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Of Course It Gets Boring, If...


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You Biodrones need to start put some more thought into your posts before making all these rubbish topics.


You sound like your way of playing is the "right" way of playing the game. Like everyone else who plays more than you, plays because they NEED to play 16 hours a day.

What if they like to play as much? What if they don't get burned out, but they lack stuff to do when they hit max level?


I'm only level 30-something because I have a busy real life, I work out a lot, play my guitar, date chicks and have a good job. But considering how easy it is to level in this game, I'm worried that I'll be 50 looong before they have gotten rid of all the bugs in the first raid, and made some new raid-dungeons.


You come on these forums to flame those who are concerned about lacking features and/or lack of "endgame"-content. You're no better than the haters, only you are on the other end of the scale.

Please think before you post.


This guy completely missed the point of the original post. Get more rest, and go date your "chicks" bro....

As for the OP, you couldn't have said it better.

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I'm level 24 and bored, I cancelled my subscription at level 16. Nothing to do with rushing to 50, the game is just way to linear.


Every MMO is linear because mobs have levels. You can't go to Zone C or D or E or etc.. yet because you'll get stomped. Technically you can walk into any zone because there isn't a rail preventing you, but you cannot engage in the content.


I'm exaggerating a bit. Some MMOs do offer a few choices in terms of which zone you'll level up. But lets be frank, MMOs are not sandboxes. SWTOR just appears more linear because they didn't bother preventing you from accessing content that would gib you in one shot.

Edited by nanogasm
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  • 3 weeks later...
I am lvl 25 and bored. I got to Tattooine and saw that all my confining narrow corridor map design had just turned into one large sandy corridor and decided to reroll.

I'm lvl 25 too, I'm a Commando and I get killed alot by NPCS and it's getting really boring, so I made a Bounty hunter. I think it might get fun again on my Commando, when I become lvl 28 on it, because my Class mission on Alderaan is for lvl 28 and I have completed all Class missions on Tatooine. Should I even go to Alderaan on lvl 26 or not?


In my opinion, it's the most fun at a low lvl.

Edited by Darpo-
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I love the game, played for 13 hours straight, have a lvl 50 character, and that character got boring. So guess what? I made another character of a different class, so now I can keep going and not getting bored. People tend to make one character and stick with it instead of making a multitude and checking everything out.
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it has nothing to do with the fact that once your awesome story, and it was, comes to an end and you single handedly have saved the galaxy and built up a small army you are back to doing level 1 go kill X mobs quests day after day after day.


Thats it, the HUGE pillar of the game has an end and once its done no reference is made to how powerful you became or whats happened to all those people you met and helped, and heck even your companions stop talking to you when you are done with their quests.


See other MMOs didnt tell me I was a god and Messiah at level 1, this one DID! And as I leveled it kept telling me this...until the story ended then none of that mattered and the game because the same old MMO.






Ok so I lied, I was level 8 when I was told I was a Messiah.

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This!, one hundred times this.People rushed and spacebar-clicked everything, because they felt they have to play it like WoW and now complaining.**** whinners go back to wow, some of us enjoy the game and YES we know it has many problems, but we still play and enjoying the parts we like while keeping our hopes up!


Wow has break those kids for good.

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Why are you bored with the game?



Is it because you were still in WoW mode and felt like you NEEDED to grind your way to 50 within the first week?



Well not really since I left wow a month after TBC. The game is just, simply put, boring. i never even made it to 50, thats how boring it is and its the first time in any MMO ive played ive not levled to max.


These forums are more fun even. Not even played an MMO since I left Rift last year a few months after release.

Yeah yeah, why am I still here? Im just trollin around a bit until they shut me out of the forums. Already unsubbed and just want to use the last few hours ive paid for to have some fun, wich i havnt had ingame last two weeks sort of.

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Well not really since I left wow a month after TBC. The game is just, simply put, boring. i never even made it to 50, thats how boring it is and its the first time in any MMO ive played ive not levled to max.


These forums are more fun even. Not even played an MMO since I left Rift last year a few months after release.

Yeah yeah, why am I still here? Im just trollin around a bit until they shut me out of the forums. Already unsubbed and just want to use the last few hours ive paid for to have some fun, wich i havnt had ingame last two weeks sort of.


I had that problem with WoW. The blandness of the quests kept me from reaching max level for years. I finally did though.

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This!, one hundred times this.People rushed and spacebar-clicked everything, because they felt they have to play it like WoW and now complaining.**** whinners go back to wow, some of us enjoy the game and YES we know it has many problems, but we still play and enjoying the parts we like while keeping our hopes up!


Wow has break those kids for good.


So ITT, rather ITG or ITF if a person who likes the game makes an assumption it is 100% correct and they are awesome.


If a person who has complaints, concerns, or just plain old dislike makes an assumption it is absolutely wrong and they should be sent back to the depths of hell.

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It gets boring if you play the game.



Not sure thats the best arguement you could use to be honest. Its a sub based game, people want to play it alot. if it was B2P of F2P you have a point, but we pay a sub, we expect to get content to keep us interested no matter how long we play.

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Whoa Whoa Whoa.


