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The D5-Mantis Sucks


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You went from an out of work bounty hunter to a big name in the great hunt and now you got your own piece to fly. Seems like a step up to me. You could be on the planetary shuttle with the rest of the noobs. I also remember a little ship called the Millenium Falcon. It wasnt pretty to look at either, but it was the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy.
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I think it looks like an old rusty schoolbus with hyperdrive. When I look at the interior, it reflect a broke person who flies it, when it should look pimped out with all them bounties cashed in, and only the most pimp stuff should be avaliable in that ship.
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I like the mantis, its very bounty hunter like really. Doesnt look like much but has it where it counts. Its not the most beautiful ship in the galaxy, but we are bounty hunters not jedi or sith. Inside, its probably the best design....I get lost on my Sith ships...they are like a maze.
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I felt the same way at first. As the story progressed and I got more into the character and his gruff attitude the ship really grew on me. Yeah, the back end makes it look like a galactic garbage truck but it IS designed to take out the trash. It's a very practical, powerful design and unique among the ships. It really feels one of a kind and you'll NEVER get lost in it. I feel like the description of the ship really hits these points home. If you haven't read it yet, here it is from the holonet:


Kuat Drive Yards (KDY) D5-Mantis Patrol Craft


A rare, best-in-class vessel, the D5-Mantis is an alpha predator in the cold depths of space. Designed to meet the hefty demands of a much larger interdiction vessel, the Mantis has a compact frame and above all-- is built to fight. By employing three retractable weapon foils with independent power supplies, the Mantis is capable of safely utilizing armament intended for larger class vessels, as well as reducing its profile significantly in order to be packed tightly into carrier ships with a surprising number of other Mantis crafts. To mitigate what would otherwise be an extremely cramped interior, the engineers of the D5-Mantis make efficient use of vertical space and minimized bulkheads to provide more open areas and ensure ease of access for maintenance. Due to the prohibitive cost of building a completely independent, long-range picket ship, the Mantis has never seen large-scale production. Spotting one in use is a very rare sight, and a mark of exceptional means.

Edited by Howlix
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The Mantis is head and shoulders above the Trooper's Thunderclap. The Mantis has a nice, simple flow. I had to open my map on the Thunderclap just to get around when I first got it. The BH steals his ship. Good enough for me. Only the Smuggler can rival that, owning his/her ship and having it stolen.
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I feel the Mantis grows on you... (oops, that's not some kind of Xeno-disease, is it? Better get my blaster to cauterize this just in case!)

I agree that the fact we steal it is very nice.

Did not seem really flashy and spectacular when I first entered it, and I confess to being a little disappointed.

But I got to like my ship more and more, and, now, I'd love for it to be a "rest area" so I can log off in it... and thus log right on in my very rust bucket.


RP-wise, I christened mine: "Preying"

(the Preying Mantis... a bit lame, but makes me smile)

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idk I kind of agree with the OP. I'm not a fan of the ship and the comments make sense but I mean if I was to steal a ship I'd go for a sleek bad-*** looking one like the Consular ship (my fave btw).


But meh, I'm hoping later on we can buy a new ship in a future patch or expansion.


This would seem like it wouldn't be in the best interest of being a BH. You want to go unnoticed. While rare, the Mantis looks old and clunky and can blend in pretty well. Remember how Boba Fett hid his Firespray in the debris field waiting for the MF to detach and head off to Bespin? Tell me something like a Fury wouldn't have stuck out like a sore thumb.


Plus, stealing a shiny expensive looking ship is probably going to attract a lot more attention than some old rust bucket.


No the Mantis makes the perfect sense for our BH. Hey, everyone thought the MF was a piece of junk, but try telling that to Han without getting a broken nose for the trouble. The best ships in sci-fi are the ones that don't look like much(so underestimated), but got it where it counts. And that builds character.

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I was doing some research last night into Boba Fett's ships since he is the iconic SW bounty hunter. If you look at the designs of slaves I-IV you see a lot of similarities with the D5, however the D5 looks ALOT better than all of the above. Lets face it...Slave I looked like a shoe. Don't get me started on Slaves II-IV. It's not the ship that makes the bounty hunter, it's the other way around.
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Love the Mantis. Like several people said it fits the class perfectly. To be honest though, my favorite would be the one Jango had in...I think episode one? or two. When he was chasing Obi Won I thought the ship looked awesome. Oh, and the blasters, or lasers, whatever they were, just sounded sweet. Edited by Murderous
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Ship sort of grows on you after a while, the thing I like best is the cargo bay is right by the door. Makes it so I cant miss it before I depart ship.


The number of times I've gone off my ship with my Sorcerer with a bag full of crafting mats and stuff I'm going to auction, never happens on my BH.

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I like the look of it except for the folding pods. The ease of everything inside is what makes it the best ship in the game to me. I don't know about anyone else but running around winding corridors versus having everything almost right together is sort of a no brainer as to which is more preferable.
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You have to look at it from the perspective of how the game wants to portray the class, the bounty hunter is basically a renegade space cowboy. Now from what i understand the the trooper is the combative mirror of the bounty hunter and story and appearance wise the closest mirror in that retrospect is the smuggler.


If you have ever watched serenity and the Starships they had in that television show. i think this sums up the D5-Mantis, its a bucket of bolts but it deliver awesome output at the expense of appearance.


I agree that maybe the ship could have looked slightly better or the game could of given us the option to add a slight level of customization but its the best we got and its not like our ship really has much of a function accept main story questing, space battles and a cargo hold.


On another note the Millennium Falcon did not exactly look particularly attractive but it was the fasted ship in the galaxy and just so happened to blew up the deathstar, it too also broke down a lot.

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This is not some hip fresh sleek youngster who just graduated from the academy, combing through his hair seeking attention.


I see a grizzly, a veteran, a survivor. The big mean furry old cat in the back yard with scars and a half ripped off ear proudly patrolling it’s territory.


It says to me: I’m your Momma, I mean business.


Bring it on.

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That's kinda the point. While other classes might get their luxury yachts with all sorts of decorative silliness, the Mantis reflects a bounty hunter's pragmatic attitude. There's no need for winding corridors and useless rooms. Everything is efficiently within a short distance of everything else.


^-- I LOVE my mantis. It is easy to get around and simple to use. Everything I need is in a straight line of each other.

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