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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. not sure if I understand your question. You're asking how to get your crafting schematics at each tier (might 2 to might 3), and you say that you can get them at the vendor, but that you don't know how to learn them?


    You answered your own question. When you purchase a schematic at the vendor, the skill is placed in your crafting window. you highlight that skill and click craft? I think I may not be understanding. If you buy a schematic from a vendor, you have learned the schematic.


    now...if you are asking about how to get, say, the schematic for a BLUE might 2 schematic...or a purple...then that's a bit different.


    to get the better 'versions' of the green schematics you buy from the vendor, you need to make the green items, and then RE the item...break it back down into some components. Each time you do that you have a chance to learn the next higher level of that same schematic when you do it.


    So, if you RE a bunch of green might 2 hilt, and the odds are you'll learn a schematic for the blue version of that. then you'll have to make a bunch of the blue version and RE those to get the chance to learn the purple version.


    hope my rambling answered your question...if not then you may need to rephrase it

  2. so in conclusion if I want to be the most effective tank all around, my best bet would be a VG?


    Good question. If all 3 can tank anything in the game right now, is it worth it to you to play a VG solely so you can say you play the best tank?


    Play it because you enjoy how it feels, not because its the best in an environment where it doesn't necessarily perform any better then the others. if you enjoy the playstyle of the VG, play it. If you enjoy your shadow, play it. I doubt any current endgame Shadows have any issues with tanking right now.


    Trust me, you don't want to play the "whats better" game. Every MMO I have played in since the dawn of time has and WILL change class balance on a regular basis. Your hot ticket today will be tomorrows wet noodle. So play what you enjoy...none of the 3 current tank classes cannot tank endgame atm. none of them are so broke that you cannot get a tank job.


    Personally, I don't enjoy how the VG Plays. having a small rifle to tank with, when the Commando (a.k.a heal spec) carries around a big huge cannon? I feel very smallified on my VG. Playstyle isn't my thing too (though i really like the PT bounty hunter, the mirror on the Dark side....go figure)


    However, I love how my shadow plays. this motivates me to do far better simply because I enjoy it. play what you enjoy.

  3. i would also like to add, that to date, based on what I've seen, Shadow tanks can tank anything in the game. the differences describe so well by Kitru above are mechanical absolutes, and do not define viability from the perspective of current content.


    Skill is still very much a critical part of the roundup as well...and if things continue to go as they are eventually shadows may fall behind. but Bio has plenty of time and/or space to make those changes.


    I do not believe (Kitru and the others can correct if I'm wrong) that there is any solid evidence as of yet that a team should take one over the other. But there will always be those that do....

  4. maybe call them power cells or focusing crystals instead?


    Power cells makes sickeningly good sense. Very universal idea, can fit both lightsabers and other powered weapons in a generic technology sense. at that point its a simple choice of what stats do you want to buff on your weapon?


    and then make Da lizards starter technoblade modifiable, problem solved!

  5. Synth is great! don't listen to them!


    You can easily....


    with the...




    sigh. fine. Bio is pretty good atm. they're looking at nerfing it more it's that good. But...



    I did put Synth on my sage ( already have a Bio on that server), and I've have used it for filling in the gaps in armor. I grab every commendation reward I can get, and use synth to fill in the gaps that are left over. made gear for 2 of my other toons and their companions too. Great for companions, as most the gear they get ends up being green (unless you splurge commendations on them...only one I've done that for so far is Kira, and it's cause shes cute)


    But there's hardly any negatives with Bio at all, even if you don't PvP. But I find it boring at times...for some reason I enjoy synth more.


    On the crew skill front, I went with Biochem and the associated gathering stuff (bioanalysis and Diplomacy). I'm finding it really handy to have the never-ending Medpacs, Stims and Adrenals. Can't say it's best... only that it's working really well for me so far.


    Have fun with it... I certainly am so far.




    I second the Biochem idea. Even though I already have a Bio on that server, I started Bio on my guard so I could have easy access as I leveled to the medpacks and stims that would help me.


    reminds me of my pre-wrath warrior. DPS specs had NO healing, so you got by on bandages and pots. my first Aid was always capped, and my herbalist got a ton of work :D

  7. Sure you do. The 1v1 in EV is a decent indication of how DPS is doing.


    There are no numbers, no. But if you can't tell when you're beating/being beaten by another dps you haven't playing a dps long enough.


    this. If you've spent most your MMO career depending on a DPS meter, then it may be tough for you. I've played enough MMO's without to pay close attention to the signs that show someone is doing more damage.


    and there's effective controlled tests if general awareness isn't good enough for ya. Sure, a DPS meter is precise (if its designed well), but the day we need a DPS meter to survive in SWtOR is the day I quit.

