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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. +1 here too.


    and it would be easy to add a few enhancements further up in the tree. +30% damage to Vicious sweep with a few talent points. a talent that increases radius and threat of smash by 40%. put them in the last few tiers of the tree.


    Mark up our bleed damage. simple changes to talents that woudl make a vast difference, yet not turn the juggernaut into an unstoppable DPS (scuz the pun ) juggernaut.


    reduce teh CD of our ONE across the board defensive skill by half. or give is a bleed heal. i'd prefer the CD reduction (goes along with the class design...managing CD's)

  2. As a Marauder with descent gear you can solo 2+ Heroics with any companion. I would recommend the Assassin for you.


    I would honestly like to see a vid of that. and not a lvl 50 pimped in top line gear....a mid level (20 -30 as an example) Maurader with an average set of decent gear (mix of blues an purples). Because the OP is talking about leveling a character solo. Which usually means your not going to always have maxed gear, your going to be challenging yourself with content that is sometimes higher level then you, and you don't have all your skills available.


    If you have a video that shows that, then Im game. But for your average person I doubt that would be a reality. Not dissing your idea of a Mauraders capabilities, but the OP is asking for a realistic (i.e. average) result from leveling a class.


    To the OP: if you want to run through heroic 2+ without repeated wipes and plenty of frustration during the leveling process, roll a sorcerer and use Khem val. possibly a PT bounty hunter as well (or merc). jugg/maurader? wont be an easy time of it. the sorc can heal their tank companion and provide the DPS needed at the same time to down the mobs. I've rolled a sage (mirror on the repub side) and she has soloed most her 2+ work herself to her current level (23). probably the easiest class to solo the game with bar none.


    not the most enjoyable IMO, but certainly the easiest. fun class jugg/maurader scores top. but good luck with solo heroics unless your 50 and geared to the hilt, and/or over-level the run by a decent amount. and have a healing companion.


    Edit: Assassin is probably the best of the two you mentioned. My Shadow consular (mirror on repub side), switched to tank stance (hybrid spec) once he got his healer. with the healer and his tank presence, he can solo 2+ and almost 4+ heroic content. he has CC abilities to do this that the jugg doesn't (though the jugg has a tanking form). the combination of CC and mitigation + self heals helps him make it through the 2+ content as well. didn't start doing that until lvl 30 or so (you get a few nice skills around there to help). without the 1m CC it could be tough, even for him.

  3. What they're asking for, I would imagine, when they say a "dps in tank gear" is they want someone who is dps spec but wearing tank gear, perhaps to OT and dps as needed?


    that's usually the scenario. they want someone who is specced for damage, but has either a tank set of gear, or has one switchable for certain scenarios.


    Usually either for Off-tanking, or in situations where a full tank isn't needed all of the time, so the extra DPS helps speed things up.


    and I agree, any of the 3 tank classes will work. especially in this game, where a simple switch of stance/cell/form gives them plenty of extra threat and mitigation. A DPS class, like a sith Sorcerer as an example, could "wear" the tank gear of an assassin spec, but they wouldn't have the ability to switch over to a tanking presence for the extra tanking benefits. so a tank class is still optimum choice.


    Sad part of this scenario is when dual spec hits, pure DPS classes are going to go by the wayside due to DPS spec balancing. because they CANT dps/tank like one of the above classes can. or DPS/heal. remember a blog from ghostcrawler just a short while ago where WoW is struggling with that exact same issue. One of the bad sides to dual specs.


    and I apologize if that derails the thread...was running off on a tangent again...

  4. If your going dark side development, warrior definitely has good potential.




    your main focus is to assist your master in doing "bad things" for the most part :) focusing on developing his territory and ward off repub spies. you even get to turn a jedi to the dark side too! she eventually becomes your apprentice after you relentlessly pursue her eliminating the good things from her life. very darth vaderish bad guy like. Course, you have light side options too, but I don't want to spoil everything.




