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PvP Seasons increased to 16 weeks long with 7.5


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4 hours ago, BryantWood said:

Hey Players!

We just talked about it on the 7.5 dev stream, but I wanted to give more detail on some changes you’ll see upcoming in PvP Season 6.


  • PvP Seasons will be extended to 16 weeks long (from 12)
  • The maximum Season Level will be increased to 30 (from 25)
  • Maximum catchup level will increase to 20 (from 15)
    • Note: The catchup start date will remain unchanged
  • The points per level will increase to 300 (from 280). The total points required to complete the PvP Season will be increased to 9000 (from 7000).
  • New rewards will be added to the Season Track
    • A season themed Emote
    • Warzone Adrenals and Medpacs

Reviewing the way PvP Seasons are released and the cadence of seasons throughout a year, we are going to implement a few changes to PvP Seasons, making them a bit more similar to Galactic Seasons and more predictable. With this change, PvP Seasons will launch with our .X patches and Galactic Seasons will launch with our X.X patches. For example:

  • PvP Season 6 will launch with 7.5
  • Galactic Seasons 7 will launch with 7.5.1
  • PvP Season 7 will launch with 7.6
  • Galactic Seasons 8 will launch with 7.6.1

Longer PvP Seasons
The most noticeable change is that PvP Seasons will now last 16 weeks instead of 12 weeks, and will have a maximum level of 30 (up from 25). To match with this longer season, the required points per level will increase to 300 (from 280). Players will be able to use credits to catch up to level 20 (previously capped at level 15).

What does this mean for completing the season?
By lengthening the season this way, we are able to reduce the amount of time players need to play each week to complete the full PvP Season. This will allow you to progress through the season more slowly and make it easier to take breaks if life situations happen.

New Rewards on the Track
For the 5 new levels on the reward track, we will be adding Warzone Adrenals and Medpacs, an emote that matches the seasonal theme, and adjusting the reward levels that used to grant 2 rewards.

We hope you’ve been enjoying PvP Seasons as much as we have, I can’t wait to see you in Warzones!

I appreciate how you all are working hard to improve the game. But why can't you help focusing on fixing PVP, bringing ranked back, and also balancing all of the eight classes in both warzones and arena's we want a grind that's worth playing. 

Vulkk even had a post on his site on how PVP is SERIOUSLY burning to the ground, here's a link to what he says about the issue: https://vulkk.com/2024/01/25/swtors-pvp-is-burning-to-the-ground/

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35 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

 Even players who don't PvP won't need more than 10 of each to start off. After that they will constantly be rewarded more than they will use.

Stims are such lazy filler.

Exactly - and I'm not even a frequent PVP player to notice that.

As much as I love the idea of something to do for solo players, PVP players seem to get their thing turned into something into worse it already is. It shouldn't happen. silly 7.5 solo missions should be an entirely different thing from PVP season.

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39 minutes ago, AocaVII said:

They don't care. They won't listen to you. You are nothing to them. You trying to tell them that one plus one is two and they are arguing with you that one plus one is five. They are never going to not do what they want and do what the players want. They know better than the players what to do about PVP... That's why we probably had 100,000 pvpers and now we probably have a few hundred.

Then how can we make them listen? I'd like to hear some suggestions.

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I'm not going to bother ripping into these PvP "changes." It's not worth discussing how these changes don't address a single issue that the community has been complaining about since 7.2. 🤣


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With the points increase, assuming caps stay the same, this pushes me to grind out PvP for an extra two weeks, while reducing the rate at which I get meaningful rewards. I do not see an upside here, I already approach burnout every week I need to get my 1000 points to end the PvPing as soon as possible and get back to ...not PvPing unless a Galactic Season objective tells me to. Additionally, this release schedule, if I understand it correctly, makes it much less likely that I'll be able to double-dip objectives since the GS will come out a full update after the PvP season. I feel like I endure enough already to get the tokens and outfits as it is.

Stims and medpacks are already flooded on players doing any regular PvP/ doing the PvP season. There is no reason to include them when PvP tokens could better reward players, or outfit/weapon boxes, or crafting materials, or anything else that won't end up in a pile of 2,787 others *after* using them pretty much as often as possible.


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Certainly, there's another post coming "addressing concerns & frequently asked" - At least that was said on stream. 
I don't see any concerns here, nor frequently asked questions. 

If this is it, this is comical. Honestly, it's not difficult to address group sizes and potential future for any plans with ranked. 
We have a hidden MMR system that's not quite functional but if we had a rated mode we wouldn't care if it was functional. 

Do anything - let me define anything, Broadsword.

