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7 hours ago, DWho said:

Unlikely. what caused the problem was APAC players boycotting the server because they couldn't get their legacies transferred. If they had done that shortly after the server opened they would not have needed to offer transfers with 15m credits/character and the server would be functioning fine. There were plenty of players playing on the server in the first month without bringing in credits.

"functioning fine" leave your home, go live in a homeless shelter, you will still be functioning fine... we want what we have earnt, as you do. we spent the TIME and money playing this game, earning it all, if you didn't by your own math, you don't deserve it, you didn't support the game as you put it.

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Does anyone else find it hilarious with the new patch called: Building a foundation" that's the exact opposite of what's happening both for the SV server and the game in general with this patch...
They had a whole existing client base for the new server that just needed some love and they failed to build that foundation most impressively I might add, I don't know many gaming companies that could have annoyed a whole continent/island.

And then take a look at the rest of the world up in arms about the patch. they must surely be asking themselves what they did wrong? 
At least one would hope so, otherwise the foundations for SWTOR are looking very brittle indeed.
To BS, read/understand your patrons and communicate, it's a very simple process.


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2 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

Does anyone else find it hilarious with the new patch called: Building a foundation" that's the exact opposite of what's happening both for the SV server and the game in general with this patch...
They had a whole existing client base for the new server that just needed some love and they failed to build that foundation most impressively I might add, I don't know many gaming companies that could have annoyed a whole continent/island.

And then take a look at the rest of the world up in arms about the patch. they must surely be asking themselves what they did wrong? 
At least one would hope so, otherwise the foundations for SWTOR are looking very brittle indeed.
To BS, read/understand your patrons and communicate, it's a very simple process.


"Chiselling the Foundation" more like lol

I'm gearing up a toon to transfer to SV for my friends there but that'll be it.

I'm not an alt-holic. I only have "spare" toons on SF and I'm not going to abandon my max level toons on SF/SS for SV. I was willing to transferring my half-decent spare toons and grind on SV but not at 500cc/toon.

I won't be making more toons on SV. I only have 24 hours a day and I'd rather go for another fresh Baldur's Gate 3 run trying out a new build or a new story route than all the meaningless boring grinding of SWTOR leveling/gearing.

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Calling all APAC PLAYERS


Lets start a petition, US and EU servers should close down and be forced to an APAC server for YEARS
then open them up and say 

"Welcome Home" halfway through a season.

Then halfway through the next open up transfers and say: "you can transfer mains over with only 15 mil per character, no homes, no furniture" "have fun"



BS shouldn't treat APAC different. 

Don't worry BS, APAC know where not to spend their money now, plenty of games on the market. Company's shouldn't laugh and treat their customers like this.

Edited by Gabriaye
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Just read how badly the drop rates on actual stat gear has been nerfed in 7.4.1a. Honestly, that gear nerf is the last straw for me. I’m totally over how these devs treat all their customers. They’ll never learn that the customer’s happiness is how they will make more money. And an unhappy customer takes their money elsewhere.

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15 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

At the end of the day, it’s about understanding your customers in the region & neither you or BS do because you don’t live here. 

People want to transfer as many characters and credits as possible, while spending as little money as possible. Different motivations for some APACs, sure, and more worthy justifications, but the overall desire isn't APAC-specific. At this point, I'm more interested in specific, targeted suggestions, for limited numbers of free transfers, like 1-4, for some APACs who didn't get the 16. The more focused the suggestion is (we agree on criteria like limiting it to pre-SV APAC accounts), and the more likely it is that each transfer brings an active character to boost SV's population, the more likely it is to get dev approval, which should be the point of the exercise.

On 3/14/2024 at 3:20 AM, Gabriaye said:


3 months = 1 free
6 months = 3 free
1 Year plus = 8 free
2 Years plus = 16 free

Not bad. "Backdated requirements rewarding subs over the history of the game" would have been better than "backdated requirements rewarding subs from the start of January". More graduated than "16 or nothing". No consecutive sub issues. Still think there's little chance of anything extra in the 8 to 16 range, for reasons previously stated. But if the devs decide to offer a couple extra transfers, the principle here could work. I'd prefer using dollars spent over sub time, though. First, I still like the idea of pre-SV APACs who've spent any money in the past getting one transfer. Second, basing it on dollars ($60 historical spend = 2 transfers?) would treat spending on subs, cartel coins, and mixed-content bundles equally.

