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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. Ha! Sorry to double post, but I just read my account Quote and realized that it was from a post over 8.5 years old! brings back so many precious memories. There was a time in this game that the classes were so flexible that you didn't even have to choose an Advanced class. you could play through the entire game as a Sith warrior and never pick an AC! many people even liked to do that as a challenge (I was one of them).


    The games streamline these days, as many games are, but it was a time when this game in particular, did things that were eccentric and innovative in the genre as it was back then. It was part of what made this game mystical for me in many ways. hat's off to you guys for making something similar but new in a time when every MMO out there was just trying to be a wow clone.

  2. Ahh man, 9 years!


    There are very few games out there, especially MMO's, that still trigger that special feeling in my bones when I think about them and play them (again). to this date, only 2 games still spark that in me. LotRO, and SWtOR.


    I was invested in the game prior to it's release, and was so looking forward to the concept that I purposefully skipped beta. I wanted to be able to just hop in and enjoy! I still get feeling of awe every time one of my new toons steps onto Coruscant or Dromund Kaas! That initial part of DK questing, just getting from the spaceport to the city, really enveloped you in the dark danger of the world that the sith chose to commit themselves too! the ancient feel of the temple, perfect level of spookiness.


    And Coruscant really felt like the heart of the Republic. I loved all those early game planets so much, it tore my heart when the leveling process was accelerated and changed. I understand the necessity of it, but those early days it felt like such an accomplishment to master those places and move on...you really felt like you had proved yourself to the world as a viable sith or jedi. each and every world had such a unique feel that I always looked forward to getting to the next planet.


    And the class stories! wow! I have never had the shock, tear jerking moments and times of joy in those stories in any other game. I played each and every one through and experienced them like I would my favorite movies, time and time again torn with making decisions and sometimes even having to take a break for a bit to figure out which direction to go! Although I always ended up being the "good" guy. I loved playing a sith that was there because of fate, but realized that they could use that fate to change the world for the better. And my jedi were always teetering at the edge of grey, not completely happy with the direction of the Republic but believing in the need for jedi across the galaxy. This was my opportunity to BE a jedi or sith, and no other game could give it to me in the way that SWtOR did.


    I played it from day one, and loved it. even with all the negative response it got prior to patch 1.2, it was still my first love in the gaming world. it propelled my enjoyment of the SW universe hugely, and in many ways actually defined the SW universe for me. This is the only game I've ever kept my sub running, even during breaks, due to how much I loved and supported the work the dev's put into it.


    These days it falls into a round of games that I cycle through, but it will always be, along with LotRO, the MMO that I feel cemented the genre for me as my favorite style of gameplay. though I would love to see a return to the early days of the game (classic server cryout here, no shame I'd love it), I still love what the game has and will continue to invest in it as long as it's out there. I thank every single one of the dev's that invest time in this gem, and I wish you all a wonderful holiday! your all in my prayers, best of luck.

  3. And here I thought from the title you were getting skimpy clothing dropping...


    I read the title and my first thought was, "What's wrong with bikini's?"


    Seriously though, it's an issue, it's good to see they're looking at it. hopefully it will be fixed soon.

  4. Craft items in the same range. gear like armor, weapons, and make sure it's the kind with stats on it already (no mod slots).


    Easiest way to ID the gear that would yield grade 10 is to look at the crafting materials required. if it requires grade 10 mats, it will yield grade 10 components when DE'd

  5. I still think the THORN guys are the ones behind the disease spreading! We should look into their activities too!


    Seriously? Until people start mutating into monsters I think we're good.


    there ya go! I think we need a new quest line: investigate THORN, the disease is spreading too fast! we also need toilet paper and baby wipes available at vendors. so we can buy them out.


    And we need to reduce the amount of guild events since that could spread the disease. So no guild parties, raids are cut back, and PvP needs to be locked out.

  6. Care to explain what's wrong with Shrek?


    Ogres have layers, ya know? like an onion.

    Seriously though, I wouldn't mind it. But are you looking for someone who is just a bit soft around the middle? or are you looking for a bigger frame just not as Arnold as type 3?


    I always disliked how the type 2 had skinny arms and a bubble butt. but if I wanted even slightly beefier arms, I had to go with Arnold type 3. I would love to have a medium frame with just a bit more meat on it.

  7. ^I don't mind grandfathering stuff to Legacy, but just bc you evidently left this game [early on] and are recently back (see a lot around each expansion: the "prodigal players") - Don't expect [your] poor planning to make this my priority. You're a founder, but I'll take Steve^ over you any day as he has put a lot more time in and is much more responsible.


    Thank you for trivializing my enjoyment and love of this game, not to mention my input, no matter it's "level". It's revealing on how you see or treat other people.


