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10 Good
  1. Das is ja die Höhe, bin gerade Heim gekommen und wollte gemütlich zocken... Nein aber im Ernst, erst diese unmöglichen EU-Wartungszeiten, dann sowas. Natürlich "kann das mal passieren", aber wenns jetzt keinen frei Monat gibt, dann weiß ich auch nicht Edit: Also zumindest hätte es das bei anderen Spielen schon längst gegeben.
  2. You know what I did? I canceld my supscription, and you should do so too if you are not satisfied. I'm simply not going to pay a monthly fee until those, to use a German term, "Kinderkrankheiten" are eliminated. Vote with your money. The only way thay will read your complaints, and for that matter change anything, is when it starts to hurt their wallets. Regards.
  3. Another thing I thought about when I read this: Wow, they must be really fearing that the game economy would collapse. Ever wonder why everything (Skills etc.) gets so expensive?
  4. This has my support. Do it already. There is no reason not to do it, we saw it was possible.
  5. I found this, don't know if it has been posted yet: http://www.lo-ping.org/2011/12/31/swtor-gms-banning-users-for-going-to-zones-above-their-level/ Basically at the bottom you can see, that they are banning people for basic MMO trading in the galactic trade market also. Don't know if it's a fake though.
  6. Ich finde es ein bisschen schade, dass man Planeten nur bis zu einem gewissen level besucht, bis man alle Quests erledigt hat und dann nurnoch Grund zu einer Rückkehr hat, wenn man einen neuen Char startet bzw. Holocrons sucht. Die Planeten sind zum Teil so einzigartig, dass ich mir für einige ein high level Gebiet wünschen würde, vielleicht eine neue Stadt etc. Habe ich bereits im englischen Forum geschrieben, passt hier aber auch gut rein: Einen Grund die Welten nochmal anzufliegen (und die diversen Cantinas zu besuchen) wäre z.B. die Implementierung von Minigames (Ala Pazaak, Swoop Racing etc.) für welche die Cantinas als hub fungieren. Vielleicht "Fight Club" mäßige PvP Duelle in Käfigen (In den etwas ruppigeren Cantinas ), die Übertragung von Huttball, einfach ein Grund sich dort zu treffen und mit anderen zu Interagieren. (Eine andere interessante Idee wäre es eine "Galaktische" Pazaak Liga zu haben, mit Turnieren in Cantinas auf wechselnden Planeten. So hätte man Grund jeden nochmals zu besuchen.)
  7. I approve. We need - Swoop racing - Casino gambling - Pazaak etc. I made a thread on this, where I described how much I liked Nar Shaddaa but had no incentive to return to it after the designated level cap. I mean it even has a CASINO... I would like it even more if there were "planet" leagues of Pazaak/Swoop racing, for example, where you would have to win the planet leagues to be qualified for the "galactic" league, you know, so you have to visit them all again Anyone else would love this?
  8. Does anyone else think that it's a pity that you have no incentive to visit a planet after a certain level? I found myself liking Nar Shaddaa a lot, but after I was done with the quests I realised that I had no reason to return other than doing the quests again with an alt. IMO all Planers should have designated high level areas with the hub being still the same, in Nar Shaddaas case the promenade. Or other incentives in the form of activities, in Nar Shaddaas case, again, maybe swoop racing, making proper use of the Casino (Pazaak etc.). Did you also find that lacking?
  9. Oh man, activities like that are really a missed opportunity. I would love me somemultiplayer Pazaak or swoop racing!
  10. Why is there no global "looking for group" chat, anything for that matter? Or am I missing something? I came to notice its absence, especially since it takes so long to get back to the fleet, which I assumed was a hub for exactly that, for a proper group search.
  11. Really all I see is that: In the early game access stages we have been told "Yeah, we are going to invite you in waves, because we want to fill the servers slowly and steadily, we want to have a smooth launch etc." Sounds reasonable. And now I have to wonder, why was the server number limited then? A 30 min queue every time I play, I call not smooth.
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