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I have actually been quite lucky with my dc's since this new system has been implemented, so it hasn''t affected me that negatively personally.


It is still completely overtuned, especially since anyone who doesn't want to fight, at least in arenas, can just /stuck or afk in warzones.


I'm convinced that the main effect of the current system is punishing people with poor internet, so I really hope you are toning it down significantly.

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On 1/8/2023 at 6:08 AM, PrivateerArris said:

Then buy better provider

I run on a FIOS Gigabit connection with a high end ROG system and have disconnect issues with their servers in both PvP and PvE environments.  Seems like it is an EA server issue not a provider issue, though having experienced tele-storming on the Ultima Online servers might give me a jaded perspective.   At least they are better than Ubisoft when Shadowbane was the new shiny thing.  

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1 hour ago, Torun said:

I run on a FIOS Gigabit connection with a high end ROG system and have disconnect issues with their servers in both PvP and PvE environments.  Seems like it is an EA server issue not a provider issue, though having experienced tele-storming on the Ultima Online servers might give me a jaded perspective.   At least they are better than Ubisoft when Shadowbane was the new shiny thing.  

It could still be on your ISP's end. it could be losing connectivity to whatever server or node it's routing you to, causing it to loose a session, which causes you to DC.

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32 minutes ago, entrailsgalore said:

It could still be on your ISP's end. it could be losing connectivity to whatever server or node it's routing you to, causing it to loose a session, which causes you to DC.

Doubtful since it doesn't occur with ESO or WoW.   I trust Verizon a lot more than Electronic Arts when it comes to networking.  

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47 minutes ago, entrailsgalore said:

What does your traceroute to SWTOR servers look like?

It looks like ESO is routed from Verizon's Home to Business connections before being routed to Zenimax's  versus being routed directly from Verizon to SWTOR.  ESO 9 hops versus SWTOR 11 hops.  At least when tested latency is similar.  

Tested over WiFi since I am a lazy retiree and it is too much  work to run a cable to my family room couch from my router. The satellite is less than 5 feet from me.  🙂


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6 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

And maybe even a way to identify the folks who leave by faking a DC...  (That's definitely not easy to distinguish, and it's probably part of why DC'ed people get locked out.)

Not sure that’s even possible. How would you detect if someone pulled their network cable out of the wall or some router between the player & the server went down or the router port at the ISP died? 

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9 hours ago, Torun said:

I run on a FIOS Gigabit connection with a high end ROG system and have disconnect issues with their servers in both PvP and PvE environments.  Seems like it is an EA server issue not a provider issue, though having experienced tele-storming on the Ultima Online servers might give me a jaded perspective.   At least they are better than Ubisoft when Shadowbane was the new shiny thing.  

Have you tried monitoring your connection with PingPlotter?
That’s my usual first step to identifying lag spikes or drop outs between me & the servers.


How to get the data and watch it live.

Pingplotter at www.pingplotter.com

To find out the server IP (it changes everytime you log in now) you need start swtor and then go back to your Windows desktop.

Now run command prompt in Administrator mode

(Depending on which Windows you have, there are different ways to run it in Administrator mode, so do a quick Google search on how too for your windows version)

Type this command into the command shell after you have opened it.

Netstat -n -p tcp -b | more

(I usually have the netstat command saved in a txt file for notepad and just copy and paste it into the command prompt)

It will show you the 2 swtor connections to the server IP

It usually has an ip like this - or

But because it changes each time you login it will be different.. Ie it could be -

This is why you have to run this each time if you want to get an accurate read on the server ping.

Once you have that ip, open pingplotter. You can then enter the swtor server ip you are connected to and it will run a live trace route, showing all the connection hops along the way.

You'll be able to see live statistics and information on what is happening between you & the servers.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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3 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Have you tried monitoring your connection with PingPlotter?
That’s my usual first step to identifying lag spikes or drop outs between me & the servers.


How to get the data and watch it live.

Pingplotter at www.pingplotter.com

To find out the server IP (it changes everytime you log in now) you need start swtor and then go back to your Windows desktop.

Now run command prompt in Administrator mode

(Depending on which Windows you have, there are different ways to run it in Administrator mode, so do a quick Google search on how too for your windows version)

Type this command into the command shell after you have opened it.

Netstat -n -p tcp -b | more

(I usually have the netstat command saved in a txt file for notepad and just copy and paste it into the command prompt)

It will show you the 2 swtor connections to the server IP

It usually has an ip like this - or

But because it changes each time you login it will be different.. Ie it could be -

This is why you have to run this each time if you want to get an accurate read on the server ping.

Once you have that ip, open pingplotter. You can then enter the swtor server ip you are connected to and it will run a live trace route, showing all the connection hops along the way.

You'll be able to see live statistics and information on what is happening between you & the servers.

I was just being polite by responding to the other poster's request for trace route info..  I have network monitoring software running all the time so as not to  impact my wife's work.  When I see a spike, I troubleshoot almost immediately.  I am a firm believer in happy wife, happy life.  🙂  


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7 minutes ago, Torun said:

I was just being polite by responding to the other poster's request for trace route info..  I have network monitoring software running all the time so as not to  impact my wife's work.  When I see a spike, I troubleshoot almost immediately.  I am a firm believer in happy wife, happy life.  🙂  


Totally understandable. Happy wife = happy life 👍

Have you identified the backhaul hop causing the spikes or are the spikes happening behind the BioWare Firewall?

