and remove the stun limitation. It's like a double negative...should be either limited to stuns only, OR limited to a CD of 45s. Not both. perhaps attach it to sunder instead. or bleeds.


    Realistically...they could give it a CD of 10 seconds, and we'd still only be able to use it once every time we stun a mob. which in our case is only weak mobs. or silvers if we get lucky and our companion freezes them. but I digress...i still use it a ton. But you have to be LOOKING for the opportunities. with a 45s CD, i admit thats a challenge...but it makes it fun for me.


    Edit:adjusted my incorrect CD's for the skill. oops

  21. i might just have to delete my jugger and reroll when 1.2 comes if this is true


    Same here. Well, I'd just reroll and keep my current jugg for crafting.


    Because Blueberries are the hawtness. and the red eyes are even cooler. only thing even close to my blueberry is my Ratta/goth Sorc with full jewelry. But I love Jugg, so I went human.


    Oh, and on topic: I do believe they mentioned racial choices in one of the blogs discussing 1.2. haven't looked it up to verify, but im pretty sure it's there.



    Just in case no one else posted, here's the quote from the comunity Q&A on Feb 10th from Daniel Erickson:


    "Daniel Erickson: Game Update 1.2 will bring you the first big step in the Legacy System but it’s important to understand that the Legacy System will continue to grow, bringing new options to new characters (alts) and some fun options for elder game players as well. Legacy is definitely not just for new characters! The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before. New species are in consideration for the future but we don’t have any details to share right now. Look for more specific details in the near future as we head toward Game Update 1.2."

  22. Guess the OP left...


    Or he's too busy trying out all the great ideas :D


    I agree with the above posters OP...don't give up! As a self defense instructor, I often worked with people who were simply not used to moving themselves (walking, stepping, balancing) like they needed to in order to do what I did. from years of teaching a multitude of learning styles, I came up with a quote:


    "What is natural is neither beneficial nor efficient...it is simply habitual"


    the idea is that what feels normal to you now isn't something your limited to, it's a long process of wiring in habitual movements based on stimulus. there will be limitations based on learning style and/or physical issues, but most of the stuff were talking about here can simply be re-worked with time and practice. And persistence.


    One of my methods to the madness is bind ctrl and alt to buttons on my mouse. I have a 5 button mouse...i bind the ctrl and the alt keys to the side buttons. now...I move with my keyboard (and hold down my mouse look button to strafe). so i map the keys directly next to my movement keys to my hotbars.


    Not saying you have to do this setup...this is what I do. the key is trying out different ways of getting access to more then one set of keys. for me it was mapping ctrl + alt to my mouse, so i wouldn't have to reach for them with the same hand I'm hitting my keybinds with.


    My default keybinds are: Q,W,R,T,A,G,Z,X,V. I use ESDF solely for movement. As you can see, all my keybinds are directly next to my movement keys! it makes reaching them very easy. 1 through 5 i reserve for my companions (i drop the ctrl + on their hotkeys), and i save the number pad for things that are very situational...such as medpacs, food, buffs, speeder, etc.


    and, with the ctrl and alt keys assigned to mouse buttons, I have no need to stretch for the shift or ctrl at the same time. my right thumb holds down the mouse button for ctrl as my left hand presses whatever key I need. same with the alt button. or I can hold down both and have a ctrl+alt+ option. thats a full extra set of hotkeys without having to play twister with your left hand :D


    and I, too, run into the issue of remembering what skills are on what keys. I have had that problem since i started MMO's back in DaoC days. My solution was to bind actions with similar "results" to the same keys, no matter what game im playing.


    So, my most commonly used skills will always be right next to my movement keys (W and R respectively). on my jug that means W is Assault, R is Sundering assault. next in line are those skills that are used allot, but may not be all the time (such as ones with a ten second CD or so, or ones that have situational requirements, such as needing rage). those go to Q and T respectively. for my jugg, thats Q for retaliate, and T for Vicious slash.


    My ranged skills or pullers go on A usually (like force leap in this case), and my AoE's rest on G. Z and V are fillers, or finishers. in the case of my vengance jugg, this means impale and force scream are on Z and G.


    of course, you run into issues when you have more attacks then those keys! thats when i add the ctrl and alt...but the key is that i don't change the keys. so ctrl+W is still an often used skill. ctrl+G is still an AoE...just not the one I use most often. As an example, i have slam on G. ctrl+G is my sweeping slash.


    so this way If im reaching for my "AoE" skill it will always be on G. i don't have to wonder where it is...in WoW my G was my warriors thunderclap, as an example. so when someone says AoE...I think G !


    i don't think my exact system will be 100% the solution you need at the moment, but the important details to carry from it are (TL : DR):


    1) Keep hotkeys close!


