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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. Our vengeance juggs always end up pulling from the tanks somehow and finish just behind (1-2 seconds) behind our marauders in the 1v1 EV fight. From what I see (which could be wrong, no combat logs), jugg dps is fine and up there near the top. A good jugg will out dps most ranged, but won't beat out a good marauder.


    Bio indicated such (classes w/i 5% of each other) and the timed tests I've seen on the forums support this.


    the OP is simply acting out of ignorance. many people know how to play the class, and have no real issues with it (aside from that fine tuning mentioned before).


    But there are those who don't know, and rather then learn they whine....

  2. So your argument is "Well Bioware said they designed all classes with "X" in mind"? So no balance issues because Bioware had a vision? Great.


    And I love how you throw around the word "troll" like it means something just because you don't like what you see.


    My argument includes Bio because, at this point in time, they have the most data to work with, and they say that the classes should be W/I 5% of each other.


    and that's still more data then most people have when they make their absurd claims about class dps. and I actually DO like what I see. I play multiple classes, and I have no issues mowing down mobs as fast on my jugg as I do on my sage or shadow consular or my PT BH. It's not easier, but EZ and DPS are two different terms.


    so anyone who throws up percentages like they actually KNOW should put up their test data for proof. i'm comfortable with that.


    If they have none, then they are going of pure speculation. which is fine...but when you start talking as if you actually know? then you are acting either ignorant or stupid...or a troll. take your pick. I thought that trolling was the less offensive comment, but whatever works for you. All you had to do is say that in YOUR OPINION Juggs FEEL like they do less damage. i would be satisfied with that. because your admitting its you're opinion. I usually admit my opinion.


    And please don't tell me that your response to my post was the best 'data' you had on the subject. if you have data that shows otherwise, i'm all ears. I have no problem admitting im wrong (something most people have issues with in forums), but I am simply tired of the ignorant ranting that lacks even one shred of real evidence.


    And Im not against improving classes either. but there's still NO DATA that shows that its necessary from a game breaking perspective. there's not even any data that shows that Jugg's are LOWER then the other classes.


    which is why your comment was ignorant. or your trolling. Ill stick with ignorant tho, since you didn't like the troll comment. My apologies. As a matter of fact, ill apologize in general, because it was fueled by my irritation of everyone who posts like you in general. so it wasn't all you...but you pretty much continued the cycle of ignorance.


    I'm not saying Im any better...which is why i look for real data. And so far the real data we have is...Bio and their comments...and players running timed tests. since that's what i got, that's what i go on. and so far, the tests back up what Bio has been saying.

  3. It makes no difference whatsoever. Your abilities are balanced by the numbers already. Sentinel DPS is anything but lacking. This is a non-issue.


    QFT. the issue is your looking at a single talent idea and not looking at the bigger picture. Actual class numbers are looked at as a total, not via individual skills. If a marauder can put out as much dps as other classes without the "skill" buff...then why do they need one?


    would you prefer it if Bio actually cut back on your high damage abilities just so they could add a talent that boosts your strength...so you end up getting the same damage...

  4. I'm just about finished on my level 41 Sith Marauder, who I am very happy to get rid of. I find the marauder to be very very squishy, though the story is great. I won't tap too much into how I play, but basically I run with Jaesa as my companion, use annihilation spec, and find it almost impossible to fight an elite without popping a medpac and my defensive CD's. After playing a mercenary who could tear through walls and come out without a scratch, it's a bit of a letdown. I'm considering playing a jedi guardian next, which I've tried before, leveling to 25 before deleting him. It was an okay class, still a bit mushy, I just feel I didn't have enough time to really get to know the class. I know the warrior and knight have the same abilities rehashed, no need to bring that up.


    So, my question is: Would playing a guardian, based on what I dislike about the marauder, be any better?


    If you want to really try out the mroe defensive options of a Jugg, go for it. I have ran full vengance on mine. they have great PvE DPS (no matter what people say), and have quite a few passive defensive abilities that smooth out the incoming damage.


    Or you can go immortal spec. very tough...but keep in mind that your used to a dps spec with a dps companion. running Immortal with a DPS companion lowers your DPS by a decent amount. enough that the fights WILL take longer. but yes, you usually do end up with less damage at the end of the fight.


