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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Elyx

  1. I dig it, definitely flows with the cannon 9/10


    My Marauder is Darth Tyri Tilmorne, or as I prefer it, Darth Tilmorne


    My roommate is a little less original and prefers his Sith Sorc to be called Lord Tzentch


    I like them both :) very origional, and fit the genre well. 9/10/ I'm a fan of story fitting names.


    I went with Yldriss Krassus, and her younger brother, Val'kryn. Noble born of house Krassus and gifted force warriors from the get go.

  2. around 17 points up the Rage tree, Smash doesn't look like Thunderclap, it looks like the hand of God.


    The comparison picture doesn't take into account how the abilities mutate when you talent into them. The difference between how different specs in the same class umbrella play in Tor is far more radical than in wow.


    I don't think there's any talent build in WoW for a warrior that turns the class into a jackrabbit carrying a lightsaber and a tactical nuclear strike that goes off when he hops every 15 seconds.


    this. I could care less that smash shares similar mechanics to t-clap. t-clap is very unimpressive....smash is so cool i look forward to using it. unless i want to IMPALE THEM IN THE HEAD WITH MY LIGHTSABER FIRST !!!! which is even COOLER!


    a WoW Warriors shout is this boring, weird thing that you barely hear...Force scream gets in their face and hollers at them (knocking them down with it's ferocity in the process). the first time i heard force scream I was hooked...the jedi version is a saber swing (sorta boring) I had my speaker turned up that day and FS made my chair vibrate. I actually think i giggled a bit inside


    The OP link was a perfect example of how you can take some boring mediocre ideas (that are sound mechanically) and make them visibly enjoyable enough to want to use them to see it happen...again and again and again.


    Also...even though many of the ideas are the same, the CD's, the timing of skills, the manner in which your talents impact them...it all feels very different. The attack animations aren't up to Aion's level yet, but they are the most enjoyable I've seen in a long time.

  3. Ahh yes the logic is undeniable

    Now your main gets no endgame bonuses of a crafting crew skill.

    this is backwards,do what you want but why would you suggest this to someone else????


    Because it works for me.


    Because I can get the benefits of multiple crafts as I level without having to level individual toons for each one.


    Because end game isn't the only reason you craft.


    Because I enjoy it.


    Because there are no endgame materials that require certain crafts to function. Whereas a player having a crafting skill has a few perks, I get the parks of many crafting skills (though not the sole perks of having it on that toon). A *** for a tat.


    I guess that one size does not fit all. please don't make the mistake of thinking that there's only one way to do things in this game...you really ruin the enjoyment. that and the OP in no way has to do this. but it certainly is fun.

  4. I don't mind the robe sets (I went Empire for the design choices, among other things).. but I DO think that the limitations for some gear (jedi only robes as an example) seem odd. I am actually not a fan of the robe look for my jedi knight, and I'd love to have some of that juggernaut heavy style to wear on repub side as well...but im stuck with the non-dyed wool throwover that my guardian wears. All they'd have to do is remove the class limitations on mod gear. most gear is gated via armor type already...there shouldn't be any reason why a knight/jugg can't wear the same gear.
  5. Do Both (it's what I did):


    Create 2 alts with artifice and synth respectively. level archeology and a few other skills on your inquisitor. farm everything and mail to the alts to craft with. I have an artificer, synthweaver, and cybertech in the mid 300's using only mats i farm on my main. anything extra from your farming you can sell for good money.


    Bioanalysis may be good to pick up in addition to archeology, so you can farm mats for your own med kits while you level (instead of having to hop over to your other toon and farm separately). a mission skill would be a good addition to those....either UT or TH for synth and artifice respectively.


    I leveled archeology, scavenging, and UT on my Jugg, and used the mats to level cyber and synth/artifice almost solely (artifice had a little help from my toons on repub side). synth/cyber is an especially good combo for alts as the both share the same mission skill, so you can keep UT on your main and level it as you level to feed both.

