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Not everyone wants Looking for Dungeon.


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In order to build the sense of community, I feel that the LFD should be restricted to your own Realm.


That being said, I spend a lot of time in-game unable to do anything due to a lack of LFD. Not sure if an LFD that only searched from my own server would be effective or not, but I do know that the inter-server LFD is what destroyed the WoW community.

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I'm really tires of people saying lfg kills community. blah, blah, blah. I don't care about the community, I don't really participate in the community, and I really don't want to. I don't want to get to know the people Im in a 4 man with, really, I don't. I could care less about you, what you do, who you are, what your dreams and aspirations are for the future.


It's not about making friends. I don't care about someone's dreams, hopes, kids, career etc either. The "destroys communities" thing is more about doing dungeon after dungeon and each time having someone who follows the group, does not hit anything or cast a single spell and rolls Need on every single thing that drops. The kick feature was on a timer to keep people from abusing it (IE a sword dropped that the tank wants. Tank decides to tally up votes to remove rogue. Everyone agrees with tank because it takes hours to find a tank and seconds to find a DPS. Tank wins sword, rogue gets disrespected) and so many people were outright thieves and trolls that very often the only thing to do was ignore the person taking all the stuff or leave.

If the LFD tool somehow did not completely remove player accountability, if there were some way to screen out the "GO GO GO" and "I rolled on that because I can vend it and I need gold... duh" folks I would be all for it. Maybe if the LFD tool were just a small group of servers... two large or three/four small sharing one queue that would be good.

Or at least if the RP folks were in one queue, the PVP lovers in another and the PVE crowd made into neat little sections there would not be the chance of "Lolurdead" and "Ar'Wendriel" arguing over immersion.

I guess looking for dungeon did not work in the same way communism did not work (yes, I tried communism). Not everyone was willing to put forth their share of the work to complete the task and earn the reward.

If there is a way to correct this flaw I would love to participate.

Edited by SacredPsycho
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Agreed. Why is it that everyone always believes that the features of WoW have to be emulated and copied in every game? "WoW had a dungeon finder so why doesn't this game too? It's what I'm used to so where is it?!"


Dungeon Finders are convenient, but they come at the cost of server community and accountability in dungeons. Just because something is made easier in a game doesn't make it better. LFD makes every game worse.



Stop being addicted to convenience and start understanding the big picture.

Edited by BunnyMage
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As the title says, not everyone wants this feature. I know I don't. I, like many others, played WoW on and off for many years. Honest to god, when Blizzard introduced summoning stones, I told my brothers and friends that it concerned me a bit... Let alone Looking for Dungeon. Is it convenient? Yes. Does Convenient = better? Not always.


Call me old fashioned, but I actually like the fact that you have to find a group to do a flashpoint. This is just one example of a feature that many people ask for. I personally don't want this feature, nor would I want a majority of the features people are asking for.


I guess the big picture is... Not everyone wants "this or that" feature to be added. Dare I say, I like the lack of features.


That being said. They could make the /who a little bit better. Gonna go play the game... Peace!


You are in a vocal minority. I Know for a fact that the majority of players would welcome a improved lfd system. WOW and Rift have one and they are a resounding success.

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I'm really tires of people saying lfg kills community. blah, blah, blah. I don't care about the community, I don't really participate in the community, and I really don't want to. I don't want to get to know the people Im in a 4 man with, really, I don't. I could care less about you, what you do, who you are, what your dreams and aspirations are for the future.


I want to get loot, I want to get it fast, and I never want to see you again unless the random lfg tool puts us in the same instance. Sounds harsh but it is the truth, for a lot of people. Who wants to spends hours fruitlessly trying to get a group, I know I don't. I know I was extremely frustrated the past few days since I hit level 50.


The epitome of frustration is playing for 10 hours and spamming lfg for a level 50 flashpoint and getting 0 runs in that time. If the game doesn't get an lfg tool you can bet that the people that do have a life, a job, etc. Will go back and play a damn panda as much as they would prefer to play something cool, like a smuggler, jedi, sith, etc.


I would even go as far as to say just dont implement lfg on rp servers so you guys can larp through the instance a build a fine community.


-Really tick'd off guy who couldn't get a level 50 run today....


then maybe... MMO's are not for you? becasue it sure sounds like what you want is a single player game with henchmen.


not to mention, you are 50.. in a game that was just recently released... with majority of people NOT abusing their spacebar. again, it really sounds like this game is NOT for you.