  • Group size limit, it should have never gone past 4man. However, put your foot down if you don't want to change it so we can move on. Here are the number of threads I found in one search. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I refuse to start using double digits but there are well over these. With many other issues stemming from the main issue here.
  • Change the balance. New implants (setbonus), implants with stats of our own choice (vendor trade in), more stat pool - we're currently in a burst heavy meta and more HP alone would switch it up. More secondary stats to afford builds like high alacrity, much like we had critical on relics in the past - maybe put alacrity on relics or something to aid the lack of secondary stat to have adjustable builds.
  • Remove quesh huttball again for the same reason as last time.
  • Propose rework of maps - Civil War getting side speeders & OPG getting slightly redesigned. 
  • New modes? TDM, 6v6, solo ranked 8v8?, rated talk at all?
  • Reorder unfavorable skill trees that make little sense - Assassin is one. 
  • Consider talk about pruning and or adding in on classes that were overdone while most of the meta were barely touched. 
  • Anything messed up coming from end of 5.0 to now. 

Anyway, a group size limit would do wonders, but anything else is just a bonus. How many patches is it now we've been ignored about something that seems relatively simple to fix?
I want to play the game, I would stay subbed if they'd talk to us. But I refuse to with the constant silence and neglect, it's actively killed off the only infinitely repeatable game mode left. I don't want to RP or buy things on the CM because I don't do those activities. PvP is and was the only thing I did - there's a reason why there are so many threads and comments in the PvP section compared to everywhere else - it's because we care, we care a lot. We're likely some of the most loyal to still be around. The silence is quite clear.

Ps. Kell Dragon Weaponmaster Warrior specifically was the only reskin that never came to the game in 6.0, it's still not available and the reskin it was aimed to be is just a reskin of old conq PvP gear, not Kell Dragon like every other single class ingame. Not that I would find this fix acceptable. 

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For people who are dedicated pvpers the extra 5 levels won't even be an issue as far as getting enough points is concerned. If it wasn't for the 1k a week limit pretty sure a lot of us would be finished with the track within 1-3 weeks depending on how much time we have to play. Adrenals and medpacs have no business being on the track at all. As everyone else has said you get thousands of them. I have roughly 9500 of each and that's after selling them now and then so I don't have to deal with having more than one stack of each taking up inventory space. I'd have preferred if they both added more tokens and made better looking items we can buy with those tokens, rather than reskins of the current and former seasons armor sets, which imo, have been getting worse. 1-3 were all decent for the theme they were going for, but 4, 5, and in the future 6 all leave a lot to be desired. Honestly I'd prefer they take a break from armor sets for seasons and do other items like weapons, flairs, or mounts.

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3 minutes ago, DragoslavRadanov said:

For people who are dedicated pvpers the extra 5 levels won't even be an issue as far as getting enough points is concerned. If it wasn't for the 1k a week limit pretty sure a lot of us would be finished with the track within 1-3 weeks depending on how much time we have to play. Adrenals and medpacs have no business being on the track at all. As everyone else has said you get thousands of them. I have roughly 9500 of each and that's after selling them now and then so I don't have to deal with having more than one stack of each taking up inventory space. I'd have preferred if they both added more tokens and made better looking items we can buy with those tokens, rather than reskins of the current and former seasons armor sets, which imo, have been getting worse. 1-3 were all decent for the theme they were going for, but 4, 5, and in the future 6 all leave a lot to be desired. Honestly I'd prefer they take a break from armor sets for seasons and do other items like weapons, flairs, or mounts.

Yeah, they focused so hard on not giving us decent rewards that would devalue their precious CC that they forgot about actually making the season worth playing. Freaking medpacs? give me a break. And I only saw one armor set listed as being in the actual season, which I hope I'm wrong about but the other one was apparently for the vendor? Like seriously, if you're going to make the grind more hellish give us more for it. As it is, if I finish the season it will be by accident.

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1 hour ago, septru said:

I'm not going to bother ripping into these PvP "changes." It's not worth discussing how these changes don't address a single issue that the community has been complaining about since 7.2. 🤣


Actually since 7.0 dropped at 10 year anniversary under Chris Schmidt's rain of ability pruning. 

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Medpacs? Have you guys looked at your loot tables from the warzone and arena boxes you get for every match? For your convenience. This is the stack on a character I rarely pvp on, it isn't thousands like some, but it will keep growing without them being on the reward track. 


And here is this characters battle record. I've only pvp'd with him this season. 





I'll do the math for you, thats 11 matches and 70 medpacs and adrenals. Rethink putting those in the reward track.



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Maybe the adrenals are just a quest again... Ya know.. play wz, get adrenals.. bring it to another new character you've never met before, that's casually chilling in your sh.. trying to command you like a dog.. just like all the previous stuff. :) Even better if the character dies right after, as those are always worth doing :)

After all, it's an RPG, your choices don't really matter, just like your opinion on these 'pvp changes'.

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1 hour ago, Liarrrra said:

Maybe the adrenals are just a quest again... Ya know.. play wz, get adrenals.. bring it to another new character you've never met before, that's casually chilling in your sh.. trying to command you like a dog.. just like all the previous stuff. :) Even better if the character dies right after, as those are always worth doing :)

Maybe the real rewards of this PvP season are the adrenals/premades friends we made along the way...