  6. This is off topic...

    But can someone explain PvP in a nutshell? I know it's player vs player... but beyond that I'm clueless as, in reference to any games that resemble this one, I've only played KotoR and WoW and never engaged myself in any PvP combat and have pretty much no idea who these different arsenals off weaponry and such applies to gameplay ...Why can't I just use the armor and weapons I'm already using in my regular gameplay?


    You can really. they're cross referencing PvP gear as examples, not requirements. the PvP gear in the game requires tokens from PvP. there's a pretty decent write-up on it in the PvP forum if you want to read it, but there's absolutely no reason you have to get PvP gear unless you want to.


    basically, if you want to change the color of your saber, you will need a "moddable" saber. As stated above, they're name/highlight is orange in color (except when they drop...they will often show up as a "blue" drop until you pick them up). they are of varying levels...most the mod gear you find on mobs will have mods of the proper level already (though you will still often be able to upgrade a few of them...I often find that the armor mod as an example in dropped mod gear is usually a green quality (blue is better option, purple best)


    As an example, when you finish your class quests on Korriban, you are gifted a lightsaber. That's a moddable saber...my Jugg is level 38 and she is still using the same saber! the mods are what make a moddable gear piece what it is. 3 mods...armor, mod, and enhancement, will add your bonus stats, and buff up the actual armor/damage of the weapon. think of "mods" as reusable enchants from WoW.


    the level of the mod will dictate its stats, very similar to how the level of a set of boots will determine its stats. Mod's can be switched amongst various pieces of Mod gear...if you find a new mod item you like better then the old one, you can easily (for a cost) switch the mods over to your new one, and have a new looking piece of gear, same stats


    the crystal is a weapon only upgrade. They're usually smaller buffs (+endurance, +crit), but the crystals are probably more rare and harder to get then other mods. Most commendation vendors will not sell them. the best resource is an artificer craftsman. either start the craft yourself, or look for crystals on the AH.


    some crystals are simply hard to find. I've done pretty well on my artificer simply because i craft a few of each color and each level, and throw up on the AH. they sell like hotcakes.

  7. How do you know this ? , Source?


    yeah, I hear allot of speculation on the same sex stuff, but yet to see any blue posts, blogs, or dev quotes relating to this. Their may be an odd one out there, but in general I really think its more forum rumor then actual "its in our list of things to do". I have yet to see anything except the occasional player started thread. I could be ignorant in this...but someone would have to point it out for me 9the confirmed dev response)


    On Topic, I have a few male toons, mostly to have the romance experience. but the majority of my toons are female (me being a guy). I too, found that after playing many MMO's for many years, the most important aspect of your toon is do you enjoy watching it? for me, that boiled down to the feminine style. I enjoy watching it much more then a guys butt!


    ....especially these male toons. their proportions seem all out of whack to me. the middle build has too skinny legs and arms, and a horrible bubble butt. the pro wrestler build is too...I don't know...hulk like? not sure how they don't tip over from having 3/4 of their body mass above the belt. the skinny model is just....ew. and the tubby guy...in all honesty, i can at least appreciate ifat and happy from a relaxed perspective. having a tubby commando in heavy armor is rockin. but i can't play it as a guard/jugg...I just need something toned and mean.


    so my preferred body styles to date are female skins 2 and 3 (one being the skinny), 3 by default...I like the amazon look what can I say.

  8. I always find it interesting that people post their companions, but don't post what their specs are. Yes, having a tank spec and using a healing pet will slooow down your dps. adding a dps companion will...you'll never guess... speed UP your dps.


    having a DPS spec is a different matter. More often then not, the people that say/love using kira (or other dps classes) often run a defense spec. This is not a bad thing, but it's a very important detail !!


    In General (in other words, there will be exceptions) I find tank specs tend to favor DPS companions, and DPS specs favor healing/tank companions. Overall, the key is getting used to your companion and how they do damage, and compensating how you play for that. or pick the companion to suit your playstyle instead.