GW2 is going to be a LOT different to this game.


Totally disagree with your comment.


yeh for simple stupid people that like 4 abilties..


and a gutted FTP model with bad graphics and no story..

more NC soft crap..

own GW and both expansions.. will NEVER buy another game from NCsoft again..


talk about boring hype monster...

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I'm level 24 and I'm bored out of my mind.


This game reminds me why MMO's are such trash and why I can't play them.


Shoulda made KotOR 3 Bioware, you sell-outs.


so why did you buy this game then? idiot....

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I just unsubbed due to boredom with the game, and no, it's not because I overdid it. I was in day two of early access and have only just hit lvl 40. If anything I couldn't bring myself to play it much.


And it's not because the game is particularly bad in any way - it's just too much like too many mmo's I've played before, and not a whole lot better. I honestly can't see what makes this any better than the likes of Lotro or Rift.


So, it's not that I have anything against TOR, but I've been here and done this too many times already. I'll take an interest in mmo's again when the industry has moved on.

Edited by shootist
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If you are not having fun, it's because there is something wrong with you



I love the arguments the fan bois make


Heres a fact, today is the last day for the first wave of players, tommorow will be very very quiet for all servers ...Get ready for server mergers

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Why are you bored with the game?



Is it because you were still in WoW mode and felt like you NEEDED to grind your way to 50 within the first week?



Well then of course you're bored! You took this "GAME" and turned it into "WORK" and you wonder why you aren't excited about it anymore!



Myself, along with my friends who are playing, started on like Day 3-4 of early access, and we're all in the mid-30's. We only spend maybe a few hours at a time playing this game, then once it gets a bit tiresome, we log off and do something else. Whether it be playing another game, or spend time with family and friends, or whatever else we enjoy doing.



I've never played the new Skyrim game, but I've heard it's really fun. But play it for 6 hours straight and I'm sure it gets just as boring as anything else you do for 6 hours.


Same thing with the FPS games people love. Sure, Battlefield and COD are fun, but when you play them for hours and hours on end, you get bored.



Moral of the story is to not get burned out on this game, or else you'll resent it. Don't treat it like something you HAVE to do, treat it like something you WANT to do, and you won't ever be bored with it. The End.



For the most part I agree with this post. People have different thresholds and so the time played for one person before they get bored probably won't match the others.


You do bring a good point though. It's like listening to the same song over and over, no matter how much you like that song, eventually you will get sick of it if heard to much.

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yeh for simple stupid people that like 4 abilties..


and a gutted FTP model with bad graphics and no story..

more NC soft crap..

own GW and both expansions.. will NEVER buy another game from NCsoft again..


talk about boring hype monster...


Graphics look amazing (and are you trying to imply swtor looks good? lol).

Storey is brilliant, the lore they are creating is great, try learning some of it, but that requires reading which may be beyond you.


4 abilities? there are more, plus you can swap weapons, and you can link them and between players for combos.....also, remind me how many abilities a trooper uses? Grav round, grav round, grav round.....



Hype? sure. But less hype than SWTOR had. Arenanet have not spoken up all that much really about it, released videos and gameplay examples and let them speak for themselves really.

It also looks like they are putting in all the features people have been wanting. WvWvW, housing (you get a district in the city that is yours and is affected by your class storey), non-gear dependant pvp, capturable keeps in pvp that guilds can customise. ditching the trinity model, having no barriers to playing together (no need to group, no kill stealing or mob tagging)..storey and quests told by action rather than quest givers mostly, ore dynamic combat with dodges and such, interactive abilities...


Ok, so we have to see how it turns out, but just on the feature list I'm giving it a go. And no sub either so worth sticking round for updates.

Swtor has to keep you paying a sub, but many people dont think it justifies that.

Edited by Cameirus
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If you are not having fun, it's because there is something wrong with you



I love the arguments the fan bois make


Heres a fact, today is the last day for the first wave of players, tommorow will be very very quiet for all servers ...Get ready for server mergers


I will be happy just to see your kind gone from these forums.


Where constructive feedback can actually be used as a tool.


Those who are still here pay for the game and actively want it to succeed.

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Graphics look amazing (and are you trying to imply swtor looks good? lol).

Storey is brilliant, the lore they are creating is great, try learning some of it, but that requires reading which may be beyond you.


Hype? sure. But less hype than SWTOR had. Arenanet have not spoken up all that much really about it, released videos and gameplay examples and let them speak for themselves really.

It also looks like they are putting in all the features people have been wanting. WvWvW, housing (you get a district in the city that is yours and is affected by your class storey), non-gear dependant pvp, capturable keeps in pvp that guilds can customise. ditching the trinity model, having no barriers to playing together (no need to group, no kill stealing or mob tagging)..storey and quests told by action rather than quest givers mostly, ore dynamic combat with dodges and such, interactive abilities...


Ok, so we have to see how it turns out, but just on the feature list I'm giving it a go. And no sub either so worth sticking round for updates.

Swtor has to keep you paying a sub, but many people dont think it justifies that.



GW2 Will get chewed up and spit out like any other fantasy based MMO released these days.

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