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A Note From the Dev Team


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Well, that's a shame. I only have 1 character to that point and I'm in absolutely no rush to get any others there. Since I don't enjoy doing the same content on the same character over, and over and over again, this pretty much killed what little interest I had in 7.1 Did you all at least fix the item preview bug?


That's the epitome of what Dailies are.

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That's the epitome of what Dailies are.


I think their point was they only have one character through the story stuff because the story stuff is awful. I am in the same spot. I just CANNOT make myself go through Spirit of Vengeance and Echoes of Oblivion (especially the latter one) to even get to the new stuff.


I would LOVE to do it on 8 to 10 characters.


People who were past SoV and EoB got from 75 to 80 in like 45 minutes. I am still stuck at 75 on all but 3 of my characters because when I go through those two flashpoints... it gives me like 1.4 levels. ONE FREAKIN LEVEL for two of the grindiest flashpoints they have created.

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A week later and not one post in here from any of the devs addressing anyone with a concern or even a joke response to a white knight.


Kinda feels just like the year long, 10 year celebration drive by. I rejoined in the middle of it and honestly I don't see any evidence of an event going on.


At least over on Dungeons and Dragons Online they have repeatable missions that offer dev commentary and jokes in game. You guys couldn't even muscle that out?


Like give us a fever dream mission that just goes through favorite parts of working on the game, villains and heroes you wish you could do. Bloopers from recording lines etc.

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That's the epitome of what Dailies are.


When I do dailies, I prefer to take different characters through them on different days instead of doing the same one repeatedly. They are more interesting that way.


I really, really wish Bioware would make a decent skip mechanism. What is in place now is a joke, and we can't even skip directly to 7.0, so I can't even buy a character boost and get him to the new content.

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A week later and not one post in here from any of the devs addressing anyone with a concern or even a joke response to a white knight..


As a frequent traveler between "white knighthood" and "critical whinehood" , allow me to present to you THIS possible reason? --> https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=10041162#edit10041162


Time will tell i suppose. :cool:

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When I do dailies, I prefer to take different characters through them on different days instead of doing the same one repeatedly. They are more interesting that way.


I really, really wish Bioware would make a decent skip mechanism. What is in place now is a joke, and we can't even skip directly to 7.0, so I can't even buy a character boost and get him to the new content.


The part that's hard for me to understand is that you want to be able to do repeatable dailies on different characters to keep things "interesting," but you don't have the same interest in doing the story content on different characters.

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The part that's hard for me to understand is that you want to be able to do repeatable dailies on different characters to keep things "interesting," but you don't have the same interest in doing the story content on different characters.


there's no reward for Story Content, dailies usually have a Reward and often that Reward feels like it is "required".


at an absolute minimum the new Dailies will reward the Daily Currency (same as the previous dailies). Being able to play Fresh Dailies for the Currency Grind instead of the same old Stuff that was Grinded the last few years is certainly an Improvement.


even assuming there's no reward at all, one type of Content is locked behind a different type of content, imo that's just bad.

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The part that's hard for me to understand is that you want to be able to do repeatable dailies on different characters to keep things "interesting," but you don't have the same interest in doing the story content on different characters.


Some story aspects require flashpoints and really that is a bit boring when taking more than 1 though the stories. While I have done that on all my characters (16) I understand the reason some find it difficult. It took me awhile to get through all the stories on all of them because of it.

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Hey! You'd like to improve the user experience? To do so, you could finally add the option to turn on chat/speech bubbles which has been promised to be implemented over and over again for well over 10 years now.


Please finally get the ball rolling, Mr. UX Director! ;)


Hey, maybe this is something that can finally happen. If BioWare could finally add "dual spec" support, a.k.a. loadouts, after 10 years maybe they can finally add chat bubbles.

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The part that's hard for me to understand is that you want to be able to do repeatable dailies on different characters to keep things "interesting," but you don't have the same interest in doing the story content on different characters.


I love the early stories and repeat them regularly. The newer stories, not so much. KotFE/ET has some really tedious chapters and most of the newer "story" flashpoints are hideous slogs. The story we have for 7.0 bored me to tears. If I could select individual chapters to skip, and pick the critical choices I want, I would move a lot more alts through the newer stories for the bits I do like. As it stands, out of 58 characters, only one is caught up in the story. However boring I think the new stories have been, I would like to progress the reputation track for decorations. If they added in a 6.0 skip, I would likely buy couple of characters to skip to 7.0, push through the yawn fest and have a few to work on the reputation.

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I love the early stories and repeat them regularly. The newer stories, not so much. KotFE/ET has some really tedious chapters and most of the newer "story" flashpoints are hideous slogs. The story we have for 7.0 bored me to tears. If I could select individual chapters to skip, and pick the critical choices I want, I would move a lot more alts through the newer stories for the bits I do like. As it stands, out of 58 characters, only one is caught up in the story. However boring I think the new stories have been, I would like to progress the reputation track for decorations. If they added in a 6.0 skip, I would likely buy couple of characters to skip to 7.0, push through the yawn fest and have a few to work on the reputation.