    Level also makes a difference. once you hit 50, and get top gear, the same mobs that were a challenge in yoru fresh 50 blues or greens are ez mode (especially if you have PvP gear). so LEVELING a guard/jugg is far different then playing one at LEVEL CAP WITH GOOD GEAR. Anyone who gives you leveling advice from the perspective of lvl 50 with rakata gear you should take with a grain of salt. At least until your 50 with rakata gear ;D


    My highest is a Jugg...I run solely a dps spec (vigilance/vengance) and use the healer, quinn. I've respecced to immortal/defense spec a few times and ran with it for a few levels each time to try it out. the downtime and massive juggilng I had to do with skills was more distracting then it was fun to me. but in vengance, with a healing companion, i kill mobs just as fast as my tank/dps role, and have NO downtime whatsoever.


    Now, playstyle may also play a role in that. The tank spec isn't just automatically "tougher". even with tops DPS companion you have to constantly juggle and use your defensive CD's on every fight. with DPS classes this isn't as critical. But if that's something your used to, then it isn't a real issue. the reward for dealing with this is a wider selection of companions. On empire side, I love vette, your first companion. but my enjoyment of playing with her does not offset the frustration of contant regeneration (me or her), having to micromanage my CD's to last the fight with multiple silvers or elites. I can wade in the middle, laying wanton waste to everything, with my trusty pocket healer keeping me alive.


    But there are many people who have solely leveled as tank specs, and are comfortable with how they play. they intersperse CD's regularly, pick tanking stats over dps stats to maximize survivability while their companions melt face...


    I think that If i take other peoples experiences into account, both approaches work...it's a matter of getting used to their differences, and adapting your playstyle to fit. Vengance(vigilance) was the right fit for me. you should try both (even focus....not trying that myself until 40 or so)

  9. I'd love to see the data showing that DPS guards do less then the "other" DPS classes in general. the actual timed tests that I've actually seen (rather then just reading non-substantiated rumors) show DPS Guards above quite few of the other "DPS" classes. This does not count PvP either...too many variables, and a very narrow component of the game. Screenshots of PvP damage table are about as factual as the Creature from the black lagoon. you can take the best DPS class in the game, give it to a complete newb, and they'll show poor numbers.


    I think the impression that guards to less damage may come from their limitations in Immortal spec. But the OP was asking about DPS specs, not Tanking spec. But I have VERY high doubts that the other tank classes do 2-3x more damage. that's pure dramatic speculation.


    Your talking about a game that is developed, tested, and played regularly by the Dev's and their teams. there's a blue quote stating specifically that they have played and ran every aspect of the game on every class. one class doing literally twice as much damage as another is as glaring as a hole in your foot. there is simply no way that we do half the damage of the other tank classes. If you have data that shows this I'm all ears (no PvP screenies plz...)


    But we certainly do less then the others, I wont argue that. And Bio is working on resolving that issue. But i ramble about tank specs....to the OP: you will do fine. The biggest hurdle you will face is ignorance, plain and simple. I'm not a fan of DPS meters, but sometimes i wish I could have one just to shut up a few peeps. but the truly ignorant would still live in their little caves...


    You guys aren't ignorant. it's the ones who walk around thinking that a guard in a DPS spec is worse then other DPS specs.

  10. Droids use it. It's a replacement for one of your usual equipment slots (boots or belt, one of those two, can't remember atm).


    You don't see it used as often on Empire side, but on Repub side the jedi Knight starts with a robot (and many people continue to use him until they get the healer).

  11. From my count, I'm doubling up Shatter/Impale and Force Scream/Smash; they're pretty much being used on cooldown. What combination of two attacks does more damage than Ravage (3 seconds), ignoring the metronomic use of Sundering Assault?


    Fantastic thread btw! finally a thread talking about how to improve your DPS, rather then just gripe about things. :)


    I think that's the key. It's not about whether ravage is better then X skill...it's about when everything else is on CD...do i ravage, or do i spam sunder/assault?


    Course, the other option is vicious, but the question is...is the damage from 2 Vicious worth the cost of 6 rage, in comparison to a ravage over the same similar time frame?


