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Game Update 7.4.1 "Building a Foundation" Coming March 12th!

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Hello everyone!

Mark your calendars! Game Update 7.4.1 "Building a Foundation" will be releasing on March 12th!

  • Time: 7am CT / 12pm UTC (note that DST is happening on March 10th)
  • Expected downtime: 4 hours

Though patch notes will be available on Monday, I did want to let you all know about some highlights beforehand. 

Alongside Galactic Seasons 6, Date Night Companion Missions, and the opening of Character Transfers to the Shae Vizla server, the following will be coming with 7.4.1: 

  • Outfits will now be included when characters are transferred between servers.
  • Ancient Armaments Added To Daily Login Rewards
    • Ancient Armaments contain various armor appearances including ones that were difficult to be acquired and could not previously be traded.
    • These armor pieces do not contain stats or mod slots and are intended solely for Outfitter.
    • These armor pieces do have dye slots and can be traded and bought / sold on the GTN.
    • The armor pieces that are available inside of Ancient Armaments will also available as random world drops
  • Galactic Trade Network (GTN)  Droid Legacy Unlock
    • A new Character Convenience unlock has been added to Legacy Perks! Once unlocked, players will be able to reach the GTN at any time without needing to travel to the Fleet, their personal ship, various planets or Strongholds!
      • Level 1 - Access to droid, 60m cooldown
        • Requires Player level of 20
        • Costs 3.5M Credits (Req Legacy level of 5) or 400 CCs
      • Level 2 - Lowers cooldown to 45m
        • Requires Player level of 50
        • Costs 7M Credits (Req Legacy Level of 10) or 250 CCs
      • Level 3 - Lowers cooldown to 15m
        • Requires Player level of 80
        • Costs 15M Credits (Req Legacy Level of 20) or 250 CCs

There's quite a bit in this update, so be sure to read the full list of patch notes when they are on published on  March 11th

Lastly, while it's not necessarily tied to the 7.4.1 update itself, we did open up a few sections of the forums to players who have Preferred accounts. Going forward, any player who has a Preferred account can now create threads and post replies in the New Player Help, Introductions, and Bug Reports sub-forums. 

I'll be updating this thread as needed and will unlock it once 7.4.1 goes live. 

Thanks all! See you on Tuesday! 


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So about the new metallic dye. Why was the decision made to release a gold and purple dye that makes your character look like a piece of candy instead of one of the most commonly used dyes in the game a black and purple? I get trying new things. I noticed since broadsword took over the RPers have been getting a lot of love like the actual disciplinary action for messing with them. So since we know it's a big part of the game and half of this game, at this point, is making your character look amazing. Why do the developers continue to make decisions like this? Is there anyway for them to track what works and what does not? If not can they start logging in and checking the GTN or even putting out community votes? If you look at the GTN you would have noticed that the gold and white was almost a complete flop and there were so many cause they were not selling as much as the black and black and the red and black as well as their opposites. Not trying to complain, I'm genuinely not. I just don't understand why there are decisions being made that could have very easily been made differently that would affect the game on a much more positive note. I run multiple guilds with at least over 200 people in each and over 900 in the main. I'd say about 80% of them are in the discord. We have all been excited about it being a black and purple cause we thought there was no way you wouldn't be doing this since it was probably the 4th or 5th most popular dye. We all saw the notes for this and there wasn't a single person that thought it looked good except one of our pvpers in our guild that likes to make outfits that legit look like candy. Please please please start playing the game and reaching out to the community. It's decisions like this that consistently cause members to quit. I have played with some of the best people from my server. I have watched them leave and all of them were talking about how the devs simply just don't care. Personally I believe that if this mentality was changed it would bring back so many players it would be unreal. For example, when the mek-sha stronghold was to be released the two most requested strongholds were the dread palace on oricon and a zakuul estate like Vaylun's. Yet they went ahead and released Mek-Sha... that no one asked for, It's incredibly infuriating. I am not blaming anyone in particular I just thought you should know how all of the community I have met and played with feels right now. I hope this kind of stuff helps you out a little.