    But keep in mind that the Juggernaut tank is a CD based tank class. that is to mean that you are juggling defensive CD's and using active skills to trigger defensive passives on a regular basis. so it's not as easy as walking in and taking less damage.


    as an example, at level 20 when my vengance jugg is getting a class defining damage skill (impale...totally awesome animation! ) the Immortal is getting a triggered damage reduction skill with a moderate CD. and you will use it on cooldown to maximize your damage reduction so you don't have to rest in-between fights.


    In all honesty, your playstyle sounds more like you should run with a healing companion. now, don't get me wrong..i like to use my other companions, but unfortunately Bio hasn't give us allot of flexibility with that choice, especially if your set on a playing style. But if you like the feeling of digging through mobs without pause, and not having to worry about popping CD's left and right, I'd recommend a vengeance build with a healing companion. lots of DPS and NO downtime whatsoever.


    But go ahead and try the immortal spec with DPS companion. they certainly aren't broke, and may people are happy with them. but based on your reference in the origional post, you may still deal with some of those frustrations as the tank jugg is still a CD based class.

  5. Assassins aren't really a "from stealth" class. It's about sustained DPS with the option of using Stealth as a means to move around the battlefield, escape when things get dicey, and hit again when you have the advantage.


    You're not an Operative.


    I think this is a good point. But I can understand why people look to the Assassin/SC as a "stealth" class. Many people are used to a class that has an effective stealth (i.e. i can pop it and run around) to utilize the stealth as a class defining ability. And I think people just assumed that Veng/Infil trees were the "stealth assassin" tree.


    heck, it's even in the name!


    I don't see why they can't get a nice hefty bonus for shadow strike when stealthed...enough to make it a more primary attack. But,on the flip side...perhaps Bio doesn't want the Veng/Infl tree to be that "backstab" spec.


    ...I still don't get shadow strike tho. I don't even train it anymore on my shadow (balance spec btw). never use it.

  6. LOLOL i actually had to reply just cause of the dude that said sorc/sage have the most dps.

    Firstly thats not true AT ALL. it basiclly goes

    Sniper/merc about 5% difference sniper has a bit more damage but merc can heal themselves and soak aton of damage.

    Sorc/MAara/sage/sentinal i beileve there called(about 10ish% below the above) both have nice mobility and can soak alot of damage if cds are used correctly.

    juggernaut/gaurdian about 15% below merc and sniper and like 5% below sorc and mara

    assasin is about the same as juggernaut on some fights its more some its less.

    operative and powertech i dont even know how much below but basicly useless in raids atm as dps.


    as for leveling i have a 50 juggernaut,merc and sorc and i can tell you sorcs have the easiest time leveling by far my merc had it pretty easy also but sorcs just tear through the eilete mobs with no issue. jugg is also the hardest class to dps in correctly by far idiots think its just use impale and shatter till ravage is off cd (sorry i dont know the ones for republic) but thats incorrect and you loose alot of dps that way.


    And I had to Lol at your comment as well. the first part at least. I agree that jugg/guard is hard class to DPS with, and that the sorc/sage has the easiest time leveling (done both myself). but your DPS numbers are about as factual as aliens living next door to me.


    show me the data, please. anecdotal experience means squat. especially in a game where big numbers look flashier then smaller ones, no matter what the end result is.


    Just read a thread where someone did a timed test with a group of players they are used to playing with. Guess who scored higher then the Operative? the Juggernaut. Guess how much higher the Sorc was from the Jugg? about 3-5%.


    at least thats a start. It's certainly not a dps meter, and i'm sure that people could tear each and every test apart. But it is FAR more accurate then the opinionated information that people have been posting on the forums.


    Now, back to the OP. Bio stated that their design was to have EVERY DPS spec withing 5% of each other. This game is certainly not hardcore....5% is squat in the grand scheme of things. So To me it's not about DPS. It's about easy of leveling. A class that is easy to level will FEEL like it has lots of DPS, no matter what the facts are. And the Sorc/Sage wins this hands down.


    Please not that the Sorc isn't my personal preference. I'm more aligned to the Jugg/maurader myself. But they are a very easy class to level. I also found the BH to be an easy class to level. But that may be my own playstyle coming into effect. But I get enough comments that are similar from other people to validate that feeling. But it is just a feeling.


