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7.1 Game Update Livestream


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Yay 5 almost 6 months since the expansion release, no major patches in-between and nothing new except the cartel market, and you've finally come out with 7.1. too bad you don't have galactic season 3 ready or 4 ahead of time so there is an incentive to play the game past the initial 2 months a new raid/daily zone will get ya, lets hope 7.1.5. and 7.2.0. come out much faster next time, but judging with your past record we can expect 7.1.5. in 5 months and then a new expansion announcement.
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We will be hosting a 7.1 Livestream on July 28,

We'll be going over what's coming in 7.1, and you'll also be hearing from several devs as well.


Cool ...and , if possible, please address the 2 questions i had posted in the other 'Dev' thread. ( specifically, regarding the defunct Dev Blog link and also regarding possible GSF support ) .


Also, please find time to do a *bug bash* --> https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=1005574


Thanks. :ph_thank_you:

Edited by Nee-Elder
i really wish i could HELP u guys more, as 'QA' or 'story content writer' or something....
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Morning everyone,


We will be hosting a 7.1 Livestream on July 28, 1:00 PM CT (6:00 PM UTC) over on our Twitch channel. We'll be going over what's coming in 7.1, and you'll also be hearing from several devs as well. See you soon!



I'm begging all you: please do not say "we're excited to bring you...". I can't take the false hope any more :(


(Unless you're excited to bring us more Quinn/Theron/Rivix/Jorgan/Vector/Zenith content.

I'd welcome that excitement :D )

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I hope people temper or calibrate their expectations. Jackie made it clear that the stream is about 7.1. If past precedent is any guide, they will only do some light foreshadowing about what lies ahead. I don't think I've ever seen them get out ahead of themselves on these streams.


In many ways, though, the new team is in a 'damned if we do; damned if don't' situation. On other social media platforms (e.g., Twitter and Reddit), this announcement is getting savaged. Players have been yearning for more communication, and we are getting it (finally). Some seem to want apologies. But the notion that Eric is going to do the Cersei walk of shame buck naked through the halls of Bioware with Jackie dressed up as Septa Unella walking behind him ringing a bell saying "Shame!" is a bit absurd (as much fun as that would be to see! :rak_03:).


We don't need to tell them that Legacy of the Sith got off to a rocky start. They know that. But a new team is in place with both the Lead Game Designer departing last month and now Charles (sadly, in my view) departing in August. I'm hardly white knighting here. Few have been more critical of 7.0 (and, frankly, for me, since 6.3) than I have -- and my spending for the game since December 2020 reflects that disappointment.


I prefer, though, to be forward looking. For this particular stream, however, I'm only expecting them to discuss 7.1, introduce the new team, and pay homage to Charles (rightfully so). I only anticipate some vague commitments about what lies ahead. Frankly, though, if I were the new team, I do think this situation is a bit atypical. As such, I think it behooves them to give a bit more of a preview of things to come than they typically do in these streams to instill some confidence in the player base. As always, the usual caveats would apply about not promising specific dates and things being subject to change, etc.





Edited by Jdast
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I hope people temper or calibrate their expectations. Jackie made it clear that the stream is about 7.1. If past precedent is any guide, they will only do some light foreshadowing about what lies ahead. I don't think I've ever seen them get out ahead of themselves on these streams.


In many ways, though, the new team is in a 'damned if we; damned if don't' situation. On other social media platforms (e.g., Twitter and Reddit), this announcement is getting savaged. Players have been yearning for more communication, and we are getting it (finally). Some seem to want apologies. But the notion that Eric is going to do the Cersei walk of shame buck naked through the halls of Bioware with Jackie dressed up as Septa Unella walking behind him ringing a bell saying "Shame!" is a bit absurd (as much fun as that would be to see! :rak_03:).


We don't need to tell them that Legacy of the Sith got off to a rocky start. They know that. But a new team is in place with both the Lead Game Designer departing last month and now Charles (sadly, in my view) departing in August. I'm hardly white knighting here. Few have been more critical of 7.0 (and, frankly, for me, since 6.3) than I have -- and my spending for the game since December 2020 reflects that disappointment.


I prefer, though, to be forward looking. For this particular stream, however, I'm only expecting them to discuss 7.1, introduce the new team, and pay homage to Charles (rightfully so). I only anticipate some vague commitments about what lies ahead. Frankly, though, if I were the new team, I do think this situation is a bit atypical. As such, I think it behooves them to give a bit more of a preview of things to come than they typically do in these streams to instill some confidence in the player base. As always, the usual caveats would apply about not promising specific dates and things being subject to change, etc.