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15 minutes ago, Darh_Hellraiser said:

So about the new metallic dye. Why was the decision made to release a gold and purple dye that makes your character look like a piece of candy instead of one of the most commonly used dyes in the game a black and purple? I get trying new things. I noticed since broadsword took over the RPers have been getting a lot of love like the actual disciplinary action for messing with them. So since we know it's a big part of the game and half of this game, at this point, is making your character look amazing. Why do the developers continue to make decisions like this? Is there anyway for them to track what works and what does not? If not can they start logging in and checking the GTN or even putting out community votes? If you look at the GTN you would have noticed that the gold and white was almost a complete flop and there were so many cause they were not selling as much as the black and black and the red and black as well as their opposites. Not trying to complain, I'm genuinely not. I just don't understand why there are decisions being made that could have very easily been made differently that would affect the game on a much more positive note. I run multiple guilds with at least over 200 people in each and over 900 in the main. I'd say about 80% of them are in the discord. We have all been excited about it being a black and purple cause we thought there was no way you wouldn't be doing this since it was probably the 4th or 5th most popular dye. We all saw the notes for this and there wasn't a single person that thought it looked good except one of our pvpers in our guild that likes to make outfits that legit look like candy. Please please please start playing the game and reaching out to the community. It's decisions like this that consistently cause members to quit. I have played with some of the best people from my server. I have watched them leave and all of them were talking about how the devs simply just don't care. Personally I believe that if this mentality was changed it would bring back so many players it would be unreal. For example, when the mek-sha stronghold was to be released the two most requested strongholds were the dread palace on oricon and a zakuul estate like Vaylun's. Yet they went ahead and released Mek-Sha... that no one asked for, It's incredibly infuriating. I am not blaming anyone in particular I just thought you should know how all of the community I have met and played with feels right now. I hope this kind of stuff helps you out a little.

This was a lot for what little that first sentence was hinting at lmao

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19 minutes ago, Darh_Hellraiser said:

Yet they went ahead and released Mek-Sha... that no one asked for.

While I am sympathetic that you didn't get a location you wanted, a lot of people, including me, had asked for a Mek-Sha apartment, so it is disingenuous to say no one asked for or wanted it. 

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1 hour ago, Darh_Hellraiser said:

So about the new metallic dye. Why was the decision made to release a gold and purple dye that makes your character look like a piece of candy instead of one of the most commonly used dyes in the game a black and purple?

They're not going to make a commonly used dye available for free.  That will most likely be in the CM eventually.

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12 minutes ago, nameinvalidoruna said:

I agree, it's garbage. Also couldn't find any mention of it in patch notes.

Because it's not there. They are trying to hide this HUGE problem, and it's not okay. We need answers. If there's a real reason for this change, let's hear it, @jackieko/

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I know a number of players, including myself, who went out of their way to level up a character to Level 50 and increase the Stronghold Bonus on each Legacy so that they could get the Conquest Points from Advancement : Reputation. And now they've just blown it all up without even a word.

They could have at least told us they were planning to do this. But, then, they also didn't bother to tell us what we needed to do to qualify for free transfers to Shae Vizla until after the time that we needed to do it by, so I guess we shouldn't be surprised.

I feel bad for the APAC players who will now have to pay 500 CC for each character they want to transfer to their regional server just because they didn't know months ago not to wait a day or two before renewing their subscription.

You folks remember when some people suggested a way to solve the inflation issue, by wiping out all of the existing Credits in the game and making the entire economy, and all players, start over fresh? As many people pointed out, that's a good way to anger a lot of players into quitting the game completely.

Well, you know what? At this point, I would not be surprised if the developers did it and didn't bother to let us know about it until after it was done.

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1 hour ago, HobbesToo said:

Oh, the system considers the blueprints junk...  I just lost a blue one.

I don't think you lose anything though.  To quote the description "Once collected, the information is automatically transmitted..." Hence leaving "junk"

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I could be mistaken, but it looks to me like there is NO Reputation track for Galactic Season 6.