    So if your looking for vader style dark development, its a good choice. but if you want a vader style of gameplay, the sith sorcerer may be more your fitting. hard to say really. vader did both the force stuff (lightning, push, stun, move things) and the saber fighting. but I enjoy the Jugg, so IMO its worth trying out.

  5. I played warriors in WoW since late vanilla (shortly before AQ release). raided, tanked, DPS'd...did it all. played plenty of other classes (who hasn't), but Always came back to the warrior. Also played many other MMO's too btw. My last one before this was LotRO (wow cat sorta killed it for me...I tried really. but im a vanilla/bc guy).


    while I'm not a big fan of saying they are "like" wow classes (I find them much more entertaining to play then wow classes) I sorta agree with the old school arms warrior feel. not in detail, but in essence. the attacks aren't fury speedy fast, but slow, heavy hitting swinging kind. it certainly can feel clunky if you miss your process, or you don't get a parry proc like you were hoping for. But i don't feel that they are "clunky" in general.


    much of my enjoyment actually revolves around the animation itself. they're simply fun and a blast to watch! I enjoy the process. the clunky for me involves missed opening for attacks, delays due to cooldown issues (that they are currently working on resolving), and the current visual feedback in the game (which is changing in 1.4).


    But I personally love my juggs attacks and combos. very fun IMO. starting a maurader to see how it works, and to try out a different spin on the story, but i still go back to my jugg. But I feel they are very different from the WoW classes. But I've played a multitude of MMO's in the past, so perhaps my viewpoint is not as wow oriented as some. I suggest you take the class from a fresh perspective rather then a "does it feel like class X from wow". its like comparing your new GF to the last one...it never really works out.


    But I think that if you are a fan of heavy armor, in your face smash to the ground feeling kind of class, then you'll like the jugg. they are very "pound their face into the ground"

  6. But lately I have been thinking about carnage. I like the allure of high, direct, burst damage....plus I really like force screaming at people. I think what will make my mind up.....as silly as this might sound to yall.....is which animation looks cooler. massacre or annihilation.


    Thats more then half the reason i went empire for my Jugg/maruader. they just look cooler doing the same thing the jedi do :D


    and Force scream is by far my favorite skill amongst them all, even the other classes combined. everything I do on my Jugg IMO is to lead up to my scream :)


    so ill prob go carange on my maurader, but im glad this post is here...don't want to be frustrated with my progress just because i like force scream.



    @ Oofthka - based on your experience, which one would you start out with? keep in mind that for me, as long as i can kill the mobs and move on with little frustration, the flow of combat is more important to me. I'll be leveling with vette too. went with quinn on my jugg, and hes become somewhat stale, so i want to enjoy the vette story from the start with my maurader. which one would be a good balance for that?

  7. Arena's could purely Distraction based with no reward.. It would still be fun...


    yeah but that's the problem...they wouldn't be "just" distraction based. they may start that way, but an extremely small portion of the populace would pick them up and whine incessantly about the class balance, and ultimately the devs would have to change the entire game just to please them.


    very much like WoW did. they didn't have to mind you, but they decided that they were going to go in that direction with their PvP. And they even admit it was a mistake.


    But Im not against fantasizing about the idea :) and mauraders would definitely have issues IMO. complete lack of solo survivability. but they're on a slippery slope. give them too much (as in longer defensive CD based skills, or perma-damage reduction), and you suddenly have a monster melee dps class that is unstoppable.


    Im thinking like arms warriors were quite often. they were either worthless, or (excuse the pun) complete juggernauts.

  8. Pointless complaint. Theyve stated numerous times that theyre aware and that more craft-able orange gear and removable armorings and set bonuses from end game gear is coming this march.


    You have to remember orange gear wasnt in to the last or second to last beta build. Considering that it works pretty damn well for not being super tested.


