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APAC Shae Vizla Server will kill Satele Shan Server


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1 hour ago, Cayerala said:

The main problem, that BS faces, which is if they open up server transfers, it could very well ruin the current fresh economy on APAC, and overwhelm returning/new players that have just started. There is a simple solution, which is cap the amount of credits each person is able to transfer to Shae Vizla. Overall, they should just do a mass merge of SS+SF (one big NA server), merge the remaining EU servers (one big EU server), and maintain APAC. They would obviously would reduce costs, they wouldn't have to pay voice actors for the French/German dialogues anymore. 

The topic of server merges is highly controversial in these parts as they have negative consequences in addition to the beneficial ones.  I wonder how German and French speaking servers would react to the game no longer supporting their languages.  I doubt it would be well received.  I think the devs have to carefully consider which option (leave servers as they are or merge) they think will have the fewest/least negative impacts.  I think it's easier to just leave the servers as they are and offer character transfers at a discounted rate for people to transfer their characters off low population servers like Satele Shan, Leviathan, and maybe Tulak Hord too (this coming from someone who has Satele Shan as main server) if they want to.  But I won't pretend to know what the devs will actually do.

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6 minutes ago, Char_Ell said:

I think it's easier to just leave the servers as they are and offer character transfers at a discounted rate for people to transfer their characters off low population servers like Satele Shan, Leviathan, and maybe Tulak Hord too

Yes, this is probably the less contentious way to do it. But it would be good if they also offered a “whole of legacy” transfer. So if you have 10-100 characters, you don’t go broke trying to move them. 

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5 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I am sort of hoping they have some plan in place to restrict how many credits can be transferred to the new server. Because currently it’s economy is unencumbered by previous credit exploits or hyper inflation. 


Bad idea.

The instructions for transfer as of this this moment still say (emphasis mine):

MUST be level 10 or higher.

This is a lie. There is no MUST about it. There is no restriction whatsoever. I have clear memories of transferring toons at level two, just to see if I could do it.

I therefore do not accept the idea that the dev team has the prowess to programmatically block a player from transferring a toon that has credits in excess of some arbitrarily determined limit any more than they currently block my level two toons from transferring.

What will happen is that the transfer routine will do zilch to prevent the transfer, and the player will lose any and all credits, perhaps millions or billions of credits, above any stated limit.

So, you might say, well, we tell players their outfits won't transfer, so what's the difference?

A billion credits, a million credits, is far different than 72K credits to replace/reset an outfit.

There won't be multiple dialog boxes warning players not to transfer excess credits.
There won't be a programmatical block to prevent it.

They sure as hell aren't enforcing anything else on the transfer instructions that start with the word MUST, so why should we trust they'd enforce such a thing for excess credits?

And, by the way, this idea does not prevent inflation, it would merely delay the rate of inflation for a small amount of time, because the forces at work that drive inflation, starting with overprinting money in excess of what's clawed back.

Because the underpinnings of the inflation are not addressed, inflation will occur. Stopping an initial influx of money is a stop-gap fix that doesn't address the inflationary forces themselves. Eventually, inevitably, because the forces of inflation are not addressed, SV will reach parity with the other servers in terms of inflation.

Starve people of credits, you're handing business to gold sellers. You'll be reporting gold sellers soon enough.

Bad idea.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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9 minutes ago, xordevoreaux said:


Bad idea.

The instructions for transfer as of this this moment still say (emphasis mine):

MUST be level 10 or higher.

This is a lie. There is no MUST about it. There is no restriction whatsoever. I have clear memories of transferring toons at level two, just to see if I could do it.

I therefore do not accept the idea that the dev team has the prowess to programmatically block a player from transferring a toon that has credits in excess of some arbitrarily determined limit any more than they currently block my level two toons from transferring.

What will happen is that the transfer routine will do zilch to prevent the transfer, and the player will lose any and all credits, perhaps millions or billions of credits, above any stated limit.

So, you might say, well, we tell players their outfits won't transfer, so what's the difference?

A billion credits, a million credits, is far different than 72K credits to replace/reset an outfit.

There won't be multiple dialog boxes warning players not to transfer excess credits.
There won't be a programmatical block to prevent it.

They sure as hell aren't enforcing anything else on the transfer instructions that start with the word MUST, so why should we trust they'd enforce such a thing for excess credits?