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Posted (edited)


It has been seven years since GSF has gotten any exclusive-to-GSF updates. Do you have any plans to include GSF to pvp seasonal reward track?  Plans for a reward track of its own for GSF? Any plans regarding GSF in general at all? 

Seven..years. Taking SWTOR from concept stage to 1.0 took less time than that. 


It is somewhat depressing to watch my favorite part of this game getting completely ignored year after year after year, patch after another.


Edited by Stradlin
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11 hours ago, colemak said:

The difference here around 1 game per week assuming no wins, but there's 4 more weeks of it. If anything this seems to extend the grind

Imo this is very good. I usually finish pvp track but this time I had more exams and some weeks I would not pvp at all. I'm 100% I wont finish the pvp track nor the achievements. Yes, you can buy the levels to catch up but you cant do this with achievements. So 4 extra weeks are very good (at least for players like me that have limited time to play). Plus this way they have more time to make better rewards (altho I doubt they will)

11 hours ago, Syxah said:

When you complete a warzone or an arena, you receive MORE medpacks and adrenals that you are able to use in the next match. On a toon that only played the current Season 5, I'm already at ~2000+ Warzone Medpack and ~2500+ Warzone Adrenals without purchasing a single one...

Anyone playing PvP already has way more Medpacks/Adrenals that they will ever need so I really can't understand why are you adding this to a "rewards track" 😑

Totally agree! This is one of the stupidest things I have seen them do. I really don't understand why would they include the medpacks/adrenals in the reward track. It is almost an insult lol. Like they have no imagination at all for new rewards? Even more pvp tokens would have been better. **facepalm**

PS: I have seen some of you say that the devs should include GSF in pvp. Personally I dont like GSF that much so I dont really want this but if they do, I hope they make it like an optional thing. 

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Posted (edited)

Absolutely idiotic. adrenals and stimpacks? come on.... u know its stupid. Why wouldnt u add 1-2 pvp tokens instead (something actually useful so that we can get cosmetics that are years old).


and btw, this "new" armor set is basicly just a slight alteration of the current set we have (tho the helmet does look good).


Suggestion: Remove adrenals and stimpacks from reward track. ADD pvp tokens (or something actually new and worthwhile). AND FOR LOVE OF EVERYTHING, RESKIN A NEW PVP MAP. come on...

Edited by warrico
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2 hours ago, Danielelel said:

Personally I dont like GSF that much so I dont really want this but if they do, I hope they make it like an optional thing.

They could add it as an additional weekly goal and still stick to 4 weeklies completeable. Like they did with the 11th GS weekly goal

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Maybe mixing it up with other games so want to ask. Is it the first "text-only" emote in swtor?

Nevertheless. I would love new emotes. But text only is worthless. especially for something like pvp season. Sorry. Try it again BioBroadsword

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Oh, also.. I am SURE you're already 'working' on separating the renown system from DvL like you stated YEARS ago so that people can actually use it. :^) Your empty promises are truly amusing. Not only regarding pvp, other aspects as well. You're useless.

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4 hours ago, Danielelel said:

Imo this is very good. I usually finish pvp track but this time I had more exams and some weeks I would not pvp at all. I'm 100% I wont finish the pvp track nor the achievements. Yes, you can buy the levels to catch up but you cant do this with achievements. So 4 extra weeks are very good (at least for players like me that have limited time to play). Plus this way they have more time to make better rewards (altho I doubt they will)

It would be great if they haven't given us more levels to grind and increased points required to get a level. Adding medpacks and adrenals to reward track adds insult to injury.


My ideal solutions would be:

1. Easy. Just extend the season to 16 weeks without changing anything else.

2. Requires work. Cut season from 25 levels to 20. Reintroduce ranked (people clearly want it back) and make the second decoration and shiny version of the armor ranked rewards.

In both cases, add GSF objectives.

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Posted (edited)
49 minutes ago, juliushorst said:


In both cases, add GSF objectives.

In context of seasonal objectives, Warzones&Arenas don't in any way differ from Satelites &Deathmatches in GSF.  All ground pvp objectives could simply be thrown to GSF and they'd pass as-is.(play matches, win matches, earn medals) It is very disappointing they didn't go through with this.

Additionally, GSF would bring its own more and less obvious rewards to pick, aiding with the apparent on going drought in that regard.

Edited by Stradlin
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5 hours ago, Danielelel said:

PS: I have seen some of you say that the devs should include GSF in pvp. Personally I dont like GSF that much so I dont really want this but if they do, I hope they make it like an optional thing. 

While I realize that these devs may be terrible at making decisions that ONLY increase player freedom and do not make it come at a cost to everyone else, I would hope that this would mean simply adding another 3 objectives that work with GSF and not removing any others (also not increasing the level count, dammit). It isn't a zero sum game and adding options does nothing to you unless the devs decide to be morons again.

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