    I was pretty impressed with that myself. To the OP...I knwo what you mean. My favorite gear look is actually the first one you see when you build your character. simple. screams sith/jedi. then I get in game and laugh at some of the end game gear...with the teeth and the clunky armor and the weird...um...additions. I have a very basic looking sith setup right now, and I plan on keeping it. I probably wont get the high end PvP gear, nor the current raid setup UNLESS i can simply switch the mods over to my current setup. and get the set bounses


    So my hope is that their "changes" revolve around that. Even though the moddable items was implemented last minute, its one of the best ideas IMO since sliced bread, and I think they should capitalize on it.spending your entire toons life being able to mod gear, and then get stuck in some 12 yr old's fantasy idea of a sith-turned-jungle cat is not my idea of sith. It may be it for some, but thats the beauty of moddable gear.


    tell your friend that its coming...He can start now. even if they don't fix it for a month or so, there's so much leveling experience to be had im sure hell enjoy the game the whole time, even if he doesn't like their end game gear choices.


    That and some of the classes look pretty good. BH armor is pretty nice looking for the most part (high end stuff). I actually wish I had more of that at the lower levels. Looks far more like bounty hunter gear then the stuff i get early on.

  9. On the Note of DPS:


    For the most part, there's no evidence whatsoever that either does more dps as a class, with the exception of anecdotal experience. And I've found that when it comes to personal experience, when comparing a burst class to a steady damage class, people will usually say the burst class does more damage, even if their actual numbers are dead even. so take any comments on DPS with a grain of salt. A big one. This isn't to dis anyone who feels one does more then the other. But since Bio has stated that all DPS specs should be withing 5% of each other, we can at least assume that they for the most part, are close enough that you should pick based on playstyle. (just offhand, I've seen some 5m and 10m tests in the forums where jugg's actually placed quite high in the results, but again...anecdotal...)


    i personally prefer the Juggernaut. I didn't take to the "single" blade style initially, but once you get a rhythm down, it's great fun. the attacks feel very powerful...my Maurader feels very flashy and fast, but my Jugg feel like hes pounding mercilessly with every hard hit.


    And at first the DO feel clunky. coming from a shadow consular (they have a pretty easy going smooth cycle), my knight and jugg felt clunky initially, and I honestly put them on the sidebar at first. But when i came back, I decided to give them a fresh try from a fresh perspective, and I'm glad I did.


    they feel clunky because so many of their skills rely on chains (1 to 2 attacks to open up damage or proc special abilities), and initially its hard to get that rhythm down. Even now, once in awhile, ill get out of sync and find myself picking my cute little sith's nose thinking "*** did i just do?" but when your in sync, it feels awesome. leap in, smash, sundering assault, impale, force scream (love how that sounds), back to sundering assault...if retaliation procs in the middle of any of that, it feels wicked fast.


    but force scream is dependent on impale for its extra damage, so it has to go first, and if you don't have enough rage for impale and scream your going to have to cycle in a sunder....there's allot of choices and resource management that goes on that can throw things out of whack.


    But even in spite of that, with the inherent rough edges that the class still has, after leveling my jugg to 33 I don't have allot of want to play my other toons that much. it has a bunch of stuff you have to manage, but it feels really good and powerful when you do.


    Yeah...my PT can do as much DPS and i don't have to work as hard...but it feels more enjoyable to do it on my jugg. and they just look ready for battle. Even my knight (with the same skills, different animations) isn't as fun as its sith counterpart. he's holding his saber in two hands like a first year student in kendo, whereas my Jugg is toying with his in his right hand, like he's contemplating splitting you in two with it the whole time.


    Love my Jugg

  10. I didn't say I was unsubbing because of the problem, I said I was unsubbing because my rig is down and I'm RMAing parts. I went on to say (if not in the same words) I may or may not resub depending on if these issues, which I consider to be some of the most important, get any acknowledgment (acknowledgment does not mean fixes, it means they admit there are problems and that yes, they can be addressed).


    Don't put words in my mouth (or on my post, so to speak).


    Good point. but you did say that you probably wont resub if they dont fix. which is close...well, it probably still takes the steam out of my argument :p


    Still, they did comment on it. and while I admit to the fact that their answer was pretty PC (of course were looking into it, next question kinda thing), i still think that

    1 - its still too early to say they're "Not" doing anything about it, and

    2 - the server Imbalance is currently impacting PvP mostly. which is STILL only a part of the game.