    I will not do the same to you. I will respect your opinion on the matter, as well as your input. I may disagree. but I will respect it.

  8. Even though I would personally like it, the change from the current QoL stuff would be too much. You can still play the original stories, bonus quest lines etc. Its all still there in the game and even on level due to level sync. The only thing I miss would be Ilum from the old days.


    On the other hand I would preffer era servers like era 2.0 or 3.0


    I can respect that, and to be honest, many of the QoL changes over the years are simple things that should have been in the game at launch. As an example, legacy bank was amazing addition, as well as crafting storage, but many other MMO's had this stuff at launch. and if they had actually streamlined their mailing system and made it more intuitive, the necessity of the legacy bank would have been much less impacting. i griped about the mail system for years...even WoW vanilla had a better mail system, but they're answer was to wait for years, then bring out legacy bank.


    I wouldn't be against a Vanilla server with some of the QoL, but that would possible be a different discussion. I do have a question for you though. If you'd support an "era" server like 2.0, then would you support an era server like 1.2? or if they followed Actiblizz's approach, the vanilla server would be the last major update prior to 2.0. Would you support a server like that?

  9. 1) I don't quite understand. There are already PvP instances, what does this mean, "bring them back" bring back forced PvP instances? NO. better rewards for the current ones? sure, doesn't bug me as I don't play PvP. Is there something wrong with tthe current design of the PvP instances? if so, then I'd support changes to those. No changes to PvE instances Please.


    2) NO. Just no. do whatever you want in those PvP instances of yours, but don't touch PvE instances.


    3) I'm all for balance changes. If I'm reading your comment here correctly, your talking about the baseline heals that the heals classes used to have even as DPS builds? I do agree. I thought it was simply retarded to nerf things like that, it's almost an insult to have it in our skills listing now, even in PvE. If they want to kill the self heals, then there needs to be other Defensive buffs to compensate. The one thing I would like is for them to stop making nerfs/adjustments to classes for one aspect that affect the other (a.k.a. PvE changes affecting PvP and vice versa). I really would like to see different skill sets for each. Even if they're the same skills, different effects the second you hop into a PvP situation. Then they can adjust each set separately, and One wouldn't affect the other.


    4) I think this would be a good idea. Though I don't play PvP, it seems bad that you don't have your own specialized sets to work towards.


    5) I'm not sure who you are intending to direct this comment at. Who qualifies as a garbage player? anyone who disagrees with you? your thread would have been great if you had just left this comment out, as It sends a bad message.


    6+ I agree with the rest. I personally stopped playing PvP in most my games years ago. It's just not my thing anymore. But In my opinion, if your going to put something into your game, then do it right.

  10. Don't forget to include in all the joys of "Classic":

    * the almost-total lack of end-game content

    * having to "use" taxis as "source" before you could use them as "destination"

    * having to pay credits for ability training

    * having to pay gobs of gobs of credits for speeder piloting that doesn't make that 8K credit speeder go faster

    * no zero-cooldown option on quick travel

    * no 120% and 130% speeder piloting options

    * having to unlock *all* QT points by clicking on them before you can QT to them (there's still a few like that, and they are... annoying)




    No, I think your Nostalgia-O-Matic goggles are unusually rose-tinted.


    I disagree. I was a supporter of the WoW classic servers, I played vanilla servers for years, and I support the same concept in SWtOR, even with the so called issues you mention above. Classic WoW had these supposed issues, and it was a huge success. I don't see any reason why SWtOR wouldn't see a similar, though scaled, level of success.


    Rose colored glasses argument is old and proven incorrect by recent events. Yes, the older games had problems, but the benefits outweigh the cost. But I'm not going to go over a years-old-proven wrong debate. it's simple. you don't want to play the classic server, then don't.

  11. Perfect timing for one.

    Market is bloated, a wipe and fresh start is probably only solution. Classic server accomplishes this.

    The success of WoW's classic servers speaks for itself.

    Ahh, to be able to get back to the core worlds, well paced leveling, no Cartel market, talent trees back, all win IMO.

    Besides, this game has always prided itself on being a wow clone, why not clone their success with the classic servers?

  12. I was running Irocon this week and remembered how there are so many awesome bonus areas that don't see traffic...why not just add supply boxes to those missions? doesn't make much sense to me to exclude those areas but include all the old world heroics. give us a reason to go back to awesome places like section X, or oricon, or Black hole.
  13. One thing I always puzzled about with the timelines was how did technology NOT change in the 3 millennium between our game and the films? Sabres are the same, speeders are the same, buildings are the same; even the Mandalorians have the same armour. Never-mind how the Star Destroyers etc are the same. You would think 'our' sabres should be more akin to sticks. :)


    I always thought this was interesting too. the star wars universe was always an interesting blend of sci-fi with old tech feel. like an alien steampunk. And in the back of my mind, I was always thinking, "So they can create AI's and tech that literally grows and evolves on it's own, but still looks like the insides of my grandparents 1940's toaster?"