On 3/15/2024 at 1:42 PM, JohnnyGatt said:

People are paying more for things on SV than I paid on SS earlier in the week when I brought them over lol. It's hilarious that in the first week market prices are higher than on U S servers lol and this includes crafted items like dyes. :)

Well, there's some evidence that the people saying "we want credits for every possible reason except GTN shopping" turned out to be unrepresentative of the wider player base. The devs should remember that. Previous comments like "there won't be much inflation - we might end up with deflation when people bring items to sell" are looking similarly unreliable.

15 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

We needed the transfers back in January, we knew the economy would get blown up regardless of restrictions. 

I don't recall pro-credit posters using arguments like "the economy will blow up anyway" when they argued why the 2m limit should be raised. I do remember people saying that concerns about inflation from transfers were exaggerated. In any case, I disagree with the premise. Different credit limits, along with different policies on free and discount transfers, would have resulted in different economic impacts.

On 3/15/2024 at 2:32 PM, DWho said:

 If it doesn't self correct in a week or so they might as well let people transfer all their credits as the economy will be as bad or worse than on the other servers.

NA servers still have price fluctuations, even with large numbers of buyers and sellers to stabilize things, and no obvious triggers. SV's just had an inflation shock, with a smaller population to stabilize it. I think a week is too short a time frame to expect self-correction across the board, even if several items might be overvalued due to "irrational exuberance".

As for the future - there's still one month of limited free transfers plus unlimited 500cc ones, then two months of just 500cc ones, then 1000cc ones. I think dedicated traders will have used their free transfers already to grab the early deals. They might buy more transfers if they see enough cross-server profit to justify the cc spend. Eventually, it should reach a point where there's still cross-server profit available, but not enough to justify the transfer cost of an inbound 15m transfer. That would be a point with a lot of inflation, but not as much as the other broken economies. That depends on how many credits end up being brought with free transfers, as well as any future dev decisions.

Edited by Duck_Cider
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25 minutes ago, AussieAlan said:

I just ended up sucking it up and paid to move 2 toons I have had since Dalborra days over, between the key, monthly, and 2k coming if I get GS done it won't end up costing anything.

That is exactly what I'm doing. I had enough to move three tunes over, and we'll unlock or earn the rest.

6 hours ago, Duck_Cider said:

Well, there's some evidence that the people saying "we want credits for every possible reason except GTN shopping" turned out to be unrepresentative of the wider player base. The devs should remember that. Previous comments like "there won't be much inflation - we might end up with deflation when people bring items to sell" are looking similarly unreliable.

First of all you're one of the few players I recognise that I've actually seen in game! It's a ghost town yet There are five pages of 10 to 15 million credit mounts.. The problem we have is not the 15 million credit limit It's the 16 free transfers to people who are not making this server there forever home. Being able to transfer 200 plus million to a use on a server along with God knows how many other mounts and other stuff and not actually "needing" to sell the items to play the game is the problem I'm listing gold mounts for anywhere between five to 10 million and I've sold about four in that price range at least two seem to have been relisted for much higher prices. for my items If they don't sell, I won't be dropping the price because I don't need to sell them They're all mounts I don't actually have unlocked I'll use them myself that's their value to me I'm making a constant Income from crafted items. 

I think what's happening is we are seeing market-Players taking the opportunity of this new server to try and move a massive backlog of items. 16 free transfers just added a extra market for them to list banks full of items. It is in the best interest of the credit farmers to keep the market as unrealistic as possible to ensure there is a high enough demand for what they're selling In the real world. 

It's interesting to see crafted items, especially ones that require reputation to unlock are selling as consistently and for roughly the same price as they do on US servers.

But yet the "Returning APAC players" have either chosen not to continue playing due to the ridiculous time or real world cost requirement of moving, Whether it be waiting for CC to move like myself or others or looking at their options and not even reinstalling the game, because there's no reason to They're not getting free transfers.. 

