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  • Location
    Chicago suburbs
  • Interests
    History, Cooking
  1. Goodness gracious people, stop the bickering. If you don't want to answer the questions don't, otherwise leave the OP alone.
  2. He was just stating a fact. If you actually wait for the animation, it works just fine. But I agree, the casting bar should be the "law" so to speak. You should be able to zoom off when the bar says you can, not when the animation says you can.
  3. This one was much better thought out, but that all depends on if you like the food or not. I do like it, and I'm willing to give the establishment time to work out the kinks.
  4. Meh...I guess I just disagree then. It offers what I would have expected it to offer at end game. (This early on).
  5. It's greatly improved, not fixed. There were several separate issues that would be hard to tackle all at once.
  6. The game hasn't really had time to evolve :/
  7. Terrible analogy. But hey, there's this great new restaurant in town, with great food. They can't afford to upgrade the look, or their equipment, but I'm going to continue going there as I enjoy their product, and hope one day they can expand their menu, and their look.
  8. Sorry to see you go. You were helpful in the tank forums
  9. Not only that, but they're used to not having to hold back with other tanks. It's a real problem.
  10. So by your logic, if there were some grand conspiracy...a simple cache clearing, or refresh should fix the problem.
  11. I had that problem with WoW. The blandness of the quests kept me from reaching max level for years. I finally did though.
  12. I remember similar threads on WoW when it first arrived. And it did just fine. Shoot, go there now, and you still have the "sky is falling" threads.
  13. That too, I just assumed people would be smart enough to try that first if they were having issues. I probably assume too much
  14. Or try a different browser. We are well the past the days of only having 1 browser available to us.
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