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  1. I'm not sure why you think that. Is it the greed mentality that if Biosword holds out and doesn't give the players a discount that ultimately those players will buy the items (unlocks) anyways, paying full price, therefore more money for the company? If so that's horribly faulty logic, and not at all how it works. It's better to get 10 people to spend 50% of the full price than 2 or 3 people to spend a 100% of the full price. Now that number is just an example with no verifiable data on who spends how much on this game at what time of the year. However there's a reason why Holidays (Black Friday, 4th of July, Christmas etc) are generally the most prosperous in terms of sales and revenue, and we have way more of those holidays than just the 2 sale events in SWtoR which you think would be bad for the game on a consistent basis. Heck why do you think things like coupons, and other sale tactics were invented? It's to get people to come and buy more stuff when there aren't holidays. Amazon created a "Prime Day" (not an actual holiday btw, but a sale none the less) which is during the summer months when sales are slowest (as people are vacationing and outside having fun at the beach or w/e rather than shopping). You can argue that their 20th year anniversary just happens to fall in the summer time so it wasn't planned to be in the summer specifically, but the truth is they decided to create an additional sales event (and even moved the days around to suit their needs). Not because they're nice people who are trying to save you money (I think everyone knows better from the horror stories of people working for Amazon) but because of profits. It makes them more money, period. Also just for the record every year sale has brought in more and more money since it's inception. Truth is normal prices are over inflated and these "sales" become a tactic to get people to spend more. It may sound like bollix, but I'll give you a real life example, that I lived through. Back when I was a teen still in HS I used to work for JCPenny as a cashier, was my 2nd job at the time. The company decided to scrap a lot of the sales and coupons that they used to do, and just lower prices across the board to be more appealing to consumers. The idea was that you don't need to wait for a sale to get a great deal with us, you can get one anytime. Well that was the idea. The end result was that we ended up bleeding money horribly after that transition. Our sales numbers dropped pretty badly. You see people want to feel like they're gaining the system. They want to feel like they're smart and savvy consumers. Never mind that lowering the prices across the board was actually a better deal for them in my opinion. The shoppers didn't get excited about shopping with us, and that cost the company dearly. Stores began to close down, and IIRC there was even talk about filling for chapter 11 back then, though I think that officially happened much later on. Why do I bring this up? Because sales work. Businesses slowly increase the cost of products and then when a sale happens people flock to it like a moth to a flame. There are even practices where the sale prices are basically the same as the normal prices from a month or two ago (in some cases a week ago) but because people see the sale sign, they will spend that money when they otherwise wouldn't have. Now we know we're actually getting a discount instead of the company claiming it's a sale, and screwing us over, but the sales tactic works and brings in more money no matter how you slice it. Although in some cases it's no different here either. CM items have gradually increased in prices over the years. Most recent example are the new dyes, but before that armors, weapons, mounts etc have all gone up in price slowly but surely. Some will say inflation, but I disagree. To me it's interesting when you think about how sub prices stayed the same of $15 bucks a month since WoW made that model popular, and how this game released with it also (never changing), to how the CM prices keep inflating. So ya I completely, and utterly disagree with your premise that 2 yearly sales would be bad for the game. Really it's a win / win for everyone, and while again I don't have access to Bioswords revenue stream to show you the receipts, countless real world examples prove that sales do indeed bring in more revenue than not. /End rant.
  2. Generally if I'm subbed & playing during this time frame, or around Christmas when they do these sales, I end up buying quite a few extra coins to unlock the stuff I've gathered over the months, and other things that are on sale. I can't justify the absurd costs of unlocking account wide stuff that I've already paid for, especially when a lot of the armor / mounts / pets etc are just reskins of the same thing in a different color. I also find it absurd that something like a light saber can cost around $20+ or w/e it is, and you can almost never tell the difference form one light saber on your toon, and another. The sale at least makes it a bit more tolerable. So while I realize not everyone is in the same boat, I assume quite a few are, and in my eyes, it's have a sale and sell some extra coins, or hold out and sell even less stuff. Either or is fine with me at this point.