IMO giving the "new team" an opportunity to make things right and the encouragement needed to move forward is simply the right thing to do.

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I hope people temper or calibrate their expectations. Jackie made it clear that the stream is about 7.1. If past precedent is any guide, they will only do some light foreshadowing about what lies ahead. I don't think I've ever seen them get out ahead of themselves on these streams.


In many ways, though, the new team is in a 'damned if we; damned if don't' situation. On other social media platforms (e.g., Twitter and Reddit), this announcement is getting savaged. Players have been yearning for more communication, and we are getting it (finally). Some seem to want apologies. But the notion that Eric is going to do the Cersei walk of shame buck naked through the halls of Bioware with Jackie dressed up as Septa Unella walking behind him ringing a bell saying "Shame!" is a bit absurd (as much fun as that would be to see! :rak_03:).


We don't need to tell them that Legacy of the Sith got off to a rocky start. They know that. But a new team is in place with both the Lead Game Designer departing last month and now Charles (sadly, in my view) departing in August. I'm hardly white knighting here. Few have been more critical of 7.0 (and, frankly, for me, since 6.3) than I have -- and my spending for the game since December 2020 reflects that disappointment.


I prefer, though, to be forward looking. For this particular stream, however, I'm only expecting them to discuss 7.1, introduce the new team, and pay homage to Charles (rightfully so). I only anticipate some vague commitments about what lies ahead. Frankly, though, if I were the new team, I do think this situation is a bit atypical. As such, I think it behooves them to give a bit more of a preview of things to come than they typically do in these streams to instill some confidence in the player base. As always, the usual caveats would apply about not promising specific dates and things being subject to change, etc.






Rocky is a understatement. The best thing they can do is just be honest, they massively oversold Legacy of Sith and what was promised for the year long celebration and fell colossally short.


If they want open constructive communication with the community that needs to start with honesty from them. What can we expect in the 5 months remaining of the year long celebration? 1 more update and some minor bug fix patches? if yes then tell us that.


Whats been cut from long list of things we where told would come in 2022? Just tell us and be honest.


More Bioware smoke and mirrors will just upset the community more. Livestreams going to be really rough, sadly Bioware will need to take the punches for a little while and try to build trust. If they aren't honest or go silent again the community will get more riled up.

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Rocky is a understatement. The best thing they can do is just be honest, they massively oversold Legacy of Sith and what was promised for the year long celebration and fell colossally short.


I've lost hope, and don't expect them to be honest with us. It just isn't in their nature to speak the truth. They tell us what they think we want to hear, and what they wish were true, but based on past statements made by them that have been proven false, I don't trust them.

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Morning everyone,


We will be hosting a 7.1 Livestream on July 28, 1:00 PM CT (6:00 PM UTC) over on our Twitch channel. We'll be going over what's coming in 7.1, and you'll also be hearing from several devs as well. See you soon!




I hope yall apologize how everyone handled 7.0 and mismanaged practically everything.


Apologies go along way.

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I hope people temper or calibrate their expectations. Jackie made it clear that the stream is about 7.1. If past precedent is any guide, they will only do some light foreshadowing about what lies ahead.

Preceded by at least 10 minutes of them telling us what they done so far from 7.0 to now. I expect them to tell us about the updated UI, the bugs they've fixed, the "story" content and the CM market. They really should LEAVE OUT anything that's been done so far in the 7.0 launch as it's rubbish (garbage).



On other social media platforms (e.g., Twitter and Reddit), this announcement is getting savaged.

I usually stay away from the SWTOR Twitter account as it's usually full of people worshipping anything they do. Based on your comment, I just had a look and WOW :eek: savaged indeed.

Edited by Sarova
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In many ways, though, the new team is in a 'damned if we do; damned if don't' situation. On other social media platforms (e.g., Twitter and Reddit), this announcement is getting savaged. Players have been yearning for more communication, and we are getting it (finally). Some seem to want apologies. But the notion that Eric is going to do the Cersei walk of shame buck naked through the halls of Bioware with Jackie dressed up as Septa Unella walking behind him ringing a bell saying "Shame!" is a bit absurd (as much fun as that would be to see! :rak_03:). Dasty


The devs seem to frequently underestimate player anger, deflect, do anything except take responsibility for it. The answer is not a walk of shame, it's to be HONEST for once: no more excuses or fake positivity, and no more deleting posts because they don't like getting called on it. People would be a lot less angry if they simply acknowledged that they overpromised what they could deliver instead of constantly pretending that everything is better than ever.

