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Players BANNED for going to Ilum? Suggestions to Customer Service


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Well guess buying lvl 50 lockboxes from the fleet commendation Vendor & selling the gear via market would be no difference......



Sounds like EA is running the show here, not Bioware..... it's what I expected from EA....


They like to point fingers at others than them self.....


they just don't want to fix the problem since it would cost the more money.... tho I'm not surprised it comes to money.... sadly more I hear this more I think their below Nexon when it comes to this stuff & I hate Nexon.....



I could care less if they did the same to me, I didn't pay for the game myself or the game card so no skin off my back.... just sick of companies not doing job right.... the game is fine tho its EA is the problem

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I've had my lvl 25 in Illum farming.....When the best way to lvl my crew skills is gathering, and gathering is all gray, might as well go to Illum to farm. And yes I scored 2 epic color crystals, and lots of lvl 47-50 gear. Edited by Grometsc
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It's not an exploit if game allow you to do it. I can travel to 50lvl planet ? I CAN. Can I loot containers ? I CAN. So why not do it ? It was DESIGN TO WORK THIS WAY. If Bioware ban people over this then they are just id***.


Players didn't break any law or something. They didn't exploit a bug. They travel to location and gather some equipment from that location because THEY COULD.


Bioware -shame on you.

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This is too vague to be considered credible. Who was banned? When? Where's the ban email? Who did it come from? Or where's the screenshot?


You need some proof to back this up. If you have it, I'm sure there will be a riot. Without it, we can't believe you. Sorry, but that's too crazy to believe without proof.



I agree. There has to be way more going on for a ban to happen. If someone gets banned, in a game you have to pay for monthly to play, then they were up to no good. Trying to justify innocence by posting in the forums is not going to get anyone un-banned either.

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For a MMO, it is common for players to test their characters in zones above their level. If BW wants to prevent this, then prevent this in game (not showing illum in map to <40). For most mmo players, if you allow people to go to a zone, then many will go there and many will assume rightly that going there is not against the TOS. This is BW mistake not the players.
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So they were farming money..got caught..and banned..and we're supposed to feel sorry how?

Because lots of people farm money in this game and it isn't against the rules. Why would farming money be against the rules in a MMO. If you put money syncs into the game, then people will farm money in order to compensate for the sinks.


If people are correct in their speculations, then someone was farming money more efficiently than BW intended and they (BW) got butt hurt about it.

Edited by ApesAmongUs
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Because lots of people farm money in this game and it isn't against the rules. Why would farming money be against the rules in a MMO. If you put money syncs into the game, then people will farm money in order to compensate for the sinks.


If people are correct in their speculations, then someone was farming money more efficiently than BW intended and they (BW) got butt hurt about it.


Thing is Bioware doesn't listen to it's playerbase, they never did so why would they sudden;y start.

Most things that people find as bugs/clever use of game mechanics where well known in beta.


They just don't bother and now this.

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NOt many WAR Players in this game are there. This is standard practice for EA/Bioware. There was a guy on War banned for 'teleporting' after he fell through a hole in the world whilst exploring.



Looking at the e-mail posted in the link above, what EA/BIOWARE is saying is that you'll get banned for being better than their expected leveling curve. If im a good enough player to do level 40 content at level 35 I can get banned?? get bent bioware.

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wow thats insane even in beta .. I flew to several zones just to see the beginning citys and collect any codex to lvl .. off of .. HUH so i coudl get banned for flying to placess my ship allows me to fly???? thats insane ..

coupled with the UGLYNESS Of the CUSTOMER SERVICE wait THERE IS NO CUSTOMER SERVICE .. I dont know anyone that has got any resolutions in game about anything..


jUST CANNED responses that dont even come close to your issues.


MONEY IS THE BIGGEST PROBLEM TO GET IN THIS GAME>. HAVE YOU SEEN THE COST OF SKILLS ???? i went to balmara at 35 .. did all my class and planet quests included bonuses so i killed alot of stuff .. i started at 1k .. i ended up with 55k at end of balmar.. i went to train guess how much i had left?????? at 36... 13 k.. WTH ??? SKILLS are OVer the top in cost.. NOW i been told to not train in everything .. so how is that gona be viable for gaming give us skills we cant afford to train???


im loosing interest fast in this game.. I love the potential of it but im afraid its going to go down Just like Star wars Galaxies did.. IT HAD pottential too it was a blast for 5 months.. then the destroyed it.. NOW bioware is going to take this under within a month??? what are they thinking/

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Oh god this thread is hilarious.


