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Mission Share Suppression in PvP?


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Hey there,

Ok, so this is an interesting situation, thank you for bringing it up. First, a little history and then what we are talking about on the team to resolve it.

For a long time we never had the PvP Mission terminals inside of Warzones or Arenas. And so there was a pretty logical reason to allow Mission sharing within Warzones and Arenas. However, since that change happened that need has certainly gone down or vanished entirely.

We hadn't heard about players abusing Mission sharing as a form of harassment, so thanks for the report there. In addition to that we are talking about a couple of different changes we can make:

  • Stopping Mission sharing in Warzones and Arenas - As mentioned above, since the addition of the terminals we are not sure we need to allow sharing anymore. Especially if it is being abused.
  • Tie /ignore to blocking Mission sharing as well.

Let us know your thoughts on both of these options. It is worth noting that we are at build lock for 7.3.1 (you should expect this real soon) so these changes wouldn't be possible until 7.4.
Thanks again for the question and feedback.


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26 minutes ago, EricMusco said:

Hey there,

Ok, so this is an interesting situation, thank you for bringing it up. First, a little history and then what we are talking about on the team to resolve it.

For a long time we never had the PvP Mission terminals inside of Warzones or Arenas. And so there was a pretty logical reason to allow Mission sharing within Warzones and Arenas. However, since that change happened that need has certainly gone down or vanished entirely.

We hadn't heard about players abusing Mission sharing as a form of harassment, so thanks for the report there. In addition to that we are talking about a couple of different changes we can make:

  • Stopping Mission sharing in Warzones and Arenas - As mentioned above, since the addition of the terminals we are not sure we need to allow sharing anymore. Especially if it is being abused.
  • Tie /ignore to blocking Mission sharing as well.

Let us know your thoughts on both of these options. It is worth noting that we are at build lock for 7.3.1 (you should expect this real soon) so these changes wouldn't be possible until 7.4.
Thanks again for the question and feedback.


I'd vote for a second option, because:

a) Such behavior is rare, and

b) Been in a few matches when a player asked to share the missions when they realized towards the end they forgot to grab them and running back to the terminal was not an option 

Also, I'd say that spamming mission shares non-stop qualifies as a reportable offence (would be nice to get "unsportmanship behavior" category for things like that).

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28 minutes ago, VegaMist said:

Also, I'd say that spamming mission shares non-stop qualifies as a reportable offense.

The chance that BioSword conducts any sort of meaningful moderation past absurdly vulgar comments in chat is just as high as the chance that @EricMusco responds to any of the real issues with PvP that literally everyone has been asking to address in the PvP Forums. 


...0% chance. 

Edited by septru
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43 minutes ago, septru said:

Musco responds to thread with "PvP" in the subject for first time in 10 years. Turns out to be about mission sharing.


Nice bait. 

I'm personally glad he responded. And I'd rather encourage more responses than discourage by complaining that we didn't get a response to something else (even if we think that something else was more important).

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2 hours ago, EricMusco said:

Hey there,

Ok, so this is an interesting situation, thank you for bringing it up. First, a little history and then what we are talking about on the team to resolve it.

For a long time we never had the PvP Mission terminals inside of Warzones or Arenas. And so there was a pretty logical reason to allow Mission sharing within Warzones and Arenas. However, since that change happened that need has certainly gone down or vanished entirely.

We hadn't heard about players abusing Mission sharing as a form of harassment, so thanks for the report there. In addition to that we are talking about a couple of different changes we can make:

  • Stopping Mission sharing in Warzones and Arenas - As mentioned above, since the addition of the terminals we are not sure we need to allow sharing anymore. Especially if it is being abused.
  • Tie /ignore to blocking Mission sharing as well.

Let us know your thoughts on both of these options. It is worth noting that we are at build lock for 7.3.1 (you should expect this real soon) so these changes wouldn't be possible until 7.4.
Thanks again for the question and feedback.


Great response Eric 👍

I think both/either would work.

Edit Although being able to pick up a share if you ran in & forget to get the missions at the terminal can be helpful. So maybe just tie it to ignore? 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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57 minutes ago, VegaMist said:

I'm personally glad he responded. And I'd rather encourage more responses than discourage by complaining that we didn't get a response to something else (even if we think that something else was more important).