Bad idea.

They actually do have that power, the transfer system already notifies a player if it has mail, so what they would do is make the system check for credits, if the credits are over the limit off the transfer, they will simply block it off. 

You took one thing in terms of a characters level, and then somehow did the mental gymnastics and asserted that they are unable too, and they have previously when Ranked was a thing, you were unable to transfer a toon that a had a greater elo rank of 1200. 

Moreover, to your other point, if a player has an excess amount of credits, the system will warn them like when it does with mail. It is up to the player to then remove those credits like a reasonable adult, and if they don't and the transfer system deletes those credits, then it is off their own stupidity.

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Just now, Cayerala said:

Moreover, to your other point, if a player has an excess amount of credits, the system will warn them like when it does with mail. It is up to the player to then remove those credits like a reasonable adult, and if they don't and the transfer system deletes those credits, then it is off their own stupidity.

The ensuing storm of help tickets for that I'm sure isn't something the devs would be looking to create, just like the storm of complaints on the forums when multiple combat styles came out. People didn't read then, either, despite FOUR warnings before committing to change.

Similarly, no credit cap will be programatically enforced, and out will come the pitchforks. If you've never seen these forums on fire, just wait. You should have seen the crap that went on when they changed the appearance of eyes without telling anyone. That noise didn't die down for weeks.


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Just now, xordevoreaux said:

The ensuing storm of help tickets for that I'm sure isn't something the devs would be looking to create, just like the storm of complaints on the forums when multiple combat styles came out. People didn't read then, either, despite FOUR warnings before committing to change.

Similarly, no credit cap will be programatically enforced, and out will come the pitchforks. If you've never seen these forums on fire, just wait. You should have seen the crap that went on when they changed the appearance of eyes without telling anyone. That noise didn't die down for weeks.


Then let them complain, it is not the responsibility of the developers to make everything dummy proof.  And I think you are really overexerting how people will react. 

Obviously, there will no credit cap on Shae Vizla (like all the other severs), this credit limit that will be imposed on a character transfer is to ensure that the fresh economy on Shae Vizla remains clean.  And if no credit cap is imposed, then Shae Vizla will die as fast as its launch, it will get rid of new/old players after seeing the economic inflation.

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1 minute ago, Cayerala said:

, this credit limit that will be imposed on a character transfer is to ensure that the fresh economy on Shae Vizla remains clean. 

Exactly how long would you expect this "cleanliness" to endure?  A week? Six weeks?

Starving people of credits who transfer just hands gold sellers business. The inflationary processes will still be at work despite any initial blocking of funds for the transfer, because other than the pathetic little tax system recently introduced, the underpinnings of inflation have not been addressed in the game at all.

Therefore, Shae Vizla will, repeat will, reach parity with the burn rate of inflation the other servers have, and sooner rather than later.

This blocking of cash is a short-sighted, temporary approach to a long-term endemic systematic inflationary problem.

That imaginary "cleanliness" won't last.


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3 minutes ago, xordevoreaux said:

Exactly how long would you expect this "cleanliness" to endure?  A week? Six weeks?

Starving people of credits who transfer just hands gold sellers business. The inflationary processes will still be at work despite any initial blocking of funds for the transfer, because other than the pathetic little tax system recently introduced, the underpinnings of inflation have not been addressed in the game at all.

Therefore, Shae Vizla will, repeat will, reach parity with the burn rate of inflation the other servers have, and sooner rather than later.

This blocking of cash is a short-sighted, temporary approach to a long-term endemic systematic inflationary problem.

That imaginary "cleanliness" won't last.


There are too many assumptions in all of this.

I think we can agree, that it will last as long as the other economies have no way of touching the Shae Vizla economy. By putting even a 10mil cap/40mil cap during transfers, this will not add inflation into the game.  You are also execrating the influence gold sellers have in this game, what caused inflation was way back in 4.0 where numerous amount of exploits appeared and BW was slow to act, giving people time to transfer these credits and hiding them away (and now we are witnessing what happens based on the inactions of just 3 expansions). 

It is not a short-sighted approach, it is reasonable especially for a new server, and you are presuming that numerous amounts of players will transfer to Shae Vizla with the purpose of causing inflation there. I think it is a complete six degree separation of somehow insinuating that a credit cap would some how equal the same level off inflation on DM, SS and SF.  If anything it will be far less, and again BroadSword has to carefully make these changes based on the fact that old APAC players and current (like myself), do not want to regrind all the work we previously. 