    A part they admit the added at the last minute, and frankly, I'm as suprised as they are that its so popular. But still only a part of the game.

  11. I'm not going to diss your opinion OP. I can understand your want to level without one. though I like the companions, but there are a few classes that i wish had more flexibility that they could choose a companion over being stuck with A or B or C because they aren't balanced.


    ...and that has nothing to do with those who choose their companion due to playstyle. Like a tanks who chooses a DPS companion to speed up their kills while they ar a meatshield. Or a DPS class who chooses a tank companion to hold off aggro so they can pick their kills...


    there is choice in many classes tho, but it impacts your playstyle. Like I enjoy Vette's attitude, but i don't enjoy the extra downtime without my healing companion. So i run with heals. Now, the jugg/knight is in an odd predicament with companions...but that's a class design problem, not a companion problem.


    the the idea of NOT having them...Unfortunately they are here to stay. It would take so much redesign in the game that you could almost call it a new game. It's one of those things that sounds simply but is probably far too complex to execute that simply. each and every companion is an integral aspect of our storylines. Even changing the companions you GET would take enough resources that its not viable from a production perspective.


    Like someone said, its part of the game design. it would be easier to eliminate PvP in all actuality, then to eliminate companions. If you don't like the companions, you may want to take a second look at whether you want to play the game or not. But it shouldn't be a suprise that companions are part of the game. take a look at the other Bioware products:


    Mass Effect

    KotOR I

    KotOR II


    just to name a few. notice any similarities? aside from the companions in those games of course...


    I came into this game knowing that companions would be integral, and have yet to regret it...even with the issues that need correction with the same companions. or should we say classes.

  12. Well, not yet anyways. You should put the question to them in the next Q&A thread.


    But...why should he do something constructive, when he can post is worries to the world so everyone can read about his troubles? Jerry Springer style...


    Every time I read a thread that says I will resub once "X" happens, I lose a bit of respect for the poster. It's like they are coming in to a friendly debate with their fists raised up...


    I play republic btw. and empire as well. Course, i don't PvP allot at all. Ironically, I have no problems with server population balance :) And Im going to continue to sub! just started a second account too, maybe that negates your cancellation...


    But they did have a question about that in the Q&A session this last run, perhaps you (OP) could look at that answer for more information...


    And I support your concerns btw, you just don't need to come in with that "give me what I want or I'm leaving" attitude...it does nothing for your credibility with anyone.

  13. its still optional. Glad you openly admit that cross server lfd tools are so popular that as you said 99% of the player base would use it. But stated that you dont want it when you admit that many many do is very selfish!


    There are no bad implications from a cross server lfd random.


    Immature approach to an argument. It's obvious (to those who are actually reading her posts) that she meant it as figurative, not an absolute. Nice try tho.


    Optional is only a word at that point. it's an excuse for you to justify a horrible design approach like the broken LFD that was in existence in WoW. You will simply have to accept the fact that there are a huge number of people who do not like that idea. Many of us are willing to go halfway with a server side tool (even though we already have one). But not the nasty thing that was in WoW. Glad I left rift before they implemented it there too. LotRO still does not have one, and is doing just great IMO.


    No, we do not need one. You may WANT one, but that's a different story. And No, there are definite negatives to the type that was in WoW. i will seriously lose enjoyment of this game if they put something like that in.

  14. So, you haven't really debunked the arguments; you've just said you disagree with them. Some don't.


    Personally, I think there's a lot of truth to the argument that LFD systems (at least as implemented in WoW and Rift) do hurt community. Not only do they remove the incentive to socialize by removing the need to have friends in the game for grouping with, but the way groups are slammed together and people are teleported right in front of the first fight removed any need to communicate at all. As a result, people generally don't. Those of us who've played in games with that type of LFD system know that in the majority of cases, you end up with a group that barely says one word to each other. They pop in, grind through their instance, and split up at the end without ever having connected in any way at all.