Agreed and plus i'm still holding my breath  @EricMusco  might post in GSF forums for first time since 2018 :D

( But  still  Eric , thanks for replying here in this thread with some behind-the-code  intel  yep )

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I just experienced this in a match myself, the person was running around, not doing objectives, not doing damage, just spamming the missions on their list. What I noticed was they were going down their list of missions which was various weekly missions from heroics and FPs. A suggestion could be to limit mission sharing to only pvp missions while in the pvp setting perhaps? In the event someone has run in and forgotten to pick up the weeklies/dailies for pvp. 


But yeah, it was annoying, we all found out who it was, ignored them promptly, and yet the spamming continued. :sadge:

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12 hours ago, EricMusco said:

Hey there,

Ok, so this is an interesting situation, thank you for bringing it up. First, a little history and then what we are talking about on the team to resolve it.

For a long time we never had the PvP Mission terminals inside of Warzones or Arenas. And so there was a pretty logical reason to allow Mission sharing within Warzones and Arenas. However, since that change happened that need has certainly gone down or vanished entirely.

We hadn't heard about players abusing Mission sharing as a form of harassment, so thanks for the report there. In addition to that we are talking about a couple of different changes we can make:

  • Stopping Mission sharing in Warzones and Arenas - As mentioned above, since the addition of the terminals we are not sure we need to allow sharing anymore. Especially if it is being abused.
  • Tie /ignore to blocking Mission sharing as well.

Let us know your thoughts on both of these options. It is worth noting that we are at build lock for 7.3.1 (you should expect this real soon) so these changes wouldn't be possible until 7.4.
Thanks again for the question and feedback.


Or block mission sharing in pvp and automatically assign pvp dailies and weeklies when people enter a warzone, arena, or GSF?

Edited by Darkestmonty
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10 hours ago, EricMusco said:

We hadn't heard about players abusing Mission sharing as a form of harassment, so thanks for the report there. In addition to that we are talking about a couple of different changes we can make:

  • Stopping Mission sharing in Warzones and Arenas - As mentioned above, since the addition of the terminals we are not sure we need to allow sharing anymore. Especially if it is being abused.
  • Tie /ignore to blocking Mission sharing as well.


How about auto-sharing the weekly missions upon entering?  Just like in flashpoints. It would be handy in operations too. When they are being shared automatically, sharing can be blocked without side effects.



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11 hours ago, septru said:

The chance that BioSword conducts any sort of meaningful moderation past absurdly vulgar comments in chat is just as high as the chance that @EricMusco responds to any of the real issues with PvP that literally everyone has been asking to address in the PvP Forums. 


...0% chance. 


10 hours ago, VegaMist said:

I'm personally glad he responded. And I'd rather encourage more responses than discourage by complaining that we didn't get a response to something else (even if we think that something else was more important).

I agree with both takes and don't think they conflict.

We want meaningful productive conversations just as much on the range of issues. We get frustrated that we can't have them. I don't mince words even a little as I just don't believe sugar coating is effective when seeking results... But the door is open for them to work with the passionate fan base. Always has been. 

They might erroneously simply see the base as an impossible to please, aggressive, & unwelcoming one. And while some amount of that exists, its not the larger portion. Most take into account their side as best their able to often.

If the Devs want to have a good relationship with the base and build a sense of warm community, they've gotta be willing to talk about the uncomfortable aspects honestly with us. Its always filtered through another channel in a way that isn't well received. 

Engage with the critics who desire constructive results, be upfront, no spins or angles, just direct meaningful dialogue & watch how well the base responds. 

But its on them, the hand has been offered out in friendship many times by many people. They simply have to take it and embrace the community that wishes to do the same in kind.

We all have the same goal, we want the game to be in its best shape & something that lasts + worthy of attracting new and returning fans. 

Edited by TheVoyant
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3 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

How about auto-sharing the weekly missions upon entering?  Just like in flashpoints. It would be handy in operations too. When they are being shared automatically, sharing can be blocked without side effects.

