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9 hours ago, Duck_Cider said:

t's not only about the GTN; many systems in the game were designed for a low-inflation environment. Still, as for the GTN:

Many of the systems in game were re vamped for a hyperinflation system, which is why we are seeing people not being able to afford repairs and just to do professions in general.


9 hours ago, Duck_Cider said:

Question: What benefits would hyper-inflation bring to SV? Either generally, or for new players specifically.

I didn't say that's what we need, I said that both credit generation and costs need to be looked at properly.
Once again, I don't have an issue with a restriction, so long as it's not large. After all we are already seeing the greed come through and it will be the same as the rest before too long anyway, it's just delaying the inevitable.
As for new players again it's only the GTN that's an issue and to be fair, its far easier to make credits on the other servers therefore if anything they can afford to professions etc a lot easier, regardless, I don't believe the GTN is a good marker for new playability.

I firmly believe the inflation complaints are being led by, but not limited to F2P players because of escrow.
Personally, I didn't have an issue starting a new player on a new realm in those servers as I said the credits are easier to make. 
As a new player on them it wasn't hard.



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24 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

I firmly believe the inflation complaints are being led by, but not limited to F2P players because of escrow.
Personally, I didn't have an issue starting a new player on a new realm in those servers as I said the credits are easier to make. 
As a new player on them it wasn't hard

Actually I don’t think it’s F2P or even preferred players (certainly not on here because they can’t post on the forums). Also they literally can’t buy anything above 1 million on the GTN anyway. From their perspective, 1 billion might as well be 10 million because both amounts are higher than they can buy stuff off the GTN.

So they must be subscribers complaining, not F2P. Most likely really casual subscribers or ones who come & go from the game every time new content is released. Then they leave again shortly after. So they never spend enough time accumulating enough credits to buy anything they want on the GTN. From their perspective, every time they come back, things have gone up in price exponentially. 

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48 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

So they must be subscribers complaining, not F2P. Most likely really casual subscribers or ones who come & go from the game every time new content is released. Then they leave again shortly after. So they never spend enough time accumulating enough credits to buy anything they want on the GTN. From their perspective, every time they come back, things have gone up in price exponentially. 

Ah yeah didnt think of that, good points 


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I'm pretty much a casual player after a decade of playing SWTOR but I keep a sub going.  I don't PvP because it's boring..  I'm here for the story and the role play (when folks actually role play!).  I rarely even bother with the GTN, and I never buy anything off it any more,  (haven't in the last 2 years) and rarely sell anything either.   There isn't a single MMORPG with a "player driven" economy out there that works anyway.  And in my experience of 30 plus years of online gaming there never has been.  So to me the point is moot.  You can't fix a fundamentally flawed system.  The only "fix" I can think of that would work would be a pure "barter" system.  And that would at least make everyone equally unhappy.  

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1 hour ago, Lord_Ranon said:

Make the credit limit 0. The currency restraints are perfect. make people work for it.

Also, make PVP cross server please like many other games.

No one is playing, and if there are no credits the few people left will quit. Players do not have enough credits in game to do what they need to, I for one am sick of playing my one geared toon and would like to play others, this cannot happen until credits come in. Also there has never been nor will there ever be cross server PVP in this game.

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On 2/6/2024 at 7:47 PM, TrixxieTriss said:

Actually I don’t think it’s F2P or even preferred players (certainly not on here because they can’t post on the forums). Also they literally can’t buy anything above 1 million on the GTN anyway. From their perspective, 1 billion might as well be 10 million because both amounts are higher than they can buy stuff off the GTN.

So they must be subscribers complaining, not F2P. Most likely really casual subscribers or ones who come & go from the game every time new content is released. Then they leave again shortly after. So they never spend enough time accumulating enough credits to buy anything they want on the GTN. From their perspective, every time they come back, things have gone up in price exponentially. 

