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Unable to login into SWTOR


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On 3/14/2024 at 8:45 PM, UntLordHerne said:

Not sure if this will work for everyone but i COMPLETELY removed SWTOR from my system using a wipe program. Then reinstalled the game and I am past the chains screen got as far as the story load screen (i am a preferred status account) but i actually got through to Star Forge server. it took a bit longer but yes I finally loaded into the game and seems all is well for now!! Hope this helps others


I am on a AMD R5 and nvidia graphics ( if that helps at all)


11 hours ago, UntLordHerne said:

Well it official the issue is with SUB accounts only!!!

I just PAID for 60 days thinking i was good since the same account was a "preferred Status" and running fine. But literally the first login attempt after i subscribe freezes once more on the Chains screen...damn it How do i get my 60 days refunded i will go back to "preferred Status" just to play this game

Well UPDATE again not sure if this will work for everyone but AFTER my subscribed account froze I COMPLETELY removed SWTOR from my system using a wipe program AGAIN. Then reinstalled and relaunched Program through Steam Works fine now just a bit laggy in places but I think that's just MY hardware not related to bug.

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46 minutes ago, Zygorius said:

I do have a quite powerful computer though.

It's 128MB VRAM tied with x number of toons. Since you have a powerful computer, you probably have a lot more than 128mb.

I'm still not convinced it's gear unless it's the gear of all toons, and not the last played one. 



Ok, so it's a new day and I'm back to testing. I added new toons to my Star Forge legacy, on-by-one logging in and out of the server each time. I made it to 16 toons no freezes. Selected my level 80 with complex gear, no freezes. Closed and re-opened the game, no freezes. Added 4 more. Now at 20. Still no freeze. So the 16 is not a guaranteed number. Still unable to get into Satele Shan (37 toons)


(For context)



13 hours ago, Traceguy said:

I was lucky and did happen to have an old laptop in my collection that has an intel with 128MB dedicated VRAM. It took a couple hours to download everything and update as it's running at a snail's pace.

Started the game, it appears to be frozen on the Heta loading screen.

  • 37 toons Satele Shan (last played)
  • 12 toons Star Forge



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19 hours ago, Jade_Starchaser said:

So, after dropping internet, and reconnecting, then tabbing out and back in, I was able to get into the satele shan server (I have ten toons there, but my highest is 19, and level 1 legacy) I was able to log on and play my characters like normal.

The server select window did show -1 for each one though for character count, so I'm not 100% sure why it let me in this time, where it didn't last time. 

I was able to back out to the server select screen, and this time it shows the correct number of characters per server. I was also able to log into the Leviathan, and play the one lone character I have there.

However, when I went back to the server select screen and tried to log into Star Forge, it got stuck on the loading screen again with the issue.


(I also know that I've probably got at least one character, if not two or three, in each stronghold I have on Star Forge. That's where I usually log off)

So using this method I am able to log in and play as usual, on every server except SS,  and as long as I log out from the server select screen I can log in as usual no freeze, however if I log out from character select it hangs on the load screen  and I have to log in using the drop internet trick. 

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I am not sure if my message wasn't clear. Once we chose show gear as outfit on all 26 characters on his account from my powerful pc, then it also worked on his bad computer with onboard intel graphics. I also suspect that even when it seems to have frozen, if you wait long enough, it could still load.

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Now at 23 toons on Star Forge, still loading.


3 minutes ago, Zygorius said:

I also suspect that even when it seems to have frozen, if you wait long enough, it could still load.

Before you made changes to the gear, when you appeared stuck on the loading screen, was the loading indicator sill flashing and spinning or was it completely frozen? When I try to get this old laptop into Satele Shan, the loading indicator completely freezes. Even the character selection music stops (if you were previously in another server). I've had it sitting like this for 10+ minutes now. Still fozen trying to get into Satele Shan


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40 minutes ago, Zygorius said:

I also suspect that even when it seems to have frozen, if you wait long enough, it could still load.

Not for me. When mine freezes it also crashes. So the splash screen gets a transparent white haze over it and an error window pops up saying the program ran into a problem and you have an option to close the program or wait but waiting does nothing as it's literally crashed.

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1 hour ago, Traceguy said:

It's 128MB VRAM tied with x number of toons. Since you have a powerful computer, you probably have a lot more than 128mb.

I'm still not convinced it's gear unless it's the gear of all toons, and not the last played one. 