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Well, I'm in a big APAC guild on SS. A lot of people in my guild creates new character on SV to try it out but I've heard that we probably won't move to SV right now because they have to start the guild from scratch which is a giant pain in the afterburner. Not to mention building a new legacy if you don't have that many characters/cc to do the transfer, especially if you do endgame stuffs.

But it's nice that most of them get like 90ms ping even though mine only went from 190ms on SS to 150ms on SV.

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3 hours ago, Cayerala said:

I think we can agree, that it will last as long as the other economies have no way of touching the Shae Vizla economy.

Oh, I think we can disagree on that, and I'll explain why.

First, rejoice. Broadsword has done a very fine thing for APAC players by giving them facilities to play geolocated closer to them to permit a much tighter ping. Perhaps this will lead to good things and some APAC players will return that left in frustration. Yay Broadsword, yay APAC players. That is a point that should not be lost in this discussion.

And now let's get real.

The fantasy that somehow walling off Shae Vizla's player base from the rest of the world would somehow magically prevent that server from succumbing to the economic ills of the other servers is desperate thinking indeed.


Shae Vizla is a server for a game called Star Wars The Old Republic, on which multiple people play. People, no matter where they are in the world, bring with them something called human nature.

Sewn into that human nature is something called avarice. Avarice manifests itself every day on every server among people of every walk of life.

Avarice feeds a strong profit motive which seeds behavior like opportunism. Think of the GTN mavens spending more time playing a game called GTN Profiteer than they do the game itself. All in the name of profit to feed their avarice, they sit there, hours on end, doing nothing but playing the market. Buying low and selling high. Taking advantage of the fact that someone selling an expensive and desirable item accidentally left off a zero, maybe even two zeroes, from the price.

That same profit motive seeds another human behavior: exploitive predatory practices. This manifests itself in the form of gold sellers. Email addresses are cheap. I have five accounts, one of them subscribed, the rest preferred. One subscription and a bunch of other email addresses is all it takes to set up a cute little one-man army of accounts.

In my case, I did it because I'm an unashamed relentless incurable altoholic.

In the case of gold sellers, it's to farm the resources which they subsequently dump onto the GTN's marketplace to make the credits that they can then barter for real-world cash from people bringing another human trait to the game servers: laziness.

Laziness: that urge to find the quickest way between points A and B. How to satisfy one's desires the fastest? Mucking about harvesting? Dragging one's self endlessly through one heroic after another?

No. Time is not fast. Money is. The game would have never seen gold sellers without players demonstrating this basic human trait.

To deny this is to deny that the people on Shae Vizla would ever exhibit basic human nature.

Desperate thinking indeed.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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14 hours ago, Cayerala said:

The main problem, that BS faces, which is if they open up server transfers, it could very well ruin the current fresh economy on APAC, and overwhelm returning/new players that have just started.


There are two very important points that I think people don't realize. 


1) SV is going to have to remain closed for a very long time if BioSword actually wants to properly monitor its economy. It's going to take months for players to get to level 80, purchase all of the gear and other miscellaneous vendor items, farm harder content that gives more rewards.... I'm extremely skeptical about whether BioSword is actually interested in this "fresh economy" or just using it as a justification to create a vanilla SWTOR that players can grind for another couple of months without BioSword creating actual content. 


2) There are no new players to the game. 0. SWTOR does 0 marketing of its own product, and all of the third party reviews about SWTOR on the internet are extremely negative. Hell even SWTOR's own content creators are leaving bad reviews about SWTOR on their pages before they quit. What do you think a new player is going to think when they see those reviews?


There's not a single new player that's going to stumble on this game that hasn't already played. They likely already have established characters, legacy, and credits. I think these players would greatly appreciate bringing their legacy and credits to a server that they can't even buy a guild ship for. And I doubt these players would be "overwhelmed" by the influx of credits to the server. 

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4 minutes ago, septru said:


There are two very important points that I think people don't realize. 


1) SV is going to have to remain closed for a very long time if BioSword actually wants to properly monitor its economy. It's going to take months for players to get to level 80, purchase all of the gear and other miscellaneous vendor items, farm harder content that gives more rewards.... I'm extremely skeptical about whether BioSword is actually interested in this "fresh economy" or just using it as a justification to create a vanilla SWTOR that players can grind for another couple of months without BioSword creating actual content. 