I would also like the game auto-granting any daily and weekly mission that's related to a match upon entering. However, the flashpoint comparison is not the same because the auto mission grant upon entering, is the temporary mission that helps progress the phase (weeklies etc are given either when a group finder group is formed, or when picking up a flashpoint mission, both granted outside the actual fp). Anyway, auto-blocking mission shares from ignored players seems like a good idea.

A great feature here would be the addition of a text box in the shared mission window: "Shared by (player name)"

Note that if sharing missions are blocked down the road: Sometimes I join a Voidstar that's in progress, in the second round, spawning at a later spawn point because the doors are unlocked. There are no terminals at those later spawn points, giving us no way to pick up the missions, except sharing.

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1 hour ago, kekrot said:

I would also like the game auto-granting any daily and weekly mission that's related to a match upon entering. However, the flashpoint comparison is not the same because the auto mission grant upon entering, is the temporary mission that helps progress the phase (weeklies etc are given either when a group finder group is formed, or when picking up a flashpoint mission, both granted outside the actual fp). Anyway, auto-blocking mission shares from ignored players seems like a good idea.

A great feature here would be the addition of a text box in the shared mission window: "Shared by (player name)"

Note that if sharing missions are blocked down the road: Sometimes I join a Voidstar that's in progress, in the second round, spawning at a later spawn point because the doors are unlocked. There are no terminals at those later spawn points, giving us no way to pick up the missions, except sharing.

if possible, auto-grant all dailies and weeklies for warzones, arena, and GSF. The number of times I queue for PvP and forget to pick up the dailies and weeklies is staggering.

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20 hours ago, EricMusco said:

Hey there,

Ok, so this is an interesting situation, thank you for bringing it up. First, a little history and then what we are talking about on the team to resolve it.

For a long time we never had the PvP Mission terminals inside of Warzones or Arenas. And so there was a pretty logical reason to allow Mission sharing within Warzones and Arenas. However, since that change happened that need has certainly gone down or vanished entirely.

We hadn't heard about players abusing Mission sharing as a form of harassment, so thanks for the report there. In addition to that we are talking about a couple of different changes we can make:

  • Stopping Mission sharing in Warzones and Arenas - As mentioned above, since the addition of the terminals we are not sure we need to allow sharing anymore. Especially if it is being abused.
  • Tie /ignore to blocking Mission sharing as well.

Let us know your thoughts on both of these options. It is worth noting that we are at build lock for 7.3.1 (you should expect this real soon) so these changes wouldn't be possible until 7.4.
Thanks again for the question and feedback.



Honestly, I've been playing in every PvP Season since the new PvP Seasons rolled out. I've been in over 400 matches on my main PvP character for WZs, and about 200 in Arenas (I usually do lowbies instead - and he's a level 80).  The only times someone has shared the pvp missions were in guild groups where someone asked for it. Not once in about 600 matches was I ever harassed about it -- and I largely queue solo without guild members.  I'm not even -great- at PvP. I usually get some salty comments toward the team in WZs or for my middlin' heals about every 6 matches. I lag a lot & arthritis keeps my reaction time slower, so my heals are always in the middle and never in the top. (I play heals mostly).

Yet, most the people I know don't get harassed like this.

However, is it worth getting rid of the mission sharing and suppressing it? I'm not sure. --- I'd prefer if the missions were auto-granted, like how some weeklies now are given automatically or the FP weekly is given automatically the moment you pick up your first heroic mission or first GF FP.

This is because -- I'm still often being grouped at the tail end of the matchmaking progress, or INTO a group already in progress. Since I lag a little, I have -no- time to pick up the missions in pvp when I spawn into a match that's just starting or already going. I have to -run- to jump in and participate or the debuff/spawn timer starts going and I can potentially get kicked out. This is especially the case in Novarre Coast & Void Star when I get stuck with the cut-scene animations that still try to play despite coming into the game in the middle.  

The problem with this is, that I might not die, or the game may end before I ever get back to the mission terminal. Once I'm in my focus is on the match itself, not getting to the mission terminal for credit, because I do want to help my team win. You're not giving any leeway if you join a match late, and there's no time to type "share mission plz" in chat when chances are you're going to be engaging with the enemy or healing a team mate in the first 10 seconds your past the spawn barrier. 