    Or what about a sunder/vicious? overall rage cost is nothing given the talented sunder...is that better, or are you dealing with a cooldown issue at that moment with sunder?


    based on my play, i like it as well for the smoother flow like you mentioned above, and the "breather". a few seconds of free damage while you reassess the environment. But is it optimal all other things considered? And does the Optimal outweigh feel of play and execution?

  12. I never raided and frankly i cant compare DPS (alot of ppl bashing Jugs seems to be able to though), so whats the future of Jug DPS in the end-game?


    I'm pretty sure you already got the point OP :) your jugg is fine, your Guild Leader is ignorant, and being idiotic about his ignorance.


    I quoted that part above, and I know your probably either just thinking out loud, or theorizing, but that quote is one of the reasons that your GL's ignorance can continue to fester.


    That statement is already implying, before you even ask the question, that Jugg DPS is poor. people read that and "assume" that Judd DPS sucks, without even trying to find the real information.


    I have read JACK SQUAT about any information saying that other classes DPS more. And I dare anyone to find it. Those that Actually are willing to run a few tests I've seen show Jugg DPS in the upper range of the classes. most these tests are timed single mob pulls, but they are something...far more then what I see from peeps who like to wallow in ignorance.


    You don't need dps meters to "show" that a Jugg can do DPS. like someone said before. a 3-5m timed event with a buddy will show you all that you need. If someone wants more then that, then they're in the wrong game.

  13. Never compare classes in an mmo where balance is crucial, yeah okay mate.


    Balance isn't crucial, capability for function is. If you cane get the same job done with different approaches, then that will work.


    Great Post OP...I love my Jugg for exactly those same reasons. I have a PT as well as a Shadow consular, and my Jugg is still my love.


    now, on the note of improvements, yes we need polishing. If the could find a way to gie us more damage and control without changing the overall essence of how the class plays I'm game. but no WoW style homogenization please. Killed the game IMO. I like how the classes feel different. especially how they play different. especially my Jugg.


    up our damage a bit, give us more flexibility with CC/threat in the skills we already have, and I'd be a happy camper.


    and yeah...that rakata gear...not a big fan. found a great little setup that I like, and I'm keeping it. If I could find a set that looks exactly like the one in the starting pic (when your setting up your Jugg the first time), I'd be in heaven.

  14. It's a tough decision for me. I like the idea of getting a force pull (make tanking easier), but I don't want to give up the push/leap combo for it. I enjoy that combo, and don't want that mechanic eliminated simply so i can be like other tanks. But make it add to the design of the jugg as it already is.


    like resetting leap a bit more often. or putting in a talent in the Immortal tree to reduce it's CD. or have push/leap/intercede build oneach other (increasing damage/threat on each other in a cycle). so you can leap to build damage on push, then push builds even more damage on leap, as with intercede. you leap, push, leap, intercede...and damage stacks higher each time.


    or make choke a ranged ability (with lower CD), and make it non-channeled as a baseline. 30 sec instead of 1m, and give it a 30m range. that way you can tag the mob that is on the healer, control it for a few seconds while your increasing threat on it by quite a bit.


    I have allot of fun using push. dealing with trash elites, jump on the guy on the far left, push him into the group of two off in the other direction, leap on one of them...sort fun to move mobs around like that. And as stated above, if i wanted to pull mobs into me, i could always play my consular/assassin or BH.


    so no sign for me. But i support increasing our ranged threat options more.

  15. PvP gear is great for it's level...but you have to PVP to get it. if you like to PvP, then it's a good choice.


    I did fine with PvE gear. Of course, I enjoy crafting. After a few tries of this craft or that, I ended up picking up 3 farming skills (2 farming skills and a mission skill) on my Jugg, and then had 2 alt's in the background who crafted. I'd gather mats on my jugg mail them over to my alts, and craft for about 20m before closing for the night. You'd be amazed at how easy it is to keep you gear up that way.