    So TL : DR?

    DPS = about equal with all DPS specs (enough that it doesnt' matter in PvE).


    Ease of play = Sorc/Sage hands down. For PvE Leveling.

  7. the only other thing I'd mention is if you plan on solely tanking (both AC's do have very effective DPS trees, don't forget that is also a viable option!), then the best thing to do is level as your chosen tank spec...or a decent hybrid that will still help you train the necessary skill set.


    Even though the Juggernaut has allot of skills to track as well as the other skill challenges of the class, in normal leveling you get fed them one at a time, with time in-between levels to get used to them.


    Each spec is different enough in playstyle that you will have 2 very different creatures once their skill set is capped. I find that when I play my jugg as a tank (I prefer DPS on my jugg atm, its just lots of fun), I have a learning curve do to the cycle changes and resource limitations. So if you really plan on going tank, then start off as one. Many people have done this, and they do great with the DPS companions available. Vette is just a crackup, and does serious damage when geared well (especially at lower levels), and Jaina is a meat grinder, again, once geared well.


    the key is to keep your companions geared up well. When I leveled my Shadow consular (assassin), gear for my companion was really an afterthough. On my Jugg, it can make or break my leveling process.

  8. Congratulations on your choices OP!


    One of the things I love about this game is the differences in class function, design, animation, and story progression. I'm concerned I'll never get to endgame...there's too much to experience on the way there!


    Now, I've just started my Sentinel, but my main is a Juggernaut (the mirror for the guardian). and the class mechanics are much the same, if only a few differences. And I'm talking solely DPS specs here...the tanking spec is a totally different beast.


    I love the knight/warrior class design. It's hard for me to put mine down to play my other classes. just wait until you start to get your class defining skills post 20...they are a very dynamic and enjoyable class to play.


    And I do agree that there is a learning curve...though once your used to it the class feels as straightforward as any (with a few more choices). But getting past that hump can be a challenge for many, and for some, as you said, it simply may not be what they're looking for. But I'm glad your sticking to it. even if it doesn't pan out, you'll be able to say (with experience) that the class simply didn't fit you.


    I find that whether a class is challenging or simple to learn in its execution has nothing to do with preference of playstyle. the Agent/smuggle, as an example....no matter how much I push myself, i can't get into the class mechanic or how it plays. And I have no issues adapting to a new skill set, I just don't like how it works out as a class. Personal preference only...I have many guild members that love their agents. So it is obviously a fun class for those interested.


    I'm enjoying my Sentinel slowly. it's similar enough to my jugg/guard (have one of each...2 jugg's actually and guard) that I an pick up on the idiosyncracies easily, but it poses different challenges as times goes on. fun stuff.


    Quick tip: the hardest time for a guard/Sent on repub side is the late teens through early 30's. you don't get your healer companion until then, so you have to balance out how you play the class. It isn't undoable, but for those who arent into that playstyle, it can be difficult until you get Doc. So if you haven't taken a craft up yet, I highly recommend Biotech. I did this on my guardian, I use my medpacks regularly on CD, and it really smooths out the leveling process.


    Once you get your healing companion, you can try it out and see which playstyle really suits you the best.


    Edit: BTW, I can speak from experience that all variations of the warrior/knight mature later. But it's worth it. My Vengance Jugg feels amazingly awesome when he leaps in an unloads his damage cycle. but that full cycle doesn't mature until the mid 30's or so. Still a ton of fun up to that point, but just be aware that the fun hasn't even started yet...

  9. If you go straight DPS Guardian you are still going to be putting out less damage than a Sentinel AND the Sentinel will be more durable than you. Heavy Armor doesn't really mean much, it's the skills that make tanky-ness and without defensive stances the Sentinel will be much more tanky than you half the time with Rebuke and Guarded By the Force, whereas DPS Guardians get.... Unremitting?



    Bioware needs to fix their game, actually put thought into the skill trees.


    DPS Guardian should have it's niche`. If a Guardian wants to go straight DPS he should be putting out decent damage AND be more tanky than straight DPS classes. But right now Sentinels put out more damage and our more durable than DPS Guardians, therefor there is absolutely zero reason to spec into Vigilance or Focus Guardian over a Sentinel. 2/3rd of Guardian's spec trees are after-thoughts, only acceptably used when combined with Defense as their primary tree.