Ok, so it's a new day and I'm back to testing. I added new toons to my Star Forge legacy, on-by-one logging in and out of the server each time. I made it to 16 toons no freezes. Selected my level 80 with complex gear, no freezes. Closed and re-opened the game, no freezes. Added 4 more. Now at 20. Still no freeze. So the 16 is not a guaranteed number. Still unable to get into Satele Shan (37 toons)


(For context)

  Reveal hidden contents




Yeah I'm not convinced its the VRAM

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i tried shutting off my internet and turning it back on ..Nothing (actually shutoff my comcast ethernet connection and turned on wifi and tried also..still nothing) ,my pc hangs on the screen before the server/character select the lil thing spins for a few seconds and freezes..i can leave it running but after a few seconds it will just start spinning in the center of the screen and then says unable to connect when i click the screen..well its been 5 days now and still NOTHING..my game play is shot now..no way will i ever finish seasons now without having to PAY to do so and after this im doubtful i will ever pay for anything again, not to mention the several guilds im leaving high an dry 2 of which i was the guild leader but i guess not anymore if my characters will never be able to play again ..probable booted from all my guilds by now just disappearing without a damn word (last time i got froze out i returned to no guilds left except a couple of dead ones) can't blame them for wanting ACTIVE people..any hoot i hope everyone who CAN play is enjoying themselves

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For the last couple of days i could play just fine. But today i've got the loading screen freeze problem too. Already tried everything that was posted here, but nothing helps. Guess we need to wait for a fix. This really sux on a weekend.

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I've tried everything listed here and still get stuck on load screen. I can play F2P on a different account and have no issues on the same computer. I hope they get this fixed soon. You have toons that you have leveled and geared along with whatever you have in your storage hold you have picked up since playing the game, like gear, mounts and and stuff you can't find anymore. Very frustrating at this point.

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1 hour ago, Zygorius said:

I have 48 characters on Star Forge but I have no issues logging in. I do have a quite powerful computer though. I also helped a friend test on my computer and he was able to login without any issues.


We then logged into each character and checked the use gear as outfit option instead of the outfit (he had 26 characters). He was then able to log in on his laptop with integrated graphics. I hope this works for others and also gives insight to the developers to fix this for everyone.

So He was able to log in using your high end machine, to any server. When using his laptop it would consistently crash right ?

after resetting his armour to his gear (new outfit I assume) and saving the outfit, when he next logged in via his laptop, instead of the crashing he has been seeing, it successfully logged in ?



1 hour ago, Keirowyn said:

I have 18 characters on Shae Vizla... can log in just fine.

I have 23 characters on Star Forge (my main server)....one is a level 1 I just created as a test.  I also got on my wife's Ryzen laptop and got on one of my level 80s, who is wearing the Destroyer armor.  Added a new outfit and clicked "use gear as outfit".  Still cannot log in if he's my last played character... same with the level 1 character.

If I last played a character on a different server (Shae Vizla or Shatele Shan), I can log in and play on those other servers.  If I last played a character on Star Forge (or attempt to select Star Forge after logging onto another server).... it freezes on the splash screen.

So you can log into your account on the high end laptop and load any server ?

but resetting your outfit to use your gear didn't work around the issue ?

did you create the gear outfit on all 23 SF characters (using the high end laptop) ?

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UPDATE ON MY SITUATION: My son recently bought a brand new, top-of-the-line gaming laptop with NVIDEA and GEForce cards, etc. I was able to log in to his account AND my account. I turned my latest character's outfit to show the gear he was wearing since I saw people mention that in this thread but it did no good. I still can't log in on my laptop with Intel Graphics. 

If it is a computer issue it's still on SWTOR to fix it because we've been playing with these machines for months/years with no problems so there's no reason that a new update should stop us from playing on these same machines.


Edited by Hollow_Stone
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1 hour ago, Zygorius said:

 I also suspect that even when it seems to have frozen, if you wait long enough, it could still load.

I tried this on Wednesday, and it sat at the loading screen for five hours while I read a book. Didn't do anything different. (Wasn't until I walked over and clicked with my mouse a few times that it crashed.)

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on my system the screen will show a spinny thing for a few seconds spinning then freeze..the spinny thing is then in the center of the screen just spinning away..after a few more seconds it will stop and it will freeze till i click ..a box pops up (i forget the wording) saying i can't connect. now i could see if i couldn't play at all but i can play a FREE ACCOUNT just fine no problems i even raised the graphics setting in it with no problem ,but as soon as i try an log in to my PAID ACCOUNT it locks right back up.its been 5 days and i know they won't fix it this weekend so we (us people kicked out) are just boned till they get around to it..with all these emergency problems like "unable to mount at lvl1" and "my green dye doesn't show up" i can understand the developers are too busy to get paying players back into the game but it would be nice if someday this problem got solved

Edited by Trebor-droffig
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35 minutes ago, FrontLineFodder said:

So He was able to log in using your high end machine, to any server. When using his laptop it would consistently crash right ?

after resetting his armour to his gear (new outfit I assume) and saving the outfit, when he next logged in via his laptop, instead of the crashing he has been seeing, it successfully logged in ?


Yes. BTW, I have also done that to all the characters on his account, not only his last logged in character. Some of his characters ended up naked but he could login and play on his old/bad laptop afterwards.

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So I am able to switch between servers log out and log in as long as I do it from the server select screen, also been able to adjust settings and change clothes, weapons, mounts, buy and sell on the gtn, but still freeze up if I  try to get to SS, unfortunate  but I am trying to do everything I would normally do in game.

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1 hour ago, FrontLineFodder said:

So He was able to log in using your high end machine, to any server. When using his laptop it would consistently crash right ?

after resetting his armour to his gear (new outfit I assume) and saving the outfit, when he next logged in via his laptop, instead of the crashing he has been seeing, it successfully logged in ?