I still think the only chance this server has is for them to offer free transfers to all returning APAC players with a subscriber history giving people a reason to reinstall to move their current characters is just like a puppy dog sale, Once they log in again, there's a much greater chance they will resubscribe.

At the end of week one there is next to nobody actually playing the game on SV I'm questing on three different characters in different stages of story and have been lucky to see one other player in any zone I enter. They will blame the lack of interest the lack of actual players and anything else for this extremely underpopulated server. Broadsword will not take blame and admit they were wrong in every scenario.

I think it's going to take quite a few months to see how many actual APAC players end up playing on SV I'm having to play on two servers to unlock as many coins as I can to move. I'm not going to be able to get involved in guilds, raiding and other Social parts of the game until I've been able to properly move. 

With the very few players I've actually encountered, I have been surprised that the players are from other countries like Singapore The players I've spoken to in Singapore are able to get a sub-100 ping so The potential available player base is way higher than I realised. In the Singapore, Malaysia region and surrounding areas on the same connexion to Australia has a population of about 80 to 100 million..







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1 hour ago, JohnnyGatt said:

I have been surprised that the players are from other countries like Singapore The players I've spoken to in Singapore are able to get a sub-100 ping so The potential available player base is way higher than I realised. In the Singapore, Malaysia region and surrounding areas on the same connexion to Australia has a population of about 80 to 100 million..

I’ve been arguing this for years actually. If EA & BS really wanted the game to be successful in the region, they would be marketing to new players in the region. First Australia & NZ, but they also need to target other specific countries, like Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia India & Philippines. A lot of people from these countries can read, write & speak English better than some of our fellow Aussie’s 🤣. And they dwarf Australia & NZ in population. SE Asia has more people than Europe. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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They shouldn't have tried their fresh start server notion. Should have allowed legacy transfers from the start with free character transfers coming a little bit later with no sub restrictions attached. I mean they owe the apac people for closing down their original server and making them move in the first place. 




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55 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I’ve been arguing this for years actually. If EA & BS really wanted the game to be successful in the region, they would be marketing to new players in the region. First Australia & NZ, but they also need to target other specific countries, like Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia India & Philippines. A lot of people from these countries can read, write & speak English better than some of our fellow Aussie’s 🤣. And they dwarf Australia & NZ in population. SE Asia has more people than Europe. 

Japan loves SW, Korea has some of the biggest gaming market. They also huge money in MMO and mobile games.

Language barrier is the biggest obstacle for none-english speaking SE countries. All of my friends don't play SWTOR because they can't read english that well (not good enough to play story centered RPG which is what made them interested in SWTOR). I'm not even talking about making dubs, just making subtitle support and some good marketing will give EA/BS a potential big customer base.

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16 hours ago, Duck_Cider said:

I don't recall pro-credit posters using arguments like "the economy will blow up anyway" when they argued why the 2m limit should be raised

While I was for the limitation of credits initially, I did say it was only postponing the inevitable and the issue was not just the credits in the system, and that it was going to happen anyway, more than once.
However, like Trixxie says it's better to have people than an empty server with a great inflation. 


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1 hour ago, Nommaz said:

While I was for the limitation of credits initially, I did say it was only postponing the inevitable and the issue was not just the credits in the system, and that it was going to happen anyway, more than once.
However, like Trixxie says it's better to have people than an empty server with a great inflation. 


I finally transferred my first character over tonight. That 15 million credits was gone very fast as I had to pay to open up my guild bank & some tabs & the last legacy bank tab. And that doesn’t include the setting up the guild ship or the second guild I need to set that up on too. It was scary how fast those credits disappeared. 

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42 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I finally transferred my first character over tonight. That 15 million credits was gone very fast as I had to pay to open up my guild bank & some tabs & the last legacy bank tab. And that doesn’t include the setting up the guild ship or the second guild I need to set that up on too. It was scary how fast those credits disappeared. 

15 mil is nothing, chump change with how much things cost in game.

They set the prices with inflation in mind because of US and EU and how much credits ppl have accumulated, but limiting APAC in bring ours over isn't fair as the costs outweigh what we can maintain because of it. 