2) There are no new players to the game. 0. SWTOR does 0 marketing of its own product, and all of the third party reviews about SWTOR on the internet are extremely negative. Hell even SWTOR's own content creators are leaving bad reviews about SWTOR on their pages before they quit. What do you think a new player is going to think when they see those reviews?


There's not a single new player that's going to stumble on this game that hasn't already played. They likely already have established characters, legacy, and credits. I think these players would greatly appreciate bringing their legacy and credits to a server that they can't even buy a guild ship for. And I doubt these players would be "overwhelmed" by the influx of credits to the server. 

Exactly this. Truth be told, I forgot swtor existed until the KOTFE marketing campaign.

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20 minutes ago, septru said:


There are two very important points that I think people don't realize. 


1) SV is going to have to remain closed for a very long time if BioSword actually wants to properly monitor its economy. It's going to take months for players to get to level 80, purchase all of the gear and other miscellaneous vendor items, farm harder content that gives more rewards.... I'm extremely skeptical about whether BioSword is actually interested in this "fresh economy" or just using it as a justification to create a vanilla SWTOR that players can grind for another couple of months without BioSword creating actual content. 


2) There are no new players to the game. 0. SWTOR does 0 marketing of its own product, and all of the third party reviews about SWTOR on the internet are extremely negative. Hell even SWTOR's own content creators are leaving bad reviews about SWTOR on their pages before they quit. What do you think a new player is going to think when they see those reviews?


There's not a single new player that's going to stumble on this game that hasn't already played. They likely already have established characters, legacy, and credits. I think these players would greatly appreciate bringing their legacy and credits to a server that they can't even buy a guild ship for. And I doubt these players would be "overwhelmed" by the influx of credits to the server. 

All well pointed out reasons that raise concerns and also explaining why they did not offer a free server transfer to APAC players to get started with. 

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15 hours ago, Cayerala said:

The main problem, that BS faces, which is if they open up server transfers, it could very well ruin the current fresh economy on APAC, and overwhelm returning/new players that have just started. There is a simple solution, which is cap the amount of credits each person is able to transfer to Shae Vizla. Overall, they should just do a mass merge of SS+SF (one big NA server), merge the remaining EU servers (one big EU server), and maintain APAC. They would obviously would reduce costs, they wouldn't have to pay voice actors for the French/German dialogues anymore. 

On another note, the fees that are currently implemented and the next upcoming fee changes in 7.4, will be incompatible with Shae Vizla, as earning credits from scratch with the current methods available is a joke (especially with the lack of toons you are able to spam heroics on etc), and many guild members cannot access a guild bank (due to the 30 day rule). 



Merging SF, and SS will be a death sentence to this game. For a game that was created in the US to only have 1 US server will mean the death of Swtor.

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This is starting to sound a lot like another "Merge SS with SF" dooms day topic (just under a different wrapper).  I wondered how long before it was narrowed down to this.

No need for the merger for now.  If the sky isn't falling no need to panic.  IMO there's a heck of a lot more to be concerned with that will continue to drop numbers in SWTOR:  almost across the board!

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13 hours ago, xordevoreaux said:


Bad idea.

The instructions for transfer as of this this moment still say (emphasis mine):

MUST be level 10 or higher.

This is a lie. There is no MUST about it. There is no restriction whatsoever. I have clear memories of transferring toons at level two, just to see if I could do it.

I therefore do not accept the idea that the dev team has the prowess to programmatically block a player from transferring a toon that has credits in excess of some arbitrarily determined limit any more than they currently block my level two toons from transferring.

What will happen is that the transfer routine will do zilch to prevent the transfer, and the player will lose any and all credits, perhaps millions or billions of credits, above any stated limit.

So, you might say, well, we tell players their outfits won't transfer, so what's the difference?

A billion credits, a million credits, is far different than 72K credits to replace/reset an outfit.

There won't be multiple dialog boxes warning players not to transfer excess credits.
There won't be a programmatical block to prevent it.

They sure as hell aren't enforcing anything else on the transfer instructions that start with the word MUST, so why should we trust they'd enforce such a thing for excess credits?