So you can log into your account on the high end laptop and load any server ?

but resetting your outfit to use your gear didn't work around the issue ?

did you create the gear outfit on all 23 SF characters (using the high end laptop) ?

It's not even a high end laptop... It's a Ryzen 7 5800 with integrated Radeon graphics. Using it I can log into any char on any server. If I switch to a char on any server but star forge and log out, I can switch to MY laptop and log in fine. As soon as I try to log into star forge on MY laptop (either directly from launch or going back to server select after logging in to another server), it freezes.

I've only tried changing the outfit on one of my chars.Don't have time to do them all right now. Maybe later today. 

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I tested on an old computer with Intel HD 530, and it seems to load fine on lowest settings (aside from low performance of integrated graphics). On one server I have 50 characters and didn't have any problems switching to it or starting up the game with that server as the last played. About half the characters on the server have a lot of play time and progression. The other half are mostly level 1's I haven't gotten around to leveling yet. I played for about 6 hours overall with the HD 530 computer and didn't notice any problems.

According to the information I found, HD 530 only has 128MB VRAM, so it's not just the low VRAM but some integrated graphics cards are doing something different. Hopefully, they can figure out what specifically those cards are doing different.

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9 minutes ago, ThanderSnB said:

I tested on an old computer with Intel HD 530, and it seems to load fine on lowest settings (aside from low performance of integrated graphics). On one server I have 50 characters and didn't have any problems switching to it or starting up the game with that server as the last played. About half the characters on the server have a lot of play time and progression. The other half are mostly level 1's I haven't gotten around to leveling yet. I played for about 6 hours overall with the HD 530 computer and didn't notice any problems.

According to the information I found, HD 530 only has 128MB VRAM, so it's not just the low VRAM but some integrated graphics cards are doing something different. Hopefully, they can figure out what specifically those cards are doing different.

What does it show as the amount of vram on dxdiag? It could be a few things like vram and drivers and/or how certain game elements are handled by the gpu or the game.

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I wonder if this is some absurd conspiracy by the developers to prevent me from finishing my Light Side Sith Assassin character class story. I just needed to finish the planet story-arc on Corellia and have the final duel with Thanaton back on Korriban. The nerve of them...

Edited by GalaxyWeasel
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34 minutes ago, stainedone said:

Can anyone tell where the best place to share a dxdiag would be?  Want to make sure it ends up somewhere it'll actually be seen.

Send to communitysupport@swtor.com

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4 hours ago, Hollow_Stone said:

UPDATE ON MY SITUATION: My son recently bought a brand new, top-of-the-line gaming laptop with NVIDEA and GEForce cards, etc. I was able to log in to his account AND my account. I turned my latest character's outfit to show the gear he was wearing since I saw people mention that in this thread but it did no good. I still can't log in on my laptop with Intel Graphics. 

If it is a computer issue it's still on SWTOR to fix it because we've been playing with these machines for months/years with no problems so there's no reason that a new update should stop us from playing on these same machines.


The problem is that if it is a computer issue, its really not on them to fix as we fall below the minimum game requirements.

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On 3/12/2024 at 6:09 PM, motator said:

rquinnG I am trying to delete the client_settings file to see if there is any improvement, the file is hosted inside %AppData I leave you an image of how it is in my case. 


This worked perfectly for me. Thanks!

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Okay, I just noticed something with the textures on the character list in 7.4.1 that's different from how it worked in 7.4 and earlier. It looks like the game is not respecting the Texture Quality setting on the character list screen. In update 7.4 and earlier, the textures on the character list would change as you change Texture Quality in the graphics options. Now in update 7.4.1, the textures on the character list are locked to the High setting no matter what you change the setting to. After a character is loaded, it does respect the Texture Quality setting and properly load the Low or Medium textures if they are selected. It's only the character list that is not working right.

This would explain why the number of characters matter as well as the type of outfits. The more characters on the list, the more textures it has to load into memory. Also, different outfits require different amounts of memory, with higher level outfits and newer outfits usually requiring more memory. When all those outfits are locked to High textures, it could easily overload the VRAM on integrated graphics. I think it's very possible that if the Texture Quality setting was working properly on the character list, the game would load fine on Low or Medium textures with Intel graphics cards. This is something the developers need to fix on their end.

@JackieKo I know you're out for the weekend, but when you get back: Is it intended that the textures are locked to High on the character list screen? This could be the source of the problem. Could you have the team look into this please?

3 hours ago, Zygorius said:

What does it show as the amount of vram on dxdiag? It could be a few things like vram and drivers and/or how certain game elements are handled by the gpu or the game.

This is what the dxdiag says:

  • Display Memory: 6223 MB
  • Dedicated Memory: 128 MB
  • Shared Memory: 6095 MB

It's possible the outfits my characters are using are just not pushing it over the limit. Half the characters are level 1 with the starting gear, which is probably very low memory usage. Only half are using custom outfits, and most of them are using older outfits from Hutt Cartel or Shadows of Revan era rather than the new outfits with all the bells and whistles.

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