What was a simple couple of hours playtime to get credits for whatever i wanted to do on US realms, is not a not fun grind for hours if not days that leave me hating the game on APAC, I had farmed, Grinded, Spent CC on the CM and sold stuff, only for it to be LOCKED away from me.

They made a huge mistake with limits. Even fresh accounts could make credits on US and EU realms, crafting, farming, CM as got more from those than daily's, but if you wanted rep could get easy creds doing that too. that's how it is in ALL MMO's, the later you join you have some catching up to do, but gold/credits are easier to get the longer the game is out as ppl will buy for alts, level crafting ect.


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1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I finally transferred my first character over tonight. That 15 million credits was gone very fast as I had to pay to open up my guild bank & some tabs & the last legacy bank tab. And that doesn’t include the setting up the guild ship or the second guild I need to set that up on too. It was scary how fast those credits disappeared. 

I used up all the CC I had left (as I said I will not give them another cent). and transferred 2 more than I actually wanted to just for the extra credits.
Also have put some stuff on the GTN at inflated prices to try and make some back.

I need to re-buy my strongholds? I thought they were supposed to transfer over. 
I also notice the old chieves that are no longer available did not transfer over either. 
I am really in two minds where to keep playing (preferred) or not bother at all. 

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Its funny watching how the comments here are slowly stopping, as more and more apac player accounts go to being unsubbed and can no longer post. I think I have 12 days left or so, then its goodbye swtor.

Thankyou for showing us equality and fairness


"cough" right...

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4 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I finally transferred my first character over tonight. That 15 million credits was gone very fast as I had to pay to open up my guild bank & some tabs & the last legacy bank tab. And that doesn’t include the setting up the guild ship or the second guild I need to set that up on too. It was scary how fast those credits disappeared. 

First, you're right.  15 million credits goes crazy fast.  If there was a way to transfer toons WITHOUT the legacy I would have done so and would have credits galore there and it would all be gone in a matter of hours as I unlocked everything I'm used to with guild ships and so on.



3 hours ago, Gabriaye said:

15 mil is nothing, chump change with how much things cost in game.

They set the prices with inflation in mind because of US and EU and how much credits ppl have accumulated, but limiting APAC in bring ours over isn't fair as the costs outweigh what we can maintain because of it. 

What was a simple couple of hours playtime to get credits for whatever i wanted to do on US realms, is not a not fun grind for hours if not days that leave me hating the game on APAC, I had farmed, Grinded, Spent CC on the CM and sold stuff, only for it to be LOCKED away from me.

They made a huge mistake with limits. Even fresh accounts could make credits on US and EU realms, crafting, farming, CM as got more from those than daily's, but if you wanted rep could get easy creds doing that too. that's how it is in ALL MMO's, the later you join you have some catching up to do, but gold/credits are easier to get the longer the game is out as ppl will buy for alts, level crafting ect.


Which prices are you talking about?
The credit cost for extra rooms / tabs has always been high.  As far as I remember, it's never been raised and it's meant to be done over time.  Same with unlocking Legacy Perks for that matter (though you didn't bring that up here).  I do know the feeling of the "rush to get it done" since you've had it done on all the other servers for awhile now.

I have two guild ships on SV I'm paying for myself and so far only opened up one room.  I'm not even trying to sell stuff on the GTN (haven't been for weeks).

My point is, this one particular thing...system generated credits vs. system generated costs...has nothing to do with player created inflation, especially now that there has been, and will continue to be, a mass credit influx.

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1 hour ago, Gabriaye said:

Its funny watching how the comments here are slowly stopping, as more and more apac player accounts go to being unsubbed and can no longer post. I think I have 12 days left or so, then its goodbye swtor.

Thankyou for showing us equality and fairness


"cough" right...

They have 'graciously' allowed preferred status to post in forums now. My sub ran out a few days ago. I've not transferred anything because I'm not eligible.

 I haven't commented any further on this as it is all done and dusted.

They can't now offer free transfers as they would have to deal with the issue of those who have already paid to move their characters. Do they give refunds? No way that is going to happen.

 So I've moved on again. I'm playing Conan Exiles.