While I don't think there's a big need to suppress mission sharing --

It would be better, if you do choose to suppress it, if we could get instant missions upon joining the WZ (like either the dailies, weeklies, or both) automatically, and have the ability to toggle on/off join matches in progress. OR rather than turning the matches on and off, can we really just NOT have cut-scene animations for starting WZs in addition to mission sharing suppression? I've toggled every selection I can to get rid of them, and they're my lag-tops bane that can chew precious time logging into the middle of an active WZ after it's started. Consdiering about once a week I get kicked because it can take me up ot a minute to join the match, and then I'm stuck behind a spawn barrier because I missed my first opening to leave --- thus I've seen myself literally running against a barrier for 20 seconds straight only to get kicked.

(Because the spawn zone debuff/timer starts the moment you accept the match if you're joining a match in progress -- so you odn't get the benefit of the additional time that matchmatking provides in addition to the countdown to the WZ start).


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2 hours ago, cacophonycat said:


Honestly, I've been playing in every PvP Season since the new PvP Seasons rolled out. I've been in over 400 matches on my main PvP character for WZs, and about 200 in Arenas (I usually do lowbies instead - and he's a level 80).  The only times someone has shared the pvp missions were in guild groups where someone asked for it. Not once in about 600 matches was I ever harassed about it -- and I largely queue solo without guild members.  I'm not even -great- at PvP. I usually get some salty comments toward the team in WZs or for my middlin' heals about every 6 matches. I lag a lot & arthritis keeps my reaction time slower, so my heals are always in the middle and never in the top. (I play heals mostly).

Yet, most the people I know don't get harassed like this.

However, is it worth getting rid of the mission sharing and suppressing it? I'm not sure. --- I'd prefer if the missions were auto-granted, like how some weeklies now are given automatically or the FP weekly is given automatically the moment you pick up your first heroic mission or first GF FP.

This is because -- I'm still often being grouped at the tail end of the matchmaking progress, or INTO a group already in progress. Since I lag a little, I have -no- time to pick up the missions in pvp when I spawn into a match that's just starting or already going. I have to -run- to jump in and participate or the debuff/spawn timer starts going and I can potentially get kicked out. This is especially the case in Novarre Coast & Void Star when I get stuck with the cut-scene animations that still try to play despite coming into the game in the middle.  

The problem with this is, that I might not die, or the game may end before I ever get back to the mission terminal. Once I'm in my focus is on the match itself, not getting to the mission terminal for credit, because I do want to help my team win. You're not giving any leeway if you join a match late, and there's no time to type "share mission plz" in chat when chances are you're going to be engaging with the enemy or healing a team mate in the first 10 seconds your past the spawn barrier. 

While I don't think there's a big need to suppress mission sharing --

It would be better, if you do choose to suppress it, if we could get instant missions upon joining the WZ (like either the dailies, weeklies, or both) automatically, and have the ability to toggle on/off join matches in progress. OR rather than turning the matches on and off, can we really just NOT have cut-scene animations for starting WZs in addition to mission sharing suppression? I've toggled every selection I can to get rid of them, and they're my lag-tops bane that can chew precious time logging into the middle of an active WZ after it's started. Consdiering about once a week I get kicked because it can take me up ot a minute to join the match, and then I'm stuck behind a spawn barrier because I missed my first opening to leave --- thus I've seen myself literally running against a barrier for 20 seconds straight only to get kicked.

(Because the spawn zone debuff/timer starts the moment you accept the match if you're joining a match in progress -- so you odn't get the benefit of the additional time that matchmatking provides in addition to the countdown to the WZ start).


once news gets out you can annoy people like this it will spread quickly.

I had someone get pissed at me for calling them out as an AFKer hiding near our spawn. That player started spam marking my character with all the markers using a macro. We couldn't mark enemies because he was rotating all the marks and I knew it was the AFKer because they were the only team mate targeting me the whole game.

if people figure out a way to be petty and annoying in PvP they will.