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You are in a vocal minority. I Know for a fact that the majority of players would welcome a improved lfd system. WOW and Rift have one and they are a resounding success.


so is twilight. doesn't make it good or enjoyable.


personally, I'd rather SWTOR stays/becomes a niche game that tries to please too many people and ends up pleasing almost none of them. bioware said that need half a million subscribers to be profitable. I'm sure they can easily manage that.

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And as far as the "If you don't like it then don't use it. Don't try to deny those of us who do want the LFD tool our choice" thing goes, here is what happened with that.


Me: "Heals looking for group for Burning Pits of Hades, PST"

Several people in general: "Then use LFD, noob!"

One or two nice people: "/whisper All you have to do is open the interface with this hotkey, choose the healer role and join queue. Hope this helped!"

Me: "I'd like to go with people from my server. Heals LFD for BPOH, PST"

Several people in general: "QQ, noob."

Random DPS person: "/whisper I would love to go to BPOH", (invites me to group, queues us in dungeon finder knowing that piggybacking with a healer may ever so slightly reduce their wait).


It would be great for the dungeon finder to exist for those who want it and for it to be acceptable for people like me to simply not use it. It's not a viable option, or at least it was not. Maybe this community will see things differently.

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And as far as the "If you don't like it then don't use it. Don't try to deny those of us who do want the LFD tool our choice" thing goes, here is what happened with that.


Me: "Heals looking for group for Burning Pits of Hades, PST"

Several people in general: "Then use LFD, noob!"

One or two nice people: "/whisper All you have to do is open the interface with this hotkey, choose the healer role and join queue. Hope this helped!"

Me: "I'd like to go with people from my server. Heals LFD for BPOH, PST"

Several people in general: "QQ, noob."

Random DPS person: "/whisper I would love to go to BPOH", (invites me to group, queues us in dungeon finder knowing that piggybacking with a healer may ever so slightly reduce their wait).


It would be great for the dungeon finder to exist for those who want it and for it to be acceptable for people like me to simply not use it. It's not a viable option, or at least it was not. Maybe this community will see things differently.


So your reason for not wanting a lfd is because its so popular to use that you can no longer find a group the ole fashion way?


Nice way to prove that lfd systems are favored by the majority of game players!

So the majority should be held back because of the minority....

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I don't want LFG for the simple fact you have no idea who you're going to be paired up with. If someone wants to tank a dungeon for me, I like to check out their gear and such and see if they're worthwhile. With LFG, you could get some noob who just hit 50 and has no gear at all to tank.


Nuff said.


Ok, so they can add an LFG tool and you can continue spamming general chat, demanding those you bless with the right to group with you show up in your presence to be judged worthy of this honor or not.


Meanwhile, those who aren't quite as self-absorbed can use the LFG system.


/sarcasm: Yeah, because its the LFG tool that kills communities and not attitudes like this...

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so, yesterday, I grouped with my wife to do a flash point with her and some people she met., she says "How do we summon you?" I say "you don't" she, says "Lame"



LFD is great, plain and simple, if you don't want to use it feel free not to. I have never once had a problem finding a group since it was implemented in WoW, pre-LFD as a tank, it was sometimes impossible to find a group, if I wanted to run a specific instance that was no longer the current tier.



I have also never once been treated poorly using LFD in WoW, aside from the odd Ninja, but never booted, never rude people, never seen elitism.


So your wife is a lazy player and this is the Game's fault how? I mean most flash points it takes what 2 seconds to transport to the fleet using the fleet pass and then go down an elevator. OMG the HORROR! Lazy players shouldn't be rewarded.


If they ever do implement some sort of better interface for finding groups I hope its nothing like the community killing lazy ninja player enabling tool that that other game has. I'd rather see a feature more like DDO's Group Tool.


Be less fraking lazy people its not that damn hard to find groups.

Edited by Kindara
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Oh yeah. I definitely don't want LFD. I mean it would actually put together a group and that would just be "bad" I guess? Today I spent over 30 minutes trying to get a group together for athiss or HS and oh man the "enjoyment" I had spamming the channel for that amount of time not getting any group was so "much more rewarding" than doing an actual flash point or getting gear. I feel like just spamming the channel and not even putting a group together because that is just so much "fun" and I really "socialized" even though for over 30 minutes I didn't get a reply or had people leaving. But yeah that was a blast, really enjoyable. I just can imagine the amount of time that will increase as the game gets old and no one at all wants to do those flash points. Mmm damn, that's gonna be "fun". So yeah definitely no dungeon finder because I would hate so much to lose that "enjoyment"
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Looking for dungeon will only help with your que times!Since an amount of flashpoints is situated on the same spot you ll be just sitting there waiting to find partners