    I had one alt with cyber for mods, and another alt with artifice for my hilts/crystals. Lots of people like Bio, but i went for most my jugg's history without Bio...have yet to even purchase any medpacks to boot. i made mods on my cybertech, and hilts on my artificer.


    I would focus primarily on the armor slot and your hilt for your best mods. moddable gear (unless its a prototype) has 3 slots: armor, Mod, and enhancement. Cyber can make the armor and mod slots, artifice can make the enhancement slot. so between those two crafts, i had all my moddable gear covered, as well as the most important part of my weapon 9the hilt determines your actual damage in a moddable lightsaber).


    i spent my commendations on filling in the gaps...getting moddable armor for slots i didn't have yet (hand, feet, etc), getting moddable gear for my companions, etc. sometimes id pick up an extra mod or two with comm's if i felt lazy...but 3/4 of my mods were from crafting. My Jugg has archeology, scavenging, and underworld trading. the only other mission skill i use/need is treasure hunting (for artifice), but I just mail some extra cash over to my artifice alt and have her run missions.


    Edit: on the note of Hammer Station...you can also go abck to lower level worlds and solo heroic instances for easy commendations to get moddable gear for free. At your level heroics on Dromund Kass should be cake. run them solo (or help out lower level players while you do it), and you can collect Comm's and get some moddable gear. You'll want to replace the mods of course (they're all lvl 15 or so), but this is an easy way to get moddable gear for you AND your companions. then use the Comm's from balmorra and Nar Shadda to get better mods for them.


    most moddable gear in the teens sells for a few grand on the GMT with no mods. you can go that direction as well.

  16. I absolutely dread it when I get a Juggernaut tank for a Hardmode flashpoint. You're AoE threat is just absolutely **** and it's just painful to party with you.


    It's usually piss poor DPS that don't know how to play that put up messages like this.


    I ran a group of lower level toons through a heroic are the other day to help a guildee out. It was pretty funny actually to watch them (as it didn't matter what they did, I could snap back control in a fraction of a second).


    every single dps was hitting a different mob. they were surprised when I suggested that they focus on One mob.


    they would pull every mob in sight because they simply weren't paying attention to nearby monsters or their aggro radius.


    ...with such fantastic examples like this, no wonder these expert DPS players can make such accurate judgments about tanking skills. I recognize that you want to be able to spam stuff WoW style and not be responsible for your threat. Or control. Or CC.


    You may go back to WoW at any time.

  17. I have tried (with the exception of the smuggler/agent) every class in the game, most of the to 30+.


    And Out of all of them, the Jugg is still my favorite. enough of one that I'm starting a second one.


    they have a much different playstyle then many of the other classes. After playing (and really enjoying) my Jugg, the other classes seem sort of boring.


    I will admit, the class limitations are enough that I would like to see some adjustments. Nothing game breaking, but fine polishing. We could use a little more strength in the solo arena, don't want to get into details in this thread. But these needs have not stopped me from playing the class and loving it (a second time through even).


    there's nothing wrong with expressing your frustration. But you can't call a class broke when man many people have been playing and enjoying their Jugg's. But if the combination of different playstyle (that's the biggest) along with their current state (work OK, need some polishing), then perhaps it isn't the class for you.


    My BH and consular/inquisitors are mind numbingly easy to play compared to my Jugg. And I like that. all the need is a small buff to solo survivability and their fine. sorry you had a bad experience. When I first started a jugg (knight actually), I was put off. It was different then my shadow i had played up to that point.


    I decided to come back later on (when my SC had gotten high enough to want a break), and started fresh. I really began to enjoy the mechanics, but didn't like many of the knights animations. tried the jugg and loved it. It's all about the mechanics. I had to push myself past a certain threshold (lvl 20 or so) to really enjoy it. But if your pushing 30 or so, and still not liking it, it may not be for you.


