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Most needed: remove shuttle bays!


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I have to admit I have found the Flashpoint ships all over each of the planets are a huge convenience if you want to get to your ship.


You just use the Flashpoint ship, go to your hangar bay and get on your ship.


You don't have to return to the origin town and run thru an enormous space port and find your hanger. You can just turn around, hit the elevator button and run to your hangar from there.


It is rather convenient.


though I agree with the OP. I think the process of getting onto your ship is too cumbersome -- loading by taking off in your ship, even though all u have done is enter your ship, and could very likely turn around and return to the hanger, but, oh no, you have to fly back down to the planet again. very strange process and really screwed with any immersion you have going on.

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I like the feel of ship travel.


The only thing I think they could get rid of is the need to actually launch the ship in order to be inside of it. For example, if I need to access my vault, why do I need to launch my ship into orbit in order to do so? That's not only an excess of load screens, it also doesn't make sense.


The Travel process itself is great. It wouldn't feel nearly as much like SW without it. I suppose I can understand that 30 sec load screens are too much, but it's not because the game sucks, it's because your computer is severely dated.


My load screens only take 5 seconds.



Agreed with everything you said!

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This thread is the most short sighted and intellectually bankrupt request I have ever saw on these boards.


Going down an elevator, walking up to and into your ship, choosing a planet from the galaxy map, walking off your ship etc... all greatly adds to the immersion of the game.


If we could just click from one point to another without the above sequences, it would feel like some cheap teleport instead of the wonderfully crafted ship travel that it now is.


You people need to just lose the ability to communicate.

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This thread is the most short sighted and intellectually bankrupt request I have ever saw on these boards.


Going down an elevator, walking up to and into your ship, choosing a planet from the galaxy map, walking off your ship etc... all greatly adds to the immersion of the game.


If we could just click from one point to another without the above sequences, it would feel like some cheap teleport instead of the wonderfully crafted ship travel that it now is.


You people need to just lose the ability to communicate.


How exactly does walking through a giant, empty hangar with minimally animated NPCs and no other player characters add to the immersion? How does clicking on an elevator button and then, after a black screen, magically appearing on another floor add to the immersion?


The way the ships are now destroys the seamless world. There are seams everywhere in this game. If you think that immerses you more then so be it, but it could definitely be done better and you wouldn't have to give up any immersion. Nobody is asking for instant teleporting between planets.

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You all need to upgrade to an SSDs. 5 second load screens are nothing.


im going to test this out. i had to install the game onto my raid drive cause i just didn't have 25 gigs free on my SSD(which holds my OS).


I have been incredibly annoyed by the 1+ minute load times over and over and usually tab out to do something else


but im going to free up some space on my SSD drive and see if that fixes it




edit - yes, yes it did

Edited by FourTwent
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I think the system is fine. Of course no one is asking for a teleport button, but still quicker gratification is the plea.


Is it possible the developers didn't want space travel to be quick? It is supposed to make you think ahead and make you plan.


The change in MMO community over the years amazes me! For years in SWG if you missed the interplanetary shuttle, you would stand still for 10 minutes waiting for the next one. And very few people complained. The need for instant gratification is dumbing down today's MMOs. This OP is just a symptom of a larger problem.

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I just traveled from Hoth to Quesh. What a disaster. It does not immerse me at all to have to go through multiple elevators, hangers and orbital stations to get from one planet to another. It is tedious as hell.
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This is one of the things that have surprised me the most. How realistic the travel here feels. When compared to primitive WoWish games, where you just port from place to place, this is just amazing.


And the design decision that some planets dont have hangers, but only shuttle, which takes you to your ship docked at a space station - I LOVE IT.


Every simple developer would just put one universal hanger to every main city and be done with it. And thats exactly the lazy unimaginative solutions i hate.

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I think the system is fine. Of course no one is asking for a teleport button, but still quicker gratification is the plea.


Is it possible the developers didn't want space travel to be quick? It is supposed to make you think ahead and make you plan.


The change in MMO community over the years amazes me! For years in SWG if you missed the interplanetary shuttle, you would stand still for 10 minutes waiting for the next one. And very few people complained. The need for instant gratification is dumbing down today's MMOs. This OP is just a symptom of a larger problem.


Yeah the mmo community changed, nice that you finally recognized it, now go back to some game so you can wait 10mins for a shuttle or something.

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This is one of the things that have surprised me the most. How realistic the travel here feels. When compared to primitive WoWish games, where you just port from place to place, this is just amazing.


And the design decision that some planets dont have hangers, but only shuttle, which takes you to your ship docked at a space station - I LOVE IT.


Every simple developer would just put one universal hanger to every main city and be done with it. And thats exactly the lazy unimaginative solutions i hate.


Tell me more about realistic spaceships, you seem to know things the rest of the world dont know.

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Remember SWG, when traveling mattered?


And then, they slowly introduced various instant teleportation options. Totally killed the immersion. Instant gratification. And because it was so fast to get anywhere, they had to make actual content much slower, they had to add more grind. Because it took you seconds to get where you wanted.

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I agree with this wholeheartedly. They add insult to injury by not letting you use your speeder in those areas.


Remember SWG, when traveling mattered?