Actually I believe they changed it so F2P/Preferred can now post on these forums, when they did the big change. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

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43 minutes ago, Toraak said:

Actually I believe they changed it so F2P/Preferred can now post on these forums, when they did the big change. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

Jackie Ko stated last May that Preferred accounts were not intended to have forums access.  Please let us know if you are aware of a more recent statement indicating otherwise.

On 5/25/2023 at 1:45 PM, JackieKo said:

Hi there, 

No intention of derailing the thread, but needed to correct some misinformation around this topic. This has not changed. We are looking at ways for Preferred accounts to engage in the forums, however, nothing has been changed. An update like that would definitely be announced and communicated out. So for the time being, I am confirming that this has not changed, and the team will be investigating this forum bug. 


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Hi, I'm actually one of the people who spend time playing on the server, not as much as I should since last update but I plan to do so more. What I find interesting is that if all these people who have become chronic posters were actually playing on the server, it would be alive, robust as any server should be. I doubt transfers will make that big of a difference to be honest as far as server population goes. Some folks just like to complain. I'm all for complaining for the right reasons. I've complained my fair share over the years about things that I believe in but then there comes a point of what is called? Oh yeah, kicking a dead horse. My advice, play the game or find a new hobby and just patiently wait because griping won't speed things up.  :)

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6 hours ago, Toraak said:

Actually I believe they changed it so F2P/Preferred can now post on these forums, when they did the big change. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

They reverted it back to only subscribers & said that was a bug. 

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6 hours ago, Savyl said:

Hi, I'm actually one of the people who spend time playing on the server, not as much as I should since last update but I plan to do so more. What I find interesting is that if all these people who have become chronic posters were actually playing on the server, it would be alive, robust as any server should be. I doubt transfers will make that big of a difference to be honest as far as server population goes. Some folks just like to complain. I'm all for complaining for the right reasons. I've complained my fair share over the years about things that I believe in but then there comes a point of what is called? Oh yeah, kicking a dead horse. My advice, play the game or find a new hobby and just patiently wait because griping won't speed things up.  :)

That’s all well & good to say we should be playing on the server. But youre not playing any pug group content are you? Because the queues aren’t popping on SV. So why would we waste our time sitting in a queue that doesn’t pop or grinding out story for the 100th time? I’m sorry, but I’ve better things to do with my actual game time. If you are a solo story player, then you aren’t affected by low population issues. And we wouldn’t have these issues if BS had just allowed transfers when they opened the server.

FYI, posting on the forums doesn’t eat into game playing time. It’s not like we’re sitting in front of a computer doing it. I’m currently laying in bed having my coffee & breakfast. When I post it’s from my phone when I have a minute. Maybe I’m waiting for an appointment, could be in between a TV commercial break or waiting for the kettle to boil. 

And the longer they take to give us more details or to actually implement transfers, the worse things will get. It’s not like we haven’t been warning them this would happen from the minute the server opened. They have literally let the server die. I don’t know why they’ve done it, maybe it’s to prove some point none of us understand. But at the end of the day, the blame falls squarely on the people making the decisions here. It’s 100% not the players fault for not wanting to grind everything all over again. And I take offence to the suggestion that it is. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Yeah I do pugs when they are available. It's a new server so like any baby, takes time to grow. I'm patient. I actually find the newness refreshing. I'm not saying that I don't want transfers because I do. I'd like to transfer my legacy.

By the way, on the character transfer page of your account in the rules it states:

"...must have been open for at least 90 days."


It hasn't been 90 days yet. That will  be in 5 more days if you want to get technical or if we just stick by the month, then February 16th since the server opened November 16th.

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Oh Scrap that info as per 1 min ago.


Hi folks! 

I’m back to give you more details on the character transfers to the Shae Vizla server. For this post, my aim is to confirm additional details and answer some questions we have seen floating around. 

