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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Galactic Season 6 Blueprint Fragments seem to have a very low drop rate

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3 hours ago, Peglas said:

So are they gonna fix this or as everything else completely ignore playerbase and just forge ahead with blinders on?


about 650/1500...zzzZZzzZ

Sadly, I don't think they consider it broken. They want us to grind until we want to uninstall the game, it's "fun".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I reach level 100 in GS about 3 weeks ago, but the need of 1500 blueprints still looms over me, so I'm back at it, trying to chip away at this. I'm now finding about 1 per minute with the buff with 100% focus on killing enemies and nothing else for the entire hour. I spent an hour on Friday night, and an hour last night walking away both times with about 60. This is a full hour spent doing nothing but mindless kills rather than actually playing the game. This is absolutely unacceptable. Earning blueprints shouldn't require this amount of focus and dedication on top of the buff.

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On 5/13/2024 at 9:16 PM, khamseen_air said:

Sadly, I don't think they consider it broken. They want us to grind until we want to uninstall the game, it's "fun".

I'm pretty sure that we are just numbers in a database to them, and I think that the only thing that really matters to them is our subscriber status.

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I’ll add my sentiments to this discussion.  I agree with most of the feedback here.

Consider that in previous GS which had a reputation track, if you were a subscriber and played, I’ll say “pretty hard”, you could probably finish the season by week 10, get Legendary reputation shorty after, and then finish the “100 weekly” achievement with about four weeks to spare.  Your mileage may vary of course, depending on how willing you were to do GSF or pvp of those were high-point objectives, but that was generally the sequence of events.

This season, it seems like most players, even those playing hard, will have the 100 weekly objective done before the 1500 fragments and may need to grind until the very end.  Personally, I don’t care for that as I’d prefer to be able to slow down a bit towards the end to have more time to focus on other things in game.

But I think the big reason why it feels so much slower is that we are missing the 230% boost we get from the reputation boost consumable buff and the guild rep bonus.  This was never accounted for when the devs created this new system, perhaps intentionally.

1) Brzazz’s intel absolutely needs to be stackable and legacy bound.  We need the flexibility of being able to use these on whatever characters we choose and not have them stuck on someone on whom we may not be grinding mobs in heroics.

2) the fragments (or future items) granted in the season levels needs to be at least doubled.

3) I would lower the target from 1500 fragments to 1250 fragments.

These suggestions could be adjusted, of course, but I think they would go a long way to improving the quality of life aspect to blueprint fragment (or their successor) grinding, without making it quite as fast as reputation was with the 230% boost.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/13/2024 at 10:16 PM, khamseen_air said:

Sadly, I don't think they consider it broken. They want us to grind until we want to uninstall the game, it's "fun".

And every once in a while you can take a break from that grind when they drop something new.

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On 5/29/2024 at 6:58 AM, phalczen said:

1) Brzazz’s intel absolutely needs to be stackable and legacy bound.  We need the flexibility of being able to use these on whatever characters we choose and not have them stuck on someone on whom we may not be grinding mobs in heroics.

In addition to making them stackable and bind on legacy, they should change them to be based on number of kills rather than a buff timer. For example, it could be "You receive increased drop rates for the next 10,000 kills." The outcome is the same, but players can space it out instead of grinding constantly for an hour. If it was 10,000 kills, players could do dailies, heroics, story missions and benefit from the higher drop rate no matter how long it takes. Probably even better would be making this some sort of legacy-wide bonus, so players can use any character until they get 10,000 kills. It would also be nice if it worked in group content, give more blueprints from killing bosses in flashpoints and operations.

Anyways with the final weeklies posted, I did some math. Doing all the easy, solo weeklies and dailies for 20 weeks only gives 835 blueprint fragments. With another 130 from the subscriber track it's still only 965, so another 535 has to come from grinding. With Brazz's Gifts that's a minimum of 4 hours of grinding and a max of 8 hours of grinding if a player is really unlucky. Contrast this with season 5 that didn't require any grinding if you were willing to play all 20 weeks. Brazz's Gifts could be used to finish early if you didn't want to play all 20 weeks or to make up lost time on vacation or sick with illness. They gave players flexibility but weren't a requirement. Now it is forced grinding unless you happen to be a big operations player.

Edited by ThanderSnB
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14 hours ago, ThanderSnB said:

Now it is forced grinding unless you happen to be a big operations player.

It is almost like the blueprint drops were intended to get players into operations without telling the player base that was the intent.  The drop rate in normal play, even with the gift running, is scarcely high enough to complete the achievement.

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On 6/24/2024 at 8:21 AM, Advocatis said:

It is almost like the blueprint drops were intended to get players into operations without telling the player base that was the intent.  The drop rate in normal play, even with the gift running, is scarcely high enough to complete the achievement.

Agreed. It is ridiculous to expect this from players to complete Seasons achievement. Seasons should come naturally to 1500 by doing the 100 weekly objectives. Also, for people to have to grind with Brrazz gift on starter planets to complete this is utterly ludicrous. The design of this failed.