    Personally, I think that's where the bad behavior in LFD groups comes from. It's hard to see other players as people in that kind of mostly unsocial setting. Also, the lack of a connection with those people makes it easier to treat them badly.


    Now, I now a lot of people want a tool that makes finding a group easier. I haven't had any trouble myself, bu I know many have, and that the current LFG system is sorely lacking. However, if/when it gets upgraded or replaced, I'd hope that something is learned from the systems in other games, and I really think it's possible to build something better. In my opinion, just not having the teleport functionality would go a long way toward doing that. It'd give people a reason to talk before they start fighting. It may just be a simple "On my way, be there in two minutes," but at least it'd be something. That may be all it takes to make people in your group seem like actual people, and not just voiceless bots that seem more like NPCs than humans.


    ^^ This in spades.


    Your myth debunking is really argument reversal. your simply trying to eliminate our ability to argue by calling our arguments "myths" before we can even counter-debate. Sorry Friend, but not only will it not work, but your explanations don't' even hold water.


    I speak from a long history of MMO's without LFD tools (including vanilla/bc wow to compare it to current wow...DaOC, LotRO, Pre-LFD rift, Aion, to name a few), and While I agree that I never liked having to put a group together pre-LFD, the attitudes I found in groups post-LFD were far worse. And this isn't a grass is greener thing either. I played MMO's without LFD tools (LotRO, pre-LFD rift) while i played wow with an LFD back to back. LFD simply gives you access to more chances at an instance run at the cost of community and communication.


    I got together with a group of guys to do a low level run the other day for social points (a fantasic idea and way to get people of different levels together in instance runs). we all chatted while we waited for another to join. learned allot about them. i got more out of that conversation then I would have in a week of running PuG's in WoW. and I run instances like that pretty much every day on my server, whether they are on level runs, or mixed groups for social points.


    I can't argue the issue with low population servers. But a limited LFD tool like the one we have (we can polish it up a bit, it is pretty primitive even with what it does), and virtually merge servers (I'm sure most of these are not real servers but pooled farms) for better populations. I'd take that ANY DAY over a game killing LFD.


    low population servers wont make me quit a game. I usually improvise or reroll. But LFD will make me quit a game...it's done it twice so far. That's not a threat btw...I'm loving this game. but you need to realize that there's a large majority of people for whom having that monstrosity in a game can really be a game breaker.


    that being said...I'm not against an "LFD" tool that's in server....but we already HAVE ONE. Even if it's basic. Lets improve on that Idea. half the reason people don't use it is it's simply not forced into your face as a major game function like the LFD tool is in WoW. making it a required part of the learning process would solve that. I can usually get a group going for just about anything on my server withing 10-15m. And every person that I get was not flagged for LFG, nor had even opened the tool. We're not even using the tool that is there! how can we say we need another?


    how about ideas to improve what we got? simplify it? create a separate window options with a basic interface that allows you to select multiple instance runs, and then a notes field to add "I'm a tank","I'm a healer", etc. then people could open that window and search for that instance, and a list pops up? that would certainly speed the process up but still retain the aspects of local community.

  15. I've always had horrible alt-itis, and this game feeds it like a yeast in barleybrew. half my alts that are under 15 i wont mention as most of them are crafting-fodder:


    1) Shadow Consular - 37

    2) Jugg - 33

    3) PT BH - 32/19 (different servers)

    4) Sage - 26/23 (same server...don't laugh! hard to decide on body styles hehehe)

    5) Jedi Knight - 23

    6) Maurauder - 28

    7) Jedi Sentinel - 18

    8) Sith Sorcerer - 19


    most the rest of my server slots are filled up with various toons under 10, or mostly crafting-fodder. I tend to set up 1 or 2 mains for leveling and gathering, and the rest sit back and craft for me. I may need my own market or bazaar at some point....


    I've even had to delete toons that I don't play to make space when I start new ones.sigh...and when the new race combos kick in with legacy points...gonna have to reroll a few anyways...

