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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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This argument is pathetic and tired.


WoW didn't launch with BG's 7 years ago you are right. But last time I checked this wasn't 7 years ago.


Anything released currently must be in line or better than the current products not 7 years ago.


Launching with BGs is a STANDARD now, so stop with this tired pathetic excuse for an argument.


Well said !!!!!!!!!

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Agree comparing to what games had 7 years ago is dumb.


SWG is just so happens pre-cu/nge like 8 years ago had way better pvp than SWTOR does today and a much better system. You could be republic or empire or neutral and you were only flagged for pvp when you were in operative status. Yes I know this isn't SWG2.


Anyway whatever every MMO to come to market has better pvp than SWTOR.

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You forgot a lot of us were beta testers and these very problems were talked about and brought up in mass and fell on deaf ears.


So to us it's been months that they haven't been listening.


This has been explained to me previously. A guild mate told me Closed Beta Testers also told them at length how over powered Operatives & Scoundrels were and still nothing was done let alone the lack of any bracket, etc.


Not encouraging at all.


Lineage ][ is F2P now and can level to 65 in less than a week. I think I'd rather play there and have clan wars and castle sieges at no cost.



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The problem is that 50's are in the same bracket as everyone else. 50's need their own bracket. =50 = one bracket =/=50 = own bracket. We need two brackets. One for 50's and one for people who are not.


A level 49 vs. a level 10 is no where near the same as a level 50 in full pvp gear vs. a level 10.


I've seen IA's with more HP than me (3k more hp) and who crit me for 5k as a heavy armor user in Soresu form. I assume the same goes for Smugglers. I have never been hit nearly that hard by a level 49.

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I also unsubbed and cause was PvP.


And this is very sad, because I had very high hopes for this game. But good story and voice acting doesn't keep a MMO alive for a long time.


I can't even be bothered to quest all the way to the end.


So bored of running point a to point b, kllling x mobs, collect x garbage.


It just never ends...


I want good pvp. only reason i play (ed). I think i'm done now.

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Well, when this game launched i deceided i would try to get into the pvp straight away, which i did and really enjoyed it when the highest level was a 20. Had some great fights. Problem is, i didnt want to level too quick as i wanted to stay on target with the story levels etc. Pvp gives way too much xp initially and it put me off doing too much. Now, i don't bother. Every time i go into a WZ empire side is just full of 50's.

All you see in empire fleet is 50's. My main is republic, and theres nowhere near as many. Considering BW did such a great job (imo) on the rest of the game, the pvp has gone to the dogs and i doubt i'll bother with it again unless they bracket it or something. It's just not fun. Pvp is yet again, like most other mmo's, the realm of the hardcore players.

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Cancelled my subscription. The "singleplayer" portion of the game is fine, but they really should've left the mmo part out entirely since it seems they can't handle it.


It's Warhammer Online all over again. Won't resub till they fix the horrid bugs.

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"We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum" - Bioware


Ilum really is quite stunning. The terrain is beautiful, very calming. Good thing I'm free to enjoy it since the zone is ALWAYS EMPTY because it's POINTLESS.

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Enjoy the game a lot as a single player game. I do my quests, I follow the story, I barely ever space through a dialog. Doing pve I'm content, many things could be done better (as always) but over all they did a great job.


Now I'm a pvp'er at heart. All mmo's I've played since 2000 I have focused on pvp, some mmo's only pvp. I love everything about it and my fav char to play is full out healer.


The healing side in swtor is an abomination. By far the worst healer I've played (apart from pve, where it's nice).


So not only am I unable to play the style I enjoy but the entire pvp system is a joke. A few examples I mind


* The lack of brackets

* The fairy dust/colour splatter warzones (I mean come on, are we ... 6?)

* The immense lag (prolly cause of all overdone fairy dust)

* Only 3 warzones (zzz)

* The annoying debuffing every time you die not to mention loss of group

* Inability to have enemy and defensive target at same time

* What's up with the giving away medals? Do we really need to ego boost on that? Personally I think dps/healing/objectives points are enough

* I wanna see the enemy team (names/stats/lvl etc) at the beginning of the warzone and through it all via a "warzone window"

* One thing that wont change but that I do feel is sad is the fact we can fight our side in warzones and the ability to roll both races on same server. It removes the feel of server pride

* Obvious over powered characters

* The fast pace, more fighting than dieing would be appreciated


... and that's only a few (tried not going into details)


From my point of view, all we want is to fight each other. If it happens in a nice setting, great, if not then we will be happy if the fighting works. We want it to be semi balanced and all classes should bare importance. We just wanna play what we enjoy spending our time on. Then you'll have our money, pls respect that.


Again I'd like to point out everything in my post is my own personal feeling and experiance from the game.


Subscription will end when I'm tired of the pve.

Edited by -Zajo-
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The whole excuse that there are not enough high level players for brackets is sheer idiocy. Why does the rest of the server have to get stomped by level 50 pvp players or choose to not pvp at all because they didn't level fast enough? Bioware said it themselves in a complaint about no open world pvp on Illum, or people in que for high level flashpoints.


The overwhelming majority of players are in the sub level 30 range of the game at this point, taking their time.


Rushing to level 50 comes with a price, and that is that it's pretty lonely at the top for a while.



Exactly! So why the hell is this such a difficult concept to grasp with pvp?

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Unsubbing on a large scale this early on will HURT Bioware rather than HELP bioware, some of you were testers, alright. But since you were testers you've had the time to decide whether or not you're going to get a STORY BASED MMO and of course have had the time to probably PvP yourself. No who am I kidding if you're unsubbed just because PvP then you've definitely PvP'd during the beta. Bioware said this game would be profitable with only 500K subs and if its below that for the FIRST month then the PRODUCTION of this game will SLOW DOWN. Now i'm pretty sure from all these PvP threads Bioware is well aware of the PvP situation. but sorry folks PvP comes 2nd to a story based MMO. Lets be honest give this game a chance and it will improve or just leave now and wait longer. Another honest thing is that I don't love the PvP in this game, I think its "ok", but has tons of room for improvement.
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