    Personally, I'd recommend running a vengance build with Quinn for heals. Yeah, it sucks to not always be able to play with vette or Jaena, but if your having struggles use him. you won't get him till 20 or so, so learn how to let vette pull a few weak mobs of her own (wait a few seconds to spam smash, make sure her AoE is enabled. she'll pull a few, you tag the other few to down on your own). Once you get Quinn it's pretty smooth from that point on. If you have quinn, are past lvl 25 or so, and still not liking it, then the class may not be for you.


    Edit: on jaesa's boss, I wiped the first time because I wasn't expecting the battle. Second time I more wisely spaced out and planned my CD's and finished him off with about 1/3 of my health left.


    It's all about managing cooldowns on this class. I play an SC too on repub side...and I can pretty much hit buttons on him and do fine. On tougher mobs on My jug I have to plan it out. But it works quite well...recently on Quesh (lvl 37) soloed a lvl 37 champion with quinn healing in the background...ended up at the end with about 90% health left.


    Edit Edit: Sorry this is growing so long...but when I play my Jugg i have about as long a kill time as my SC. Perhaps we should look at gear/rotation on what you are doing. On the flip side, Jugg as a class is VERY gear dependent. very. Less so with quinn and vengance (compared to Immortal with dps pet), but still you need to be on it. I always had a purple hilt for my saber, the rest were blue (and yes...i fought the champ shortly after replacing my hilt with a new lvl 37 Purple). But still...with quinn I'm pretty much grinding at a similar pace as taht of my SC. But I pretty much have a solid rotation. When I fall out of my rotation, it does slow down. Skill useage (which one, how, when) really matters on this class.

  18. I am personally waiting for them to fix whatever is wrong with the jedi knight and sith warrior classes, since i need to put in 4x as much effort to do what the other classes can do with the least bit of effort.


    You don't have to put in 4x. I've leveled a few other EZ mode classes, in addition to BH, sage, shadow consular. Jugg/knight is more challenging, and pending your spec can force companion choices to a degree but I didn't experience 4x more difficulty.


    I regularly beat down 2 silvers + regular. here's how I do it:


    leap. do not hit smash. smack the regular with an attack, and impale on ONE silver. quinn has healed me by this point, second silver goes to him. usualyl normal is dead by now. focus my fire on my silver. silver is down usually by the time quinn is close to quarter health. jump to his silver, push, jump again, smash...i have aggro, and second silver is to half health. finish him off.


    If quinn is taking too much damage, I'll jump before the fist silver is dead. gives me time to hit the second silver a few times while silver A is running feebly to catch up with my leap/push/leap combo. which is fine...ill finish him off in a few hits. if im taking too much damage, I pop my defensive CD.


    If theres an elite invovled in addition to a silver, it will be simiar, but ill usually pop our 20m cd in addition. It can be close, but quinn and I make it. heal up, move on.


    this is in full vengance spec btw...no points in any other pool. level 33. quinn can tank a few mobs pretty well. 2 normals or 1 silver

  19. Threads like this are hilarious.


    Please, show me the datamining that proves Juggs do poor DPS. Taking into account, of course, the fact that they have a Tank spec vs. a DPS spec.


    their DPS in their respective DPS specs is fine.I have yet to see ANY DATA that proves this otherwise. PvP scoreboards are irrelevant. Especially the low ones. High ones are relevant at least if they show numbers that are competitive with other classes high numbers, but still...


    really guys. Where's the data ? oh yeah, up your Ars* where you pulled all those other opinionated remarks about squishiness and poor DPS. Jugg's do great DPS, always have...in their DPS specs. At this point in time it's unsure if tanking DPS is behind others, though it sounds like empirical data is showing Juggs are having more issues meeting rage timers in groups their tanking for. But that is solely anecdotal at this point, and it only involves Immortal spec.


    But...unfortunately we will never be able to eliminate ignorance as well as incorrect opinion. Even with DPS meters, people will still hold onto biased opinions with no fact or relevant data to back it up.


    In the meantime, Juggs are fine. it's perceptions that need to change.

