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discrimination against non-subscribers


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The fact of not being able to write in the forum, not even having preferred status, I find it so discriminatory and little lack of empathy, I am not saying it because it is filled with garbage posts, if not for many reasons

1.-it happened that I was a steam subscriber, it went wrong as you can imagine, what happened I had to search through almost 5 different pages for some kind of solution until I could find an email that deigned to answer me after approximately 5 hours and without being able to post my problem directly on the swtor website, otherwise I had to manage from page to page until I found a solution, perhaps if I had posted it here it would have saved me several hours of looking for a solution

2.- Many newbies who have just started the game have a million doubts and where can they post their questions? if the page does not let them?

Maybe an executive will not read it and the truth is that I don't care, because apparently their community matters little or nothing to them, I have seen many people who are not very ingenious in managing web pages and have felt cheated because swtor or bioware does not respond to your subscription

I do this post on behalf of all of us who have suffered from that and the impotence that it gives, so that if any executive reads it, at least take action on the matter, all the information that is on steam is at least vague, there is not even the email to which The information should be sent, otherwise it sends you to a page that does not give you any solution

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16 minutes ago, Bar-Da-Voya said:

Many people will use the SWTOR subreddit on Reddit to post information / ask questions if they are not a subscriber and can't post on the official forums here.

I honestly don't think this is a solution, they should have a section for non-subscribers within the forum, put yourself in the shoes of an adult over 40 who likes the Star Wars saga and found the game interesting and subscribes, Does that person then have problems? will you go to reddit? Of course not, he will go to the official website in search of a solution to his problems, he will not waste time searching different websites one after another to find a solution, imagine that I am 28 years old and I take some time to find a solution, I imagine someone who knows little about the networks

Edited by ksareas
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f2p/pref can just pay for a subscription, its not a massive problem tbh. i agree those that the sub via steam should be explained better, you get plenty of information but its clear considering how many seem to have the issue its not something players read very well so the information might need to be repackaged

that said, google is usually a better source of answers than these forums, reddit, discords and so on are

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As a subscriber, I would definitely prefer f2p and preferred (basically, anyone with an account) have access to the forums. They have plenty of knowledge we all could benefit from, and this forum in general could benefit from inflow of fresh blood.

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Subscribers can post on these forums, but they can't really get help with subscription problems here either because the EA side of things handles support while the Bioware side just does game development. In other words, bug reports can go here, but tech support and subscription problems have to go to EA, meaning you wouldn't have gotten much help here even if you were a subscriber. You would just be directed to EA.

By the way, I have found people to be pretty helpful on the Steam forums. Most times when someone posts about problems over there, someone will tell them how to contact EA for help.

Me personally, I wouldn't mind preferred having access but f2p could cause problems with spam. Bots can create free accounts and post spam. And for preferred, I would limit how many posts they can make per day because preferred accounts are hacked all the time and could be used to post spam as well.

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8 hours ago, Bar-Da-Voya said:

Many people will use the SWTOR subreddit on Reddit to post information / ask questions if they are not a subscriber and can't post on the official forums here.

And its better by a wide margin at that. There's always been a certain smugness to the idea of and supporters of the subscriber-only-forums, and it shows every now and then. Either with false assumptions of what would happen if the gates were opened or the unnecessary repeat of how to post in this hell scape ('Pay the sub so you can be largely ignored and frustrated like the rest of us'), its never sat right with me. It shouldn't be a privilege to give feedback on an official channel. This place has had its chance to be THE nexus for Swtor discussion, I recall it being inferred (and this is one of the tried and true classic Swtor forum responses) that perhaps I was too poor or had my priorities mixed up when I suggested years ago that they open a section of the forums up to Preferred players at least. It would get more eyes on topics and only benefit everyone with more activity on the site, and probably keep Preferred players in the picture if they had a greater ability to be invested in the community/game's operation. You know, the people who have actually paid before and in many cases, far more than current subscribers ever had, but there was concern trolling about the lack of dedicated moderation resources. Because I'm sure there's a horde of ex-subs waiting to storm the pearly gates of this decaying website. 

I simply have more faith in Jackie, her Leia buns, and basic spam filters than some others it seems. But there is no defensible reason to not relax that a bit besides not being willing to commit to scaling up moderation, probably for a short time at that. I'm having a hard time envisioning a non-stop influx of preferreds pouring back in at this point in the game's life.

