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Remove Weekly & Daily for Arenas


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Removing the daily/weekly rewards is something I think needs to happen. So many BAD players queue arenas for the weekly and kill it for the rest of us. I think this would cut down on the dead weight in arena matches. This is what killed ranked. Players that have no skill going into arenas for the rewards... 

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11 minutes ago, MercMara said:

Removing the daily/weekly rewards is something I think needs to happen. So many BAD players queue arenas for the weekly and kill it for the rest of us. I think this would cut down on the dead weight in arena matches. This is what killed ranked. Players that have no skill going into arenas for the rewards... 

yes, please remove a reason for people to queue so I can sit in queue for hours with no games because these sub human players aren't pure and skilled enough to carry me in Arena. /s

just be happy the queue pops faster than Shae Vizla.

Edited by Darkestmonty
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9 minutes ago, MercMara said:

Id rather have less pops than trash players that need to be carried. 

someone who carries the game isn't worried about the lesser skilled team mates dragging them down.

The more people that queue in PvP the better matchmaking works. If you want only elite players, you are about 5 plus years too late for the height of ranked arena.

Edited by Darkestmonty
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False. Every good player in renas are sick and tired of the trash Qing for dailies and weeklies. That's exactly what killed ranked. Bioware introduced mat rewards for completing the arena missions and it was flooded with terrible players.  

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14 minutes ago, MercMara said:

False. Every good player in renas are sick and tired of the trash Qing for dailies and weeklies. That's exactly what killed ranked. Bioware introduced mat rewards for completing the arena missions and it was flooded with terrible players.  

That should make it easier for you to win since your opponents should also be "flooded with terrible players."

If you need your team to be elite PvPers to win, there might be other issues you are overlooking.

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yeah, the number of times I've asked a player with 200s-gear or low 300s, "why did you que" it's always the response I get. It is indeed very frustrating. 

Sadly - I also need tech frags to get rich in GTN...so taking the W/D away from Arenas would make me sad inside.. 

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1 hour ago, darksidenerd said:

yeah, the number of times I've asked a player with 200s-gear or low 300s, "why did you que" it's always the response I get. It is indeed very frustrating. 

Sadly - I also need tech frags to get rich in GTN...so taking the W/D away from Arenas would make me sad inside.. 

I wish the devs would take gear and levels out of the equation like FFXIV does.

If everyone in PvP was max level with access to all their skills, stats were based on class and not gear, and implants and tacticals were freely chosen, PvP would be more fun.

It's not fun smashing some low geared 324 player who just returned and hasn't even picked up their tacticals and implants.

Skill is still going to be an issue but that's what PvP should be based on, skill not gear.


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46 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

Its not fun smashing some low geared 324 player who just returned and hasn't even picked up their tacticals and implants.

This right here is false, watch a warzone match of premaders just gang up on this person/persons just to flex dps/kill numbers just for the fun of it. 

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New players in PvP is not an issue. This is a good thing. 


The issue is that there is no incentive for these new players to improve, nor incentives to keep skilled players in the game.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/17/2024 at 8:05 PM, MercMara said:

Removing the daily/weekly rewards is something I think needs to happen. So many BAD players queue arenas for the weekly and kill it for the rest of us. I think this would cut down on the dead weight in arena matches. This is what killed ranked. Players that have no skill going into arenas for the rewards... 

no the devs killed ranked when when they deleted it from the game. They also killed regs because since then the pops for warzone has gone up on average by 5-10 minutes when before I was getting almost instant pops during prime time. 

also these new regs arenas don't even pop so I would argue they are more dead then ranked ever was

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On 4/17/2024 at 8:18 PM, MercMara said:

Id rather have less pops than trash players that need to be carried. 

You need bad players to queue otherwise they'll never learn the game and replace people who quit playing for a period of time.

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43 minutes ago, RACATW said:

You need bad players to queue otherwise they'll never learn the game and replace people who quit playing for a period of time.

You assume that they want to learn how to play better, not just get things done as quickly as possible and go back to more interesting things.

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1 hour ago, Anhkriva said:

You assume that they want to learn how to play better, not just get things done as quickly as possible and go back to more interesting things.

It sounds like you make the opposite assumption, that these players are all just there to get things done as quickly as possible. But it's not all or nothing.  That will be true of some players, but certainly not all.  *Every single skilled player* was once a bad player.  I got into PvP at the beginning because of the dailies/weeklies, and then stayed because I enjoyed it and wanted to get better.  I'm sure I'm not the only one.