And, by the way, this idea does not prevent inflation, it would merely delay the rate of inflation for a small amount of time, because the forces at work that drive inflation, starting with overprinting money in excess of what's clawed back.

Because the underpinnings of the inflation are not addressed, inflation will occur. Stopping an initial influx of money is a stop-gap fix that doesn't address the inflationary forces themselves. Eventually, inevitably, because the forces of inflation are not addressed, SV will reach parity with the other servers in terms of inflation.

Starve people of credits, you're handing business to gold sellers. You'll be reporting gold sellers soon enough.

Bad idea.

You’re assuming a lot about the devs capabilities with zero technical experience of your own.

So instead of asking the Devs to do the right thing to help the new APAC players, you’d rather punish those players with inflated prices & run away inflation right at the start because you “think you know” how the transfer system works & know what the devs are capable of 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Also, have you even played on Shae Vizla to know how many credits are being generated in a clean server state? Because I can tell you from my experience so far, it’s going to take several years to even approach what the current servers had in credits 4-5 years ago. 

I’ve got Billions & Billions of credits on the US servers. And I can honestly say I’m not really missing much of it playing on Shae Vizla. But I would like to be able to transfer about 50 million so I can setup my personal Guilds, unlocks & strongholds, etc. Anymore & I think it will distort the economy too much for new or returning players. 

Lastly, you must not have been paying attention the last 6 months. The devs have been addressing most of the things that have contributed to inflation & there are more to come in 7.4. You don’t need to agree with their approach to inflation to see you’re argument about inflation not being addressed is non genuine. 

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12 hours ago, xordevoreaux said:

Exactly how long would you expect this "cleanliness" to endure?  A week? Six weeks?

Starving people of credits who transfer just hands gold sellers business. The inflationary processes will still be at work despite any initial blocking of funds for the transfer, because other than the pathetic little tax system recently introduced, the underpinnings of inflation have not been addressed in the game at all.

Therefore, Shae Vizla will, repeat will, reach parity with the burn rate of inflation the other servers have, and sooner rather than later.

This blocking of cash is a short-sighted, temporary approach to a long-term endemic systematic inflationary problem.

That imaginary "cleanliness" won't last.


You really have no understanding of how inflation works in this game. For the last time, gold sellers don’t cause inflation 🤦‍♀️. Starving players of credits (as you call it) will not cause inflation. What will cause inflation is flooding the new server with too many transferred credits.

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17 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Yep, I’ve suggested this myself in the APAC thread. I’m not sure what the cap should be though. Wether it’s 1 million, 5 million, 10 million, 50 million or 100 million. 

One way they could do it, is put a cap on how many credits can be transferred per legacy. That way it doesn’t matter if someone has 100 characters or 1 character. This way the new server doesn’t get flooded with excess credits. 

Personally, I think 100 million is too much per legacy & 1 million is too little. Even 50 million might be too much & negatively affect the server economy. So maybe an amount between 10 million & 40 million per legacy would be acceptable 🤷🏻‍♀️.

All a Credits limit will do is create shortages.

The primary cost driver is real-world cash, and if there aren't enough Credits around to get (for instance) P2W Legacy and Character perks bought, people will simply keep that Dark Honor Guard lightsaber instead selling it on the GTN.

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On 11/21/2023 at 7:09 AM, Char_Ell said:

Why do you want to discriminate?  If someone wants to take advantage of free transfers to Shae Vizla for whatever reason why shouldn't they be able to transfer even if they're not in APAC region?  And how would the devs even restrict transfers like that when they haven't done it before?  I think the devs would have to add some programming to limit transfers based on logged IP addresses for the account being an "APAC" IP address (not sure how that would be defined).  I don't think the devs have time to mess around with trying to restrict transfers like that.  If the devs offer free character transfers to Shae Vizla then they may as well offer them to the entire player base, not just some subset of players that qualify based on some definition of APAC that will undoubtedly result in controversy and angst for those that want to transfer a character for free but can't because they didn't meet some nebulous criteria for not being an "APAC" player.

They could have it be a subscriber-only feature, so only paid players get a free transfer. Then, they use the address on the credit card being used. If not that then they use the bank/financial system tied to the card. They can see address when a person first enters the payment. They can see the bank in their bank statement when payment is received. There is a description of where the money came from. Some people might be able to find a way around it, but it's not easy to get a credit card from another country. Usually, the only way to do it is to have a friend in the country and use their address, but it's illegal so most people don't take that risk.