  16. I think the above discussion is great in the comparison. Currently playing both, though they are in the leveling process (30-ish), playing both at the same time gives me a back to back comparison, often multiple times in a single day.


    My comparison thought isn't as detailed as what they are discussing above, but is how each class feels overall (and, in such, is subjective. take it for what it is).


    overall my Shadow Consular (SC) feels more forgiving in their rotation. To exact great DPS certainly takes work, but it is not quinessential. procs are based on chance, so you often have to simply pay attention to them and react.


    My Sentinel (and, on reflection, my Maurader and Jugg, since the Jugg shares many similar mechanics) feels like it takes much more proactive tactical planniing. the Rage generation is in my control, but effective DPS requires optimizing that generation with expenditure. I could walk around all day long with a full rage bar (on some days when im just randomly killing mobs and gathering I do), but im losing DPS by this. If i burst too many of my costly skills, I am low, and replenishing my rage cuts back on the DPS gain I just made with my rapid burst.


    On another note, My SC (I run solely balance) has more control over the fight. with a 1m CC (from stealth), and a guaranteed stun every 6 seconds or so, in addition to a 30m range 8 sec stun, I feel that i have more control in situations where things may go dire. And the SC is blessed with one of my favorite WoW-rogue abilities....his vanish! get out of jail free. My Maurader/jugg only gets out of jail free when he makes odd croaking sounds and falls to the ground twitching.


    My SC's energy resource also feels more adaptable. I can't control it, but I also don't have to sacrifice damaging moves to retain it. but yet, I have to choose my skills and meter them out to not spend it all in one place :) our energy regen is steady, but not rapid...if you drain your self, you have many precious seconds in a fight to wait, spamming your wet noodle attack before getting enough energy back to be of any use.


    Now to the crux of the situation. the maurader/jugg has less emergency skills, and due to them not getting a healer right off the bat (yeah, neither does the SC, but he at least gets a tank companion that holds aggro like a champ), they feel quite squishy early on. But the simple ability to jump into a fight (fantastic leap animation btw! ) and simply SMASH face is a simplistic process that provides me with endless glee. It's sorta silly actually...I never get tired of it. i enjoy my SC, but the difference is...


    SC = pelt them with rocks


    JS = jump at them, slam them to the ground, pound them into oblivion with lightsaber, and impale them with same said lightsaber from a head down spin.


    go hit a mob 3x with a JK/Jugg slash skill...you really feel like your pounding them into the ground :D


    now given...the SC gets his kick at 32 or so that is pretty dang cool too...spinning wheel thingy of death. and the spinning strike is pretty neat too. very polished and dynamic moves that look great.


    ...but my jugg just looks so raw pounding his victim into the turf....You should try out the sith side to see the full effect. it's very cool.



    Edit: all that, and not sure I answered your question. Sentinel/maurader is harder to play, but more viscerally rewarding.

  17. Just in case people Didn't pay attention to the dev blogs (ya know, the things that are highlighted in HUGE text at the top of the forums page), and to end the pro-switching argument of there the same classes, here's an excerpt from the DIRECT question about changing Advanced Classes in the Dev Q&A Blog posted Feb 10th, 2012:


    "Aurozia: Will there be a dual specialization system in the future? Will there be a possibility of changing advance classes as well?


    Daniel Erickson: We have no plans for switching advanced classes - which we see as fundamentally different class designs- but dual spec is in the works and coming soon."


    Emphasis mine.



  18. Get to 50 on your main, do daily missions for massive amounts of credits, and just send your crew out on missions to get the mats you need.


    Much easier than levelling a new character.


    He may be like me and enjoy leveling characters :)


    My favorite for mat gathering atm is my Jugg (repub side would be Jedi Knight) This is personal preferance...but I enjoy how they smash mobs as I run through the game. Force leap makes for some great gap closers, and the combination of leaping, smashing, and heavy spinning hits makes it fun when I have to clear out mobs.


    try it...get a jugg/knight, leap into a pack of mobs, smash them to the ground, and then pound one a few times with your slash...it really looks like your pounding them into the ground. very good stress relief !