  8. I leveled my Shadow to 30 (balance) and then started my sage...


    Probably should say off the bat, that you don't need to be in the seer tree to heal at this level. If this is yoru first healing experience in MMO's, then go for it. If you've healed before...not really important. you can heal just fine as KT or Balance.


    Perhaps it's my experience with the balance tree, but at those early levels it really feels like balance has a slight dps advantage. Or at the least, an ease of play benefit. here's a few reasons why:


    1) though Tk's 10pt talent hits 2 more people, i find it hard to get that many with its mechanics. it's dependent on a target, and the way mobs are spaced when leveling I find i rarely can tag the whole group...not to mention the horribly long cast time (which doesn't change until later on when you can get talents.


    on the flip side, balance's FiB talent can target the ground, allowing you to place it more tactically...I find it more effective in hitting groups then Tk's 10pt..it's also instant, which helps allot. I love throwing it out ahead of me as I run in, feels very smooth.


    2) you get a talent that boosts project. while I know it's debated at higher levels, at these levels it's a very big part of your rotation (instant too, which makes it easy to use)


    3) plus you get a talent that allows your force lift to hit more mobs, makes crowd control easier...


    And you can heal flashpoints fine as either TK or balance. although, if you really want to emphasis healing early on, you may want to put your first 5 pts into TK either way for the cost reduction, force increase.


    Also, not saying that TK isn't a good leveling spec (Tons of sages love it), but I just found (after playing both a few times between 20 and 25), that early on, balance seems to be easier to control/down mobs with.

  9. I agree with the above posters. Level as healing spec. I tend to have specific keybinds that I use for "healing" spells in most MMO's I play. But I tend to play multiple games across the same time period, so for an old brain like mine it makes it easier when all my heal kind of spells fall under the same keys.


    But I intermix my spells on my setup so my most common casts are within easy reach, my heals/Aoe next out, and my least used skills the farthest. I also bind my hotkeys directly around my movement keys. either way, I end up with my primary DPS skills closest, and my heals and AoE skills about equa-distant apart on the keyboard.

  10. Since Bioware has highlighted UI changes as part of their priority list ATM, I figured I'd try to start a thread so people could list their most important UI suggestions.


    Please try to keep this specifically to UI development, SANS MODS. there are enough posts out there about mod additions that we don't need to add to that. What I'm specifically looking for is suggestions they can add/change to the official UI.


    to start, here's a few of mine:


    1) Scale. this is a very big one, but basic. Probably will be implemented (saw it in the vid), but figured I'd put it here for the sake of it.


    2) Movable elements. Whether it's a tag portion that you can drag (like LotRO has), or simply make the elements fully movable, we need to be able to adjust.


    3) eliminate the "auto-adjusting" of the windows. I hate having my bags open on one side, then my email on the other, and have the email slam over the other side when I close my bags. it should stay where it's put unless i want to move it.


    4) small one, but please make the mail feature put the cursor IN the Name window when I select the send tab. also give it auto-fill if the player is on the server at all, rather then guild specific.


    5) Auto-Sort for bags is a big one! Really tired of having to manually go through my bag and move stuff around. make it a togg-able feature so those who like to control bag space can do so.


    6) While were at it, give us a filter to automatically sell stuff at a vendor. filter it based on item rarity, and let us pick the rarity level to sell. being able to have your companion sell grey items in the wilderness is a nice feature, but it shouldn't be the only option.

  11. new spell that you get when you get your ship..2 sec cast time..10 minute cooldown teleports you to your ship from any location (cannot be used in combat) obviously you will need to pick a different name for copyright reasons..




    I would cut down the CD (or perhaps make it a bind point like mentioned above). the whole ship transition process is clunky and a horrible time sink. I don't mind time sinks in general, but that ones horribad. It physical forces you to remain seated for a large chunk of the process...I'd take a 10m speeder ride over that, I can at least browse thenet while waiting on the speeder, but with the ship you have to manually run it from point A to point Z

  12. IMO they all need serious attention. I hav a hard time picking a type because im OK with certain aspects of it, and hate others. In that sense I agree with the OP. I would prefer sliders to adjust certain aspects of body type, but if thats not feasible in the near future, thatn a simply in-between would suffice.