  3. My last alt that did SF was in lke 7.2 or something, (and I breezed through them effortlessly) I have another alt coming up to this but I'm in no hurry. That said to your points. 1) The Voss boss healing..... You know the Voss' boss healing can be interrupted right? Not just by the interrupt ability itself, but several others as well depending on the class. The only annoying boss (and I don't even recall who it was now it was so long ago, was getting them to kill themselves via their own fire for the achievo) rest was just easy mode. 2) I double checked, and you got me I was wrong on 7.0 having a gear score of 336, it did not go that high, I accept my F up here. However by 7.1 since R4 Anomaly was out, the best operation gear was in fact 340, which for some reason the devs never upped since release despite increasing the Rakata stuff. I realize not many were able (still aren't to this day) to do R4, but since you decided to put "Best Operations Gear" in there well then from 7.1 on words you're already off on your memory as well. Either way I think we're detracting from the point, of there's a lot of easy improvements to be made first, and that's what the OP should focus on.
  4. I mean regardless of if they are or not, the main point was that their gear had a long way to go, and isn't "ridiculously" high as they claim. Hell I believe 7.0 had a cap of 336, nvm the current cap of 343. They probably don't have augments on said gear either if they're sitting at 330. They may not even have a lvl 50 companion for all i know, could be using like a lvl 20 - 30 one. Also some comps are better than others say Zoom vs Treek, best vs. worst healer in the game, and a massive difference. The point wasn't to make them feel bad, but to say that they have room for improvement that isn't hard to get in the current state of the game, and that they should focus on that. Rather than coming here asking for changes that will most likely never happen (look at how little content we get as is, anyone really think biosword will prioritize this little nugget? lol...) gear up some and learn the instance, it's really not that difficult. Or hell ask a guildy, or randoms in general / allies / end game chat people for some help. I think only like 2 or 3 paladins are scaled way out of proportion where it might be difficult for someone, if they do it wrong. Rest is easy mode, or at least normal for less skilled players.
  5. This is why I don't take people seriously anymore. 330, ridiculously high gear score.... lol no. Like can I do it in 330 gear? Yea sure, but I'm not the one having trouble with this, so just cause someone on reddit or elsewhere says it's doable, doesn't mean you will 100% be able to do so too. You might want to invest some time in getting Hyde & Zeek to upgrade you to 340 at least. Which now leads me to ask other things like, do you have augments on your gear? What lvl is your actual healer companion? Aside from heroic moment do you have the Unity buff if you need it, or at least the sacrifice buff? Are you using the alliance buffs correctly? If you have to kite, to give your companion time to heal you up, do you know how to? Honestly there are so many things here that need to be addressed first before even thinking about any of the changes you're suggesting.
  6. Going to side with Steve on this. I remember when I lost it, it really sucked, but I got used to it, I don't want to have to unlearn that again if they bring it back. Keep it optional.
  7. Setta


    Maybe I'm just not aware of how to do this (without using a 3rd party site), but please let us view armor sets in lockboxes. This would be helpful for the pvp sets & armors in the fleet supply section from S3T BNS droid, and probably others I'm over looking. I really don't want to have to tab out constantly to try and figure out what the set would look like. Thank you.
  8. Look at it this way, ship is so classified, there's not even a codex for it
  9. I finished the mission today on one of my alts. Far as why you didn't get credit for it, idk, but Saeten did list off a few possible reasons.
  10. Nearly a year in and I'd like some clarification on this too. I've been solo clearing this uprising daily for a while now, and I've not seen it drop at all. The other decos from uprisings have a decent drop rate, this seems to be nearly none existent. Idk if this is like a MM only deco or something, but the drop rate needs fixing.