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  • Dev Post

Hi everyone, 

I just wanted to reiterate what I wrote in the New Forums thread. This is still a conversation we are having regarding who has access to publish content on the forums. There are a lot of factors to consider here. As I wrote before, I'll post an update when we have a decision on what we would like to do. 


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@JackieKo I would ask for you to consider this. When I (or others) let a sub expire, and notice a new (for me) bug for instance, I can't report it due to your rules of not allowing none subscribers to post (has happened on a few occasions).  Or if I see a post where I can answer a question and help someone same thing. Which to me, means not only do you not care about me cause I'm not giving you the 15 bucks a month, you also don't really care about the people who do pay you the 15, cause you're denying them access to players who could have helped them, or at the very least helped them sooner than someone else, if they were able to post.  So really these rules are draconic. I get maybe not wanting F2P players not to post because of spam or w/e, but there's no reason preferred players should not be able to post either. 

Edited by Setta
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4 minutes ago, Setta said:

When I (or others) let a sub expire, and notice a new (for me) bug for instance, I can't report it due to your rules of not allowing none subscribers to post

You can indeed still report bugs IN-GAME though, which is far more helpful ( to the Dev Team ) than are messy forum threads, so your analogy loses some validity there.

The rest of your diatribe is a false premise, since it's just one big hypothetical impossible to quantify nor prove.   Plus,  BioWare "caring" about "you" ( the non-paying customer ) has no beariing on whether or not BioWare can actually provide a service ( these forums ) worth paying for the privilage of posting upon.

14 minutes ago, Setta said:

but there's no reason preferred players should not be able to post either. 

Sure there is, one of which being: Who's gonna pay for the extra Moderators to handle increased thread traffic?   And wouldn't that money be better spent moderating ohhh i dunno  FLEET chat, DK chat, PVP chat , etc. etc. etc.  ?!?!?!

ESO only allows paying $ubscribers to post in their forums, so it's certainly not as "draconian" ( the word you meant to use ) as certain people want it to be.

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12 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

You can indeed still report bugs IN-GAME though, which is far more helpful ( to the Dev Team ) than are messy forum threads, so your analogy loses some validity there.

The rest of your diatribe is a false premise, since it's just one big hypothetical impossible to quantify nor prove.   Plus,  BioWare "caring" about "you" ( the non-paying customer ) has no beariing on whether or not BioWare can actually provide a service ( these forums ) worth paying for the privilage of posting upon.

Sure there is, one of which being: Who's gonna pay for the extra Moderators to handle increased thread traffic?   And wouldn't that money be better spent moderating ohhh i dunno  FLEET chat, DK chat, PVP chat , etc. etc. etc.  ?!?!?!

ESO only allows paying $ubscribers to post in their forums, so it's certainly not as "draconian" ( the word you meant to use ) as certain people want it to be.

How do you publish your subscription problem if the forum doesn't let you? I mean, do you think it's okay to pay and that even so you can't find a solution directly in the forum of the same game? If not, what should you look for in many different pages, any solution?

I hope it never happens to you

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5 minutes ago, ksareas said:

How do you publish your subscription problem if the forum doesn't let you?

The thing is...why do you need to publish your subscription issue? This is something that needs to be taken care of with Customer Service not looked on the forums "for a solution"  and it certainly doesn't do any good to post about it either. Call CS and post in in-game ticket about the issue. That's the proper solution.

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8 minutes ago, ksareas said:

How do you publish your subscription problem if the forum doesn't let you?

Do your research please before asking such questions.   This time, i'll provide the solution for you:

10 minutes ago, ksareas said:

I hope it never happens to you

You don't sound very earnest in that "hope" , but if it did "happen" to me  i would simply use the other avenues of information  which are just as easy to access as these coveted forums.

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23 hours ago, RikuvonDrake said:

f2p/pref can just pay for a subscription, its not a massive problem tbh. i agree those that the sub via steam should be explained better, you get plenty of information but its clear considering how many seem to have the issue its not something players read very well so the information might need to be repackaged

that said, google is usually a better source of answers than these forums, reddit, discords and so on are

It is not that we did not read it well, the information is directly misspelled, it sends you to the EA page with prefabricated answers and we return to the same thing if you are not a subscriber you cannot advance further in the help, which is absurd, the support email I found it on another page that is not EA or swtor, after wasting almost 2 hours browsing different pages and reading many comments

Why don't they put something as simple as mail? I don't know if they do it on purpose or what happens...

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6 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Do your research please before asking such questions.   This time, i'll provide the solution for you:

You don't sound very earnest in that "hope" , but if it did "happen" to me  i would simply use the other avenues of information  which are just as easy to access as these coveted forums.