    Please show me the data that proves this. It's ignorant comments like this that perpetuate the idea that one class isn't as good as the other.


    So again...please show me the test results you have that prove this. Ill wait.


    And no, not anecdotal observations (well, my skill X critted for more then my buddy guards skill X) that's pure nonsense. Even without dps meters (which i hate btw), you still have the ability to run simple time based tests to give you a rough idea...and the tests I've seen so far show the guardian/juggernaut to be up in DPS with all the other DPS specs, including the pure classes.


    Bio stated specifically they're design is to have every DPS spec withing 5% of each other. Period.


    So enough with the mis-directional trolling please. and if you really didn't know, then I apologize, but there's no excuse for opening your mouth without getting the real information (instead of listening to odd rants in forums and online)

  10. yes please!


    /very signed.


    I honestly got tracer for the first time on my merc...and respecced to pyro.


    it's that bad IMO. Once in a blue moon for a big AoE with longer CD? sure. Im game with that. First time I saw It I was like, "what did I just see?" took me a second to see she was shooting something out of her back.


    Then when I realized this was going to be my main spam? No...I don't think so. I've never had an ability make me want to respec like that.


    Especially when you consider the animations between this and fusion. When I think Fusion, I think.... high missile shooting up in the air (like the animation of tracer).


    and what do you think of when you see a laser sight pointing at the target? do you think fusion? or....tracer....It's almost like the got the animations backwards!


    I like the animation of power shot...a big charge-up and release. I was looking forward to tracer being something as kewl as that...and man, talk about a letdown!


    Bio...please note this and look at changing. I kid you not...I've never had any one skill made me want to try a different spec. I feel sorry for my mercs back...and the chiropractor is going to make a mint off of me :(

  11. http://lotro.mmorsel.com/2011/01/realizing-free-to-play-dream.html


    Here's a dude who's unlocked all the LOTRO content and almost all the features and only spent $10.


    That's pretty hardcore, and I wouldn't recommend doing that, but watching sales and spending wisely you can get everything out of LOTRO for $60 or so without having to grind. And no it's not "pay to win" as you can't buy top-end items or anything, it's mostly content or things like character slots.


    It's still way more content for way less money. If you're subbed to SWTOR from release through March you've basically given BW/EA $100 to beta test their game.


    Thats a nice little article. Although it's even easier now, since some of the upper expansions (such as mirkwood) they have opened for f2p. But I did pretty much what he did...filled up my slots with characters, leveled every one up to 20 or so, used those points to unlock the next area, etc. if one of you characters outlevels the others, and runs out of zones to play, you camp them in an inn (too collect rested exp of course!) and level a few of the others until your points grow.


    Team up with guildees to grind out the higher level deeds and gain the points from them. things like that.If SwTOR put together a similar model, I think that many people would be pleasantly suprised, and many people who quit the game would come back.

  12. LOL


    What a load of crap.


    Your ignorant. Please don't open your mouth unless you really know something. I've done it myself. I initially paid the montly fee to be premium, then decided to try out this claim that you can play the entire game for free.


    And you can.


    there are some caveats though. It's an amazing system, but it still boils down to time vs. money. grinding out all the quests (even low level ones), unlocking all your virtues (more grinding), etc.


    you get turbine points every time you finish a quest, unlock a virtue, complete a deed (tons of deed in the game...7-10 per zone), you get points. you use points to do various things, from unlocking new zones to buying crafting materials when you don't want to farm for them.


    Thing is...if you simply go out and do everything in the game...you get points !! or you can buy points in the store. or you can pay 15$ a month and get open access to the game, and 500 points a month to spend on whatever.


    there is absolutely nothing in LotRO that you can't get by just playing the entire game. There are even websites that map it out for you. It's not hard to find that information.


    and on the note of F2P...its an old old superstition that only dying games go f2p (actually transaction based really, but like i said...you can stil get it all for free if you work hard enough.) LotRO actually went transaction based when they saw how profitiable it was with DDO...they had seen no drop in their customer base prior to that, it wasn't an emergency reaction (though it was for DDO). but even with DDO, it completely revitalized the game.


    the secret behind PtP/MicTrans/whatever you want to call it isn't that it robs it's playerbase and makes them pay more...it's that it attracts more people...some who will play free, and some who will pay to play. So the average per player goes down, but the available player base increases exponentially, giving them a greater profit overall.