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4 minutes ago, Darev said:

The credit cost for extra rooms / tabs has always been high.

Once you reactivate a stronghold that is fully unlocked on another server isn't it fully unlocked on the new server too? The price of opening rooms you didn't have unlocked isn't any higher now than it was before 7.0. As far as I know, the only things that were changed were travel costs and repair bills. GTN prices are high, but hasn't the argument been that you don't need the stuff being sold on the GTN.

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4 hours ago, Darev said:

First, you're right.  15 million credits goes crazy fast.  If there was a way to transfer toons WITHOUT the legacy I would have done so and would have credits galore there and it would all be gone in a matter of hours as I unlocked everything I'm used to with guild ships and so on.



Which prices are you talking about?
The credit cost for extra rooms / tabs has always been high.  As far as I remember, it's never been raised and it's meant to be done over time.  Same with unlocking Legacy Perks for that matter (though you didn't bring that up here).  I do know the feeling of the "rush to get it done" since you've had it done on all the other servers for awhile now.

I have two guild ships on SV I'm paying for myself and so far only opened up one room.  I'm not even trying to sell stuff on the GTN (haven't been for weeks).

My point is, this one particular thing...system generated credits vs. system generated costs...has nothing to do with player created inflation, especially now that there has been, and will continue to be, a mass credit influx.

A new server designed for APAC (not SV as this server is designed to be a test server for Broadsword's economic policies and ability to manage RMT, a fresh start server for NA and EU players, and a server that just happens to be located in the APAC region) would not have come with any restrictions on moving credits.

Such restrictions are stupid considering it has been years since any of the other servers had an economy where one could not buy something off the CM with their monthly subscription stipend, sell it to other players, and have more than enough credits to unlock all the strongholds, all the legacy perks, pay all the fees to level crew skill, buy gifts and / or instant companion rank up tokens, and buy character specific perks for multiple characters.

To expect APAC players (new, old, returning, whatever) to accept that somehow, they should feel good about the need to spend 10X or more in real money on the store to be able to convert that to credits to purchase in-game credits based unlocks is ridiculous, as ridiculous as expecting them to spend months and years obtaining stuff they already spend real money obtaining years ago.

Right now, the optimal approach for a new or returning APAC player would be to start characters on a n NA server like SS or SF, convert CC to credits, buy all the strongholds and unlocks, set up their characters, rank up companions, rank up crew skills, and only then buy transfers to SV as they will still come out significantly ahead in overall cost.

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2 hours ago, DawnAskham said:

buy all the strongholds and unlocks

Strongholds are not transferring only the unlocks which means you need to spend millions of the paltry 15 mill to buy them again.

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As I understand it, if you bought a Stronghold on the origin server with Credits, then you'll have to buy the Stronghold all over again on the destination server.

But if you bought the Stronghold on the origin server with a different currency, like Cartel Coins, then you won't need to buy the Stronghold again on the destination server. You just have to reactivate it and redecorate it.

At least, that's what it says in the EA Help.

Star Wars: The Old Republic - STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ Character Transfers (ea.com)

So you could buy a Stronghold on one server with Cartel Coins, and then reactivate it on the destination server after you complete the character transfer. I believe that it's free to reactivate a Stronghold bought with Cartel Coins.

That way, you could get Strongholds on both servers and only have to pay the Cartel Coin cost once.

At least, I think that's how it works.

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4 minutes ago, ShadowyKai said:

That way, you could get Strongholds on both servers and only have to pay the Cartel Coin cost once.

Yup send real money to buy them rather than in game currency, it's still ridiculous.


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47 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

Strongholds are not transferring only the unlocks which means you need to spend millions of the paltry 15 mill to buy them again.

Yeah the need to pay credits again for the initial unlock is still a problem, and one the limits on credit transfers just exacerbate, but my point was that there are so many unlocks and things like crew skills that eat up credits in chunks of 100s of thousands to millions per character, that the heavy handed economic crippling done to SV along with the 15 million transfer limit is just another insult on top of that from requiring most returning players to 'pay' to transfer given their idiotic 'promotion' for free transfers that includes a back dated qualification.

Edited by DawnAskham
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