  20. It seems to me that the bulk of the responses have been:


    Immortal - Uses DPS companions. Vette/Jaena

    Vengeance - Uses Quinn/Peirce (healer/tank)

    Rage - Quinn mostly


    As Vengeance myself, I initially used quinn. I prefer Vette in personality, but in all honesty, I felt like I was killing faster with Quinn to heal me. I would have to stop and heal after every fight, whether it was me or her (this is with decently update gear). Either she would pull aggro (and i'd let her) and her health would be low...or I would hold aggro to help her, and my health would be low. quinn's dps is low, but I can smoothly steamroll everything, leaping from fight to fight without hesitation.


    I can probably be more tactical with vette or jaena (haven't equipped jaena past her starter gear really), having them start a fight, and have me taunt stuff off of them, but honestly, if i wanted a "companion pulls" class, i could roll a squishy like a sorc or another dps class. I rolled a jugg because I love how they can jump into a group of mobs and smash face. I can probably switch over to Immortal soon (probably will) and try out the dps companions, but right now I enjoy the playstyle, so quinn it is.


    didn't realize we get pierce! (currently running the quests in Taris). ill try him out as vengeance as well. My guess is his DPS will be higher then Quinn's...and if he can hold aggro enough for me to peel and still maintain decent health levels, Im totally game.

  21. women make the best sith warriors because once a month they have an unlimited supply of RAGE!



    joking aside, i'm starting a jugg alt, i would like to know if the tank build is best for fast leveling?


    I'd recommend vengance over immortal until 30 or 40. But that is my personal preference only. I know many people have leveled immortal solely and enjoyed it. the things that I noticed about both specs (switched back and forth a bit as I leveled)


    Immortal - more defensive skills, good rage build until the 20's due to low level talent. Vengeance is better for rage post 20, and immortal catches up in the 40's. better build to run with if you are going to use DPS companions.


    Vengeance - More offensive skills. surprisingly, some nice defensive skills as well (Unstoppable is a fantastic solo defensive skill...you can get it as early as 20, relistically 22) DPS is nicer, feels smoother then Immortal through 40. Immortal gets some nice skills higher up tho too


    Ultimately, higher up, it depends on what you prefer. Immortal is better defense, but damage lacks. with a solid DPS companion (a.k.a vette with top notch gear) you will still kill quite fast. Vengance is higher DPS, but suffers in the mitigation area (but nothing that isn't overcome by solid skill use). dps companion for faster kills, or healer for smoother play. Rage (I hear...haven't played it yet myself), is great for PvP at all levels, and good for Pve as well post 40.


    But this is personal opinion, and im sure there's plenty of peeps who have leveled fully in all 3 of the trees. look at it this way...


    Immortal - Heavy mitigations, low on dps

    vengance - great dps, medium mitigations

    Rage - great burst dps, medium mitigations


    and pick you companion to suit your playstyle. And women still make the best warriors :) cute...and they RAGE!


    TLDR: Do not grab artifice, go with Biochem. Having re-usable med packs, stim packs, and med packs to heal both you and your companion is soooo valuable it isn't funny.


    I would recommend: Biochem/Bioanalysis/Slicing ... use slicing to get you extra cash and just purchase the diplomacy items as needed. You could go diplomacy to get them yourself, but thus far I haven't needed them all that often since once you make a purple, re-usable, version then you no longer need it until you hit the next grade (every 6-8 character levels).


    I agree with this. the only reason i didn't go with Biochem on my Jugg is that I already had it on an alt. I actually made my jugg a farmer toon (arch, scavenging, underworld trading) so she could gather materials for a few alts that I then made with crafting skills. Im considering trading out UT for Bioanalysis. having a high level toon gather is so much easier then doing it individually on other characters. 99% of the patterns currently in game you can get by standing around in the fleet and crafting/sending companions out on missions. Very easy thing to do on an alt.


    I tend to log in on my alts first, get some crafting going, some missions, then log into my main and play. But if That's not your cup of tea, then go with Bio. Even when there are stims and medpacks available at the vendor, just being able to craft your own is a huge time/money saver.


