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Most needed: remove shuttle bays!


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The need for instant delivery and gratificaiton has become epidemic in our society it seems. :)


Need an instant /level 50 button too? :p


I personally don't see this as a big issue, unless you are heading to fleet 20 times a day.


I think it's a reasonable request personally. Complainers really annoy me too but this is reasonable feedback.

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I agree, the game has FAR too many interruptions. It's ridiculous.


One of the doctors once said "If a game breaks one of WoW's rules, it's a dumb move" or something along those lines. Well my friend, you have totally killed the M in MMO by making the game feel like a single player game with social lobbies with the pathetic amount of loading screens. There is almost no seamless aspect to the game, it doesn't feel like a persistent world at all. Just a bunch of boxes connected to each other by loading screens.


Very upsetting to me. I feel like this game is only going to help sell copies of WoW when people play it and ultimately desire a more authentic feeling MMO environment to play in. I know I've considered it a few times now after sitting through load screens and some that just hang there for minutes on end. :rolleyes:


Flame away fanboys, you know it's true.

Edited by Matteis
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I know this is an old reply but I gotta say it.


WoW didn't have loading screens until you went into a dungeon or changed continents because of one reason. The zones were all interconnected and could be traveled freely. The planets themselves are seamless, just like WoW was but you have to remember that you are playing a game that takes place on more than one planet.


you have a load screen just swapping from the same planet to another shard.


You know why these load screens exist?


Sharding reduces the cost of servers even more.

So instead of costing $2/month and charging you $15. Servers now cost 50c. and they still charge us $15/month.


Yeah! mmo. with smaller instances the battlefield or Team fortress2.

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The point of it is making it feel like you are getting around a galaxy. You mention WoW and how it takes you no time to get places. Guess what this IS NOT WoW. Sorry but I don't want a 1 button I'm anywhere in 5 seconds way of getting around.

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The point of it is making it feel like you are getting around a galaxy. You mention WoW and how it takes you no time to get places. Guess what this IS NOT WoW. Sorry but I don't want a 1 button I'm anywhere in 5 seconds way of getting around.


That's not what he was asking for.


Furthermore, WoW has it's own waits with long flight paths and ships. The only instant travel is the exact same system ToR uses.

Edited by AlkalineKitten
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The point of it is making it feel like you are getting around a galaxy. You mention WoW and how it takes you no time to get places. Guess what this IS NOT WoW. Sorry but I don't want a 1 button I'm anywhere in 5 seconds way of getting around.


No one asked for 1 button access to anywhere. They want it to be less tedious to get from point a to point b. Right now it is far too cumbersome of a system. Going from loading screen to loading screen doesn't feel like getting around a galaxy.

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The point of it is making it feel like you are getting around a galaxy. You mention WoW and how it takes you no time to get places. Guess what this IS NOT WoW. Sorry but I don't want a 1 button I'm anywhere in 5 seconds way of getting around.



and i agree with this, IMO there should be no warp points and warp spells. hell , take away the fleet pass.


but at the same time, i still dont like all the mini zones around going from planet to planet.

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I always detest these "Please dumb down the game because I'm lazy" threads.



The zoning only takes a few seconds. Stop calling upon the game to be stripped down just because you've become addicted to needless conveniences.


That depends entirely on your system, for me the zoning only takes 5-10 seconds, but for some it might be 30s+ they need to do several times before they can even get to their ship. And then there's the pointless running around on the orbital stations that is completely unnecessary.

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I actually think it helps you stay in character and gets you immersed in the story. You enter your hanger, get on your ship, blast off into space, choose a destination to warp to, and warp to it. That all wouldn't happen in the blink of an eye IRL (if SW was real :)).



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The need for instant delivery and gratificaiton has become epidemic in our society it seems. :)


Need an instant /level 50 button too? :p


I personally don't see this as a big issue, unless you are heading to fleet 20 times a day.


