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Major Let Down


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In consideration to being released too early, I hate this game. I just wasted 45 minutes lagging out in cademimu so bad to the point where we all folded. There was no point in beating the final boss, which we had done a few times before bc of the lag.


That is just the most recent example of ample frustrations i've had wasting my tolerance toward a game that was never ready in the first place.


Pvp is a broken, unbalanced, unfortunately boring waste of pixels. Sorcerors are so over powered that one alone can hold down a taking point, without a healer or much help. No matter trhe lvl sorcs, and other over powered classes on the dark side make pvp a joke.


Even with no incentive to pvp in non war zone, it's still better than getting owned time and time again, via the light side.


The economy is a joke. Repairing armour is a expensive racket. And now on top of all else, you can't even see chat, so you can trade or even lfgs. Are you seriously kidding me that this game will allow itself to be available to play, servers up, when you can't even see general chat. Let alone they make it to where most of the instances are empty, you barely can even see the other players, and now chat is bugged.


I'm done, I'm not even touching this trash until they deal with the obvious issues, and stop tweedling their thumbs with my money.

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Sadly I gave them hope, as I saw all these same problems in beta, the lag unbearable. The planets, dreadful colors and representation. The missions; often copied bonus areas in shadowtown, the same type of kill this many, then kill the boss repetition until you lvl to 50, then the same but only harder, i'll definitely have to pass.
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Sadly I gave them hope, as I saw all these same problems in beta, the lag unbearable. The planets, dreadful colors and representation. The missions; often copied bonus areas in shadowtown, the same type of kill this many, then kill the boss repetition until you lvl to 50, then the same but only harder, i'll definitely have to pass.


And lets not forget the green forcefields in Tatooine.

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I have no lag... This is not wow where you can play with a commodore 64.


No kidding. What is this these people speak of? I see people all over playing and playing for long periods at a time. Time to admit that your rig is not up to par if you are having this problems I guess.



I know I know...."my puters top of the line...blah...blah...blah".


Ya okie dokie.

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My only major letdown with this game is seeing how many spoiled kids whine in the forums over absolutely nothing.


OP in this case, i know you're not giving us all the info since that miraculously only seems to happen to you. You are either extremely unlucky, or you excel in drama and exageration. I'm inclined to the second choice.

Edited by Nemmar
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No kidding. What is this these people speak of? I see people all over playing and playing for long periods at a time. Time to admit that your rig is not up to par if you are having this problems I guess.



I know I know...."my puters top of the line...blah...blah...blah".


Ya okie dokie.


Just because YOU don't experience lag does not mean it does not exist.


Glad you are having fun "hours at a time"

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Not sure why people get so upset?


Like any RPG, it ends when your story is over. Like KOTOR, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Fallout or any other RPG. Just cancel and play something new. It's not rocket science.


I mean, I can understand quitting. But I don't understand getting mad about it.

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I played beta and launch as well. I've had ZERO lag. I've also been fortunate to be on a server that doesn't have que's, but is at a "Very Heavy" load so theres always people around. Every game has its issues, and most around release.


As far as content, most games release with little end game content. Swtor has decent content for release. More than enough for casual players, but no game ever has enough for hardcore.


Best I can say is there are 8 distinct storylines. If you don't like yours, try a different class.

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This post should be removed op struggles at life... I am in the red zone and have no lag if your lagging change server to one closer to where you live. If your still lagging get either better internet or a better pc.


I have had no trouble with the chat channels much like everyone else apart from the 6 ppl on the forums that post 50 threads on it. If you like single players games go play them because mmo's are most likely not for you.

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Naw, I'm going back to Skyrim, a well crafted game that deserves my attn. At least there I have interest in the storyline.


Yeah, Bethesda has a great reputation for not releasing their games until all of the bugs have been worked out.

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I played beta and launch as well. I've had ZERO lag. I've also been fortunate to be on a server that doesn't have que's, but is at a "Very Heavy" load so theres always people around. Every game has its issues, and most around release.


As far as content, most games release with little end game content. Swtor has decent content for release. More than enough for casual players, but no game ever has enough for hardcore.


Best I can say is there are 8 distinct storylines. If you don't like yours, try a different class.


oh its not a story issue. Its a QQ issue. He will tell you how all of them are bad.

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