All those low level trolls and people are actually falling for them.


You know what is the funny thing.

EA has a good track record of being incompetent when it comes to their customer support.

Sure this game has the Bioware label but that's it, it's EA.


As much as this sounds like trolling I am not surprised with anything EA can pull of after Warhammer.

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To Sum up the post.


People were exploiting, Bio is doing the right thing and banning them for it.



Sounds like to me that all the pissed off players got use to Rift where you could use exploits and Trion did nothing.


Whats the point of playing a game if you are just going to cheat your way through it.

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I'm not taking sides either for/against this outcome. What needs to be pointed out is 2 key factors...


1) Players of a lower level in a high level area is a violation of ToS. Going there, you're breaking the ToS that you agreed to (learn to read it next time).


2) High level zones should have a restriction placed on them to prevent such events from happening. Level Locking is not a hard process as many games have it and use it just fine. (It's no different than preventing people from doing Quest B before doing Quest A). Isolate the prerequisites and you're fine.


A ban for such violations should be minimal/temporary. Permanent bans for first time offenses are very uncommon (unless it involves botting, hacking, gold selling, etc.). This is something that should be addressed in a civilized manner and handled reasonably, instead of waving the ban hammer around like a bull in a china shop.


On a side note (for players and the GM's), this is your opening month for players on full retail release. There are going to be exploits found, as it's only natural for players to find loop-holes and shortcuts to achieve their goals. It's the job of the community and the GM's working together to solve these issues with mutual respect and understanding.



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To Sum up the post.


People were exploiting, Bio is doing the right thing and banning them for it.



Sounds like to me that all the pissed off players got use to Rift where you could use exploits and Trion did nothing.


Whats the point of playing a game if you are just going to cheat your way through it.


On my rift server, people exploited hylas, you could jump over the fence with the pillars and such and wail on him and he would get to 1% and you couldnt kill him, but the trees didnt attack and you had no need for heals at that stage, you also avoided the wolves. Thus skipping the entire Encounters 2nd phase.


If you lodged a ticket Trion would reward everyone in the raid with loot, the achievements nand badges for the encounter as well as remove the boss and let people continue.


Was pretty sad tbh.

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wow thats insane even in beta .. I flew to several zones just to see the beginning citys and collect any codex to lvl .. off of .. HUH so i coudl get banned for flying to placess my ship allows me to fly???? thats insane ..

coupled with the UGLYNESS Of the CUSTOMER SERVICE wait THERE IS NO CUSTOMER SERVICE .. I dont know anyone that has got any resolutions in game about anything..


jUST CANNED responses that dont even come close to your issues.


MONEY IS THE BIGGEST PROBLEM TO GET IN THIS GAME>. HAVE YOU SEEN THE COST OF SKILLS ???? i went to balmara at 35 .. did all my class and planet quests included bonuses so i killed alot of stuff .. i started at 1k .. i ended up with 55k at end of balmar.. i went to train guess how much i had left?????? at 36... 13 k.. WTH ??? SKILLS are OVer the top in cost.. NOW i been told to not train in everything .. so how is that gona be viable for gaming give us skills we cant afford to train???


im loosing interest fast in this game.. I love the potential of it but im afraid its going to go down Just like Star wars Galaxies did.. IT HAD pottential too it was a blast for 5 months.. then the destroyed it.. NOW bioware is going to take this under within a month??? what are they thinking/


You only had 1k credits when you got to Balmorra? And then complain about the cost of training? There is such a thing as managing your money you know? I have over 110k and I am only half way done with that planet. Donot blame Bioware for your poor credit management methods in the game.


And why would anyone want to go to a planet long before they should be there? I have maxed slicing and I have never gone to any planet above my level. Not hard to do if you keep your companions busy.

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Allow me to duplicate your logic.


I once drove at over 60 miles per hour in an area where is was clearly marked with a speed limit of 45 miles per hour.


I was not penalized in any way.


Therefore, I can conclude that there is no penalty for simply driving above the speed limit and all the people who get tickets must be doing something else.


See what happens if you don't use logic properly.


Are you serious? Game mechanic and law? Buahahaha.

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