So, calling time-wasting fluff what it clearly is means I want a free pass to level 50 as well? Wow, what a massive non sequitur. There are so many little things in this game that don't need to be there that have the express intent of wasting the player's time so they don't finish quickly and see how they botched release.


This is one of those things. It's not "most needed" (that would be bug fixes and a combat log) but it's still unnecessary to have people running down a few extra hallways whenever they leave/board their ship.

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I actually think it helps you stay in character and gets you immersed in the story. You enter your hanger, get on your ship, blast off into space, choose a destination to warp to, and warp to it. That all wouldn't happen in the blink of an eye IRL (if SW was real :)).




It would all be fine is there was a seamless aspect to it. If on the elevators we could actually MASK the loading screen with using the elevator, but still have control of our character, it would be WAY better. Think 'Mass Effect', where the loading times were totally hidden while you had a 20 or 30 second elevator ride complete with music, companion conversation, various Galaxy-wide announcements on the radio, and a window showing your actual movement as lights whizz by.


They totally ignored that sort of idea in a place where it makes the most sense: an MMO/persistent world. :rolleyes:


Yes I'm sure there are technical challenges/differences from a singleplayer to a multiplayer game but that comes with the damn territory of being a professional company, right??

Edited by Matteis
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I agree with others that say we need to be able to enter our ships without leaving the spaceport. Since your ship is a zone, then they just need to load the hangar along with your ship, and not the entire planet as some think. Also, if they did this, when you do a space mission it should just return you to orbit rather then to the hanger (longer load) so you can do more space missions without the load time (although I would like to see space missions go away as a user selected mission and make them a random event when you travel between planets).


As for the spaceports, they don't feel right to me. Very long walks, no crowds, just empty. I was expecting spaceports to be the hubs on each world. I was wanting to see them lined with vendors and such. I was especially disappointed with Nar Shaddaa as I was expecting every peddler in the galaxy to be greeting me when I stepped off my ship - nope, just two vendors in an empty room. I want to see a GTN in each spaceport, lining entire walls with giant screens above each with long, scrolling, ticker tapes (another pet peeve – the GTN terminals need to be long, 20' bench types in a , line, “U” or semi-circle formation for easier access). I think there should be a cantina (with bind point) in each spaceport as well. They need to give us other reasons to go there other then to board our ship. As it is they feel like a muggers paradise.

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Why would anyone do that? That game sucks. Just because some system in a game no one enjoys is terrible doesn't mean the system in this game couldn't be better.


I love how you say NO ONE enjoys when you state your opinion of the game, I think 10 years and still going with 3 expansions released just this last year says people do enjoy it.


Either way it really isnt THAT bad to go from spaceport to ship if you guys are changing planets THAT often to where an extra 45 seconds of loading new areas MUST BE STOPPED. The only way the extra minute of traversing should get annoying is if you are going planet to space mission to planet to fleet to space mission, all in like 10 minutes. And I dont see any of you doing that everyday.


I mean common, the title to the thread is MOST NEEDED.... im sure there are like 100 things that come first before a minor nuisance like walking through a couple loading screens.

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I love how you say NO ONE enjoys when you state your opinion of the game, I think 10 years and still going with 3 expansions released just this last year says people do enjoy it.


Either way it really isnt THAT bad to go from spaceport to ship if you guys are changing planets THAT often to where an extra 45 seconds of loading new areas MUST BE STOPPED. The only way the extra minute of traversing should get annoying is if you are going planet to space mission to planet to fleet to space mission, all in like 10 minutes. And I dont see any of you doing that everyday.


I mean common, the title to the thread is MOST NEEDED.... im sure there are like 100 things that come first before a minor nuisance like walking through a couple loading screens.



My apologies. I was thinking of the recent Final Fantasy MMO, which I understand is a disaster.

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Can we backoff from our intense need to have instant gratafacation? I like the way travel is set up it adds to the feeling of a exspansive world.


Honestly I think it's great that you like it. All I would like to see is the option to opt out of it. I don't think that's a horrible request.


They don't have to get rid of it but give people an option.

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