Different players have different perspectives. For you, KotFE and KotET were somewhat tedious. For others, 7.0 didn't add enough story content. When you think about getting a character from the starter planet to the latest story addition, there is a lot of content.


Anyway, you'll still be able to progress the reputation track with a single character. They are dailies after all, and now the weeklies can be done twice a week per character. I'm sure with the weekly rep cap, you'll be able to keep up with just a single character if you choose to. But it's not really a race unless you make it into one.

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Hey, everyone! I’ve posted here before, but it’s been awhile, so allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Caitlin Sullivan Kelly, and I’m now the Lead Writer for Star Wars: the Old Republic. Some of you may remember me sharing my short story, “Quite a Story to Tell,” but I also had the pleasure of writing–among many other things–the Imperial Manaan story for Legacy of the Sith, both versions of the Secrets of the Enclave flashpoint, the All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally event, and some major scenes in Echoes of Oblivion. Before I was a Game Writer, I was a Narrative Specialist, and my contributions to the narrative team go as far back as 2014, when I started providing feedback for the expansion’s story during the development of Shadow of Revan. In every Star Wars: the Old Republic update since then, my primary responsibility has been working with writing, design, art, and cinematics to ensure our story content adheres to a particular standard of quality.


I’ve learned so much from working so closely with Charles over the years; he’s been an amazing supporter, mentor, and friend. While it’ll be very hard to see him go, I’ve also learned a lot from working with Ashley, and I’m so excited to continue supporting her in her new role. We both recognize our team’s talent for collaboration and creativity, as well as the passion for the amazing stories we tell: the twists and turns, the characters and relationships, the settings and the lore. I love this game, this team, and this community, and I look forward to continuing our storytelling journey together!


Hello. That is quite a role to take on.

I hope you dont mind if I ask this question: what do you think makes you qualified for that job exactly?


You are working for fans who follow the story since 2004-ish, who got all old "Legends of the Sith" darkhorse-comics, from Naga Sadow to Freedon Nad, from Exar Kun to Nomi Sunrider, who got all 50 issues of the Zayne Carric comics that goes parallel to Kotor1, who got the SWTOR-prelude comics about Master Zho, the rise of Darth Thanaton and the Corrusant peace treaty.


If you are not familiar with these, then can you really consider yourself qualified to do the job?


Storys are like towers, you need to build on a solid foundation.

If you just stack new things ontop of eachother, they will come crushing down.


KOTFE and KOTET were a flop because they made a complete break with the previous story, and by doing so added on tons of plotholes, the lead writers didnt know bantha dung about KOTOR and SWTOR. And then the devs had to run behind, filling in some of the major plotholes bit by bit, but that's not the ideal structure of working (and storytelling).


I hope that you are a competent person and a knowledgable fan. I guess only time will tell.

Do your best!

Edited by Mephesh
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Hey, everyone! I’ve posted here before, but it’s been awhile, so allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Caitlin Sullivan Kelly, and I’m now the Lead Writer for Star Wars: the Old Republic. Some of you may remember me sharing my short story, “Quite a Story to Tell,” but I also had the pleasure of writing–among many other things–the Imperial Manaan story for Legacy of the Sith, both versions of the Secrets of the Enclave flashpoint, the All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally event, and some major scenes in Echoes of Oblivion. Before I was a Game Writer, I was a Narrative Specialist, and my contributions to the narrative team go as far back as 2014, when I started providing feedback for the expansion’s story during the development of Shadow of Revan. In every Star Wars: the Old Republic update since then, my primary responsibility has been working with writing, design, art, and cinematics to ensure our story content adheres to a particular standard of quality.


I’ve learned so much from working so closely with Charles over the years; he’s been an amazing supporter, mentor, and friend. While it’ll be very hard to see him go, I’ve also learned a lot from working with Ashley, and I’m so excited to continue supporting her in her new role. We both recognize our team’s talent for collaboration and creativity, as well as the passion for the amazing stories we tell: the twists and turns, the characters and relationships, the settings and the lore. I love this game, this team, and this community, and I look forward to continuing our storytelling journey together!


My dear Ms. Sullivan-Kelly I plead with you for more Love Letters from LI's. My SW would love to hear from Vette, my FemAgent needs some communication with Vector, my Male Trooper hasn't felt truly close to Elara since her less than stellar reasoning for not contacting him pre-Iokath! I have a Male Agent who is desperate to reunite with Shara, and two Male Smugglers, who would like to reunite with Nerial Prentiss and Beryl Thorne respectively.


Please, please, please, please, make Companions great again!

Edited by JakRoanin
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I never understand how people take a form of entertainment, and extrapolate that into a reason to verbally/textually? abuse the creators of said entertainment. I mean, you are all doing your job, just as I do, day in and day out. It's not right to make it personal like that. Keep at it, and know that there are those of us out here who appreciate the job that you do, even when we might not agree with all of it.


10 years of paying for a game that has been bugged and broke from Day 1 and you expect fans to still be friendly to the clowns running the circus? You must live a charmed life...

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