    2) Keep similar skills on the same hotkeys, and use ctrl or alt to access the next similar skill, rather then just spreading them out all over the place. so if your ranged attack is on button 1, then you should put your next ranged attack on button ctrl+1.


    3) If reaching for shift or ctrl or alt are difficult, then look at other ways of mapping those keys (as i did). buttons on your mouse are one alternative.

  23. Looks like reasons not to play a Jugg tbh. Who likes the concept of any of those characters? Club Cyborg. Slow and clunky is what they all have in common.


    As a republic player I can tell you from an opponent's point of view. The only time you get killed by a Juggernaught in PvP is when they force choke you while some other imperial, of any other class, does damage.


    Juggs doing any damage at all is more of a myth.

    Juggs mostly jump around and annoy people, slowing and pushing players around.


    Annihilation Marauders are imho the most feared AC+spec in the game. And I find it hard to believe that their damage is on par with any other spec in the game atm, it is waaay higher.



    And as for becomming bored of "only" dpsing. Well tanking is much the same, with less noticable progress.


    With a DPS char, you compete with yourself for higher and higher numbers every fight, every new gear upgrade.

    With a Tank, you take less damage, so the healers have to play less intense, not much else changes. The boss dies the same, and your DPS hardly changes.


    I agree with your last few paragraphs. tomayato vs tomaato. but the rest of your post is most likely based on 2 things: PvP only, and immortal spec, which is only ONE of 3 specs they have. pretty narrow viewpoint if you ask me.


    Now, I could care less about PvP, so your first point is moot. Even if this thread was Pvp oriented, there are many ways to approach PvP, and I've seen successful Jugg's as much as unsucessful ones.


    second point was already proven wrong by just about every Jugg who has DPS'ed effectively at game cap. I think you need to look a bit deeper at the class before spamming thoughts like those.


    now...the class is much harder to get results from then other classes, so I can see a medicore player having issues with it. or a lazy player who doesn't want to have to push themselves (this isn't a bad thing!)


    To the OP: any comments you hear about DPS from a PvE perspective that say juggs are bad are ignorant at best. real experience with a decent jugg player will prove that wrong very quickley. Pick the one you enjoy. I play both, enjoy both...but if i had to make a choice, I'd take Jugg. and this wasn't my first decision. In all actuality, i wasn't attracted to the single blade initially. But after getting used to the skillsets, I love it. Especially the animations...feel very heavy hitting and powerful.


    My Maurader feels flashy...lots of fast movement. the Jugg feels like he's pounding with every hit. if your going to play Pvp i can't recommend anything but what I've read from both sides with experienced players. Jugg's guard well and support their team well and can be a serous irritant to the other team. Mauraders are unmatched in their burst, and are pretty much tops on 1v1 atm.


    but if your not into PvP, then that flies out the window. even if your considering PvP, keep this in mind: Both classes take allot of work to get those results. you can't just pick up a maurader and press buttons and see top damage. the people who think that are usually the ones that come back to the forums whining about how juggs/mara's are broke. which their not.

  24. Just as an FYI...


    Most classes are close enough to each other in their DPS specs that it doesn't matter. pick what you enjoy playing. if you enjoy the guardian playstyle, put your points into one of their DPS trees and be happy.


    If you like the idea of a ranged class (you did play one before), then either sage or commando. But keep in mind that the commando is the mirror to your merc...your getting some different animations but that's about it.


    Sage can be a fun class to play. I prefer the melee classes myself, but when I'm not playing them, I'm usually on either my sage or my Sorceress (mirror). they aren't as challenging as my jugg/guard, but there is fun in standing back and mowing things down with your project/telekinetic throw. and they have some amazing Cc abilities depending on what tree you take.


    That and of course the other side of sage is the healing. end game, you may end up doing either healing or tanking, so it may benefit you to pick your class taking that into account.


    not that your going to be forced to tank, but after over a decade in MMO's, I can safely tell you that if you have a tanking/healing option on a class, you will eventually do it(even if it's only occasionally), through your own choice or simply because its easier to get groups. that and it can be fun too :)

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