    I ended up going with the theme that it was different universe, different tech And based on how things change, I assume that tech and people adapt slower in the SW universe. so our 100 years is their 1000 years, or something like that.

  14. Just in case it's a simiar issue to mine:

    Check your mail. Sometimes it takes a few days to come in, but you should get Reclaim mails with their armors in it. I haven't checked in detail to see if it's everything, but I got most of it back via the emails.

    I too had most my comps mostly naked. very old toons coming back after long break. you can still equip armor on them, just find some generic stuff until you get your reclaim mails.

  15. A few of my favorite moments:


    *** When the crew of the Protector ( the "Actors") were transported to the Protector (the one that the Thermians had built …. The look on their faces was priceless !!


    *** Tim Allen is chowing down Iowa corn fed beef … and the rest of the crew .. wellll not so good ! Particularly GUY (not sure what he had … but was as bland and nondescript as he was) and ALEXANDER … ( who had Kep-mok Bloodticks )



    *** GUY: ( to Tim Allen was he fighting the rock monster )… " you need to find a rudimentary lathe "


    The whole script was filled with moments like that !


    One of the best movies of all time :)

    RIP Rickman, you will be missed.

    Side note, JJoBlo Videos did a fun history vid on the movie on utube on how it almost didn't happen. great trivia tidbits in there on the actors too.

  16. Well, I'll add my note to the pile in hopes that it gets through thick skulls (or boring trend charts).

    Ya broke it, one of my favorite parts of the game.

    It's horrid right now. And it needs to change, and yes it would be worth changing IMO before the next tier upgrade. Please.


    Right now 3/4 of my toons are running slicing and treasure hunting missions for the lockboxes, and selling the grade 11 wealthy missions for moneys. I'm not crafting a single thing, and I stopped unlocking tier 11 crafting on toons ages ago. The highest I go is tier 10. It's almost better if you ignore the existence of tier 11 stuff, and continue crafting from the previous expansion.


    it's a shell of a system that I used to enjoy, and saddens me every time I log into it. But I'm not going to dump all my hard earned time as a casual into a stupid system. I'll wait it out, running tier 5 missions for companion gifts and running circles of the hunting lodge for cred boxes.


    Hopefully you guys will figure out how broken the system is soon, and change it.

  17. Not to mention how many times we heard the same line of "stuff" with the release of KotFE / ET.


    hmmmmmm …..


    Me thinks that there is a definite pattern there !



    Reminds me of the doom threads back in 1.2.

    "This games dead, 1.2 was the end of star wars. This was content we should have gotten at launch."


    Doomsayers are like mold. No matter how much you scrape it off, it always comes back.

  18. So I'm not actively crafting atm, I think it's completely borked, and so I'm looking for crew skills that yield things like lockboxes, comp gifts, and wealthy missions.


    Slicing and treasure hunting at grade 11 yield one mission each for such things. I was wondering if anyone with experience can tell me if Investigation yeilds companion gifts? it did up through grade 6, but grade 7 and up it seems to have none. I want to see if anyone with grade 11 investigation has seen companion gift missions? leveled from grade 6 all the way up through grade 9 with no comp gift missions showing up. Want to make sure its there before I invest all that hard earned cash.

  19. I'm in support of this message. Founder, most of my toons were at 55. Was a huge fan of crafting prior to my break. got a few toons to 75, started crafting, realized the same thing the OP did. Now most my toons are slicing, investigation and treasure hunting for the cash and materials, I don't really craft any more.


    Thanks for killing a major part of the game for me Bio. If you wanted to kill crafting for the average player, you succeeded.

  20. Appreciate the feedback Steve!


    And your right, I do use that frequently. In addition, I'd add that the addition of crafting storage further reduces the need for mail. Lots of great options unless you have 2 accounts like me, where you will send stuff frequently between the two.


    That's an anomaly, but the simple lack of need for an irritating and pervasive warning note that doesn't follow the design of the others still stands. it's silly, useless, and just having a toggle would pretty much resolve the situation.

  21. I'm mixed on the subject. I think the big problem isn't that certain fights are too tough because they force solo play, I think they made the game too easy by making companions more powerful then some classes. They're simply OP. They should accent your play, not make it EZ mode, because we then run into this issue. in vanilla and early game, the companions were simply beneficial, but there were many times that I ran without them. Now its so evident when they aren't there it isn't even funny.


    Perhaps the solution is to actually tone down companions, then adjust difficulties in general to suit, that way content is challenging, but we are at least prepared for it.

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