Starting with the transfer requirements to Shae Vizla: 

  • Characters will be required to have 2 million or less credits.
  • If you try to transfer a character that has more than that amount, you will see an error message. 
  • The character level minimum is 20. 

For the first 30 days after transfers open, there will be 16 free transfers available to Subscribers who meet the following criteria: 

  • Are a current Subscriber
  • Have been a Subscriber since APAC launch (November 17, 2023) for at least 90 consecutive days. 

For the first 90 days after transfers open, all Subscribers will receive a 50% discount (500 CC off) on transfers to the Shae Vizla server. 

  • This discount will be applied for Subscribers who use up their free transfers. 

We also wanted to clarify additional info for transfers outside what is detailed above: 

  • Paid transfers will become available when we open transfers to Shae Vizla. 
  • These will still cost 1000CC per transfer for non-subscribers. This will be the default price after the promotion period ends. 
  • The credit and character level requirements detailed above will still apply to these transfers and all future transfers.
  • Requirements may be adjusted in the future.

We also wanted to confirm that character transfers will open with Game Update 7.4.1’s launch. All of the changes above need to be tied to an update hence why the transfers are specifically connected to 7.4.1. We will be sharing more details of 7.4.1’s release date on the livestream (I’ll be popping in myself!), so players know what to expect and roughly when. 

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Surely the devs can't be serious. 2mil per toon. 32 mil total. What an absolute joke. All to protect the vocal minority who play the GTN. @KeithKanneg @JackieKo you need to reconsider this restriction. APAC players want to be able to play on our own regional server, without these absurd restrictions. I don't want to go back to SS and deal with ping so why are we being told we can't bring across our entire account. This was never advertised as a fresh start or a potential restricted server. Why treat us different? Like a lower class citizen. Because that's exactly what you've just done. You've said "stuff you APAC players, you can't have all your credits". The credits we have earnt from playing this game for over a decade. You have just destroyed the end game raiding community of SV.  

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  • Characters will be required to have 2 million or less credits.

For the first 30 days after transfers open, there will be 16 free transfers available to Subscribers who meet the following criteria: 

  • Are a current Subscriber
  • Have been a Subscriber since APAC launch (November 17, 2023) for at least 90 consecutive days. 

@KeithKanneg 2 million credits is just a stupid amount, it needs to be 10 times this at least, What would have been better to is give us a bulk amount we can transfer rather than tying it to characters. 
16 x 2 million is 32million, BUT if I just decided to transfer two which is what I was going to do whilst levelling the rest and keeping the game feeling alive for new players, I am then not even able to transfer enough to sort out legacy perks etc. and 2 million doesn't even come close to covering even profession levelling.
So you are effectively punishing those who don't want to transfer all their characters over.

Secondly this 90 days since APAC server opened is Really really unfair, most of us didn't even know if was opened until three weeks after this date when we got the email, on top of that some of us let our subs lap due to your poor communication over this fiasco. even for just a few days or weeks, yet we have been paying subs for YEARS and again are to be punished for
A not knowing the server was even here and opened 
B for whilst spending literal thousands with you over the years were not subbed at a certain point in time, without the knowledge this would even be an issue.

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I had hoped the decision making from BS would be better than previous years, but I see it's the same. 
I don't know who sits on these committees, but you seriously need to look at the skills they have.
Poor decisions have already brought the game low from its heights, yes you can say as much as you like natural progressions of players but, a lot of it was after poor decisions, it doesn't take a degree to see where this is going if it doesn't change.

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Instead of helping the server you have just effectively killed it. I seriously hope this is reconsidered, I already know several are now deciding to unsub due to this decision, and those that are staying are staying on the other servers despite the ping. This was a terrible mistake.

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Only 2 mil per character? Wow, that is way too low IMHO. I was hoping it would be enough to at least cover re-making all my outfits and Stronghold reactivation fees. :(

It is nice that they are offering free/discounted transfers, though. 

Edited by Gwena
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