As someone else pointed out, people leave the game and don't come back.  You need to replenish that pool of PvPers.  Nobody tells you to get off a basketball court until you've read a lot of books on the subject and followed 15 player's Youtube channel for tips.  You only get better at something by actually doing it.

The problem as I see it isn't the dailies & weeklies.  Those are great for the reasons above.  The problem is that all players are in the same pool regardless of skill level (which has very little correlation with irating).  I'd thought about the idea of having different "leagues" for people of different skill levels but that has it's own problems (splitting the base & making queue times longer, high level players having "fun" by intentionally joining the amateur queue just to mess things up, etc. - not sure why they killed ranked but seems like it might have solved some of those issues).  I get the idea of ONLY wanting to play with other highly skilled players, but slowly killing off PvP by continually shrinking the population of die-hard PvPers isn't a great business model, and long-term it's bad for PvPers too.

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Posted (edited)

You know what lol forget everything Iv said forget this PvP being worth saving forget all of it let it burn let the casuals have it I feel uninstalling this pile of garbage they call a game tbh

I am beyond tired of getting into ques and going against teams where every person needs to have their personal own tank and 2 healer combo with 2 DPS following them around like a bunch of lemmings

Everyone wants that 4v1 when they see you but man when you get them 1v1 and they start dying their crew will run across the map to cover them it isnt even fun anymore maybe its a good thing Ill be leaving

I hate to turn into negative nancy at the last moment I am worn down from all this cheek covering that is happening on star forge I can count on one hand how many people will fight in equal terms and while I cherish those fights they simply are too few and too rare to be all that keeps me here

These kinds of matches arent even for fights anymore these folks just want to ruin it for everyone theres nothing fun about steam roll fights because one side is stacked to the max and you cant even get a single fight without one of these lemmings running over to pile in

Yal win I held out as long as I could If this is what yal want PvP to be people just stacking healers tanks glued to each others rears with 2 engi snipers doing the march of the penguins around the map as they chase down people who are solo so be it ill move along lol...

Ill give New world another shot hell maybe Il return to ESO or Guild wars 2 I know I dont need to announce my departure I really had hopes for this game lol but it is apparent to me it is futile to even bother trying with this game there is nothing redeemable about how PvP is in this game is going...

For yal with a good eye yeah ESO is reinstalling Ill take what money I have and head back there..

Here ya go @BryantWood This is what your company wants right? PvPers to uninstall and leave? you got it..


Screenshot (2650).png

Screenshot (2651).png

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Hey I'm all for not going into arenas. Matter of fact help me get GSF into the pvp rotation and I will never set foot in arenas again. Only reason we are there is because of PVP seasons. If GSF was an option to get my other 100 points a week for trying to get medals wins or games played you would do it too. Alas alot of us non-PVP players are here to finish up cheevos while we can. Its the sad truth, I'm not really a fan of PVP but because its required to get the rewards I have to participate in it so here we are. Either help make it possible to do other modes of game play so we aren't in your arenas or help us get GSF so we can do the PVP we really want to participate in.

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On 4/17/2024 at 8:05 PM, MercMara said:

Removing the daily/weekly rewards is something I think needs to happen. So many BAD players queue arenas for the weekly and kill it for the rest of us. I think this would cut down on the dead weight in arena matches. This is what killed ranked. Players that have no skill going into arenas for the rewards... 


Absolutely not, keep the dailies and weeklies thank you very much

Also elitist mindset much?

Everyone is allowed to pvp, there is no ranked, no more lightsabering measuring via ranked so calm down with saying people shouldn't play in arenas




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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, YaddleTwo said:

Absolutely not

absolutely yes. you get teammates who just stand there doing nothing and die in like 2-3 secs and when you say "atleast do something" you get "i'm just here for my daily/weekly" .

had that happen too many times and everytime i had to contain myself for not saying something inappropriate 

Edited by meddani
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1 hour ago, VegaMist said:

Game doesn't allow to do that to your teammates. Makes many Warriors sad.

Who said they are my teammates.. i took sage combat style for a reason... To pull em to their deaths

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/18/2024 at 8:07 PM, septru said:

New players in PvP is not an issue. This is a good thing. 


The issue is that there is no incentive for these new players to improve, nor incentives to keep skilled players in the game.

Could not agree more. The problem is lack of incentive, lack of class balance, terrible matchmaking, etc.

I would not mind playing 3 vs 4 or 4 vs 5 to balance out gear/skill differences.

I have to say though the learning curve of this game is long and the skill difference between players is tremendous.

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