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Casuals, Be Proud, Not Discouraged


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I have to say to the casual crowd, take your time in enjoying this game. Don't think you have to race to 50 because some player on the forum did. Move at your own pace through this game. I'm probably one of the few casual players with two accounts, one rep and one imp. Levels 20 and 17.


Don't be afraid of the changes the hardcores are demanding (more PvP, harsher consequences for death). Simply civilly voice your disagreement, then go back to playing.


So for the Casual PvE crowd that's here for the story and KOTOR3 with co-op elements, I salute you. We'll move slowly through this game, and thus not moan about there being no one at endgame yet.

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Please don't try to incite Casual behavior


World of Warcraft got a lot worse, once Blizzard started giving casuals whatever they asked for; I'd like for BioWare to avoid that




Casuals, BEING a casual gamer means you have an existence outside whatever game you're playing. You have a job. A family. Maybe gaming is just ONE of several hobbies.


Hardcores would have you believe you have to play for hours on end every day or ultimately fail at the game.


We must prove them wrong.


At least no babies have died from neglect from TOR. Yet.

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Casuals, BEING a casual gamer means you have an existence outside whatever game you're playing. You have a job. A family. Maybe gaming is just ONE of several hobbies.


Hardcores would have you believe you have to play for hours on end every day or ultimately fail at the game.


We must prove them wrong.


At least no babies have died from neglect from TOR. Yet.


Your definition of "casual" and "hardcore" are incorrect


Anyway, BioWare should design SWTOR for people that are good at MMOs, regardless of how much time they have to spend on the game

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I have to say to the casual crowd, take your time in enjoying this game. Don't think you have to race to 50 because some player on the forum did. Move at your own pace through this game. I'm probably one of the few casual players with two accounts, one rep and one imp. Levels 20 and 17.


Don't be afraid of the changes the hardcores are demanding (more PvP, harsher consequences for death). Simply civilly voice your disagreement, then go back to playing.


So for the Casual PvE crowd that's here for the story and KOTOR3 with co-op elements, I salute you. We'll move slowly through this game, and thus not moan about there being no one at endgame yet.


I agree, it takes all kinds to make a good MMO. Casual play is how I've played for a dozen years.

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Please don't try to incite Casual behavior


World of Warcraft got a lot worse, once Blizzard started giving casuals whatever they asked for; I'd like for BioWare to avoid that


All I can say to that is lol.


As for casuals not being discouraged, I'm not. This game is already very friendly to casual players and for that I am thankful. WoW was not casual friendly, if you didn't have 5+ hours a day to dedicate to playing you were pretty much set up for failure. I think this game is great, it's a lot of fun and I'm glad that I can poke along at my own pace and still feel like I'm accomplishing something. Even if they do make changes that cater to a more hardcore gaming crowd, I won't complain - I'll adapt. Because unlike a lot of the hardcore gaming types, I don't have a problem with compromising and sharing a friendly gaming experience with everyone.

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Your definition of "casual" and "hardcore" are incorrect


Anyway, BioWare should design SWTOR for people that are good at MMOs, regardless of how much time they have to spend on the game


So you're saying any new MMO players should have to suck on a stick and deal with a frustrating learning curve?


Yeah, that'll make money...

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All I can say to that is lol.


As for casuals not being discouraged, I'm not. This game is already very friendly to casual players and for that I am thankful. WoW was not casual friendly, if you didn't have 5+ hours a day to dedicate to playing you were pretty much set up for failure. I think this game is great, it's a lot of fun and I'm glad that I can poke along at my own pace and still feel like I'm accomplishing something. Even if they do make changes that cater to a more hardcore gaming crowd, I won't complain - I'll adapt. Because unlike a lot of the hardcore gaming types, I don't have a problem with compromising and sharing a friendly gaming experience with everyone.


Pretty much this. The healthiest gaming communities have something for everyone. It's just that these forums are starting to scare me.


That, and I learned something new: that sometimes the best and most strict forum moderation can be the worst thing for your community.


I just don't like PvP. Once upon a time (after finishing KOTOR1 for the 4th time) I would've loved facing another player's character.


But not in this ultra-competitive atmosphere that has engulfed much of the gaming industry lately.

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Please don't try to incite Casual behavior


World of Warcraft got a lot worse, once Blizzard started giving casuals whatever they asked for; I'd like for BioWare to avoid that



I play WoW. I am what you would call a 'casual' player, averaging an hour a day in play time. The reason so many people complained was because WoW didn't cater to casuals at ALL. What was it, 2-3% of the player base downed Ragnaros before the FL nerf? That's not an awful lot when you have 10 million player in the game.


Most people who play these games play to have some fun, to relax, not to be screamed at by some elitist raid geared jerk using the anonymity of the internet to trash their gear when they get in a group.


If every game only catered to the hardcore players, Those games wouldn't have a whole lot of subs. Like it or not, 'casuals' make up the majority of the player base, you have to cater to them at least a little.


Inb4 someone calling me a bad, I tank as a death knight in fully gemmed/enchanted gear, with glyphs. Go look up Fratictale on the WoW forums, click on the 85 death knight, inspect in advanced viewing, then make your assumptions about what kind of player I am.


Casual does NOT equal bad, as most people seem to think.

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Please don't try to incite Casual behavior


World of Warcraft got a lot worse, once Blizzard started giving casuals whatever they asked for; I'd like for BioWare to avoid that


What on earth are you going on about?


No one in WoW is catering to a casual 'I'll level at my own pace and enjoy the story as I go'. That concept just doesn't exist in WoW.