    But it's horribly needed. The trim athletic build they have is more like a thin long distance runner type, when I'd prefer the sleek, muscled (but not overso) Gymnastics build type. powerful legs, well developed arms, but not to the point that it looks unnatural.


    body type 2 for men is to thin...makes that bubble butt that they glued onto every body style look horrendous. So yes to more muscle.


    Also agree from the perspective of the female types. very much in need of fixing, but for different reasons. Except for the butt...it really looks like they all have silicone implants, or balloons in their pants! look at a dancer or gymnast or professional sports player...no bubble butts. smooth transition from the glutes to the Biceps brachii (we actually have intermediary muscles back in the Buthigh area that aid that transition). the bubbles look way too unnatural, especially on the thinner body types.


    Big issue for me...watching a toon that simply looks unnatural, or at best, not the style Ithink of when I think of MY Jedi, is frustrating to deal with. slid.ers please. Aion has an awesome system, they could learn a bit from that. even if it was milder (not as juge extremes), any variable slider options would be great.

  13. I agree with the above suggestions. I'll also say that the tanking tree isn't necessary unless you plan on tanking FP's or heroics most your journey. But if you having fun with it, that's your #1 priority :D


    I'm enjoying my Guard as well. running one of the DPS specs personally. I've noticed that they take a bit more focus on priorities and use of skills. On my shadow it isn't as critical, but with my guard I really have to emphasize when I use what CD's (feels like at my level of 19 its a very CD driven class). But when used right he kills as fast as my other classes, fun too. I enjoy the storyline more then my shadow/sage/commando.

  14. Sorry if this has been mentioned.


    Champion's Online. When you buy a skill, it's free to respec as long as you don't leave the Power House (training area). The PH has facilities with training dummies, obstacle courses to test travel powers, and the ability to spawn a room full of mobs, and to tailor those mobs, level and spawn size wise, to your needs. Since a character doesn't have a class, but just a large collection of skills (passive and otherwise), one could do a full respec of all skills in the PH, train up completely, and test the new build out in the facilities there. You can effectively change a character from a tank, to a healer, to a DPS, or anything in between (usually between) by doing this, on the fly (though it may take time to select everything). If you don't like the build after testing it, you can change it however you want. As long as you don't leave PH, doing so (after any initial untraining costs) is free.


    In spite of being a Fan of the current form of AC choice, I would support this option. the fleet stations have plent of space to add in a few training guys (like that class specialization guy who's sole purpose is to give you the choice...he's a papaerweight beyond that). get him and a fwe others to hang out, make them level 10. you can try fighting with the skills of class one, and see if you like the flow. then try the other. Or whatever combo they decide to make it. Being able to try them out before making the choice. many of the differences to me were visible right off the bat.


    As an example, on my Bounty Hunters, the second I chose PT over Merc, the difference was noticeable. My main attacks on the merc were cast based, while my PT got mostly instants (but none of them really ranged).


    I wonder if it would benefit us to have a 'mockup' room, like a holosuite where we could plug in stats for a lvl 30 and throw up the traits as wel like them (20 pts of talents pretty much). you could play with the various specs in that AC using this advanced "video game" and see how the class feels around 30. usually you have at least one if not 2 very signature moves for the class/spec by then, and the trait trees are really rounding out with many of the specific tree specialties shining.


    then when you were done, you could go back to the spec trainer and tell him what you wanted. It may stretch the line for the hardcore Immersion folks, but im game with something like that. Just don't change the AC class choice itself.


    the only problem I see is that far too often class "playability" revolves very heavily around knowing how to play a class. Being forced to pick up skills as you level, using them over extended periods of time, alow you to adapt to a class in ways you couldn't do in a 5m "holo-game', and there would still be people who would make choices they do not like. I've read a few threads were people were asking when a class gets "More fun", because they weren't enjoying it at 20 or 30. If someone can suffer through 30 levels of playing a class before deciding they dont like it, then no amount of testing will convince them at level 10.


    that being said, it's still a great idea.

