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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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I've been a little bit sad that for any flashpoint 35+ there is pretty much no one interested. So far all I've seen is an option to find people in /who and that only includes the 90 or so people in republic fleet. It would be nice to have a better way to find people on your own server besides having to do /1 looking for tank taral v for 30 minutes. At least let there be a group finder where you can open the window and see everyone that is looking for a group on every planet instead of people only in your area
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Wow, this concept really is difficult for you to understand. Because adding a LFD finder will make this game "exactly like wow"? Are you serious? If not having a LFD is the only thing keeping TOR from being "World of Warcraft 2" you're going to be sorely dissapointed with this game.


How is it hard for me to realize that the only reason you want it is because you used and abused it in WoW? Simply because it is in one game does not in the slightest mean that it should be in another. If you do not like the fact that you have to communicate to do something, either do not do it and stop complaining because YOU chose not to do it, or go back to where you can use it.


Also, if all you people who come on here and claim that you need it because you do not already do them actually took the time to look for a group, you may get one. Sounds like a lot of people just do not do them because they have to socialize in a chat system.

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How is it hard for me to realize that the only reason you want it is because you used and abused it in WoW? Simply because it is in one game does not in the slightest mean that it should be in another. If you do not like the fact that you have to communicate to do something, either do not do it and stop complaining because YOU chose not to do it, or go back to where you can use it.


Also, if all you people who come on here and claim that you need it because you do not already do them actually took the time to look for a group, you may get one. Sounds like a lot of people just do not do them because they have to socialize in a chat system.


If spamming LFM Tank for 30 minutes, getting no response and then giving up is your idea of socializing, this system is perfect for you.


My most recent attempt at finding a group in this game took 40 minutes just spamming LFG in general chat. This isn't socializing.

Edited by Moricthian
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How is it hard for me to realize that the only reason you want it is because you used and abused it in WoW? Simply because it is in one game does not in the slightest mean that it should be in another. If you do not like the fact that you have to communicate to do something, either do not do it and stop complaining because YOU chose not to do it, or go back to where you can use it.


Also, if all you people who come on here and claim that you need it because you do not already do them actually took the time to look for a group, you may get one. Sounds like a lot of people just do not do them because they have to socialize in a chat system.


I'm completely cool with socializing in a chat system. LFG spam isnt' socializing no matter how hard you try to paint as such. Also, I'm cool with you thinking I'm a lazy, socially inept losebag - seriously, I'm totally ok with you thinking that. Is it possible to stick to the actual debate and not stray too far into ad hominem land now?

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I understand where both sides are coming from. The general chat spam is obnoxious, but games like WoW feel like there's zero socializing involved and really ruins the overall MMO experience.


I think a good solution would be to introduce an LFG Chat for each planet. As it stands the amount of people LFG isn't overwhelming in General but it would definitely clear up unnecessary spam.

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If spamming LFM Tank for 30 minutes...


I did read the rest, but I noticed where you went wrong that far in. How is anyone supposed to know what you are doing when all you say is "LFM Tank". All I get from that is that you need a tank (if even that is true). Could be doing Esseles (or Imperial equivalent) or you could be doing an Operation. For all I know, you just want to get a group of four people together to go do missions as a team. Try actually advertising what you are doing and you may actually get people who are interested. When I am looking for a group for a flashpoint/heroic, I say "Anyone interested in *blahblahblah*?" or "Anyone else interested in *blahblahblah*?". When I do this, I get into groups or get people whispering me in seconds. If you want to be super simple about it, just say "LFG/LFM *blahblahblah*"

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I did read the rest, but I noticed where you went wrong that far in. How is anyone supposed to know what you are doing when all you say is "LFM Tank". All I get from that is that you need a tank (if even that is true). Could be doing Esseles (or Imperial equivalent) or you could be doing an Operation. For all I know, you just want to get a group of four people together to go do missions as a team. Try actually advertising what you are doing and you may actually get people who are interested. When I am looking for a group for a flashpoint/heroic, I say "Anyone interested in *blahblahblah*?" or "Anyone else interested in *blahblahblah*?". When I do this, I get into groups or get people whispering me in seconds. If you want to be super simple about it, just say "LFG/LFM *blahblahblah*"


I was just giving you one example of many. One time I was looking for a healer for Maelstrom prison. After spamming LFM Healer Maelstrom prison for about 25 minutes I thought getting creative might fix the problem. So I came up with this lymric:


"If you're a healer who wants to do some butt kicken, please join my group for Maelstrom Prison."


I thought it might catch people's attention. It didn't. I still didn't get any responses. The answer to this problem requires more than just spamming longer sentences.

Edited by Moricthian
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Game does not NEED a Dungeon Finder feature, just because you want easy mode doesn't mean everyone does and it does ruin commnities. No I'm not in a large group and people on my server don't have problems getting groups. Seriously, learn to make friends if you want to run 4-man instances.
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Game does not NEED a Dungeon Finder feature, just because you want easy mode doesn't mean everyone does and it does ruin commnities. No I'm not in a large group and people on my server don't have problems getting groups. Seriously, learn to make friends if you want to run 4-man instances.