    IMO slicing vs. Bioanalysis is pick your poison. Slicing (especially prior to the mid 20's) is a great money maker. The only toons i ever had excess cash on after buying their speeder skill at 25 were my slicers. But at the same time, I skipped it on my Knight (mirror to jugg) and went with bio analysis. the blue medpacks are amazing...the extra HoT you get from them really makes an impact with a jugg/knight (due to our complete lack of healing :p ) But you can only make those blue ones with materials gotten via Bioanalysis. so if you pick up slicing, you may end up spending your extra cash on the AH for blue mats.


    or you can stick with slicing and ignore the blue schematics for now. the critical money stage is pre-25. you income grows exponentially from late 20's into your early 30's, so after that I usually drop slicing (have it on one alt for the augments)

  23. I think there could be a few inventive solutions to our issues. not necessarily new to the genre, but a little beyond the basic "extra threat in Soresu".


    1) talent in immortal that give s threat over time component to vicious slash and smash. not extra damage, but threat over time. make it long enough that we can keep that up with the smash CD. Allow the ToT from smash and VS stack together (but their independent CD's would not allot them to stack on themselves). that would add a ineraction component with those two that could be interesting.


    2) Talent (again in the immortal tree) that reduces the CD of saber throw every time we use retaliation. This gives us the ability to use one of our ranged skills more often IF we are being focused on for hitting...also works with our design of being "active" tanks. we still have to use the skill to get the reduction.


    3) Talent (immortal again...surprised?) that adds a debuff on mobs attacked by our scream that increases taken damage by 2-3%, and lasts long enough to stack 2-3x for roughly a 6% damage increase for every one attacking the mob. adjust the percentage to make it viable of course, but keep the CD so that if were not keeping up on our scream, it will drop off shortly.


    4)extra threat on saber throw


    there we go. #1 resolves our AoE threat issue as long as were active on using our AoE skills effectively...WITHOUT increasing damage and unbalancing in PvP. #2 takes care (to a degree) our limited range skills. with #4, it makes saber throw a very effective ranged threat skill without again adding too much damage.


    And #3 gives us that viability in Hard modes that were missing, again WITHOUT increasing our DPS to OP levels in PvP (if it is true that were already doing enough of that already). We would be wanted in PvE HM's but not for our damage increase (most tanks could care less about real damage), but were still giving the same overall damage increase to the party that the other tanks are via their own personal DPS.


    We could obviously play with the numbers (pulled this out of my head as i read the whole thread), but the ideas are still sound, Increase our threat slightly, especially with AoE skills, give us more flexibility at range without affecting leaps CD and making us OP in PvP, and we could also get that damage increase we need. heck, the debuff could help us solo even, as our companions would benefit from it too. adjusting saber throw to make it more effective would also prevent us from having to need that pull (that again someone mentioned was eliminated due to it OP'ing us)


    the only other thing I think they could tweak (if what a previous poster said was true) is make our cone skill at least equal in range/coverage to the PT skill

  24. Is it true Juggernauts are getting a damage buff in the future?


    Dev's have stated that they are aware that they need some work and are working on it. No specific times or dates or even direction of their 'fix'.


    but they did admit the problem existed and they do have it on their list to do.


    OP: I'm not a PvP expert by any means, but the 1v1 competitions spoke of earlier speak volumes to me. it's not an empirical study, but it does point towards exactly what you were talking about: 1v1 superiority.


    It's not even close to my preference of play. and keep in mind that your preferred playstyle throws you right in the middle of the nerf roller-coaster on a regular basis. But given that...the design of mauraders defensive CD's lines up well with short 1v1 fights. Juggs have a defensive stance that mauraders don't, but that is only more beneficial in longer encounters where the smaller reduction adds up.


    to 1v1 methinks you want 2 things: short term burst potential, and short term high mitigation potential. And the marauder matches both of those.


    anything outside of that though, and the other factors drop mauraders back down with the rest of the AC's, and at that point jugg's are probably equal, but from a different perspective.

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