I play from Australia & have to use WTFast so I can “steer” my connection route around problem hops. Most of the issues when I don’t use WTFast seem to happen on the US east coast on the way past the Fort Meade area 🤷🏻‍♀️

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4 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Not sure that’s even possible. How would you detect if someone pulled their network cable out of the wall or some router between the player & the server went down or the router port at the ISP died? 

I would agree with you, but I can tell the difference: if a player instantly disconnects with alt f4 the game is able to detect that, they dc instantly, but if a player just has bad isp or routing problems it takes a while to show as dc'd. Furthermore there were hardware exploit that involved pulling the LAN cable and putting it back in, it required good routing and pretty much instant reconnects, this did get fixed without any noticable change in how a player disconnects, so they probably are able to spot alt f4 vs routing/internet problems.

Probably just not worth changing, but it doesn't matter really. Its just something a playet has to live with for the general good of everyone.

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2 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

I would agree with you, but I can tell the difference: if a player instantly disconnects with alt f4 the game is able to detect that, they dc instantly, but if a player just has bad isp or routing problems it takes a while to show as dc'd. Furthermore there were hardware exploit that involved pulling the LAN cable and putting it back in, it required good routing and pretty much instant reconnects, this did get fixed without any noticable change in how a player disconnects, so they probably are able to spot alt f4 vs routing/internet problems.

Probably just not worth changing, but it doesn't matter really. Its just something a playet has to live with for the general good of everyone.

If they can’t get it to work, they should totally get rid of it until they can.

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9 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Totally understandable. Happy wife = happy life 👍

Have you identified the backhaul hop causing the spikes or are the spikes happening behind the BioWare Firewall?

I play from Australia & have to use WTFast so I can “steer” my connection route around problem hops. Most of the issues when I don’t use WTFast seem to happen on the US east coast on the way past the Fort Meade area 🤷🏻‍♀️

Its behind the Origin firewall. I get disconnects with Sims 4 gallery as well.  If anything, EA has been consistent with network stress issues since they introduced Ultima Online.   At least with SWTOR you don't have to worry about reconnecting and finding your toon dry looted, with stat loss.  😉


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hmmm, i see that big problem!

If there is no solution because that can't work for the PvP system.
I have Feedback, blocked at the moment
here link: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/926915-feedback-pvp-warzone-and-arena-must-be-all-removing/

I think that: only one solution = pvp warzone and arena must be all removing!
Disputes does not make sense to no solution.

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18 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Not sure that’s even possible. How would you detect if someone pulled their network cable out of the wall or some router between the player & the server went down or the router port at the ISP died? 

That's more or less my point.  There *isn't* any way to distinguish them if you're sitting in the server room watching the packets go (or not go) by.

So if they make an exception for people who DC, suddenly everyone who wants out of a bogus warzone will fake a disconnect.

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6 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

That's more or less my point.  There *isn't* any way to distinguish them if you're sitting in the server room watching the packets go (or not go) by.

So if they make an exception for people who DC, suddenly everyone who wants out of a bogus warzone will fake a disconnect.

Which is why the system is flawed & should be removed.

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23 hours ago, Torun said:

Its behind the Origin firewall. I get disconnects with Sims 4 gallery as well.  If anything, EA has been consistent with network stress issues since they introduced Ultima Online.   At least with SWTOR you don't have to worry about reconnecting and finding your toon dry looted, with stat loss.  😉


If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the Origin Firewall IP youre seeing & what’s the IP you can see with the issues. I’d like to check if it’s the same on my end.

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1 minute ago, Weswhitebore said:

The question is not do they have enough staff and resources, the question is if they want to actually put in the work or not.

its probably on the to-do list but pretty far down the priority list since it doesn't effect many players that doesn't deserve it regularly 

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1 hour ago, Weswhitebore said:

The question is not do they have enough staff and resources, the question is if they want to actually put in the work or not.

In fact, both are important, because if they don't have the staff+resources to do that along with all the other things they want to do, it matters approximately not much at all if they want to do it.

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On 1/31/2023 at 12:01 AM, JackieKo said:

Hi everyone, 

Following up here to say that the timers will be adjusted but we're finalizing some details so I don't have more to share at this time. 

Here is some feedback from a guy who've played pvp in this game for a long time. I hope you just remove the timers altogether. It does not bring any enjoyment to the game and you have tried it out now, fair play, but enough is enough. Back around 3.0-4.0 the pvp atmosphere was so great, one of the things I miss was the casual style of drop-out, drop-in. Once I was lucky to be on a team and looking at the scoreboard after the match over 40 people had left for new guys to drop in, haha. And on the other hand, I could find myself on that other team losing hard, and leave the match and find some more fun in a new one. This style of casual play is something you should aim for, and it also brings less toxicity because people can just leave instead of writing in chat complaining that they can't leave because of the lockout. Sometimes I get backfilled in a losing match, and I help turn it around to a winning game, although it does not happen as often now that the lockout is there and less people are leaving. The timers were added to help against fixed ranked matches (with a later patch also adding it to unranked and you've never explained why). Ranked pvp is gone, now the systems should be recalibrated to how the reality in the game is now.

Tl:dr: The game would be better if the pvp deserter lockout was removed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:


But on a more serious note, if they did that, people would quit warzones by faking a disconnect, thereby evading the lockout penalty.

As a matter of interest. Are there any other games that give you this sort of penalty for DCing OR leaving pvp matches? 

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