    I was against PtP up until i saw LotRO's model. Now, I really don't like some of the "marketing changes" they made to the game...like adding bigger then necessary buttons to access the store. or having huge "hey, if you pay points you can unlock this quest!"icon above NPC's heads. But the system is hard to beat. I could care less if It goes PtP as long as I can still do the 15 a month option for full access (like LotRO did). It really is the best of both worlds.


    But...if they stick with the monthly fee option I wouldn't argue either. Im paying 15 a month for this game because I enjoy it, and thats good enough for me

  13. Quinn is weak.


    I had outfitted him with mostly orange gear but he doesn't heal and he barely does damage. I turned off his fighting and just kept his healing on and he's fighting when he should be healing.


    I took off all his best armor and gave it to Vette. Now I don't have any heals but then, I didn't have them when he was there so now I use Vette for range fighting.


    At least she does what she should be unlike Quinn. He Suxs!






    It doesn't matter if he's right on top of you while you fight. He still suxs!!!!! No heals and barely any damage. He's in the dog house now. I have no use for him other then crafting.


    Not sure why your getting different results then I do. I've had him carry me from 20% health to full multiple times during solo fights with champions.


    Maybe he doesn't like you....

  14. solution seem simple to me.


    make push a warrior base ability (instead of a Jugg base ability), and give Juggs pull as well.


    solved the marauder issue of no push, and give Juggs the pull so they are actually up to par with the other tank classes in that aspect.


    I'm nto a big fan of the pull idea, but that seems to me to be a pretty easy and smooth resolution.


    If giving all juggs pull makes them too OP, then you can add it as an Immortal only talent. The rest of the Juggs will still have push, so no loss there.


    and while were at it, juggs need an additional baseline defensive talent. perhaps to make up for losing their special push ability

  15. They're called bracelets IIRC but they go in the glove slot, not the wrist slot.


    he was correct ;P just checked last night. I have a pair of moddable wrists on my sage, but I believe they were a random drop on my Shadow.

  16. The problem I noticed (and it took me a ton of deaths to figure it out instead of just raging about it) was that if you charge into combat, frequently you leave his heal range but begin combat at a high enough health that he doesn't prioritize healing you over attacking. So he starts attacking out of heal range or line of sight, and never is in range to heal, so he just attacks while you die.


    Just make sure that you're charging into combat, not out of range :p


    this. In spite of what his healing skills look like, hes pretty beast when geared well...and doesn't range bug. I got into the habit of getting a bit closer to the mobs before leaping in. Use to leap at max range, and got healed less.


    also watch corners and LoS environments. our leap carries us past many cracks and crevasse that creat LoS issues with him. we don't notice this because our leap still gets us there. Even if it's not LoS, he may decide to try to run around it while were already in combat...and he can bug there too

  17. Hello guys,


    I don't consider myself a better player than anyone but I wanted to share my experience with Quinn and Jaesa.


    .....good stuff happens...


    But to each its own, enjoy the companion you like most.


    sounds like you had a good experience with jaessa, rock on. can't compare with my jugg, as I know that your defensive CD's are different. I do know that when I ran Immortal, i could run a tank spec and have it relatively easy. I had to (like you) carefully watch and space out my CD's, occasionally allow the companion to pull, slternate who takes the damage, etc. It's not horrible, but it's a definite change to my approach to quinn with a DPS spec.


    I can jump in ad smash face, grabbing aggro on everything and mow it down, and dig right into the next group. I can save my CD's for elites and champs. Actually soloed an on level champ the other day as vengance with quinn. Lvl 37 btw, so were not talking about a lvl 50 toon that has gear that outlevels the mobs they're fighting. Came out at 90% health.


    Nothing wrong with these changes per-se. but it basically proves my point. that you have to adjust how you play your character to play the companions they offer. Now imagine if each companion had a flip switch. position A was their DPS spec. Position B was their "secondary " spec. for vette that would be healing. Pierce and that other tank guy would most likely be DPS. same with quinn (since his main is healing), and jaesa could have either healing or tanking. she uses double blade, so my initial though would be tank.