I could understand this if going for a flashpoint would include some adventuring on the way,since is not the case lfd has only pro's

Edited by tsupra
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I would love a server LFD tool, I think Cross Server your asking for trouble because people basically become less accountable for their actions and that is what in my opinion was wrong with the cross server lfd system. I understand peoples apprehension but standing around on the fleet spamming for a group and not finding one is not all that exciting either. Now I know that's going to get the usual responses such as, get a better guild or i get groups just fine... that's great for you. I unfortunately have had to take a break from the game for personal reasons that were far more important than keeping up with my guild mates in level. My guild are a mix of offline and online friends that have been playing for years so I'm not just going to up and bail because an MMO is only as good as those you play it with.


Also for those that say the forums are dead set against this, yeah that's true the forums are also a small sample size and should not be just automatically assumed to be the will of the people.

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LFD is great, and TOR suffers without it.


However, I would also settle for a halfway-functional player search ability. Right now, I type in "/who Soandso" and it just lists everybody in the zone. Oddly enough, Soandso is never on that list. I try to sort by LFG and there's maybe 2 people. I try to read the notes they've written, but the text trails off the edge of the screen and I cant expand the window to read them.


In my mind, that's fail, fail, and some more fail.


Having some way to search for people for a group, that doesn't hinge on being in a zone and spamming /general, and being able to access people in ANY zone...would be great.


To me, that's LFD. But it could also be a global LFG channel. Maybe we should all try to encourage everybody in the game to join /globalLFG. Or maybe it should be called "GalacticLFG"...? heh.

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We used to walk to the nearest store then we evolved and started to drive, now we use computers at home to order stuff and have it delivered. Perhaps you been reading Ted Kaczynskis manifesto, but there is nothing great about sitting in trade chat spamming for people to join your group. There was nothing great about then or now stop kidding yourself and others because as we stand you’re nothing more then a hater. Edited by Deepmemories
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So your reason for not wanting a lfd is because its so popular to use that you can no longer find a group the ole fashion way?


Nice way to prove that lfd systems are favored by the majority of game players!

So the majority should be held back because of the minority....


I can certainly see why you'd think that, and you bring up a good point, but no, it is only my wish that a LFD system is a good one that benefits everyone. :)

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As the title says, not everyone wants this feature. I know I don't. I, like many others, played WoW on and off for many years. Honest to god, when Blizzard introduced summoning stones, I told my brothers and friends that it concerned me a bit... Let alone Looking for Dungeon. Is it convenient? Yes. Does Convenient = better? Not always.


Call me old fashioned, but I actually like the fact that you have to find a group to do a flashpoint. This is just one example of a feature that many people ask for. I personally don't want this feature, nor would I want a majority of the features people are asking for.


I guess the big picture is... Not everyone wants "this or that" feature to be added. Dare I say, I like the lack of features.


That being said. They could make the /who a little bit better. Gonna go play the game... Peace!


I loathe you.

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I am having such a blast right now trying to a group together for BT and not getting one single person. Oh yeah DF would really ruin this fun all together.


due. its new years EVE fer cripes sakes!! I don't know which timezone you are in but whatever timezone it is - chances are most people are out, celebrating.


even with the automatic tool, I guarantee you, you'd have some issues finding a group. especially if you play a dps

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So your wife is a lazy player and this is the Game's fault how? I mean most flash points it takes what 2 seconds to transport to the fleet using the fleet pass and then go down an elevator. OMG the HORROR! Lazy players shouldn't be rewarded.


If they ever do implement some sort of better interface for finding groups I hope its nothing like the community killing lazy ninja player enabling tool that that other game has. I'd rather see a feature more like DDO's Group Tool.


Be less fraking lazy people its not that damn hard to find groups.


the point is that the casual players like to play the game, they don;t like to sit around and wait for people to get there.



I personally want to see this game succeed, and be able to afford to have a full time dev staff. I am used to having a constant stream of major content patches. These things require money.


People complaining about LFD, are simply clueless, it is quite possibly the single greatest thing WoW has added to the game. Anything that increases enjoyment and reduces needless time sinks is a big plus.

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I would love a server LFD tool, I think Cross Server your asking for trouble because people basically become less accountable for their actions and that is what in my opinion was wrong with the cross server lfd system.




the rewards of LFD far outweigh the risks of having a rotten apple in a group due to lack of accountability.

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