Telling you that I managed to get to that email after almost 2 hours reading comments, I tell you everything, the information that is officially written everywhere is bad and they should fix it, just look at the Steam forum, that email does not appear anywhere on Officially, to make everything easier, it directly sends you to an EA page where the information is just as bad, the only thing they give you is a phone number, but friend, remember not all subscribers are from the United States and do A call is often cumbersome and difficult to achieve, which is why many of us opt for the mail, which is an easier way to communicate.

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2 minutes ago, ksareas said:

remember not all subscribers are from the United States and do A call is often cumbersome and difficult to achieve,

That's a fair point and i can certainly sympathize , however  you should also remember this happens to USA people too, since many customer "service" phone systems are outsourced nowadays to non-native-English-speaking countries.

Regardless, i take issue with the title of your thread  using the phrase  "discrimination against" , since it implies some level of "not caring" cruelty or intentional "abuse" .

This is a false premise.

BioWare, like any company trying to make a profit, is merely giving additional incentive to PAY for the privilage of posting on these forums.

ANYONE, poor or rich, can still VIEW these forums ( for information or whatever) .

If your argument is a larger point about Capitalism vs. Socialism , and the effects therein with certain people having to jump through additional hoops just to get the same services as others, then that is an entirely different ( and far more volatile ) topic that probably shouldn't be debated on the website of an 11-year old video game.

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51 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

You can indeed still report bugs IN-GAME though, which is far more helpful ( to the Dev Team ) than are messy forum threads, so your analogy loses some validity there.

You can, but if you've ever talked to customer support, for issues they can't solve they will also tell you to come and post it on their forums.  So thanks for being short sighted. 

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3 minutes ago, Setta said:

You can, but if you've ever talked to customer support, for issues they can't solve they will also tell you to come and post it on their forums.

That is a flaw with BIOWARE support , not with whether or not  F2P'ers ( or 'preferred' ) should be able to access the same amount of posting privilages as paying $ubscribers.

4 minutes ago, Setta said:

 So thanks for being short sighted. 

huh ?  All i see is your snarky tone, just because i countered your post with a very valid point.


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** In game support for anyone actually playing the game is a must.  (This includes communications with any issues / bugs and customer support matters within the context of playing the game).
** Access to the forum boards opens up an entirely different subject (as mentioned by others earlier).  F2P does not insure access to everything in game.  If anyone wants complete access to all aspects of SWTOR .. then a subscription is what is required.  
** Even though @Nee-Elder and I seldom agree on just about anything ... I do believe he's got the right idea this time.

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39 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

That's a fair point and i can certainly sympathize , however  you should also remember this happens to USA people too, since many customer "service" phone systems are outsourced nowadays to non-native-English-speaking countries.

Regardless, i take issue with the title of your thread  using the phrase  "discrimination against" , since it implies some level of "not caring" cruelty or intentional "abuse" .

This is a false premise.

BioWare, like any company trying to make a profit, is merely giving additional incentive to PAY for the privilage of posting on these forums.

ANYONE, poor or rich, can still VIEW these forums ( for information or whatever) .

If your argument is a larger point about Capitalism vs. Socialism , and the effects therein with certain people having to jump through additional hoops just to get the same services as others, then that is an entirely different ( and far more volatile ) topic that probably shouldn't be debated on the website of an 11-year old video game.

I don't think you understand my point, how do you post your subscription problems if you really need to be a subscriber to find a solution? practically everything is cumbersome and difficult to understand for someone who subscribes for the first time and it has happened to many, it is like saying I want you to talk to me to help you but I take away your ability to speak, how do I do it? I mean, do you understand my point?

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7 minutes ago, ksareas said:

, how do you post your subscription problems if you really need to be a subscriber to find a solution?

i already answered you above ^^ , but  i'll do it again  no worries:  For any 'subscription' problems, you need to contact SUPPORT  ( not by posting on these forums ) .

The best way to access SWTOR  Support , for anyone , is to send an email to:  support@swtor.com

There is nothing "cumbersome" about sending an email , in my opinion.

Or at least, no more "cumbersome" than making a forum post and waiting just the same.

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And for the opposing viewpoint - the only reason for "free to play" people is to artificially inflate user stats and make the game seem more active.

SWTOR is not a charity, and it takes income (money) to keep the game alive.

As a subscriber who actually pays for the game, I don't give a rat's a** about the inability of the free-loaders to post on the forums. (There's enough nonsense on here already)🙂 


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