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Is swtor dead?


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I had to make a post.. The rants and whines of these ten year old cry babies has driven me MAD!



How can you complain about a UI? I have played WOW since during its beta and it was just as bad..Really, curse was the only thing that made WOW's ui better.. That game took 7 years to get to were it is now.. People need to get over it.. You take away the gold farmers and WOW's subscription base would be cut drastically.. WOW will be the victim of one hard fact in life.. "All good things come to an end" and thats a fact.. get over it and move on..


This game has been far more successful at launch than wow was.. That is a fact.. no opinion there.. You could call it common sense...


I think most of these trolls never played vanilla wow when it had constant bugs/issues. They are used to the new WOW which is welfare epics and win button spam.. The game takes zero skill now.. Nothing like vanilla wow when it was at its best.. WOW has spoiled these little kids.. And now I have to read these continous absurb posts everyday..


The next topic is space combat... Really? it is nothing but a daily.. It is a very enjoyable daily.. unlike WOW, were their dailies want to make you punch your mother in the face..


I am pissed because unconstructive pull out of your butt posts only insult my love for the star wars genre..


I apologize to all the intelligent people for having to read my ramble.. I am just furious..


I love this game.. I am a star wars nut.. It goes deeper than watching the movies.. I enjoyed the novels and even RPG in star wars.

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It is far from dieing, far by a decade at least.

Fastest growing mmo of all time doesn't mean anything to you?



doesnt take much to be the fastest growing new show in town when youre the only new show in town that isnt totally awful in the last 5+ years.

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No, and in fact the majority of people that might play it haven't done it yet, because you know, its the Holidays and they are doing things with their families and stuff.


Only the hardcore, very interested casuals, people that happenned to get it for Christmas, etc. are playing it yet.


On the other hand, I'm sure lots of silly people would consider WoW dead if you go by the forums and such - however millions of people still play that game....

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Ok everyone, just calm down. No one on these forums, or in the SWTOR community, knows if SWTOR is actually declining or not. Any numbers, statistics, or other data that someone on the forum gives you, is complete bogus. The only people who would have that data are the SWTOR dev teams and such, who will not share them, at least until the end of the month.


With that said, I want to point out that this argument going on between "TOR IS LYK DEAD YO" and "NOO! U R A TROLL!" is nonsense. Like I said, no one knows for sure.


I will admit that there are certain features that BioWare could have included in the launch which they didn't, but by NO MEANS can you call the SWTOR launch a failed launch. Fact: SWTOR had one of the smoothest launches in MMO history; no extreme bugs, no emergency server shutdowns, and still players after 10 days.


Until the official number statements come out, we should all take statistics and numbers about SWTOR subscriptions by a thread.


(NOTE: The fact side of my post is over, stop reading if you don't want my opinion)


Now in my opinion, SWTOR is not "declining". I mean there is no way to tell, but when I log on to my server Vornskr, there are queues that last from 1-20 minutes. Sure that could just be because the servers are small, but it is still a good sign.


Second, my guild has anywhere from 40-100 players logged in at a time. And that is ONE GUILD.


Third, when I go to the imperial fleet, there are so many people that I lag, as well as have my screen cluttered with so many player characters. From what I have observed, SWTOR is doing fine.

Edited by TawClaw
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Curious i am on vacation i have heard alot of rumors that swtor has died and lost alot of people already. Just wondering since i was really looking forward to playing when i get home.


Rumors true. down from 1.5 to 1.2 million online on primetime

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Rumors true. down from 1.5 to 1.2 million online on primetime


You're the second person I've seen post that (which is sort of low if you think about it with how many people are registered here), and not coincidentally, your the second person who posted it sans source.

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Curious i am on vacation i have heard alot of rumors that swtor has died and lost alot of people already. Just wondering since i was really looking forward to playing when i get home.


Curious I am on vacation and have head alot of rumors that paid trolls are starting negative subjects on swtor forums. Just wondering since I was really looking forward to reading something valueable on the forums when I get home.

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Curious I am on vacation and have head alot of rumors that paid trolls are starting negative subjects on swtor forums. Just wondering since I was really looking forward to reading something valueable on the forums when I get home.


Do game companies really do that? I see that accusation on like every mmo launch but I seriously doubt its veracity.

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Do game companies really do that? I see that accusation on like every mmo launch but I seriously doubt its veracity.


Do companies go to the internet and give their company a good review? Do they go to other company's listings on the web and give them bad reviews? Oh most certainly. MMOs make it easy, they have a public forum. It only costs $60 to do (per person) and if they persuade 3 people back to their crippled games then they've only lost out on $15 initially with the chance to make that up reoccurring.


Wouldn't you do it?

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Word of mouth is, IMHO, helping this game. The vast majority of posts/reviews I see are positive, with the occasional hardcore player whining about fairly nitpicky issues.


My personal gameplay experience has been overwhelmingly positive. Only issue I seem to get is the occasional laggy moment in heavily popluated areas such as the fleet or in main town areas. That and the map occasionally bugging out, and not displaying the markers for where to go. But I figured out a workaround for that via a clannie by turning the UI off and then back on.

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Rumors true. down from 1.5 to 1.2 million online on primetime


That's shocking results! What you're saying is that there was a 20% drop between the holiday weekend and the work week? What on earth could cause so many people to leave their games for these mysterious 8 hour blocks?

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Word of mouth is, IMHO, helping this game. The vast majority of posts/reviews I see are positive, with the occasional hardcore player whining about fairly nitpicky issues.


My personal gameplay experience has been overwhelmingly positive. Only issue I seem to get is the occasional laggy moment in heavily popluated areas such as the fleet or in main town areas. That and the map occasionally bugging out, and not displaying the markers for where to go. But I figured out a workaround for that via a clannie by turning the UI off and then back on.


Exactly... except I've personally prevented at least 3 friends from paying to be beta monkeys. It goes both ways. Any opinion from wow players is worthless. The fanbois from wow are here just like they were in aoc, rift, and so on. Praising the release because they have been playing fairies and elves for 7 freaking years. The only thing wow has accomplished is providing South Korea and China with a second economy. Watching all the high level e-peen players in wow, with their uber gear bounce around collective areas bored to tears. Then come over to another game thinking their experience grants them instant insights to how great this unfinished turd really is. lol

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I have looking forward to this game for ages and always buy Bioware games on release. On rlease I added a three month sub to my account and enjoyed the first 20 levels.


20+ the quests start to become all the same just like the combat. Put for me the reason I have cancelled is the PvP which is awful. Nothing better than being the highest level on your team at 37 and facing 3/4 level 50 Imps. Just do not understand how the game could have been released like this. If the PvP was not ready, then they should have left it out at release and added it later.


Anyhow that's my view, but I am open to have my mind changed if Bioware do a good patch in the future.

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