I've been sitting in the republic fleet for 40 minutes spamming LFG while nobody else gave a crap. I couldn't find a group but at least the community was saved!!! Please...

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I've been sitting in the republic fleet for 40 minutes spamming LFG while nobody else gave a crap. I couldn't find a group but at least the community was saved!!! Please...


No you haven't, you have been here for 40 minutes trying to claim that LFG tool is needed for this game to survive.

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No you haven't, you have been here for 40 minutes trying to claim that LFG tool is needed for this game to survive.


Didn't claim that actually. I love this game and am enjoying every second of it. I just want it to be the best it can be. I want it to be improved.

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I understand where both sides are coming from. The general chat spam is obnoxious, but games like WoW feel like there's zero socializing involved and really ruins the overall MMO experience.


The thing is, all this talk about how ruined WoW communities are leaves me scratching my head. I kept reading this here, so I shelled out a month's subscription to re-up my account and logged on to the various servers I have characters on in WoW, and then just hung around to see what the chats and such were like.


Each server I logged into had chat channels whizzing by with conversations between people. Most were in fact cordial, and a lot of people helping others with info. Yes there were the odd trolls, but they were few and far between.


So I thought maybe the servers I have characters on were just an anomaly, and so I should create characters on others. Over the last two days I've been creating characters on multiple servers and taking the small amount of time it takes to get them to major centers. I made 8 characters on 8 different servers, and saw little to no difference in the communities I had already observed.


I'm a mmo vet. I was playing mmos long before WoW came out, so I think I know a thing or two about mmo in-game communities. Frankly the communities I saw on all the servers i visited were way way better than what the WoW communities were in the beginning of the game.


I just don't see what communities the LFD tool in WoW destroyed?

Edited by Umbral
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It is actually, people who have lives will not enjoy wasting their time looking for groups.


Again, someone who thinks that they are the only ones who have lives. I did not know there were so many people in this game who thought they were the only one who does stuff besides play this game.

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Again, someone who thinks that they are the only ones who have lives. I did not know there were so many people in this game who thought they were the only one who does stuff besides play this game.


LFD system will lead to people actually playing the game. Because they will either be waiting in que while questing (interacting with people in the world and being social) or playing and experiencing a flashpoint.


Under the currect system people will be spamming LFG for 40 minutes while sitting on their butt in the fleet doing nothing. That isn't playing the game.

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LFD system will lead to people actually playing the game.


I, and many other people, are able to play the game without an LFG tool. Why you aren't is beyond any of us. Why not go into the game and request a LFG tool. I know I have done it just to see what happens, and I pretty much got shuned off the planet I was on.

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Why not go into the game and request a LFG tool. I know I have done it just to see what happens, and I pretty much got shuned off the planet I was on.


Hahaha....I'm sure the nerdrage was palpable.


Man the idea of getting shunned off a planet for suggesting an improvement sure sounds great. I hope an LFD tool doesn't come along and destroy the community!:rolleyes:

Edited by Moricthian
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An old WoW buddy who still plays told me that ever since TOR was released, theres been a marked improvement in the quality of PUGs. I understand its just anecdotal evidence, but its hilarious to think all the baddies from WoW switched to TOR.
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Hahaha....I'm sure the nerdrage was palpable.


Man the idea of getting shunned off a planet for suggesting an improvement sure sounds great. I hope an LFD tool doesn't come along and destroy the community!:rolleyes:


If it is an improvement to the game, why are so many people so dead set against it? Just because you and 10 other people come on to the forums to say, "I want *XXXXX* in this game because I liked it in my previous game" does not at all mean the rest of the people who NEVER come on the forums do not know it is a bad idea. Was Hitler in the right for wanting to kill all the Jews simply because he thought it was an improvement for the world? I am not religious at all, but I already know, and agree, that the answer should be no.


An old WoW buddy who still plays told me that ever since TOR was released, theres been a marked improvement in the quality of PUGs. I understand its just anecdotal evidence, but its hilarious to think all the baddies from WoW switched to TOR.


I told many of my friends back when ever the release date was announced for SWTOR that I can not wait till Feburary/March area so all the people who came because they wanted everything from WoW to be in this game to have left back to WoW because their free month was up.

Edited by Kemosobe
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If it is an improvement to the game, why are so many people so dead set against it? Just because you and 10 other people come on to the forums to say, "I want *XXXXX* in this game because I liked it in my previous game" does not at all mean the rest of the people who NEVER come on the forums do not know it is a bad idea. Was Hitler in the right for wanting to kill all the Jews simply because he thought it was an improvement for the world? I am not religious at all, but I already know, and agree, that the answer should be no.


1. Some people think an LFD is a good idea


2. Hitler thought killing the Jews was a good idea.


3. Hitler killing the Jews was a bad idea.




4. Therefore LFD is a bad idea



I officially concede. This logic is too airtight for me to refute. Back to trying to find a group....

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I told many of my friends back when ever the release date was announced for SWTOR that I can not wait till Feburary/March area so all the people who came because they wanted everything from WoW to be in this game to have left back to WoW because their free month was up.




The baddies I was referring to are those who were against LFD, meters, etc. These people drastically outnumber the people who want improvements made to this game.

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