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Everything posted by PoshTS

  1. SL has more bads in pvp. The pubs are only there to farm cxp. JC has about the same population but better pvpers and the queue pops constantly at night.
  2. Create a ticket - character/companion Character restore Name Lv Class Race Gender Server They should have it back for you within a day or so....
  3. PoshTS

    Spam Cap

    I for would like to see more of a cooldown on spamcapping especially those who spend entire WZ trying to spam cap. Maybe they will start to take DOTs that stack everytime they stand there mashing on that node doing nothing else but the occasional cc to someone attempting to counter spam cap.
  4. PoshTS

    Eh reborn

    Grats Imps. We are letting the pubs turn the server into Ebon Hawk 2.0. please step it up. Pubs like to bring 3 heals 2 tanks into every wz. They especially love to spam cap NC. Please watch mid and aoe accordingly during spam cap. They will ignore all else until they have capped. Same goes with VS. aoe accordingly to block spam cap. I know you guys aren't ******* but some of us get carried away with number chasing. 2 UC's per loss? so lets try to get those wins.
  5. I can easily heal triple my OP healer on my merc healer and my OP has full 240-242 while my merc has 230's and a 3 piece heal set bonus and a two piece dps bonus. plus merc heals is insanely easy and alll you have to do is stand there and pop strong DCD whenever you feel threatened. Heals is too stronk UNLESS its OP heals.
  6. If you guys think they are ruining regs for you with their 3-4 people online you ought to come to JC and watch the pub guild that's name I'm not going to mention superqueue 3 sage healers and 2 guardian tanks and 2 DPS for 2-3 hours a night. I would probably play on SL just to get away from those guys if my guild would come as well. We do get ranked going but they refuse to queue because they are only able to bring 1 heal and 1 tank into a game.
  7. There is only Regs 70's and ranked now. Noone queues for anything else because of the removal of WZ comms. Made lowbie pvp pretty much a waste of time imo...
  8. Exactly, I think the OP is missing the point. Some of us only have a few hours a night to game and when we get on we are going to 4m or even queue sync if we can. I love having 6 or more in group. Solo queueing you are often put into unwinnable games. With a reward of 2 or 3 UC's for a 15-20 minute game, especially if pubs take one node with their 3 healers 2 tanks and refuse to lose quickly, instead choose to lose slowly and make us spend almost 30 minutes in one game, it is pretty exhausting...
  9. Any Sorc/Merc healer wana pvps? We usually have 2 regular healers but would like a third on the rotation. PM Mürmaider. Oh and need more more healers in queue whenever people are trying to get solos going also...
  10. Keith, are you guys ever gona bring UC's back to the way WZ comms were pre KOTFE?? I mean, lows and mids is essentially killed on my server. It just does not pop because there is ZERO incentive to pvp. I play 5 nites a week for 2-3 hrs and literally have 1 out of 6 toons in at least 240-242's. I really don't want to drop out of school and quit my job just so I can gear alts. Throw us a bone here. Its not like we are going to UNSUB if we can finally gear out all our alts for pvp. If anything that would encourage me to buy more junk of the CM market to support the game aside from the bare minimum sub fee you guys deduct from my bank account every month.
  11. Honestly we have enough people on PUB and IMP side that run groups. I never solo queue unless its the morning and no one is on. We should all be doing Granked. I know there's that one guild that only likes to superqueue pubside with 4 healers but I know they could bring some DPS and get group going as well. Not really interested in rating as there's no class balance or decent rewards but you get some serious UC's unlike regs win which can take 15+ minutes and only nets you like 5 or 6?
  12. How is PVP here? Pub superqueues dominate Jedi Covenant. I don't play pubside so I am looking for server where its either Imp V Imp or the pubs always lose. They are all scumbags.
  13. PoshTS

    Its gotta happen.

    Take either the MERC reflect or the %70 kolto overload and give it to the PT. Whenever we do 4v4's, its burn PT first.
  14. WHAT...oh thats probably what the maintenance is about..."WE CANT HAVE PLAYERS GETTING COOL STUFF UNLES THEY ARE USING THEIR CREDIT CARDS."
  15. I know this thread has come up but it is obviously being ignored by the devs. Maybe Translocate should be insta cast like holotraverse, since technically it is most likely using similar technology...Would actually make it back onto my bar if it did.
  16. Has the PVP guy come back yet? I had two friends have babies towards the end of the year and neither of them got any time off work. I think their girlfriend's did but the men didn't. They also work for companies which would provide benefits.
  17. If the rewards were better...I only have 2 hrs a nite at most during the week so It's hard to sit in queue when regs pops every few minutes.
  18. Pubs wont do it because they can't bring in a team of 3 heals and a tank.
  19. Story players got KOTFE/KOTET and are I hope they will be patient for a minute like raiders have been for so long. Seeing as how we get a single OPs boss after 2 1/2 years.
  20. PoshTS

    Best PVP Server?

    JC pops all the time and unlike EH it isn't entirely pub dominated. Pubs usually do lose on JC though but they aren't as terrible as the EH imps. Like if you were to take the pubs from JC and put them against EH imps, the imps would most likely still lose, if they makes sense...
  21. As soon as OP said, "legal action" I was done reading... Today on the People's court, Former SWTOR GM is suing current SWTOR GM for the return of GM rank to his lv.55 Jedi Guardian and 6000 Cartel Coins in damages.
  22. What about Impside? My guild only PVP's and I was hoping to do the new boss soon.
  23. Its frustrating to say the least. We have the worst DCD's in the game and can't even count on one of our main abilities half the time.
  24. Though you are entitled to your opinion, it doesn't necessarily mean you are correct. There is no reason why a merc DPS should have higher survivability than a PT tank. I wouldn't mind getting that %70 kolto overload that the merc has. I know at least 5 excellent maras on my server that don't complain one bit so if you are having issues it is most likely a L2P thing that you are suffering from.
  25. Now that is a good idea. How about every merc kill is a free command level. Like you level up for every kill. Also how about everytime you have 3+ nets on you and still manage to survive because merc, clicking backpeddlers are garbage that's another free rank up. Also everytime the other team is 6 mercs and 2 sorc heals you get a free rank up just for not leaving. So there, if they want to just ignore class balance because the one guy who works on pvp needs a year off because he had a baby, which I find it hard to believe because the united states doesn't really offer much maternity leave for the MAN unless maybe he is a she or something....
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