  15. As it stands right now, my only issue with the running is the ship transport. Having to do the ship hop.

    run to spaceport...

    run into a huge long building with your landing dock at the back...

    run across long landing pad (why are there NPC's in MY landing pad? it's MINE)

    get into ship...

    refrain from punching that really irritating robot EVERY time you get in the ship...

    run up to your console, select the world you want to go to

    wait for screen graphic to finish...

    leave ship (and deal with the really irritatingly long login screen)

    run across ANOTHER personal landing pad (with more unkown NPC's...why is my airlock just hanging open with all these strangers around?)

    run across ANOTHER huge spaceport with no apparent purpose.

    ...and Ill still have to run/fly to the major city to do anything.


    Even as a person who doesn't mind the run...this process is clunky and repetitive. we should have it streamlined to this:


    1) elavators to our personal landing pads just inside the door...quest elevators can be deeper inside if you want people to be exposed to the "nifty spaceport" that Bio put time and energy into. Quest givers are already just inside the entrance anyways, we wont miss em


    2) a Landing pad that is Short! or at least give us reason to have the huge space anyways. put some Vendor NPC's in there, perhaps a GMT terminal? class trainers would be great too...heck, I'm the only person thats going to use the durned pad, might as well give me my own trainer.


    3) give us a "drop ship" port, like the Fleet one (but less of a CD for the love of pete!). that silly robot I have that spends most his time watching my crews waistlines can actually do something for once! I send him My co-ords on planet, he drops my relatively small ship down in the middle of nowhere, and picks me up ( you know, like the did in the movies...)


    those 3 things will resolve many of the issues we have with ports, without ruining design or immerson.


    Other then that, I have no issues with the run. And as it was stated so eloquently before in this thread, I don't like the run, but I don't mind having to do it one bit.

  16. Interesting isn't it.


    Then again, I didn't actually 'expect' anything. I had some theories of my own of the way they might have done things in the first year or two; but they were just theories. Knowing that they were just my own theories kept things in their proper perspective. As a result the game actually tured out a lot better than I had theorized/speculated.


    Before someone says to me 'Well, so much for your theories and speculations.' - the point would be: Exactly.




    I did the same thing. I'm certainly no expert, but I've been playing MMO's since the early days (couldn't get into EQ for some reason, was enjoying DAoC, but my internet wasn't up to snuff). I find that the greatest dissapointment is in the expectations that grow from following a game, whether it's personally percieved, or driven off of company quotes, inverviews, etc.


    On the games that I think I will enjoy, I tend to take a pessimistic perspective on. i assume that they are going to be like other MMO's, with perhaps a few differences in mechanics, with a few fancy changed to make them feel different...but no world breaking, life changing stuff here. And I'm often pleasantly suprised when I start the game.


    this isn't to put down anyones criticism of issues in game that need to be worked on...all games go through development and need fine tuning. But if you carefully read most the complaints, many of them stem from...expectations. the real key is to determine where the expectations are placed in solid logic/need, and where they are personal gaming desires that simply didn't get fulfilled

  17. I've noticed similar results from my characters. like one run in taris where the healer, halfway through the run, mentioned that it was a pretty easy run since a dps class was tanking (I was on my shadow tanking the run).


    I mentioned that we had a tank spec, and she replied "oh, I didn't know that". the character design in this game crosses many traditional lines, so most people don't consider it.


    Plus there's quite a few people in this game new to MMO's. I'm surprised (pleasantly) at how many people are playing solely for the star wars universe experience, and are new to MMO's. jsut the other day I had a tank confess it was his first MMO. his next 2 questions were,


    "what's CC?"


    "whats that weird mark above my target?" - oh that. It's nothing. just the mark I said was CC and told everyone to NOT TOUCH.


    :) some folks are just getting used to the whole grouping/MMO thing. coming from many years and many games prior to this, I forget that often some people aren't into the lingo that's second nature to many of us.


    Many of those new players are also NOT forum browsers, so It often leans onto us in game for patience and edumication

  18. I think the answer would simply be more speeder ports. We already have a ton of mobile medical droids in the middle of nowhere...it seems odd that they're out there...and no idea how they got there in the first place... drop ship?


    If a ship can drop a med droid and a kolto tank, then why can't they drop a speeder ?!


    even if it wasn't a drop ship, then the only other way they got out there is via...you guessed it...a speeder!


    lol. being a bit silly, but the point remains. we can use med droid spots as speeder points. and since you still have to discover them, there's still initial exploration and wonder.