  11. I completely agree with a lot of these, some not so much. 1-5, & 11-15 100% yes. The others 6 -10 I don't mind / object too, they just don't really matter to me as much. That said I'd like to add a few things as well, also not in any particular order either. 1) New combat classes. Tech classes with vibro blades, tech staffs, different force specs etc. You guys ever play any other mmos? There's a lot of different healing / tanking and dps play styles we don't come close to having, and that's a real shame IMO. Would also just like to point out, that not every new combat class needs a dot spec, since you guys are of the belief that every class needs one. (And buy you guys I mean the devs) 2) New warzone maps, with different sizes & objectives. I don't mean another hutt ball, with a new layout. I don't want another alderaan / yavin reskin either. Give us a 12 v 12, or 16 v 16. Let us use tanks, walkers etc as siege weapons. Give us shield generators to protect our bases from these siege weapons and turrets to fight back with. Make it new and fun, we need more warzone variety than what we have. 3) Un-prune some classes. Look I realize after years of complaining that we're not going back to the old ways, but some specs definitely need a few more buttons to hit. Either bring back some old abilities or add new ones to replace them . 4) Companions with their own unique abilities. Look even if you're giving them 1 or 2 new abilities in just one of the 3 different specs they have (tank / dps / heals) it would go a long way. There are a few who do have their own moves, Shae, HK, and some others, but by enlarge most are 1 companion, that's reskinned. 5) More customization for the current races. Some have plenty (humans, nautalons chiss) others need serious help (rattataki, cather, etc). 6) Give us a way to get old GS companions, and other stuff that is currently unavailable for reasons. 7) PvP rewards need to be fixed. 12 tokens for 1 old deco, that you could get 999 from achievements is not balanced in any shape way or form. Here's where I'm going to lose some folks, and that's fine. Eight) In the original game, flash points would use your crafting skills to get you a shortcut, or a small advantage for having someone in the group having it. But after that it was none existent. I know it's basically irrelevant to most people, but it's the little attention to detail that makes this seem like thought and care is given to what's made, rather than just slap something together so they don't complain, about lack of content. 9) Update on uprisings. Again I know most people don't care, but I actually do like them. Even so far as to go and solo them on vet mode. Up the rewards, add a few more uprisings as well that fits with the story. Make them relevant instead of just stuff that was long forgotten. 10 ) Please fix the codex. I know most people don't care, but those of us who are completionists it's really annoying that some of them just can't be done, cause the codex doesn't exist. 11) Bring back renown. It was nice to have something to do at end game. I also wouldn't object to amplifiers, but I know a lot of people didn't care for them. 12) Can we please have the ability to either only see our debuffs on the enemey, or have a better way to highlight our own debuffs? I don't want to have to resort to star parse in a raid, because there's 4 of the same debuff from the other 6 sorcs. 13) I feel like I should say something about the old on rails space missions, but nah I'm good, think that's it. And again most of the things DarthCasus said, cause that's very imporant.
  12. Don't think there is a consumable, but you can always take diplomacy, and max out your alignment much quicker than you otherwise would.
  13. This isn't quiet true. The reason was given, people were mad about conquest stealth nerfs, and the suggestion to what can be done was to just reverse it. That said I couldn't care either way, and thought it was funny that this is what was breaking the camel's back for some people. Especially when the devs have a history of making dumb and pointless decisions that alienate the player time and time again, especially since the launch of 7.0 already nerfed conquest rewards & progression and these people stuck around through that. Oh well. The only thing that sucks for me, is that I have notifications that people replied, and I don't even know what they said anymore, cause the thread got deleted. /shrug oh well life goes on.
  14. Wait seriously? That's really shi....
  15. When I saw the title I immediately thought Kashyyyk, but given the choices you presented I would say either Alderaan or Taris. Alderaan cause I actually think the planet is visually pleasing (perhaps my favorite of them all), and would love to go back to it. Plus there's a lot of story that could be done with the politics there. Taris cause I would like to see what happens 10 years later in the timeline since we were there. Did the Republic abandon it, when the Empire came back to destroy it, or did the they attempt to rebuild it once again as a sign of hope and freedom? I'm not sure which one I want to see more at this point between those two. The only other one I'd be curious on, is Lehan cause I want to see what the Rakata are up to, however they'll probably remain a bigger disappointment than a redheaded stepchild, and I'd end up wishing I didn't know to start with.
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