What you're talking about is Casual endgame vs Hardcore endgame in WoW, and that's got nothing to do with what the OP was talking about.


I'm with you, OP. Level at your own pace. Enjoy the story and the cinematics and all that SWTOR has to offer.



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Your definition of "casual" and "hardcore" are incorrect


Anyway, BioWare should design SWTOR for people that are good at MMOs, regardless of how much time they have to spend on the game


Your comment about BioWare designing SWTOR for people who are "good" at MMO's... That's silly - there are many different ways to be "good" at playing an MMO. Maybe one person is really good at PVP while another doesn't like PVP but is great at organizing raids. Why does it have to be so black and white? It's incredibly selfish that you think just because someone doesn't have hours and hours to dedicate to becoming a master of an MMO universe means they shouldn't be able to enjoy playing an MMO like you do. If someone was eating a chocolate ice cream cone would you knock it out of their hands because you don't like chocolate? Grow up and stop acting like a spoiled child.

Edited by Eysaathe
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Please don't try to incite Casual behavior


World of Warcraft got a lot worse, once Blizzard started giving casuals whatever they asked for; I'd like for BioWare to avoid that


So if WoW is no longer targeting you and this game already doesn't target you as a customer, what game is left for you to play Shady?

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I play WoW. I am what you would call a 'casual' player, averaging an hour a day in play time. The reason so many people complained was because WoW didn't cater to casuals at ALL. What was it, 2-3% of the player base downed Ragnaros before the FL nerf? That's not an awful lot when you have 10 million player in the game.


Most people who play these games play to have some fun, to relax, not to be screamed at by some elitist raid geared jerk using the anonymity of the internet to trash their gear when they get in a group.


If every game only catered to the hardcore players, Those games wouldn't have a whole lot of subs. Like it or not, 'casuals' make up the majority of the player base, you have to cater to them at least a little.


Inb4 someone calling me a bad, I tank as a death knight in fully gemmed/enchanted gear, with glyphs. Go look up Fratictale on the WoW forums, click on the 85 death knight, inspect in advanced viewing, then make your assumptions about what kind of player I am.


Casual does NOT equal bad, as most people seem to think.


Bravo, sir. You just summed up a decent part of the communities of most multiplayer games:


1. If someone's worse than you, they're bad.

2. If someone's better than you, they're a no-life.

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I have to say to the casual crowd, take your time in enjoying this game. Don't think you have to race to 50 because some player on the forum did. Move at your own pace through this game. I'm probably one of the few casual players with two accounts, one rep and one imp. Levels 20 and 17.


Don't be afraid of the changes the hardcores are demanding (more PvP, harsher consequences for death). Simply civilly voice your disagreement, then go back to playing.


So for the Casual PvE crowd that's here for the story and KOTOR3 with co-op elements, I salute you. We'll move slowly through this game, and thus not moan about there being no one at endgame yet.


Heh, I wouldn't worry. The vast majority of the casual player base has no idea that some of the "hardcores" are upset, and likely wouldn't give a fig about it if they did. XD

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Please don't try to incite Casual behavior


World of Warcraft got a lot worse, once Blizzard started giving casuals whatever they asked for; I'd like for BioWare to avoid that


casual players are the majority not the minority. If bioware wants to see the sub sizes wow did, they will cater to the casuals. Not all of us live in mommas basement and can raid 5 nights a week. The majority of us have a 40 hr a week job, and a wife/family to keep happy.

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Please don't try to incite Casual behavior


World of Warcraft got a lot worse, once Blizzard started giving casuals whatever they asked for; I'd like for BioWare to avoid that


I consider myself a gamer. Not a hardcore, and not a casual.


I played WoW since vanilla, and still do, but I don't raid.

To me MMOs are all about the journey from 1 to the cap. I have little interest in end game content that doesn't advance my character's "story".


But I like a challenge. I do like content that makes me feel like I achieved something and rewards me as such.


In my opinion Cataclysm was the single best expansion to WoW ever. Why? Because it introduced a consistant storyline for each zone with heavy use of phazing. In my opinion SWTOR is the next step in that line of gaming. It's taking that story bit to the next level, and for gamers like me it's awesome.


So please, don't degrade the "casual" player. There's nothing wrong with playing the game at your own speed.

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Casual does not equal bad.


There are good and bad players, period.


Just do your best to learn how your class works and everyone will be fine. I played WoW since BETA and while the community got worse, I do believe it was due to bad players thinking they should be entitled to everything that great players did.


Anyhow, I am thoroughly enjoying this game, level by level and can't wait to see end game.

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Heh, I wouldn't worry. The vast majority of the casual player base has no idea that some of the "hardcores" are upset, and likely wouldn't give a fig about it if they did. XD


I really hope you're right.


But I've seen a handful of games go down the fail-tubes because the developer listened to the wrong demographic: the vocal minority on the forums.

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Casual does not equal bad.


There are good and bad players, period.


Just do your best to learn how your class works and everyone will be fine. I played WoW since BETA and while the community got worse, I do believe it was due to bad players thinking they should be entitled to everything that great players did.


Anyhow, I am thoroughly enjoying this game, level by level and can't wait to see end game.


But a community is largely defined by HOW THEY DEAL WITH LESS-SKILLED PLAYERS.


Far more often, sadly, a new player or struggling player is kicked, rather than helped, or advice given.

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casual players are the majority not the minority. If bioware wants to see the sub sizes wow did, they will cater to the casuals. Not all of us live in mommas basement and can raid 5 nights a week. The majority of us have a 40 hr a week job, and a wife/family to keep happy.


Well said, sir!

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