    ...which you have to do anytime there's a node nearby mobs close to your level. which is most nodes :p Only time you don't have to worry about killing is when you outlevel them by enough that they wont aggro unless your breathing down their neck.


    But I digress...smashing face is simply fun. Might as well farm mats while your at it.

  19. To the OP:


    Your initial statement is flawed. There is no such thing as a tank class in this game. there are Advanced Classes with Tank specs. Big difference...


    My Jugg has 2 options to do damage with, and one option to tank with. he has to respec to take complete advantage of either or.


    I bring this up because, though your initial statement/question may have been innocent, it is a continuation of the ignorance that perpetuates in this environment...that a class that has the capability to tank would do less damage in a damage spec then a class that doesn't have that option. You never hear people saying a sorc/sage does poor damage...even though they're a healing class...oh excuse me, an Advanced Class with a Healing Tree.


    So, to answer your misleading question, what would i do? I'm doing it....DPS with a class that has mechanics I really enjoy. Tried the maurader/sentinel, and I just prefer how the single blade Jugg/Knight behaves. and he does pretty good DPS too. so far the unnofficial tests I've seen people run show the Jugg/knight decently in the upper middle of the pack. It's certainly not conclusive (we can't be atm), but it's more then nothing.


    So You play a Jugg/Knight, PT/Vanguard, or Assasin/SC because you like the class...the fact that it has a tank tree is insignificant in this discussion.

  20. In all honesty, if you want to play the Hopping Game, then switch to Bio. then a few patches down the road, it will be nerfed, and another craft will shine, and you can level that one up and then complain about it when it's nerfed for the next biggest and best.


    If you think that the benefit you get from the reusable buffs will make that much of an impact in your play (i.e. you can track your successes increasing as a result, or the money saved, which may be a big deal), then go for it. If your simply worried because the grass looks greener over there...don't worry. it will always look greener.


    What if they suddenly add BoP mods with augument slots in a future patch? suddenly Cyber is the rage. what if they make BoP (or synth weave only) force user armor with an extra mod slot? what if...the list goes on.


    If you enjoy artifice, keep it. Im sure its time will come around in the grand circle of what is the most uber. or if you like re-leveling crafts as part of your gaming experience, have fun!

  21. This, and also the prefix changes every level. This is ridiculous and makes looking for the right one impossible... why call something that's +crit a different name at every level? Is it really helpful to decide level 10 is Critical, but then level 20 is Lethal, then level 30 is Homicidal... and that, at least, is halfway logical progression. Battle Enhancement? Adept Enhancement? Force Wielder? These are arbitrary names that tell you nothing.


    Aside from the design, there are, as mentioned, plain ol' errors. Diff name, same stats (I've seen this on plenty of gear, especially commendation gear, as well - I believe one of them was meant to be the flip of the other. This kinda screws people who would prefer the flip stats....).


    Hear hear!


    I have mixed feelings on the subject. On one hand, I enjoy flexibility and diversity, and a game that has mechanics to support that. on the other hand, I get really confused when i have one mod with high str/low end/and absorb, and another with low str/high end/ and surge? it's like a vegatable soup!


    a previous commenter made a perfectly logical comment as a solution. If you want Damage stats, pick a damage enhancement! My 33 jugg currently has 5 moddable item pieces. picking an enhancement with a mild surge increase will net me nada in the long run....but If I pick a DPS enhancement (+Str+crit+power as an example) I WILL see the difference. If i slot all 5 pieces with that, it's a huge difference!


    So, there's no reason to stick a single offensive stat on a defensive enhancement. It's far more logical to just make enhancements singularly focused, especially since many of us will be rocking 5-7 gear pieces that will use those enhancements. Plenty of customization left, even if they take out those oddball mods. put your offensive stats in 2 pieces, your defensive stats in 4...with the current oddball ones, your stats will be all over the place, and a serious mess to try to keep track of. I'd like to know that my DPS enhancements are always in my boots/gloves, while I keep my defensive enhancements in my chest/legs/helm....think you get the point. It's not about eliminating diversity IMO, it's about structuring that diversity more effectively.