Edited by Ardrossan
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All I want to hear is ALL the broken FP's are fixed. If I can't get past Malgus on Augst 3rd. I quit!

It has been fixed, at least in story mode.

I've taken my BH (Tank), SW (Tank),Smuggler (RT spec DPS), & JK (Marauder Spec) thru it.

If a 65 year old player can do it, you can too. :D

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Morning everyone,


We will be hosting a 7.1 Livestream on July 28, 1:00 PM CT (6:00 PM UTC) over on our Twitch channel. We'll be going over what's coming in 7.1, and you'll also be hearing from several devs as well. See you soon!



Serious request: can you please do a thread asking for our questions before the livestream starts? Then you can have a list of the most pressing concerns and answers ready once the livestream starts. It saves you all having to skim the mad chat for our questions and means we don't have to type our question repeatedly in the hope it might get seen. My biggest question is whether we will get a separate gear tab.

To avoid the inevitable wall of text critique of the game, you might want to request a single question per post.

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Morning everyone,


We will be hosting a 7.1 Livestream on July 28, 1:00 PM CT (6:00 PM UTC) over on our Twitch channel. We'll be going over what's coming in 7.1, and you'll also be hearing from several devs as well. See you soon!




Should we believe anything they say because yall didn't do anything you promised in your last live stream other than a ui fix because the icons glowed too much? Speaking on that you still didn't fix the deconstruction window it's still extreemly faded after decon.


But really why should we beleive anything said? Since lately it's been empty promises and staff quitting.


We all love the game too much to see it go downhill so quickly

Edited by codydmaan
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I've lost hope, and don't expect them to be honest with us. It just isn't in their nature to speak the truth. They tell us what they think we want to hear, and what they wish were true, but based on past statements made by them that have been proven false, I don't trust them.


100% this, they are so like politicians it’s scary, it’ll be waffle after waffle about how great everything is and how great stuff is that is coming. Just be honest and tell us what’s going on, don’t need gory details about what’s happened just give facts about what is coming and what isn’t.


Also, I think this live stream will mainly be used for this new dev team to just introduce themselves and tell us what they’ve done in the past even though we read it all on the post when the news of Charles leaving came through.


There’s still a teeny tiny spark of positivity left in me though for this live stream and that the devs will give us a new hope ;)

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I'm actually surprised that people refer to the same team with less people and changed positions for some of the remaining ones as "new".

With Ups and Downs (subjectives to my opinions) Charles, i think, was one the best of the Team. And now they just moved some lower ranks that were already working in the hopes people will not notice the team is getting smaller and they are having real problems getting replacements.


It is true that one of the biggest problem of that team fortunately already left. But I also seriously doubt that Eric's promotion will bring the much needed change in leadearship, philosophy, and more importantly ethics for a team that has been making bad desitions one after the other for too many years.


On people being savage, why not? They have a lot of reasons to be out of hope, be cynical and even angry.

Sadly, they will not apologize (properly) because BW is not Square Enix and will not show what their corporate views consider 'weakness' (even if right now their entire production team is worth less than a Junior at SE).


I do wish to be wrong.

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3 weeks ago i returned to SWTOR, last time i played was end of eternal throne. I did Onslaught and legacy of the sith content in couple of hours. Before i played WoW and FF XIV. Im in shock theres so little new content, still no good group finder, no m+ just like in WoW and still no endgame - just farming one boss over and over to get gear.. i mean ***? If they dont shot anything good this time i probably should move on to games that devs/publishers still care about. I cant understand how cant EA/BW do **** about good mmorpg set in SW lore, its beyond me, such a waste.
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r [.twitch.tv/swtor"]Twitch channel[


Jackie, BioWare, or ANYONE: Can you please post the written/typed out 'recap minutes' version of this, so people like me don't have to read random player threads to see info as opposed to someone from BioWare updating THIS actual official BioWare started thread? (which isn't even stickied yet for some odd reason :confused: )




*EDIT UPDATE: Looks like Jackie & BioWare either read my post or were already planning it: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=10041588#edit10041588

Edited by Nee-Elder
THANKS Jackie or whomever
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IMO giving the "new team" an opportunity to make things right and the encouragement needed to move forward is simply the right thing to do.

Giving a New team is a great idea. However, they came in with more unwanted UI changes and added more armor levels that are unatainable to me. I have never found a successful operation group I despise the PVP here. I loved the Renown and play how you want. The new DEV team is moving forward with a failed system that they are only adding to not even trying to fix the bugs that exist. I find it painful to log in lately.

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