I'm at 1246. I've done quite a few ops over the months/weeks and I still will have to GRIND the fragments to get to 1500.


Some relief would be welcomed in the next few weeks. Perhaps grant 50 per week for completing conquest, or logging in 4 times, etc.

Please fix this in any future development of this objective/achievement.

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I haven't even exceeded 1000 blueprint fragments yet and done over 100 objectives and been level 100 in GS for a couple of weeks now.  

I've spent 6 hours so far using Brrazz's gift boosts trying to get fragments and the best I've seen at best is 42 for an hour in CZ killing rats.   In total all I've gotten in those 6 hours is around a total of 145.  Absolute waste of time really to be mindlessly killing mobs chasing vendor trash.  At the rate I'm experiencing getting fragments, it'll take another 20+ hours to get enough to finish this and having to purchase like 14 more boosts.  Not sure that is worth my GS tokens or jawa junk.

The drop rate even with the boost is way too low, the boost should be guaranteeing 1 per kill or 1-3 per mob, something more than the average 0.4 fragment per minute I've been getting (estimated average of 24 per hour so far)

I'm almost at the point of giving up on 100% this achievement and if this is any indication of future seasons chasing absolute junk, it's not a good sign going forward. 

It should be like when we had reputation to chase, by the time I'd finished the 100 objectives and 100 level, I'd have enough currency or tokens to finish the reputation track in the final weeks without stress.  Instead here we are chasing JUNK. why?

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For the blueprints, I consistently get 50+ when I grind for about an hour on a starter planet (Hutta or Drommund Kass) in areas of high volume mobs.  Don't target solely strongs+, even though they guarantee loot drops it doesn't mean a blueprint.  Literally have to shoot at everything and loot quickly and run to the next one.  I have done also Balmorra on the Empire side, to the north with the mobs there because there are so many.  

Using the gifts for flashpoints has not shownb effective.   I know Czerka has some areas, but with everyone jumping, and the mobs not respawning as fast I have avoided them.

I project with the remaining 5 weeks, I'll get around another 100, and so plan on using one more gift with junk purchase and should be able to have enough.  I have 1350.  I've used about 5 gifts this entire time.  I don't focus on the blueprints, as I'm trying to get Bessi done, then conquests for 3-5 characters, the seasons' objectives following those or along with them.  Then I focus on a run or two with the gift.

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I'm feeling burnt out, need a holiday from something that's supposed to be fun time and unwind from work.
Hit my 1500 Tuesday. Think I've siphoned Jawa junk from all the alts for the buff thingies, and it was many a long hour of rinse and repeat CZ-198 phase. My drop would rarely exceed 40 pieces per hour, no matter if CZ-198 or starter planets, so it was really a lot of Brrazz gifts to buy and use. I made it, but I'm not proud of it. I'm kind of more ashamed of it, and will not do it again. Together with spring event grind and the nervous waiting for 7.5 story fixed - which has new issues now, btw - the game made me feel absolutely exhausted. It shouldn't be this way. I've maxed all seasons so far, but this one was absolutely most horrible one, due to the grind and brainless story both :(

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22 hours ago, Taurax said:

For the blueprints, I consistently get 50+ when I grind for about an hour on a starter planet (Hutta or Drommund Kass) in areas of high volume mobs.  Don't target solely strongs+, even though they guarantee loot drops it doesn't mean a blueprint.  Literally have to shoot at everything and loot quickly and run to the next one.  I have done also Balmorra on the Empire side, to the north with the mobs there because there are so many.  

Using the gifts for flashpoints has not shownb effective.   I know Czerka has some areas, but with everyone jumping, and the mobs not respawning as fast I have avoided them.

I project with the remaining 5 weeks, I'll get around another 100, and so plan on using one more gift with junk purchase and should be able to have enough.  I have 1350.  I've used about 5 gifts this entire time.  I don't focus on the blueprints, as I'm trying to get Bessi done, then conquests for 3-5 characters, the seasons' objectives following those or along with them.  Then I focus on a run or two with the gift.

I did an hour in CZ killing rats in the instance with the gift running.  I think I got just over 60.  I did an hour (again, with gift an a AE character) clearing the Dark Temple approach over and over.  I think that got me low 40s.  Doing the same thing in Nar Shadda got me a return in between those two.

I believe I’ve hit around 1200, and don’t plan to farm blueprints again unless I get really bored.

Edit:  I think the game tells you the blueprints do not drop in Flashpoints.  I tried that early on with a gift in either Directive 7 or Battle of Ilum where I was going to rack up a lot of kills and just got the one at the end for doing the FP.

Edited by Advocatis
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Those blueprints are the worst, the other GS tracks I was already done with the cheevo or almost done when there was only one month left, now I still need to grind 600 of those damn blueprints and I don't know if it's the same for everyone but if I reach a number that ends in 99 then I have to do a FP, an ops or a GS objective to get that last missing blueprint to get the next hundred because no amount of grinding with the buff will get me that damn last blueprint, I did not get even one damn blueprint despite grinding for 2 hours with those damn buffs... I could literally see in the corner of my screen the 899/1500 staring at me.

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