23 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

It’s not too bad. I’ve several characters up to lvl 20 already. And I’m over 150k in credits so far.

My only gripe is when you create a new class, it doesn’t seem to let you choose what combat spec you want. Ie, if you choose a Jugg, you are automatically made a Vengeance Jugg. I don’t know if this is a bug or not. I went to fleet to change it like you used to be able to. But found the respec trainer nolonger offers that. I had to use CC to open up the field respec feature in my legacy😞

One of the "features" of the new character creator. You can switch disciplines in any rest area without the legacy perk though (cantina, fleet, personal stronghold, etc.).

14 hours ago, xordevoreaux said:

And, by the way, this idea does not prevent inflation, it would merely delay the rate of inflation for a small amount of time, because the forces at work that drive inflation, starting with overprinting money in excess of what's clawed back.

Because the underpinnings of the inflation are not addressed, inflation will occur. Stopping an initial influx of money is a stop-gap fix that doesn't address the inflationary forces themselves. Eventually, inevitably, because the forces of inflation are not addressed, SV will reach parity with the other servers in terms of inflation.

Starve people of credits, you're handing business to gold sellers. You'll be reporting gold sellers soon enough.

Bad idea.

There was some inflation every expansion, but the main source of inflation was a series of credit exploits. Swtorista has a good video on the history. In most cases, Bioware didn't fully handle the credit exploits. The way to prevent any inflation from exploits is to shut down the servers, rollback everything to before the exploit started, patch the servers to remove the exploit, and start the servers up again.

The problem was Bioware didn't catch the exploits fast enough, so they couldn't do rollbacks. They could fix the exploit and ban some accounts, but by then they had already spent billions on the GTN. Once the credits had moved to other players, there was nothing Bioware could do because lots of innocent players now had the credits. They couldn't punish innocent players, so billions of credits permanently flooded the economy.

They couldn't do rollbacks either because too many days had passed. Guilds had cleared tough bosses (progression), players hadn't unlocked hard achievements, people reached other goals in the game. There would have been too much uproar. It had to be caught early, so players would only lose a few hours of progress.

Now that these exploits have been fixed and assuming there are no new exploits, inflation on Shae Vizla should happen at a slow pace. Inflation wasn't really an issue until Onslaught in 2019, 7-8 years after launch. Without those exploits Shae Vizla will last even longer before inflation is a problem. Of course, if players can transfer billions to the new server, inflation will hit Shae Vizla like all the other servers, but that's separate issue.

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36 minutes ago, FlatTax said:

All a Credits limit will do is create shortages.

The primary cost driver is real-world cash, and if there aren't enough Credits around to get (for instance) P2W Legacy and Character perks bought, people will simply keep that Dark Honor Guard lightsaber instead selling it on the GTN.

I don’t think you understand the situation either. Because if you did, you would know that it won’t cause shortages on a new server. What will cause shortages is not enough players or more importantly, not enough buying CM items to sell. Which is what some of the latest announced GTN changes will cause in 7.4 if they move ahead with them.

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1 minute ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I don’t think you understand the situation either. Because if you did, you would know that it won’t cause shortages on a new server. What will cause shortages is not enough players or more importantly, not enough buying CM items to sell. Which is what some of the latest announced GTN changes will cause in 7.4 if they move ahead with them.

That's consistent with what I'm saying.

If there aren't enough Credits around to meet people's P2W expectations, I fully expect Cash Shop sales to plumet.

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11 minutes ago, ThanderSnB said:

One of the "features" of the new character creator. You can switch disciplines in any rest area without the legacy perk though (cantina, fleet, personal stronghold, etc.

I wish that was true on Shae Vizla. Or that if it is supposed to be, that it actually worked as you describe. Because I first tried it on the fleet & then in my strong hold and it doesn’t work like you say it does.
It would also be good to tell players how it works in the actual game so they don’t become agitated or end up spending CC’s to open up field respec like I did 😡

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4 minutes ago, FlatTax said:

That's consistent with what I'm saying.

If there aren't enough Credits around to meet people's P2W expectations, I fully expect Cash Shop sales to plumet.

You don’t need P2W on a fresh server. Plus, I still don’t think you really understand the whole concept of pay to win in this game. 

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