    If they did that...then Any of the companions could basically be used with ANY of the specs we have. DPS specs excel with tank and healing companions, and tank specs excel with healing/dps companions. The current issue is that in order to play our character the way we want (based on their specs mind you), we have to limit our companion choices. or simply make the leveling process more difficult.


    Edit: although...the more I think about it, I'm thinking it would actually be a much finer balance. Moracaibo has a good point. It's not a game defining variance, but a class quality variance, and spec quality variance. But it is still enough to push people towards certain companions, which isn't biowares desire. they give us the companions to experience their stories as well. having to opt out of their story so you can play the way you want isn't IMO the most efficient way to go about it

  18. I've been leveling multiple crafts up with my Jugg as she level's. here's the ones I use the most:


    Artifice - having a purple hilt every 2-4 levels is golden. we are very gear dependent, and the purple stats way outperform the blues you get from commendation awards. Plus the commendation mods are usually a few levels under you by the time you can pick them up. you can get your purple hilt set up the minute you hit that level.


    Cyber - I went with a specific gear set that I like the look of, so i needed mods to upgrade it. I got the same result from mods as I did with the hilt above. you can obviously get both from vendors, but like before, you are usually a few levels ahead of them...


    Bio - always a good default. I have yet to use this on my jugg, and have not bought any medpacks, and done fine. On the flip side, I am using solely quinn as companion


    Synthweaving - not using as much. get the occasional piece of gear, but the problem may be that i didn't keep this one up with the level of my Jugg. But it is great for filling in the smaller gear pieces while you level. Purple belts and bracers go a long way (as well as boots, etc)


    Now, ultimately you can get ALL of these things through commendations, but if your solely leveling PvE you'll run into a few issues.


    1) As i mentioned above, you will often outlevel the mods you get. by the time you can purchase the mods/belt/hilt/whatever you will usually be a few levels above them. and while their blue (nice), they're not purple. my purple lvl 35 hilt just got outperformed by one point in each stat by a lvl 39 blue. purples are very nice.


    2) many of the mods don't have the stats you want. as an example, my jugg is DPS spec...but most the mods often have higher endurance then str. sure i can hunt and peck for an occasional mod that meets my needs...or I can craft my mods and fill my gear with the exact stats I want


    3)commendations are certainly common, but not flowing like water. i have rarely been able to get enough (through normal leveling mind you) to upgrade ALL my gear, plus ALL my companions gear


    The biggest benefit of commendation gear is its EASY. stop by the vendor, browse a few minutes, and you have your stuff. Since I craft for my weapon and armor stats, I use my commendations to upgrade my companions, pick up new moddable gear I want (you can get gloves on taris, boots on alderaan, etc.) each planet has one (or two) moddable slots of gear to buy. then you can fill them out.


    I just started a new jugg, and I'm going to level him solely with a dps companion, so im leveling Bio on him to offset the lack of heals. hope that information helps.

  19. The Pilot belt is light, with no class requirement, but I haven't seen any bracers. If these exist, please point me in the right direction.


    Thanks! :)


    not sure what you were looking for based on that comment, but if your OK with light bracers, the nar shadaa dancer set has a light wrist with slots iirc. not at home to check it and see, but I thought it was moddable

  20. I only have a lv50 marauder and dont have a jugg


    From what ives seen on the abilities they get on torhead. Marauders seem to have better survivability than a dps jugg and rage generation is better. However a dps jugg can burst higher.


    that can be very misleading (the skills at least). Jugg's get lots of residual and regular damage reduction that a marauder does not. Now...you do need to be in immortal spec to use most of those, but they are there.


    But if your discussing DPS specs (specifically rage for the jugg..the vengeance tree actually gets a surprising amount of Dr, residual and activated), you may be correct. haven't compared everything. just keep in mind that juggs can pop into tank stance, immediately getting a constant (not on CD) 6% dr as well as a 50% increase in armor, something marauders can't have. but marauders do have better defensive CD's overall then the jugg DPS specs.


    But an immortal Jugg's defensive skills, whether baseline DR increases, or CC/control abilities, way surpass Marauders. but to do that you sacrifice a ton of damage...