And then, they slowly introduced various instant teleportation options. Totally killed the immersion. Instant gratification. And because it was so fast to get anywhere, they had to make actual content much slower, they had to add more grind. Because it took you seconds to get where you wanted.


What are you talking about? At release of SWG I could get planet to planet faster and easier in SWG than I can in this game.

Edited by Shillen
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oh god, i can only imagine what types of changes will follow given this tendency for instant buttons. i travel to the fleet multiple times a day, and it doesn't take an enormous amount of time. sure it sucks when you are just starting out, but once you get a "mount" it is just fine.


then again, we have an instant button for warzones, so i guess it isn't too outrageous of a suggestion. i am still opposed to it!

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I always detest these "Please dumb down the game because I'm lazy" threads.



The zoning only takes a few seconds. Stop calling upon the game to be stripped down just because you've become addicted to needless conveniences.



If you consider wanting to waste less time on travel "dumbing down" the game, you have got to be one of the most pointlessly elitist people on the planet.


Player vs Travel Time is not interesting content. Player vs Travel Time does not demonstrate any significant level of skill, mental acumen, or any positive character trait on behalf of the player other than patience for dealing with stupid bulll****.




I don't understand the immersion argument either. It's somehow less immersive to imagine just landing your ship at the spaceport on the planet? Last I checked Han never had to deal with retarded orbital stations to land the Millennium Falcon anywhere. Even on Hoth, he landed it straight on the friggen planet like a boss.


In fact, I can't remember a single part of any movie where a ship lands on an orbital station and its passengers disembark to take a shuttle down to the planet.

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I agree with this wholeheartedly. They add insult to injury by not letting you use your speeder in those areas.




What are you talking about? At release of SWG I could get planet to planet faster and easier in SWG than I can in this game.


10 minutes waiting time for a shuttle. So it took time. Sometimes you were lucky, sometimes you waited 10 minutes.


What iam talking about is IMMERSION. I LOVE IT when in my class quest iam supposed to travel to some other planet, even a planet where i have been before, because that is realistic and makes it feel much more like real world. Traveling in your ship, when you actually have to enter the ship and exit it manually, you either dock in a docking bay or at an airlock at a space station....


What people who prefer instant travel dont realize is - every second that they will let you save on travel, they will have to compensate in form of some content, or the game will be getting shorter and smaller. And when traveling is fast, it promotes grind-type content. They will make quests slower, more tedious, because they need to make you spend the time SOMEHOW.


In late SWG, you ported from place to place instantly. And all the new content was grind and collections, that took days and wasnt fun.

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I don't understand the immersion argument either. It's somehow less immersive to imagine just landing your ship at the spaceport on the planet? Last I checked Han never had to deal with retarded orbital stations to land the Millennium Falcon anywhere. Even on Hoth, he landed it straight on the friggen planet like a boss.




It is exactly "Dumbing down the game". Because the game isnt just about shooting. It is also about TRAVELING ACROSS THE GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY.


So after the travel is made instant, what will be removed next? Maybe dialogues?

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This is one of the things that have surprised me the most. How realistic the travel here feels. When compared to primitive WoWish games, where you just port from place to place, this is just amazing.


Only 1 class can "port from place to place" and that is only to major cities. If you want to go some place in the world for something you still have to do it the old fashioned way. Except it is about 1000x less painful than this clunky as hell planet to orbital station to other orbital station to planet thing we got going on here. Why the hell can't I just get on my ship and fly directly to a planet? It makes no sense and isn't fun.

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I have a warning for all you silly people who think they understand what space travel immersion is like.


its not a bunch of load screens as the game deletes part of the game world while it loads up new a new hall way. That is not immersion in space travel


Immersion is space travel would be actually watching the ship travel in space for about 10 minutes,+10 minutes on each side for prepare for hyperspace, + the 5 minute waiting time for your ship to be clear to launch, + 5 minutes to register , + the 1 or so minunte of walking though biowares halls and elevators, +30 seconds for your slow machanical hard drive + whatever 10-30 minutes for stuff i could not think of.



no one smart here is asking for a warp to ironforge BUTTON. we just want there to be a reason to go through the space port, less elevators, less load screen. We dont want developer excuses as to why that cant cleverly hide zoning from us and actually did what any old school programmers did back in the day ( push hardware beyond what people though it could do ) THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR LOAD SCREENS IN GAME FOR THE LAST 10 YEARS

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It is exactly "Dumbing down the game". Because the game isnt just about shooting. It is also about TRAVELING ACROSS THE GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY.


So after the travel is made instant, what will be removed next? Maybe dialogues?



Yes, sir, removing empty hallways and pointless quasi-load-screens that do nothing besides extend the deadzone of non-interactive areas in the game totally compares to removing interactive dialogue scenes that further the plot of the game.


That totally makes sense.

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QUEST: travel to this planet

*ok travel there, go through shuttle bay, down to planet*

"where do i hand in this quest???"

*reads the quest*

"use your space ships holo"

*runs all the way back, through the shuttle bay, then too the ship ><"

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Sure WOW is easy mode, and there is a large population of people who like it, but thats not why the game became popular..


it became popular because the developers did not make excuses for lazy programming and lame content







and you know what, if would much rather watch the ship travel though empty space for 5 minutes than go through bioware halls and elevators with buttons as a time sink. great time to go for a poop and grab a pop

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