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Least used companion.


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Least used ?

Hm, Rusk for JK, Broonmark for SW, no idea on JC maybe Felix, Ashara on SI, Vik on Trooper, maybe Raina on IA not sure i mainly use Vector anyways, Guss on Smuggler and Skadge on BH.

Then for the post KOTFE stuff, outside of all the times she's forced down my throat that'd be Lana.

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Never used class companions:

  • Jaesa Williams
  • The other whiny jedi one with an anger problem (can't remember her name)
  • Skadge
  • Broonmark
  • Tanno Vik
  • Doc
  • Risha
  • Rusk
  • Akaavi Spar
  • Raina Temple
  • Malavai Quinn
  • Eckard Lokin
  • Nadia Grell
  • Ship droid

Class companions used then ditched as soon as possible (first companion):

  • Vette
  • Corso
  • Kaliyo

Never used later companions:

  • Koth Vortena
  • Jakarro
  • Senya Tirall
  • Z0-0M
  • Ak'ghal Usar
  • H2-WF
  • All the Star Fortress companions (6 of them)
  • Galactic season companions

So yeah, perfectly happy to not have any more companions taking up room on my ships!

Edited by TziganeNZ
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It depends on my character. Each alt has different companions to fit my head canon. 

My Dark side Smuggler is a space pirate so his companions are much different than my LS  smuggler

My main Bounty hunter has companions that reflect the bounty hunters from Empire strikes back.

So it all depends.

Edited by kirorx
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I like Lokin as a companion especially on Tank mode. 


he turns into a rakghoul

Probably my least-used are certain cartel market companions (animals & droids). And Treek ever since they changed the functionality of companions, whereas I had used her extensively beforehand (when she could both tank & heal) and took away her influence earning dialogue.

I used HK-51 quite a bit more, before they took away his dialogue influence dialogue as well.

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Here are my least used


Doc ! He annoys me so much with his  battle cry  " Don't make me fight alone" - dude, for F..orce's sake, I'm the one fighting, you're just supposed to heal and shut up! 🤬

Amity & Altuur zok Adon : their voices are like someone scratching a ceramic plate with a metallic fork ;

Vette : wish I could just remove her shock collar, give her some money and leave her in the Nar Shaddaa spaceport;

Senya, Arcann & Koth : they are dead on all my 48 characters on 3 servers. why? can't stand them, especially Koth who's an idiot. 


How would my ideal companion be? I don't care about species or gender, but if they could speak Basic and talk very less, it would be perfect. 


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I've never touched the Star Fortress companions after finishing the story. They were boring clones of each other and don't speak basic. 


From class companions I swap Kaliyo off as soon as possible. I don't like her personality.

Yuun doesn't speak basic and looks like a big insect, so bye bye as soon as possible.

Skadge - ugh.. do I need a reason?


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18 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

That's a huge assumption to make.  Just because you don't like Koth and favour the kill option is no reason to assume everyone does.

You're talking about Koth, one of the most universally trashed characters in the game's history. 

I'm not making some outlandish claim here. We're on a thread about least popular companions, it is not that serious at all. 

Laugh a little, preferably at Koth. 

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On 9/4/2023 at 7:52 PM, TheVoyant said:

Was sarcasm bc everyone tends to kill him. Hence devil emoji. Is joke.

Of all the characters i've played through KOTET with only 1 of them killed him and that was mostly because it was a throwaway start at KOTET token imp character who had by default made the DS choices during KOTFE so i figured i may as well just see the DS playthrough, none of my actual characters has ever killed him.

So yeah not everyone kills him

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4 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

I've never killed Koth.  So no, it's not true that "everyone tends to kill him".


3 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Of all the characters i've played through KOTET with only 1 of them killed him and that was mostly because it was a throwaway start at KOTET token imp character who had by default made the DS choices during KOTFE so i figured i may as well just see the DS playthrough, none of my actual characters has ever killed him.

So yeah not everyone kills him

Yes. I am aware there are probably people who did not. Just commonly came across that most did.

Not gonna sit her and argue what people's individual choices were as that is redundant.

Weird argumentative stance with little productive results, arguing opinions or perceptions is a waste of everyone's time.

I'm glad a couple people didn't kill Koth so that the voice acting wasn't a waste of money. Enjoy your week guys. 😉

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I don't kill him with most of my characters.  One or two even romanced him.  But even with my Dark-siders, if I want to go back later and do a Chapter in Vet or Master Mode it helps to have all the companions that you use for that Chapter have a high influence, and you can't give a dead character presents. 🙂


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