Edited by Darkestmonty
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I personally think that if a legacy has been blocked, you shouldn't be able to receive the mission shares from them. I have people blocked for a reason; but on the flip side, I can see where I go into a warzone and can't grab the weekly (looking at Voidstar's progressive spawning) and need someone to share, and at that point, I don't care who shares it so long as I get the weekly. Not so concerned about the daily because I can easily complete the daily anyway in the next couple of matches.

Also to add on to what others said, if the weeklies and dailies for arenas and warzones just auto grant upon entering, this would put the entire thing to a moot point to where mission sharing in warzones/arenas could be blocked on the devs' end without a problem. However, I'd encourage testing to ensure that it doesn't bug out before implementing the block sharing option unless its a fairly simple if/then toggle duplication from the flashpoints (or whatever coding was used. If/then just being an example.).

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1 hour ago, Darkestmonty said:

once news gets out you can annoy people like this it will spread quickly.

I had someone get pissed at me for calling them out as an AFKer hiding near our spawn. That player started spam marking my character with all the markers using a macro. We couldn't mark enemies because he was rotating all the marks and I knew it was the AFKer because they were the only team mate targeting me the whole game.

if people figure out a way to be petty and annoying in PvP they will.

Guess he wasn't AFK then, he was busy spamming markers on you.  🤔


In all seriousness though, what exactly were you trying to accomplish for calling them out? Force them to participate? If you start calling people out (even when they deserve it) you are kind of asking for trouble. In this case no-one else in your group could use the markers, because you had to provoke that guy instead of playing the match. 

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2 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Guess he wasn't AFK then, he was busy spamming markers on you.  🤔


In all seriousness though, what exactly were you trying to accomplish for calling them out? Force them to participate? If you start calling people out (even when they deserve it) you are kind of asking for trouble. In this case no-one else in your group could use the markers, because you had to provoke that guy instead of playing the match. 

It was a macro. The pattern and speed of the markings showing above my characters head was consistent and lasted the from round one when I called them out to the end of the Hypergate.

You read about someone AFKing in PvP being called out and in response the AFKer set up a macro to rotate markers on their own team mate to harass them for the rest of the game... and your response is "you were asking for it and you are to blame for your team not being able to use markers because you called out the AFKer in PvP"?

Edited by Darkestmonty
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I was gonna say just add the feature that ignored players can't share missions with you, however the community came up with a better idea which is the auto grant of the weekly/daily when u enter a match. I'm an idiot and always forget to grab the missions so it would work for me 😂😂

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On 8/28/2023 at 12:47 PM, EricMusco said:

Tie /ignore to blocking Mission sharing as well.

I feel this would be the easiest and simplest solution to the problem

On other note of AFK'ers in warzones. They really need to do something about that. They old vote kick system was broken cause it gave the player warning and all they had to do was interact with another player to cancel it out. I am not sure what the solution is to AFK'ers in PvP though would be or look like

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36 minutes ago, BallisticKaine said:

I feel this would be the easiest and simplest solution to the problem

On other note of AFK'ers in warzones. They really need to do something about that. They old vote kick system was broken cause it gave the player warning and all they had to do was interact with another player to cancel it out. I am not sure what the solution is to AFK'ers in PvP though would be or look like

they didn't even need to enter combat or interact with another player. Earning defender points and attacker points automatically canceled a vote kick.

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18 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

It was a macro. The pattern and speed of the markings showing above my characters head was consistent and lasted the from round one when I called them out to the end of the Hypergate.

You read about someone AFKing in PvP being called out and in response the AFKer set up a macro to rotate markers on their own team mate to harass them for the rest of the game... and your response is "you were asking for it and you are to blame for your team not being able to use markers because you called out the AFKer in PvP"?

My response was he was not being afk if he knew who to start harassing, and like it or not, you brought it on yourself. You also didn't answer: what did you expect would happen when you started pointing fingers? That he's suddenly start playing properly? Finger pointing and blaming is one of the reasons why pvp has such a toxic reputation. Obviously afkers are not innocent of causing trouble, I am not defending them, but no-one forced you to start calling him out causing trouble for the team as well. 

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