    Personally, I love a new planet. but in all honesty, by the time i get the bonus mission series, I'm really worn out. having extra speeders in remote areas would help a ton. Heck...add a few shuttle points as well....and some extra fleet drop ships too. None of this stuff would ruin the immersion, nor the wonder. and people who still wanted to run around could do it.

  19. I know.. isn't it ironic too, how all the self-proclaimed hardcore and elite players are the ones who need all these modifications and tools in order to perform?


    Last I heard, guilds were already clearing content just fine without them.


    I agree wholeheartedly.


    Asking people to not be cave dwelling knuckle draggers in their play style isn't being elitest. It is expecting more than the bare minimum.


    If people want to do the bare minimum then fine.. do it in a single player game. If you are ok with losing.. fine do it in a single player game. I expect you who is playing along side of me to be able to perform the tasks that are required of you by the standards of the video game you are playing. If you can not or find it too stressful or you are too loaded or you have kids or you have any reason at all.. Maybe playing multiplayer games isn't for you at this time.


    It is not ok to impose you inabilities on others and expect them to pick up your slack. There are tons of video games out there. Play by yourself in one of those games if you cannot perform up to the standard that is multiplayer.


    Been playing MMO's for years with and without mods. It doesn't take rocket science to pick put those who are knuckledraggers. Really. it doesn't. you don't need a meter to tell that the tank is new to MMO's when he asks you what the mark above the CC target is for. Or what CC even is. It's not too hard to figure out when the DPS to the left of you attacks the CC'ed target 3x in a row why you are wiping...


    Meters and graphs only make it easy for the unskilled to think their really good. in an environment where being the top 5% doesn't really matter. I've played plenty of MMO's without meters, and people beat bosses and survived just fine. If you can't play without your crutches, if you cannot figure out who is making smart choices in an encounter, and who isn't, , then perhaps you do need the meters.


    IF you think you need meters to finish content in this game, you are mistaken. Real world results prove wrong. If a game needs meters to push people THAT hard to finish content...I don't want to play that game. There is a reason I quit WoW. I don't want this game to go that direction. I hope Bio understands this.

  20. I've seen the argument in every MMO that I have played, whether they have a meter available or not.


    First off, I am against 3rd part mods overall, period.


    On the note of Bio adding a recount option...I am not in agreement that we need one. but I don't feel that the availability of the mod is either completely good or completely bad. As the OP stated, people WILL be judgmental no matter what aid is in the game. To me, allowing these kinds of options push the nature of the environment in a specific direction, which is what I don't like.


    We can argue the details ad inifitum. I am simply not a fan of games that support the elitist or progression approach. I'm a fan of casual, relaxed, flexible content. LotRO is a good example of a more relaxed environment, WoW is an example of the end game focused, progression environment. I do not Like WoW, I enjoy LotRO.


    This is not to insult anyone who prefers edge of seat progression. It is simple the reality that no One game can provide an environment for both. And i simply prefer SwtOR to be a relaxed game with story progression and flexible end game capabilities. I would not support a recount idea simply because it would be a statement from Bio that they are supporting that direction to move the game.


    Now, if they added a recount idea but kept the game weighted heavily towards that flexibility idea, then I have no arguments with the addition. But it is the overall idea of how the game should play out, not an individual mechanic or display item, that I believe dictates this.


    And the judgmental people, whether they kick someone because their DPS is too low, or because their character has a green item, can go the route of the dodo bird. the problem, of course, is that there are those who are making informed decisions with experience and logic, and they are fine. It is those who make judgments due to ignorance and shortsightedness that need to leave. But we will have them no matter what mod we have in Game.

  21. What made you think Assassin would be fun only to realize that it's not? The game gave you a lot of information about it before you made your choice.


    The con to respecing advanced class is losing the commitment of the choice. It's the same as being able to simply respec all of your dark/light side points regardless of the choices you made.


    Leveling to 10 does not take much time. Then beyond that you're already having fun with the new choice you made.


    I'm not understanding why it took you an extra 10 levels to figure out that you hated the AC you chose...


    Exactly. the class doesn't change enough that it will suddenly become enjoyable at 20 if you didn't like it at 10.

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