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Everything posted by MercMara

  1. False. Every good player in renas are sick and tired of the trash Qing for dailies and weeklies. That's exactly what killed ranked. Bioware introduced mat rewards for completing the arena missions and it was flooded with terrible players.
  2. Id rather have less pops than trash players that need to be carried.
  3. Removing the daily/weekly rewards is something I think needs to happen. So many BAD players queue arenas for the weekly and kill it for the rest of us. I think this would cut down on the dead weight in arena matches. This is what killed ranked. Players that have no skill going into arenas for the rewards...
  4. I think the penalties are a huge mistake. You know how annoying it is when you happen to have unreliable internet and tend to disconnect? You get punished. Its also a mistake to force people to get steamrolled over and over because they know they can't leave.
  5. With the state of the game and the number of meta running premades should Bioware do away with match penalties? I believe they should. Give players an option to get away from toxic gameplay. Getting farmed over and over, if when you are a good player gets old. These comps running tank/heals with meta players chasing their flavor of the month specs there's no escaping them. Players should be able to leave a match without the worry of a 5 min, 15 min and 1 hour penalty.
  6. How, HOW, did Biofail think it was a good idea to create a tact that does 150-190k damage with on click? It's ludicrous! Not sure why I even post, I know EA has put this game into "maintenance mode". Meaning there are no dev's actively working on the game to improve balancing issues.
  7. I can't be the only one getting sick and tired of these 4-8 man meta comps running madness and AP PT with tank/heals!?!? Madness and AP is a serious problem in the game right now. You don't even have to be a good player to do well with AP. The spec is too easy for the DPS it does. Then if the player is actually decent you don't stand a chance. Even playing a class like a Merc you still are in trouble. AP is BROKEN. Madness is the same way, so much passive healing and armor buffs its insane. They're ranged tanks!
  8. The biggest problem with PvP right now is all the premades stacking meta classes. A 4 man with tank, heals and two AP PTs is a nightmare. AP PT, Madness and Rage Jug are the 3 meta's that need attention the most. Grenade + Burst + Burst is ridiculous. Shield up time on AP PTs is too frequent. 140% armor rating every min. 35% defensive chance. Anyone that says AP PT isn't the most over power spec in the game besides Madness is insane.
  9. Am I the only one that also thinks all these premades running multiple AP PTs is getting old? Meta premades is killing pvp for me.
  10. For those saying mercs are God Like, it just isn't the case. Its so easy to focus a merc down. An AP PT will destroy an equally skilled merc. A Rage Jugs can outlast a Merc. There is no more class balance. It's just premades qing nothing but Madness, AP PT, Sniper and Rage Jug. And Bioware wonders why this game is so dead.
  11. There's a few class specs that are leaps and bounds ahead of the others. Mainly in PvP. Madness Sorc's are at the top of that list. Sorcerer's have 3 class heals, 2 instant one a cast. They're healed by their bubble. Massive heals from Force Leach & Death Brand. Heals from their DoTs. More damage reduction than any other class. Insane mobility. Phase Walk. hard Bubble. Lets not forget ridiculous burst. Lastly, 10% defensive chance. I main Innovative Ordinance and a semi decent player on madness can face tank all my dps solely through heals, DR and defensive chance. AP PT, the difficulty level for the best burst in the game is ridiculous. For a class with the least number of abilities in the rotation should not do the DPS they do. When you can hit 18-21k DPS in a Voidstar from all single target damage the spec is broken. Rage Jug VS Fury Mara. Rage jug's burst is still good, and they can do amazing DPS. Fury Mara on the other hand is pathetic in comparison. Mara's in general have the worst DCD's in the game currently. Cleave. There's only three specs that can do amazing cleave. Lighting Sorc, Vengeance Jug and Lethality OP. Anni mara for instance is a joke in comparison. The DoT spread is terrible. The smashes hit for less than a Jug tanks do. Its a joke. Im sure this game no longer has any actual devs but darn, can we at least get something close to class balance so its not just large groups of meta chasers every warzone?
  12. I couldn't agree more. I play everything in PvP, currently Madness, AP PT and Rage Jug are the over tuned "meta specs". Madness alone is insanely over tuned. Normal Sorcs heals, heals from DoTs, Bubble heals, Force Leach heal, Deathbrand heal. More damage reduction than heavy armored classes. 10% defensive chance. Mobility is insane. Phase Walk. Lowered CD on a stun that drops your DPS by 25%. hard bubble. Lets not forget the insane burst. The ability to end all three dots at once is very over powered. I main I/O and my DPS can barely if at all beat out the self heals, DR and defensive chance. It's ridiculous.
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