The Underworld Syndicate Plans, G.A.M.E. Analysis Modules, Notes of Reflection, and Dark Spores were all currencies that you could trade for Reputation tokens.

But the Blueprint Fragments are just vendor trash. Their only functional value, besides selling the junk for credits, is that getting them will advance the Season Objective "Finding Fragments" and an Achievement for getting some huge number of them.

So, folks, if it's of any consolation to you, which it shouldn't be, you didn't lose anything by selling the fragments, since there's no Reputation to gain from keeping them. That sucks, one of several things about this update that does.

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2 hours ago, MaximusRex said:

While I am sympathetic that you didn't get a location you wanted, a lot of people, including me, had asked for a Mek-Sha apartment, so it is disingenuous to say no one asked for or wanted it. 

My point was that there were posts around the time of release to the point guide makers and streamers all even thought it was going to be either oricon or zakuul since those were the two most common requests. Obviously there are people that asked, there are people that ask for everything in the game. My point is why would you not use one of the two most requested strongholds. It has nothing to do with what I want specifically. When you have the majority of the community asking you for something, you don't do what a few people asked for. Why would you take the side of a few vs the mass if you are trying to appease the community in order to grow the number of subscribers? That's the question I would love the answer for. I am all for inclusiveness. I'm not even saying we didn't need the mek sha. I personally hate the mek sha stronghold as it makes no sense for the position of your character in the story to have a base on some tiny lil underworld asteroid. I still appreciated that they did it for those that would prefer that since everyone has different wants and desires. Still makes no sense to do what few would like vs the mass first. Especially with no plan for the larger ones such as those two in sight.

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1 hour ago, Darh_Hellraiser said:

My point was that there were posts around the time of release to the point guide makers and streamers all even thought it was going to be either oricon or zakuul since those were the two most common requests. Obviously there are people that asked, there are people that ask for everything in the game. My point is why would you not use one of the two most requested strongholds. It has nothing to do with what I want specifically. When you have the majority of the community asking you for something, you don't do what a few people asked for. Why would you take the side of a few vs the mass if you are trying to appease the community in order to grow the number of subscribers? That's the question I would love the answer for. I am all for inclusiveness. I'm not even saying we didn't need the mek sha. I personally hate the mek sha stronghold as it makes no sense for the position of your character in the story to have a base on some tiny lil underworld asteroid. I still appreciated that they did it for those that would prefer that since everyone has different wants and desires. Still makes no sense to do what few would like vs the mass first. Especially with no plan for the larger ones such as those two in sight.

They have a habit of listening to the louder voices rather than the majority. They also seem to have a habit of making a decision they like without input from or thinking about the player base.  

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On 3/11/2024 at 1:42 PM, JackieKo said:

Hello everyone, 

7.4.1 patch notes are now available here


There is another thing that is not mentionned in the patch notes: the removal of character level gear drop from any NPC, and replaced by some stup*** i8 unsellable gear (worth 0 credit). Whatever the level of the characters (I actually only tried level 76 and 80 (for these 2 toons, I got no i270ish or i320ish gear drop). Plus these i8 gear can't be deconstructed, only deleted. At it again forcing a zero credit economy with a very bad idea. (I've got more than enough credits on most servers except Shae Vizla, so not a real issue, plus I don't buy much off the GTN in the past 2-3 years as I got all the CM armors, weapons and mounted I wanted, when the economy was ok for my taste (prior to 6.0).

So now I have unwanted new gear as drops that I can't deconstruct or sell (even if I could sell them on the gtn (I haven't tried yet), who is really going to buy these worthless gloves, bracers, boots, etc. (I haven't got any good looking chest piece so far, but that is the only thing that I see players "might" be interested in).

Negociation: Just stop the gear drop if you don't really want to put them in the game! That be less ftrustrating.

Also, how are we supposed to get jawa scraps and the other stuff we got from deconstructing i270-i320 gear drops? Buying and deconstructing i306 gear with tech frags (that I need for other things) has zero appeal.

Edited by ytrenor
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