    Won't even go into the mirror recipes and spelling errors...those are bugs/issues that should have been resolved before Beta was over IMO. I heard one time a theory that they'll differ as levels increase and they add more then the current amount of stats to the items, but as of now they're all the same. Might as well take them out.

  22. I am a severe althoholic. if you have any alts at all, then Cyber is really fun. But I think it's fun because I enjoy crafting...Always have. If your viewing it solely from an end game numbers result, the numbers are against you at this point.


    But So far with my many toons im leveling (my main solely gathers for my crafters), Im enjoying it far more then the naysayers would lead you to believe. but if your only looking for end game benefit, go with Biotech. at least you'll save money on your buffs.


    But I too am waiting to see what they make of the various crafts. I figure by the time they smooth it out, ill have one of each, So My situation is win/win no matter how I look at it :)

  23. i want a lvl 50 pvp cape of some sort


    Plenty of chestpieces and moddable gear in the game that has a cape on it. Course, I don't play PvP....is the top PvP chestpiece sans cloak?


    Personally, that's good for me :) I'm not a fan of the cape look. I like the look of the gear thats in the character creation window for the Jugg. Looks keen IMO.

  24. I would love to hear some more details from those who have leveled veng and immortal, and the differences between their tactics for some valid comparison.


    I love my Jugg. Probably my favorite class. with Quinn I rarely have issues. but to say it's a breeze comparable to my PT? or my shadow consular? those who do aren't paying enough attention to the details.


    I certainly do OK, but I have to work much more with my Jugg to get the same results I get from my other classes. It's not undoable...but its more challenging.


    My gear is usually blue/purple for my level, same with my companion. I tend to go with more DPS stats then tanking stats for my Veng build (same with my companion...heal/dps stats over endurance/defensive stats). I tend to cycle in my one defensive CD (level 33 atm) on multiple silver groups and elites...


    I usually open with charge (smash in groups situations) pop Retaliation when it's up as much as possible, cycle in auto attack for extra energy when needed, and make sure that Impale and Force scream are on CD...that's a typical rotation. rarely use ravage unless I simply have the open time and nothing else is available. Vicious slash is my dump skill.


    When I switch over from Quinn to one of my DPS toons, without any change in tactics, I have an immediate and noticeable drop in kill time overall. Even though mobs go down faster, I'm using more time recovering, and dying more often to random situations due to lack of flexibility. So for those who feel they "had no issues" with DPS companions, what do you do that's different? is there some skill that is a life saver that I'm not using? I'm not listing every thing I use, so don't be surprised if i say that I've already used something or the other. Also keep in mind that this is specifically Vengance...not talking about immortal.


    My concern is that people who say they aren't having issues are really just looking at it from their perspective. Like I said earlier, I'm doing fine on my Jugg...but compared to the other classes I'm playing (BH PT, SC, Commando, Sage, Sorc)... they are so easy mode I fall asleep sometimes playing them. My Pt breezes through content that I have to take a second look and plan out with my Jugg.


    now don't get me wrong...I enjoy the Jugg/knight for specifically this reason...but I can't see how people can compare the jugg to other classes and say they're the same. They're not...unless you simply don't know how to play those other classes well, and the jugg is simply that good of a fit for you. which wouldn't be surprising. i don't' think my Jugg sucks, nor that it's survivability isn't doable. But compared to other classes it certainly isn't a walk in the park...I'd love to use Vette (her personality makes me chuckle) but I tend to get irritated when I have to break in-between fights just to recuperate when i would be steamrolling them with Quinn. Or when i have to wait for that rez timer, when I know that with quinn i would still be up and topping of my health for the next fight.


    NONE of my other classes has this much dependence on a specific companion setup.this is not a game breaker IMO, but its hardly something to pretend that it doesn't exist.

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