  21. Frankly it's already happening. Those that care about the stories simply spam gifts but never take actual companions out, save for one. And it's flawed because instead of running around with companion we like, we often run around with companion that's most useful regardless of how we feel about him / her. And in this case, vast majority of SW players feel nothing but hatred towards Quinn.


    So if leaving 4 companions on the ship forever is the case already then why not make it more functional?


    I agree with this whole-heartedy. they may have "wanted" us to try out all the companions (which I am keen with anyways), but I think overall they shot themselves in the foot. because certain AC specs function better with certain companions, you end up with people using that specific companion over the others, even when they wanted to try out the other ones as well..


    In all honesty, Bio did an amazing job on these stories. i want to experience them all, and I am even leveling a second Jugg to try out the others. And I've ran with vette, both in Immortal spec and Vengance (no focus yet guys, but im sure it would have similar survivability results as Veng in PvE). and there's not reason you should have to make quality of play choices just to have one companion over the other. if the attraction is the companion personality and the storyline (as it should be), then the best thing Bio could do is eliminate the motivation to take one over the other, which in this case is very much there.


    read any of the forums. most the DPS classes will end up taking a tank companion or a healing companion. I don't care how cool you think you are because you toughed it out with a companion that was harder. I think thats great. but companion choice shouldn't rely on that. because at that point, were losing track of the character itself, which really should be the focus of the storyline, not the side support. If your adjusting your spec to suit your companion, then its not about you any more.


    If We simply had an additional spec option with each companion for each class, then it would be much easier to try them all


    We should be able to choose because we like the plot development with that companion, not because of spec design limitations

  22. /signed !!!!



    OMG signed. I have no clue why they had to give so many SC's a SINGLE healing companion...and make them all guys. At least my consular gets one that's mildly tolerable (funny guy...but his fascination with that AI girl is a bit weird). Quinn is simply a dork. and irritating...but in spite of his irritations, dealing with the downtime of using a DPS build and Vette is more irritating for me. My character comes first, no matter how cool vette...i mean...a sidekick is.


    I may relevel a jugg just to push through it with vette, she's so cool. but that idea (choosing healer/dps/whatever) would be awesome. perhaps give us a choicebox for skill sets (sort of like choosing your spec/respeccing). like Vette could be either her normal ranged DPS, or switch her over (respec cost of course) to a smuggler-type healer

  23. Correct. without dealing with spoilers, it is a very different plotline, but still in it's own interesting. typical sith corruption, destruction (of course destruction, were the kings of smashing face), etc. it's own little plot twists as well.


    But from what I hear about the agent story...I hear its one of the best in the game. Unfortunately you've started off with high standards :) but so far I've enjoyed all the stories I've done. if you like the class and how it plays, it's definitely worth it.


    but, a melee class is very different from a ranged class, and the SW has a mechanics challenge to it that most other classes don't. but i hear the agent has a higher learning curve as well, so you'll probably do fine as long as the playstyle fits you.

  24. Problem is, several of the endgame items that each profession crafts can only be used by the character with that profession (they're either bind on pickup or require that profession to use), so that doesn't really work out. Also, unless you're going to level both characters, whichever one uses the second skill will have no extra companions to do crafting, meaning you wont have the critical/efficiency bonuses to that crafting skill or the ability to make multiple items at once.


    I'm only going with one or the other.


    Fair enough. Id go with artifice, if for anything more unique end game perks that are hard to get via other avenues. although on my new Inq, I'm leveling Synth and it works very well for keeping my current companion Val as well as myself equipped, as he uses str based armor. but if i switch companions, that's lost. I've leveled both on toons, and overall I've gotten more out of artifice simply because the items (outside of personal ones) are more universal. everyone can use enhancements and (especially) crystals. hilts are more limited, but can still fit many companion weapons as well as sabers.


    i see synth as helping a great deal when it comes to those equipment slots that are hard to fill and keep up with level (wrists, belt, bracers, etc). but it seems it's end game personal items are not as flexible (though they are best in slot atm for the few items you do get). Plus, only force users will wear the armor. everyone uses crystals and enhancements, and most can/will use hilts


    It just seems to me that if your going to focus on one, artifice has more perks to it. but that could change very soon, as they're adding more crafting schematics and options in 1.2. Of course, they're adding some for artifice as well :) new color crystals!

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